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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3826~3850)
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When _____ to pathogens, healthy animals will normally mount an immune response to fight off the infection.
(A) composed 
(B) disposed 
(C) exposed  
(D) supposed


Don’t bargain with me any more! This is _____ I can afford.
(A) the lowest possible price  
(B) the possible most price
(C) the possible lowest price   
(D) the price most possible


I have a special rule for travel: Never carry a map. I prefer to ask for directions. Sometimes I get lost, but I usually have a good time. And there are some other advantages: I can practice a new language, meet new people, learn new customs, and the like. I can find out about different “styles” of directions every time I ask, “How can I get to the post office?” Here are some illustrations of those differences. Tourists are often confused in Japan. That’s because most streets there don’t have names; outside big cities, people most often use landmarks in their directions. For example, the Japanese might tell travelers something like this: “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel with the sushi bar and go past the fruit market. The post office is next to the fast-food place.” People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of directions or distance on the map. Residents there are almost always in their cars, so they measure distance in time. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,” they might answer, “I guess it’s about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They rarely know. What if a person doesn’t know the answer to your question about the location of a place? A New Yorker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea” and walk away quickly. But in Yucatan, Mexico, not many residents answer, “I don’t know.” People in Yucatan may believe that a quick “I don’t know” is impolite; they might stay and talk to you—and usually they’ll try to give an answer, sometimes a wrong one. A tourist without a good sense of direction can get very lost in this southern region! One thing will help you everywhere—in Japan, Los Angeles, Mexico, or any other place. You might not understand a person’s words, but you can probably understand the body language—the facial expressions, gestures, motions, movements, and so on. He or she will usually turn and then point. Go in that direction and you’ll find the post office—maybe!
【題組】50. What can be inferred from the article?
(A)Mexicans are more friendly and polite than New Yorkers.
(B)Making good use of the body language is very important.
(C)People in Los Angeles cannot read maps very well.
(D)There may be cultural and regional differences in giving directions.


The question of how people learn a second language is one that has received a great deal of scientific attention. Research has offered evidence that has been used to support a number of conflicting claims about second language (SL) learning. However, there is one fundamental observation that is less open to dispute than others. If success in adult second language learning is measured by how close the learner comes to the level of a native speaker, it is possible and quite common for adults to achieve a high degree of success in learning SL grammar and vocabulary. Strangely enough, the same degree of success does not seem to be attainable in SL phonology; adult SL learners who sound like native speakers are extremely rare, perhaps even nonexistent. How have scientists attempted to account for the remarkable inability of adult second language learners to acquire a nativelike pronunciation in the second language? One likely explanation is to be found in the so-called critical period theory. Proponents of this theory argue that the acquisition of native-speaker pronunciation in any language is biologically possible only until about the age of twelve. But it must be emphasized that there is too much counterevidence for such a conclusion to be valid; there are too many cases of adults who acquire adequate or good pronunciation in a second language through instruction and practice. While they will never be mistaken for native speakers, their efforts are rewarded by speech that is perfectly comprehensible.
【題組】47 Which of the following conclusions has been agreed upon by SL researchers?
(A) No scientific experiments have been conducted to study second language learning.
(B) It is hard for adult SL learners to excel in grammar and vocabulary.
(C) It is uncommon for adult SL learners to sound like native speakers.
(D) Success in adult second language learning should not be measured by how nativelike the SL learners can be.


The outstanding performance of the two world-class ballerinas was truly ____ . They won thunderous applause.
(A)a feast for the eyes
(B)a thorn in the flesh
(C)a pearl in the palm
(D)a pie in the sky


The soldier was put on trial for ___ to obey his commanding officer's order.
(A) refusing
(B) regretting
(C) resigning
(D) restricting


The ambassador’s offensive remarks have          widespread criticism and storms of protests in the country.


16.It is considered common knowledge that rocks are stationary objects that have stayed put for thousands of years.
(A)It is commonly known that rocks are things staying unmoved at the same place for ages.
(B)It is well known that stationery which is made with stones can stay and last for a very long time.
(C)As we have studied rocks for so many years, knowledge of rocks is considered to be ordinary and general.
(D)It is shocking to find that so many big stones have been piled up in the area for thousands of years.


