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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5751~5775)
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In Western civilization kissing has been accepted for many thousands of years. In Greece it was called “the key to Paradise.” But other cultures have often thought of kissing as vulgar and thought of it as bad behavior. For example, for many years in India it was forbidden for movie stars to kiss in a movie. In China kissing in public has been and still is frowned on by many people. The origin of kissing is reported to go right back to a primitive man who believed that the air he breathed out had magic power. It contained part of his soul, so by kissing men and women mixed their souls. Others say that kissing started with face touching just as the Eskimos and New Zealand Maoris rub noses even today. The lip is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, so it is no wonder that it is used to express deep affection and love.
【題組】In this article, what does paradise mean? It is ______ .
(A) a place where people go after they kiss.
(B) a park.
(C) a wonderful place.
(D) a situation which is frightening.


English has become an international language. Computer program instructions, for example, are often _____ only in English.
(A) measured
(B) given
(C) invented
(D) spoken


45. A controversial Arizona sheriff known for taking a hard line against illegal immigrants has been _______some of his powers in what he described as a political move by the Obama administration.
(A) stripped of(f)
(B) struck off
(C) stretched out
(D) swept away


In his _____ speech “ I Have a Dream,” Martin Luther King described the future of racial harmony.
(A) stirring
(B) stagnant
(C) prevalent
(D) projected


Patrick has just got a next-week ____________ for a comedy movie and he looks very happy right now.
(A) attraction
(B) audition
(C) applicant
(D) appendix


Don’t feel guilty about the breaks you’ve been sneaking at work―they could be helping you learn. Neuroscientists at MIT find that rats take a similar pause after exploring an unfamiliar maze. During that break, the animals’ brains repeatedly review a backward version of the route they just took, most likely cementing memories of the steps needed to reach the goal. David Foster and his team zero in on this process by placing tiny wires into the rats’ brains. The neurons that light up during the experiments lie in a region known to form short-term memories. But as those cells play the memory again and again―10 times faster than the original experience―the rest of the brain has lots of opportunities to absorb the information and to place it into long-term storage. This implies that it’s not just during an experience that learning occurs. The period after the experience is just as important, maybe more important. The results may explain previous studies showing that people and animals learn best when given breaks between tasks―and provide a persuasive new justification for office daydreaming.
【題組】25 What does “zero in on” in the second paragraph mean?
(A) Aim precisely at.
(B) Dissect.
(C) Analyze.
(D) Put into practice.


33. The government official said, “I hereby request that the attached application _____________ under 35 USC 122(b)."
(A) not be published
(B)cannot be published
(C) may not be published
(D)will not be published


69 The examination of a witness goes through up to four stages. Which of the following is correct?
(A) The first stage is direct examination, the second stage is redirect examination, the third stage is cross examination, and the fourth stage is recross examination.
(B) The first stage is direct examination, the second stage is cross examination, the third stage is redirect examination, and the fourth stage is recross examination.
(C) The first stage is direct examination, the second stage is recross examination, the third stage is redirect examination, and the fourth stage is cross examination.
(D) The first stage is direct examination, the second stage is cross examination, the third stage is recross examination, and the fourth stage is redirect examination.


9 The requirement of industrial applicability in the EPC means that it must be shown that the invention can be made or used in any kind of industry. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) In the Unites States, the equivalent criterion requires utility.
(B) In the Unites States, the equivalent criterion requires novelty.
(C) In the Unites States, the equivalent criterion requires inventive steps.
(D) In the Unites States, the equivalent criterion requires fully disclosure.


19 A patentee is a person, group, company, etc., that _____ .
(A) is granted permission by the patent owner to use the patented invention
(B) has been granted a patent
(C) examines patent applications
(D) has granted a patent


3 Please check out the _____ of our last meeting for the decisions made by our committee members.
(A) minutes
(B) miniatures
(C) ministries
(D) minuets


Experience teaches us not to assume that the obvious is clearly understood. So it is with the truism with which we begin: all educational practice implies a theoretical stance on the educator’s part. This stance in turn implies—sometimes more, sometimes less explicitly—an interpretation of man and the world. It could not be otherwise. The process of men’s orientation in the world involves not just the association of sense and images, as for animals. It involves, above all, thought-language; that is, the possibility of the act of knowing through his praxis, by which man transforms reality. For man, this process of orientation in the world can be understood neither as a purely subjective event, nor as an objective or mechanistic one, but only as an event in which subjectivity and objectivity are united. Orientation in the world, so understood, places the question of the purposes of action at the level of critical perception of reality. If, for animals, orientation in the world means adaptation to the world, for man it means humanizing the world by transforming it. For animals there is no historical sense, no options or values in their orientation in the world; for man there is both a historical and a value dimension. Men have the sense of “project,” in contrast to the instinctive routines of animals.
【題組】45 What does men’s sense of “project” most likely refer to?
(A)Men’s ambitions to accomplish as much as they can in their lives
(B)The purposefulness of men’s actions
(C)The value of men’s knowledge
(D)The adaptive capacity of men


