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14. Ms. Lee looks much more ________ since her son graduated and landed a good job.
(A) scared
(B) relaxed
(C) amazed
(D) worried


16. When you come here tomorrow, we ______ you how to use the facilities in the hotel.
(B)will teach
(C)is teaching
(D)have taught


I was ________ to find I did not have enough money to pay for the taxi fare. My face turned very red.
(A) excited
(B) satisfied
(C) interested
(D) embarrassed


3. I can’t stop ________ and sneezing. I think I’ve got a cold.
(A) blinking
(B) laughing
(C) yawning
(D) coughing


4. The sunroom with a comfortable set of sofas and flowered cushions looks very ________ in winter.
(A) cozy
(B) intense
(C) homesick
(D) adventurous


11. Tired and sleepy, Ron changed into his ________ and went to bed.
(A) scarf
(B) earrings
(C) pajamas
(D) raincoat


13. Young people should show politeness and treat senior citizens with ________.
(A) ability
(B) growth
(C) respect
(D) concept


13. The movie is about a girl who mysteriously ________ while touring in Japan.


24. Mr. Sanders has a lot of friends, but _________ willing to help him when he is in trouble.
(A)none is
(B) no one has
(C) no body be
(D) none


43 Pollution is often a consequence of the rapid ______ of human population.


20. All the victims’ families ________ the accident on the driver’s carelessness.
(A) endangered
(B) blamed
(C) threatened
(D) embarrassed


You can’t master English overnight! Remember that speaking it well ________ a lot of practice.
(A) take
(B) takes
(C) taking
(D) to take


Behave yourself, ________ you will be grounded till the end of the summer.
(A) or
(B) so
(C) but
(D) and


Every year on his wife’s birthday, Kevin always remembers ________ by the florist to buy some flowers for her.
(A) to stop
(B) stopping
(C) by stopping
(D) stopped


15. More than 500 people were ________ from their homes after the town was flooded.
(A) disarmed
(B) collapsed
(C) promoted
(D) evacuated


25. There are a number of rules you must follow. ______, you have to submit an application before using the conference room.
(A)Such as
(B)For example
(C)For instance
(D)So on


33 A:〝How many books does he have?〞 B:〝He ______ plenty of books.〞


20. Responsibility, along with communication skills, ________ required for our candidates.
(A) are
(C) is
(D) is to


20. Our new neighbor is from the UK; she is not used ______ Chinese food.
(C)to eating
(D) to eat


26. _________ proposed the great idea.
(A)He was the one that
(B) Who was he that
(C) It was he that
(D) He was who that


39. Though born with only one leg, Linda is optimistic and sometimes she would call herself “a ________ girl.”
(D)one leg


三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】(第 31-40 題為單選題,每題 2 分)
        In Japan, many people like to collect __31__ . However, due to land use and economic development, beetles have lost their homes in many parts of Japan, and become very __32__ in the wild these days. A local company then started selling bugs in __33__ . That is, bugs were put in automated cabinets with display windows on the streets for people to buy. This new way to own beetles turned out to be quite __34__ as the devices sell more than 1,500 bugs per month! However, some people disagree with this type of trade because they think beetles sold in boxes may lead to people treating them like __35__ and discarding them at will.

(A) loveable pets
(B) extraordinary toys
(C) lifeless products
(D) dangerous pests


四、閱讀測驗 Many people think of dirt as being, well, dirty! Parents often tell their children not to play in dirt. And there are good reasons to be wary. Soil often contains bacteria, parasites and pollutants that can make people sick. With so many risks, it is no surprise that many people find geophagy—literally the eating of earth or soil—unappetizing. Yet, geophagy is actually a relatively common practice in many parts of the world. The fact that the eating of soil is also widespread in the animal kingdom suggests that geophagy may even be a natural process. Why dirt? Some soils are surprisingly rich in minerals and nutrients such as iron and copper. People can often get more of these nutrients from geophagy than from taking vitamin supplements. This is why geophagists often claim to like the “sour taste” of dirt and to have cravings for it. It also explains why geophagy is often most common among pregnant women and nursing mothers. In some cases, soil can make dangerous foods safe to consume. People have long known that certain poisonous wild acorns and potatoes become edible when mixed with soil. Sometimes, soil is even taken as medicine! Many stomach medications contain the clay Kaolin because it absorbs bacteria and toxins that cause diarrhea. Unfortunately, geophagy is also practiced to avoid hunger pains when other food is not enough. In poor countries, food can become so expensive that people substitute soil for flour or rice. This is a serious social problem because even mineral-rich soils can’t provide a balanced diet.
【題組】48. What nutrient(s) are soils rich in so people can benefit by eating them?
(A) Copper.
(B) Bacteria.
(C) Parasites.
(D) Pollutants.


第一篇: Business strategy is sometimes defined simply as a firm's high-level plan for reaching specific business objectives. Strategic plans succeed when they 31 business growth, a strong competitive position, and strong financial performance. When the high-level strategy fails, however, the firm must 32 change its approach or prepare to go out of business. Strategies reflect the firm's strengths, vulnerabilities, resources, and opportunities. And, they also reflect the firm's competitors and its market. Many different strategies and business models are possible, even for companies in the same industry selling 33 products or services. Southwest Airlines (in the US) and Ryan Air (in Europe), for instance, have strategies 34 providing low-cost transportation. The 35 for Singapore Airlines focuses instead on brand image for luxury and quality service. In competitive industries, each firm formulates a strategy it believes it can exploit.
(A) due to
(B)according to
(C) prevent from
(D) based on


     Every year in the United States, thousands of adults become seriously ill and are hospitalized because of diseases that vaccines can help prevent. These diseases can be deadly for many adults, so make sure you are vaccinated for the best    31   .
    The need for vaccines does not go away   32   age. In fact, there are specific ages in your adult life when vaccinations are recommended. Also, protection   33   vaccines you received as a child can wear off over time, and there are more vaccines   34   now. The vaccines you need as an adult are   35   by many factors including your age, lifestyle, health condition, and which vaccines you’ve received during your life.

(A) with
(B) for
(C) into
(D) of