36 European governments are starting to recognize that it is no longer _______ to continue providing wholly free higher education and many are considering charging fees.
(A) charitable
(B) feasible
(C) notorious
(D) unanimous


17 The medicine-men of the Apache are the most influential personages, claiming to have supernatural power through their many deities and their knowledge of the occult and ominous.
(A) The claim of having supernatural power and having connections with gods and their knowledge has great influence on the Apache medicine-men’s personality.
(B) The Apache medicine-men are supernatural figures possessed by gods who give them knowledge of the underworld.
(C) The Apache medicine-men, who claim to possess supernatural power through their gods and their knowledge of the mysterious world, play a very vital role in the tribe.
(D) The claim of the Apache medicine-men about their supernatural power has great influence on the deities and mythical knowledge of the tribe.


34 Seeing elderly people keep talking about their lives at the retirement home, Luke reminded himself not to speak________ about his life experience when he became a senior citizen.
(B) defiantly
(D) concisely


31 The airline’s employees are planning to stage a five-day _____for better working conditions and improved wages.
(A) ordeal
(B) rehearsal
(C) interview
(D) strike


第 43 題至 46 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複         
      In American ideology, the individual reigns supreme. 43 The historian Frederick Jackson Turner proposed that the westward expansion and frontier experience of the nineteenth century was a major force in shaping this aspect of our national character. He wrote, “That restless, nervous energy; that dominant individualism, working for good and for evil, and withal that buoyancy and exuberance which comes with freedom—these are traits of the frontier.” 44 Indeed, from a very early age, selfhood and independence are stressed. Children learn they must stand on their own two feet in a competitive world where self-reliance and self-realization are the name of the game. The expression “self-made” man or woman expresses that American ideal perfectly. It is not surprising then that in comparison to many other cultures, we are more tolerant of individual differences, idiosyncracies, and non-conformity. 45 Although attitudes towards conformity have not been fixed historically and have changed over time, in general, Americans seem to dread the idea of being, acting, and looking just like their neighbors.     
      Indeed, Americans have ambivalent feelings about neighbors. This ambivalence reflects the tension we feel over our loyalties to group and to self and which of the two takes precedence. In other cultures, the group clearly takes precedence. However, in the United States, we draw boundaries around individuals and circumscribe their “space.” 46 It is a concept that many foreigners find odd, even offensive. But again, it is the individual that is valued over the group, whether that group is a family, corporation, or community.

(A) Perhaps it must be so in a culture as diverse as ours, a culture made up of so many subcultures.
(B) This ideology has profoundly altered the way we think about the rights of both individuals and groups.
(C) We conceptualize this space as privacy which protects the individual from the outside and from others.
(D) In a society as pluralistic as our own, where there is little consensus on what constitutes “the greater good” and where diverse traditions, world views, and moral systems compete, it is inevitable that conflicts arise.  


25 Had_____ not been for your help, I could not have made my dream come true.
(A) you
(C) it
(D) they


29 The audience in the theater got into a_____ when they heard the fire alarm.
(A) patience
(B) panic
(C) dilemma
(D) mass


42 For many people, there seemed to be no escape from poverty.
(A) It seemed that many people could not change their impoverished condition.
(B) Many people found little difficulty in getting rid of poverty.
(C) Many people were poor, and they found no way to get away from the rich.
(D) It seemed that many people found no way to help those poor people.


