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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(5491~5515)
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請依下文回答第 8 題至第 10 題
        David sat down on the windowsill and stared into the darkness. Every word the children's parents had __8__ to one another was deeply engraved upon his mind. His hands, his legs, his whole body were shaking, and he was __9__ to control himself. He had realized that he must go and go soon, but the fact that danger was so near at hand was something he __10__ not realized.

(A) spoken
(B) told
(C) said
(D) talked


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
          Animals and plants can teach humans a lot about design and engineering. As a result, many engineers,scientists, and designers spend time studying them. When they have a problem, __41__ often has the answer. This science is called biomimetics. Bio means “living things” and mimetics means "copying." In other words,scientists—or biomimeticists—study animals and plants in order to copy their design. Velcro is probably the most famous example of biomimetics. Most people have some Velcro on an item of clothing. It was __42__ by the Swiss engineer George de Mestral in 1948. He was walking in the countryside when he pulled a burr off his pants. He noticed how well the burr __43__ his clothes so he studied its design. The result was Velcro, which became an __44__ alternative to the traditional zipper. In conclusion, biomimetics not only has helped to design our world but __45__ many more possibilities. Unfortunately, they might take a long time to develop. This isn't really surprising: It took nature millions of years to design its animals and plants.

(A) pretends
(B) prevents
(C) promises
(D) promotes


46 凱因斯(John Maynard Keynes)認為產生景氣循環最主要的原因,是下列那一個變數的波動?
(A)動物本能(animal spirits)
(B)資本邊際效率(marginal efficiency of capital)
(C)邊際消費傾向(marginal propensity of consumption)
(D)流動性偏好(liquidity preference)


21 依司法院大法官解釋,以下何項差別待遇,並不適用較為嚴格的審查標準?


33 依據消費者保護法,關於消費訴訟的敘述,下列何者正確?
(A)消費者保護團體許可設立至少 3 年以上,置有消費者保護專門人員,且申請行政院評定優良者,得 以自己之名義,提起消費者團體損害賠償訴訟
(B)消費者保護團體對於同一之原因事件,致使眾多消費者受害時,得受讓 15 人以上消費者損害賠償 請求權後,以自己名義,提起訴訟
(D)於消費者保護法第 50 條消費者團體訴訟中,消費者損害賠償請求權之時效利益,應依團體中之最 有利者統一計算


9 依司法院釋字第 419 號解釋,關於副總統地位,下列敘述何者錯誤?


37 Studies have shown that early adversity can have a profound lifelong effect on one’s coping with personal development, social relationships, and career _____.
(A) counseling
(B) statistics
(C) professionals
(D) trajectories


25 保險醫事服務機構當年領取之保險醫療費用超過一定數額者,應於期限內向保險人提報經會計師簽證或審計機關審定之全民健康保險業務有關之財務報告,下列何者非財務報告應包括之報表?


     Travel back in time to 1662, when Catherine of Braganza (daughter of Portugal’s King John IV) won thehand of England’s newly restored monarch, King Charles II, with the help of a very large dowry that includedmoney, spices, treasures and the lucrative ports of Tangiers and Bombay. This    41   made her one veryimportant lady: the Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland. When she relocated up north to join King Charles,she is said to have    42   loose-leaf tea as part of her personal belongings; it would also have likely been part ofher dowry. A fun legend has it that the crates were marked Transporte de Ervas Aromaticas (Transport of AromaticHerbs) – later    43   to T.E.A. That last bit probably isn’t true (    44       believe the word ‘tea’ came from atransliteration of a Chinese character), but what is for sure is that tea was already popular among the aristocracy ofPortugal due to the country’s direct trade line to China     45    its colony in Macau, first settled in the mid-1500s(visit today to sample the other end of this culinary exchange, the Portuguese pastéis de nata, aka egg custard tarts).



46 依公職人員選舉罷免法第 4 條規定,候選人之年齡應算至何日為止?
(A)選舉委員會選舉公告前 1 日
(B)候選人為候選登記前 1 日
(C)投票日前 1 日


50 區分所有建築物專有部分未依規約約定共同使用者,其修繕費用應由何人負擔?


