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43 Officials will determine the areas to be              and escape routes to use for the residents depending upon the fire’s location, behavior, winds, terrain, etc.
(A) evacuated
(B) dispatching
(C) generated
(D) suspending

2( ).

46 There are many types of fuel, and one of them is solid              materials that are not metals, including wood, plastic, trash, cloth, etc.
(A) flammable
(B) responsible
(C) irreducible
(D) permissible

3( ).

48 The structural frame was extensively damaged by the fire because the building had no              , smoke detection or fire alarm.
(A) cripple
(B) sprinkler
(C) measure
(D) volume

4( ).

51 Protective hoods are_________fabric coverings that protect your ears, neck, and face from exposure to heat, embers, and debris.
(A) self-contained
(B) fire-resistant
(C) open-circuit
(D) air-inflated

5( ).

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題:
            Stop, drop and roll is a simple fire safety technique taught to children, emergency services personnel and industrial workers as a component of health and safety training. Primarily, it is a method to extinguish a fire on a person’s clothes or hair without, or in addition to, the use of conventional firefighting equipment. In addition to extinguishing the fire, stop, drop and roll is thought to be an effective psychological tool, providing those in a fire situation, particularly children, with a routine that can be focused on in order to avoid panic.
          The technique of stop, drop and roll works for the following reasons:
          Stop: Running adds oxygen to the fire, or it can be thought of as fanning the flames. Running does not allow for a “smothering” of the fire. It may also prevent bystanders, who may be willing to provide assistance, from smothering the fire with their jackets or other form of clothing, from dowsing the fire with water, or even using a fire extinguisher they might have available.
         Drop: By dropping to the prone position (face down) you immediately reduce your body surface area that can receive oxygen. In this position the person should immediately cover their face from the flames to prevent burn injury and the difficult disfiguring effects of burned skin. With the body against the ground, it smothers the fire, by reducing the oxygen that is available for the fire. Further, fire burns upward, and by dropping to the prone position, you retard the fire’s ability to burn upward.
          Roll: Because a person’s clothing (fuel source) circumferences their entire body, the roll portion of the technique ensures that all clothing that may be on fire is smothered (depriving it from oxygen) against the ground, and not just the front or abdominal surface of the body of the prone position. The person should continue “rolling” back and forth until the fire is fully extinguished.
         Although stop, drop, and roll is a useful technique, some people are skeptical about its true effectiveness. It’s one thing to be so-called “book-smart” about the dos and don’ts of the stop, drop, and roll technique, but it’s another thing to be able to actually perform the technique when your clothes are on fire. You’re feeling the pain of the burn, and you enter panic mode. After all, we have all seen YouTube videos of adults catching fire, and then start running around and flapping their arms in the panic of their situation.
        With a real and present risk of a child being involved in some type of fire incident, how do we go about trying to teach young children to effectively perform the stop, drop, and roll technique? They may not even really understand what fire is or the danger it presents. They are likely to panic in fear if they catch fire, and their physical capabilities to extinguish themselves may be limited.

【題組】56 What is NOT true about the technique “stop, drop, and roll”?
(A) It is a useful way to put out a fire when a person’s clothing catches fire.
(B) It is the only method to escape from a fire disaster.
(C) Both adults and children can learn and use this technique to put out a fire.
(D) This technique can help a person cope with a fire emergency better.

6( ).

31 If COVID-19 infection is suspected, the medical staff should put on full list of appropriate personal            equipment.
(A) protective
(B) prospective
(C) projective
(D) productive

7( ).

36 The firefighter’s             is first and foremost designed to protect a firefighter from falling debris and injury to the head while fighting a fire.
(A) hat
(B) helmet
(C) cap
(D) vest

8( ).

43 ________fireproof walls around your entire home is a great way to slow the spread of fires and protect your family.
(A) Appealing
(B) Overflowing
(C) Installing
(D) Imposing

9( ).

44 All workplaces must have smoke ________that sound a warning to people when they sense the presence of smoke.
(A) containers
(B) filters
(C) detectors
(D) mentors

10( ).

