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26.Whether______ , the morning activity will be a hike in the mountains or, for those who are interested'in fine art, a visit to the museum.
(A) permit
(B) permitted
(C) permits
(D) permitting


24.Please choose the synonyms of “lawyer”.
(A) freshman
(B) counselor
(C) coroner
(D) attorney
(E) advocate


5. The amusement park is being ______and will be closed until the end of this month. *
(A) dominated
(B) extracted
(D) fascinated
(C) renovated


Qs 11-15: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the context. 
       The government urged people who are planning to work in Southeast Asia to exercise extra __11__ , as Taiwanese jobseekers were reportedly abused and coerced into engaging in fraudulent activities in Cambodia. Promises of free round-trip tickets, favorable treatment and a salary of more than NT$100,000 per month had Taiwanese __12__ the employment scam. As fraud rings excel __13__ enticing people by promising them benefits that they will never see, anyone could have been targeted, __14__ nationality or background. As for deterrence measures, it is high time for Taiwan to impose stricter laws and harsher punishments for scammers and their accomplices. Most scammers convicted in Taiwan receive jail sentences of less than a year, while money mules typically receive less than four months in prison, and the __15__ rate is high.

(A) falling for
(B) bumping into
(C) responding to
(D) clamping down


       Roger was a thief, but he wasn’t very clever. When he was in school, he stole apples or oranges from other children. Sometimes he stole pencils or books. But he always got caught.
       The teacher spoke to Roger’s parents and they tried to stop him from stealing things, but Roger wouldn’t stop. He kept stealing.
       When he was older, he began to steal from stores, but he was still stupid. Once, he went into a store wearing the clothes he had stolen the day before. They still had their price tags on them, and the store manager called the police. They warned him that he would go to jail if he didn’t stop stealing.
       Then Roger decided to rob a bank. He planned everything. He got some gloves so that he would not leave fingerprints, and a mask so that no one would recognize him.
       "But what if they recognize my voice" he thought.
       He decided to write his message on a piece of paper so that he wouldn’t need to speak. He found an old envelope and wrote "give me all the money" on the back of it. He got a toy gun and went to the bank. He put on his mask and his gloves and showed the note to the teller. The teller gave him all the money, and Roger ran out of the bank and went home.
       Ten minutes later he heard a knock on the door. It was the police. They had come to arrest him for robbing the bank.
       "How did you find me so quickly?" asked Roger.
       "It was easy," said the police. "Your address was on the envelope!"

【題組】47.A teller is________ at the bank.
(A)a person who receives or pays out money
(B)a person who is good at telling stories
(C)a person who fixes ATMs
(D)a person in charge of security
(E)a banker