一家廠商使用資本和勞動兩種要素生產產品。假設不管使用多少資本,資本的邊際產量都是正的;但是當勞動僱用量超過 10 單位時,其邊際產量會由正轉負。
【題組】22 下列何者正確?
(C)當勞動僱用量超過 10 單位時,等產量線的斜率為負數
(D)當勞動僱用量超過 10 單位時,等產量線的斜率為正數


24. Some construction firms look for ways to ______ in order to earn a greater profit.
(A) cut short
(B) cut corners
(C) cut off
(D) cut down


       Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a __(31)__ disorder in which people have trouble sleeping. They may have difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep __(32)__ desired. Insomnia is typically followed by daytime sleepiness, low energy, __(33)__, and a depressed mood. It may result in an increased risk of motor vehicle collisions, as well as problems __(34)__. Insomnia can be short term, lasting for days or weeks, or long term, lasting more than a month. The concept of the word insomnia has two possibilities: insomnia disorder and insomnia symptoms, and many __(35)__ of randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews often underreport on which of these two possibilities the word insomnia refers to.
(A) sleeping
(B) sleepy
(C) sleep
(D) asleep


36. 在一封閉經濟體系內,一年之中,國內所有廠商之總銷售額為何?
(A) 小於該年之GDP
(B) 等於該年之GDP
(C) 大於該年之GDP
(D) 等於該年之GNP


19 在其他條件相同下,有關課徵商品稅(CT)與超額負擔(EB)之敘述,下列何者正確?


42 若政府擴大預算赤字時,該國將會面臨:


18 公務人員甲因涉及貪污治罪條例遭檢察官提起公訴,其服務機關因而予以 免職,甲於免職後,向該服務機關申請閱覽考績委員會之會議紀錄,遭服 務機關否准,對於此否准決定,甲得如何提起救濟?


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
        "Time" is the most commonly used noun in the English language. The word itself is used in a __31__ of ways: wecan kill time, do time, save it, and spend it. Time even takes on a medicinal role when it comes to healing both physicaland emotional __32__ . Most of us wish we __33__ more of it, and yet time persists as an object of value, as in "Timeis money," and an enemy of every person, as in "The deadline is approaching" or "His days are __34__ ." It is, eventually,the thing__35__ kills all of us. And yet for all its pervasiveness in our everyday conversations, describing what timeis doesn't come easily.

(A) timed
(B) lengthened
(C) favored
(D) numbered


47 關於法庭之友,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(D)聲請提出法庭之友意見,應於憲法法庭公開聲請書、答辯書後 30 日內為之


45 關於行政訴訟之管轄,下列敘述何者正確?


22 依行政訴訟法規定,有關送達之敘述,下列何者錯誤?
(B)向 12 歲之人為送達者,原則上應向其全體法定代理人為之


47 被保險人如為漁業生產勞動者或航空、航海員工或坑內工,於漁業、航空、航海或坑內作業中,遭遇意外 事故致失蹤時,依勞工保險條例之規定得請領何種津貼?


20 關於性別平等工作法所規範「生理假」,下列敘述何者正確?
(A)女性受僱者每個月皆可請生理假 1 日


       A workers' strike is a powerful and often last-resort collective action taken by employees to demand betterworking conditions, fair wages, and improved benefits from their employers. It is a manifestation of thefundamental right of workers to organize and advocate for their rights. Strikes typically occur whennegotiations between labor unions or worker representatives and employers reach an impasse. Workers, __21__ that their concerns are not adequately addressed, may decide to withhold their labor as __22__ exerting pressure. This form of protest can be disruptive to businesses and industries, but it serves as an important mechanism for addressing grievances and achieving necessary changes in theworkplace. Although strikes can be challenging for both workers and employers, they often lead to positiveoutcomes. They can force employers to reconsider their positions and come back to the negotiating tablewith a more conciliatory approach. __23__ , strikes have brought about significant improvements inworking conditions, salary increases, and enhanced job security. However, strikes are not without theirrisks. Workers may lose income during a strike, and employers may face disruptions to their operationsand image damage. Therefore, they are typically considered a last resort after other __24__  forresolution, such as mediation or arbitration, __25__ .

(A) apertures
(B) adventures
(C) revenues
(D) avenues


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆法學知識(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論) - 公職◆英文 - 經濟學 - 財政學 - 公職◆行政法(包含行政程序法等)2024~2022難度:(5491~5515)-阿摩線上測驗