50 The fire was thought to have been caused by a gas ________ .
(A) antipathy
(B) aversion
(C) explosion
(D) unanimity

11( ).

請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題:
        One of the primary risks of being a firefighter is that of personal physical injury. Firefighters aresusceptible to burns, smoke __51__ and crush injuries from collapsing structures. They can suffer fromheat exhaustion, as well as long-term job-related illnesses such as asthma, persistent coughing, heartdisease, cancer and lung damage. __52__ the highly physical nature of the job, all matter of bodilyharm can befall firefighters in the line of duty. Some physical fallout from the profession may notmaterialize __53__ years down the road. In addition to the physical perils, firefighters face the potentialfor mental trauma, particularly in situations involving mass __54___ . As first responders on the scene,firefighters and other rescue personnel are often faced with the high stress, high stakes environment oftrying to attend to as many people as possible, remove them from danger and assist in aiding treatment,often __55__ their duties in tenuous or unfolding situations. The elevated stress levels don’t alwaysdissipate when they leave the scene.

(A) adaptation
(B) hallucination
(C) inhalation
(D) manifestation

12( ).

30 Fire Services Act has been incorporated for _______ fire disaster and providing rescue operation and first aid to maintain public safety, and protect life and property of the people.
(A) presenting
(B) pretending
(C) preventing
(D) protecting

13( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
    There’s more to a firefighter’s job than extinguishing fires; firefighters also respond to emergency and save people’s lives. Firefighters   36   with their local community to increase their awareness of fire safety. In addition, they are also responsible for   37   fire safety standards by conducting practice drills and other trainings in public and commercial premises.
    Working as a firefighter means that you are the direct frontline representative for your respective department or team. It is essential that you know how to   38   your attitude especially in handling situations. A firefighter must know how to remain calm and at the same time know how to stay   39   . Firefighters are considered as the problem solvers and life savers in times of fire   40   , which is why it is very important for them to have extensive knowledge and experience in this kind of work.

(A) focused
(B) blocked
(C) absorbed
(D) scattered

14( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
      A firefighter enters a burning building. In addition to his   46   clothing, boots, gloves and helmet, he also has a head-up-display (HUD), which presents key data in his field of vision. Moreover, his clothing is fitted with various sensors that feed the artificial intelligence that follows the firefighter with the firefighter’s position, temperature data, toxic gases and other   47    warnings. The artificial intelligence   48  the data, simultaneously collecting information from different sensors in the building and from databases with technical drawings of the structure. Based on all the data, the artificial intelligence sends instructions to the firefighter via his HUD, enabling him to   49    safely through the building. Moreover, if there is a group of firefighters who, for example, need to fight the blaze or   50   trapped occupants, the artificial intelligence can suggest ways in which the firefighters can work together to successfully perform their task.

(A) flammable
(B) combustible
(C) fire-resistant
(D) sound-proof

15( ).

(A) assigns
(B) analyzes
(C) obliges
(D) omits

16( ).

請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題:
Backdrafts are of great danger. They often   51    even highly experienced firefighters. A backdraft canoccur when a compartment fire has little or no   52   . Due to this, little or no oxygen can flow into thecompartment. Then, because fires   53   oxygen, the oxygen concentration decreases. When theconcentration becomes too   54   to support combustion, this may cause a phenomenon in which whenmaterial is heated enough, it begins to break down into smaller compounds, including hydrogen. However,the hydrogen and smoke remain at a hot   55   enough to auto-ignite. If oxygen is then re-introducedto the compartment, e.g. by opening a door or window to a closed room, while the gasses are still hotenough to auto-ignite, combustion will often restart abruptly.

(A) prosperity
(B) temperature
(C) significance
(D) resistance

17( ).