4 In the raining season, most people carry an umbrella on hand as a precaution.__________ this preparatory measure, they often get muddy when cars splash through puddles.
(A) Despite
(B) However
(C) Although
(D) Nevertheless


25 He burned the candle at both ends ____his already fragile health. Finally, he breathed his last breath with his goal achieved.
(A) in terms of
(B) by means of
(C) at the expense of
(D) in consideration of


17 Far from enjoying the economic recovery, millions of working people in Europe are feeling squeezed, and their _________ is becoming the hottest social and political issue of the day.
(A) complacency
(B) disgruntlement
(C) felicity
(D) heredity


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: The earliest tattoos found are more than 5,000 years old. In 1991, a 5,300-year-old mummy was discovered in the Alps. He had more than 50 tattoos on various parts of his body, and he is the oldest human ever found to have tattoos. The rationale of tattoos has differed from one culture to another over the centuries. According to history, Egyptians used tattoos to differentiate slaves and peasants. Tattoos spread to China and then to Greece around 2,000 B.C. where they were used as a mode of communication between spies. The word “tattoo” was first brought to the English language after Captain Cook’s voyages to Tahiti in 1771. Western sailors then began to adopt tattooing. In the early 19th century, tattooing became very popular with criminals and the working class in Britain and the US; hence the association of tattoos with those belonging to a lower social class. Tattooing retained a negative image until its recent revival as a mainstream symbol of individuality. There are many reasons why people nowadays choose to have a tattoo, and the media is a big influence behind the popularity of tattoos. Tattoos can be seen on people appearing in commercials selling expensive cars. Famous sports heroes and fashion models with tattoos are often seen wearing designer clothes. Tattoos are so linked to ideas of wealth, success, and status that many people would decide to get a tattoo for its fashion and status value. Moreover, some people wear tattoos to express their artistic nature, their beliefs, or their feelings—their individuality. A musician in a rock band may get a tattoo of a guitar on the arm. Some environmentalists may tattoo pictures of endangered animals on their shoulders. Lovers may tattoo each others’ names over their heart. A tattoo can be a public sign to show what is important in a person’s life.
【題組】48 According to the passage, when was the word “tattoo” first introduced to Europeans?
(A)Around 2000 B. C. 
(B) In the late twentieth century
(C)In the late eighteenth century
(D)In the early nineteenth century 


756. People raised millions of dollars for medical _____ after the earthquake.
(A) relief
(B) release
(C) possession
(D) retreat


36 Malaria was believed to be on the verge of _____ when people thought that the introduction of insecticides signaled the end of the malaria-carrying mosquito.
(A) persuasion
(B) eradication
(C) domination
(D) contamination


39. The long-run Broadway musical Cats in New York city has featured many of the most _____ performers to attract millions of viewers each year.


12 Government Information Office (GIO) in Taiwan insisted yesterday that seven cable TV channels______ for their programs were not good enough.
(A) shut down
(B) be shut down
(C) shutting down
(D) should shut down


36 Airlines should ______ passengers who are bumped off overbooked flights by providing them with free meals and accommodation.
(A) arraign
(B) dissemble
(C) prevaricate
(D) reimburse


36 Ivan was lucky enough to be granted the______ of dining with the superstar in a fancy restaurant.
(A) dignity
(B) attendance
(C) privilege
(D) submission


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:
       Parents and educators are best positioned to help kids deal with information-quality issues. Children need to be taught critical skills in general.   31   suggests that as they learn these skills, they are better able to make   32   of information online as well as offline. We don’t need to teach them anything   33   new.But the need for critical thinking is even greater now than it was decades ago, when kids had library cards instead of Web   34   . The material at the library was already hand-picked for its suitability and   35   . We need to teach kids these skills earlier, and in ways that work for them in the digital environment as well as in traditional environments.

(A) attachments
(B) arguments
(C) appointments
(D) assessments


35 John’s ice cream business took off in just three months because nobody really works as hard as he does. His _____ for work leaves a lasting impression.


39 _____ is a way of having fun invented by holiday makers while they’re grounded by the pandemic.
(A) Tele-location
(B) Staycation
(C) Collocation
(D) Relocation


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(5751~5775)-阿摩線上測驗