31 We have arrived at the airport ______ before the plane leaves. Therefore, we still have plenty of time to browse around the duty free shop.
(A) at one time
(B) in good time
(C) in no time
(D) of all time


24 In the last year of the previous millennium, many end-of-the-world believers expected to acquire ____________experiences.
(C) apocalyptic


137. The _______ king doesn’t allow any challenges to his power.
(A) imperious
(B) merry
(C) innocent
(D) immovable


617. A number of the report’s findings are ______ note, for they alert us to the possibility of further price rises and inflation.
(A) accustomed to
(B) worthy of
(C) in the face of
(D) occurring to


690. The survivors of the super typhoon were in _____ need of help, extremely desiring timely financial rescue.
(A) dominant
(B) distinct
(C) distinguished
(D) desperate


請依下文回答第 47 題至第 50 題: While many studies have been undertaken to study the impact of consuming coffee on our health, researchers have just administered the first study that analyzes the effects of coffee’s aroma. For many people, the morning coffee is just the thing to wake up the dormant brain cells and to put the body in gear. However, according to the 25th issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the smell of coffee also has a comparable, if not more, effect on our body, diminishing the impact of sleep deprivation. At least, that’s what researchers have found in rats. Rats that suffered from insomnia, or inability to sleep, were exposed to the smell of coffee. Coffee aroma successfully activated seventeen different genes in their brains; among them, thirteen were known to produce proteins that protect nerve cells from the damaging impact of stress or tension. So, what is the implication of this finding for those people who were stressed by lack of sleep and/or need to stay up late? Well, maybe they do not have to shell out 100 NT dollars for a venti-sized latte to get some of their genes activated in their brains and/or to ease the impact of sleeplessness resulting from tension. All they need to do is to walk to a coffee shop around the corner and get a sniff of coffee.
【題組】50 According to the passage, what is activated by coffee aroma to ease the impact of sleeplessness and tension?
(B) Brain cells.
(C) Genes.
(D) Shells


40 As a leading ______of human rights, the lawyer is strongly opposed to the death penalty.


2 Without receiving final approval from its board of trustees, the university has ______ set its budget for the next academic year at NT$200 million.
(A) beneficially
(B) passionately
(C) reliably
(D) tentatively


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
       Fuel poverty occurs when a household is unable to afford the most basic amount of energy foradequate heating, cooking, lighting, and use of appliances in the home. According to European UniversityInstitute, in 2011, 9.8% of households in the EU27 countries and 15.8% of households in the 12 newmember states could not afford to heat their homes adequately. Thus, fuel poverty is an increasingly seriousproblem across Europe and requires the intervention of policymakers.
       In particular, corrective measures have been implemented which aim to help fuel-poor householdspay their energy bills, and preventive policies have also been introduced, which focus more on improvingresidential energy efficiency. Debates about the effectiveness of these measures have ensued for severalreasons; mainly because energy retrofit renovations have often been undertaken by wealthier households.Thus, despite these measures, given the expected increase in the cost of energy, some could find it difficultor even impossible to satisfy their energy needs. As a prerequisite to discussions about the effectivenessof different measures to fight fuel poverty, debates have often focused on the need to reliably identify fuel-poor households and create a detailed profile of such households. In fact, the multidimensionality of fuelpoverty makes it difficult to achieve this.
       Fuel poverty has traditionally been treated as a monetary poverty problem. At European Union level,there is no common definition or standardized indicator for assessing fuel poverty. While there is a largebody of literature on measuring poverty, consensus has not yet been reached on the related methodologicaland conceptual issues. However, households affected by fuel poverty are not always the same as thoseaffected by monetary problems, even if the two phenomena are inextricably linked.
       In this context, we suggest that a more careful and systematic understanding can be developedthrough a multidimensional approach to the relationship between monetary poverty, residential energyefficiency of buildings, and heating restrictions. Our objective in this paper is not to challenge existingmeasures of fuel poverty, but provide new ways to better identify those who suffer the most from fuelpoverty in order to optimize policy. We argue this is needed to better identify the connection betweenenergy use and well-being and therefore deepen understanding of energy poverty.

【題組】38 What policy has been taken to avoid fuel insufficiency problems of low-income households?
(A) Drawing the debate on fuel poverty to an end.
(B) Importing more natural gas from other countries such as Russia.
(C) Elevating the energy efficiency level of low-income households.
(D) Lowering the price of electricity or natural gas in the winter.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3826~3850)-阿摩線上測驗