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題:
More often, people have heard about PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) in the context of war, withcombat -exposed veterans. While combat veterans often return to the normality of the civilian life afterdeployment, the job of firefighters, police officers and emergency medical services workers involvesregular, routine exposure to all types of traumas, for years and decades of their careers.Research shows that 20% of firefighters pass the diagnostic threshold for PTSD at some point in theircareer. The symptoms developed include frequent nightmares, flashbacks, avoiding reminders of traumaand being easily startled. Depression, anxiety, and substance use are the consequences caused bycumulative trauma exposure.
The problem-solving and “being in charge” work attitude that is a strength of firefighters can sometimesbecome a barrier in seeking help, as they might see vulnerability as a sign of failure. It is often heard fromfirefighters the feeling of shame and worries that others might see them as weak for sharing and discussingthe traumatic experience they have being through. Consequently, firefighters’ tough work ceases to be theconversation topic at their family dinner table.
Left unaddressed, trauma and chronic stress can lead to not only mental health consequences but alsophysical illness. Fortunately, serious efforts are being made to spread awareness and fight stigma relatedto mental health. A variety of programs are launched to fight stigma by explaining the mechanisms oftrauma and stress in the body and brain. This approach can also reframe these traumatic experiences asvulnerability rather than weakness. The “don’t quit” mentality of firefighters can be shifted towardencouraging fighting the mental health consequences of trauma, instead of avoiding and denying it.

【題組】56 Which of the following is the most suitable title for this article?
(A) The Danger of Substance Use
(B) The Unhappy Marriage of a Firefighter
(C) Beating Back Vulnerability
(D) Facing Up to PTSD

18( ).

請依下文回答第 52 題至第 56 題
       Taitung’s Zhiben Wetlands caught fire late Sunday afternoon, burning into the night, fueled by strong winds,   52   over an area of five hectares. The fire drew the suspicion of environmentalists who completed a survey of endangered bird species in the wetland earlier in the day. They called   53   the Taitung Fire Department to thoroughly investigate whether the fire was an act of   54   . The Society of Wilderness (SOW) and the Wild Bird Society of Taitung County conducted a wild bird field study on Sunday morning, counting the number of endangered bird   55   such as ring-necked pheasants, orioles, and Taiwan thrush. Many of these birds   56   in the shrubs on the north bank of the Zhiben River mouth.

(A) defiance
(B) valor
(C) will
(D) arson

19( ).

(A) species
(B) spices
(C) sparks
(D) specials

20( ).

29 A bomb explosion last night caused great damage to a building nearby and _____ a guard in the building.
(A) endured
(B) injured
(C) sparkled
(D) withdrew

21( ).

36 With the violent hurricane _______ , residents were advised by the firefighters to take immediate precautions.
(A) vanishing
(B) contrasting
(C) approaching
(D) renovating

22( ).

38 After retirement, the firefighter works as a _______social worker to serve the neighboring communities, which enriches his life.
(A) cyclone
(B) depressed
(C) vicious
(D) volunteer

23( ).

39 Besides the strict enforcement of laws against drunk driving, our government should strengthen public education to alert people to the dangers of drunk driving to _______their safety.
(A) ensure
(B) overload
(C) switch
(D) undermine

24( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       A long time ago, around 300 B.C., the Romans had something called a "slave fire department" to protect againstfires. Later, in A.D. 26, Rome had a full-time fire department that was in charge of making sure people followed rules toprevent fires and punishing those who caused fires. Over time, people have tried different ways to lessen the damagefires can do. In 1666, a huge fire in London destroyed a lot of buildings because they were made of wood and straw.After that, people started building houses with brick and stone to prevent fires from spreading. Nowadays, fire protectionis about preventing fires and reducing their impact on people, buildings, and the environment. People who work in fireprotection include firefighters, fire marshals, and fire prevention officers, among others. The best way to protect againstfires is to prevent them from happening and, if they do happen, to decrease the damage they can cause.

【題組】48 Why did people in London started to build houses with stone and brick in the seventeenth century?
(A) Their buildings would no longer be on fire.
(B) They didn’t like buildings with wood and straw anymore.
(C) The fire department forced them to do so.
(D) The stone and brick buildings can limit fire damage.

25( ).

【題組】49 What is the best way to protect against fires?
(A) Environmental awareness
(B) Fire prevention
(C) Damage control
(D) Staff training


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