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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 中央警察大學_學士班二年制技術系入學考試_各系:英文#61834
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1. Simpson committed a crime. He is a_________________ .
(A) criminal
(B) criminal investigator
(C) criminal psychologist
(D) criminal lawyer
(E) criminalist

2( ).

2. Keep your seat belt _________________. The driver and all passengers in the vehicle must fasten a seat belt.
(A) fasten
(B) fastened
(C) to fasten
(D) fastening
(E) from fastening

3( ).

3. At trial, the witness_________________ that he'd seen two people leave the building on the night of the murder.
(A) tested
(B) codified
(C) testified
(D) simplified
(E) classified

4( ).

4. Police announced today that the murder suspect was apprehended at his home. So, the murder suspect has been _________________.
(A) released
(B) arrested
(C) prosecuted
(D) convicted
(E) extradited

5( ).

5. “The fire has been brought_________________ control,” a firefighter said.
(A) into
(B) under
(C) about
(D) above
(E) on

6( ).

6. The street protest turned into_________________ . Protesters blocked the traffic and even attacked the police.
(A) riot
(B) risk
(C) rise
(D) rush
(E) ruin

7( ).

7. The traffic accident happened around 7 p.m. last night, and luckily all passengers_________________ the crash. No one got hurt.
(A) suspended
(B) suspected
(C) succeeded
(D) secured
(E) survived

8( ).

8. Officers obtained an arrest warrant, but the suspect_________________ the arrest and refused to open the door.
(A) assisted
(B) consisted
(C) insisted
(D) resisted
(E) persisted

9( ).

9. If jurors find a defendant ______, then that person must be punished.
(A) innocent
(B) transnational
(C) guilty
(D) cooperative
(E) systematic

10( ).

10. Paying an official to do something illegal is ________.
(A) alibi
(B) bandit
(C) manslaughter
(D) bribery
(E) theft

11( ).

11. The traffic accident happened right in front of me.
(A) There is nowhere to hide.
(B) When did the snow stop falling?
(C) When did you get our haircut?
(D) The police is chasing the suspect.
(E) Was anyone seriously injured?

12( ).

12. Are your colleagues at Da-an Precinct willing to stand by you?
(A) I can take you to your destination.
(B) Yes, it was hard to stand up.
(C) Yes, they will support me all the way.
(D) You should always stand by on the side.
(E) No, they are standing up for me.

13( ).

13. How many people work at your police station?
(A) I love your stationary.
(B) Ten people working on the committee.
(C) No seriously harm at the station.
(D) There are twenty people in the station.
(E) There are five people assigning to the house.

14( ).

14. What’s the fastest way to get to a police station?
(A) It is not in that direction.
(B) I think the best team will win.
(C) I can read to you.
(D) Maybe taking the bus.
(E) We’re going tomorrow.

15( ).

15. Can you take a look at this report for me?
(A) I’ll do it later on this afternoon.
(B) I will look after my little brother.
(C) The reporter is from the newspaper.
(D) I’m handling the problem.
(E) You look very healthy to me.

16( ).

16. When will you depart?
(A) I’m planning a party soon.
(B) She is my dancing partner.
(C) We can get going on it next month.
(D) I will be back soon.
(E) I will be leaving in a few hours.

17( ).

17. Traffic officer: Do you know why I pulled you over? Driver:_________________
(A) I’m going to have to write you a ticket.
(B) I have no idea.
(C) I’m just doing my job.
(D) I didn’t know about the date.
(E) I’m not going to be able to do that.

18( ).

18. Dispatcher: This is Officer Raymond, How may I help you. Caller: Sir, my husband got drunk and beat me up. I am scared and I need help. Dispatcher: Okay, where is your emergency? Caller: # 1219 College St. Dispatcher: I have a patrol officer around your location. He is on the way. I need you to stay on the line with me, okay? Caller: Okay. Question: The caller was calling to report an alleged_________________ .
(A) gang violence
(B) spousal rape
(C) sexual abuse
(D) domestic violence
(E) school-bullying

19( ).

19. Detective: Albert, you said you saw the robber. We think we have the man who did it. We'd like you to take a look and see if you can identify this guy. Albert: Sure. I would never forget his face. Question: According to the conversation, Albert is a/an_________________ .
(A) suspect
(B) conspirator
(C) informant
(D) lawyer
(E) eyewitness

20( ).

20. Raymond: I heard that Jason has been put behind bars again. Sherlock: Well, that’s true._________________
(A) Jason likes the bar around the corner.
(B) Jason passed the bar exam, and will be a lawyer soon.
(C) He has been prohibited from drinking at the bar.
(D) Jason committed crimes again and was arrested.
(E) Jason decided to work for the bar again. 

21( ).

21. Police have identified the victim_________ 66-year-old Karen Smith.
(A) as
(B) of
(C) for
(D) with
(E) at

22( ).

22. The suspected drug dealer killed the victim. He was charged _________murder.
(A) in
(B) to
(C) with
(D) from
(E) against

23( ).

23. Luckily the police arrived_________ to catch the robbers, and the situation didn't end up worse.
(A) sometimes
(B) over time
(C) in time
(D) on time
(E) at times

24( ).

24. Police response times to serious crimes were_________ last year than previous years.
(A) fast
(B) more fast
(C) faster
(D) much fast
(E) the fastest

25( ).

25. Mary Johnson is ______ for armed robbery. Johnson robbed a bank in New York and fled with US$2,000,000.
(A) want
(B) wanted
(C) wants
(D) wantly
(E) wanting

26( ).

26. The minor disappeared at a carnival in Montgomery Park. His parents reported him ________ an hour ago.
(A) miss
(B) missed
(C) misses
(D) missly
(E) missing

27( ).

27. He has twice been convicted ________ robbery.
(A) from
(B) between
(C) of
(D) with
(E) in

28( ).

28. The police arrested her _______ drinking and driving.
(A) between
(B) in
(C) for
(D) up
(E) to

29( ).

29. You will be remanded _______ custody until your trial.
(A) about
(B) in
(C) of
(D) to
(E) under

30( ).

30. The judge sentenced the murderer _______ life imprisonment.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) over
(D) under
(E) to

31( ).

四、綜合測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 30 分) The body of a 30-year-old man was found late last night outside a night club. The man was 31 as Henry Stevenson of Boston, MA. Police have not found a 32 weapon, and the body was apparently not discovered for several hours. “The corpse is in the morgue, and we will be 33 a detailed autopsy later today,” said John Thomason, Los Angeles County Coroner. “At this point, I can’t tell you the exact 34 of death, but I can say that the victim had multiple stab wounds.” Police say the 35 for this homicide is unclear and that they are waiting for the coroner’s report.
(A) processed
(B) represented
(C) existed
(D) identified
(E) established

32( ).

(A) murder
(B) suicide
(C) kill
(D) cutting
(E) knife

33( ).

(A) investigating
(B) conducting
(C) searching
(D) informing
(E) claiming

34( ).

(A) make
(B) outline
(C) range
(D) format
(E) cause

35( ).

(A) address
(B) need
(C) motive
(D) consent
(E) contact

36( ).

Identify theft is a growing concern, but it’s not 36 . The following is a list of preventative 37 that may save you from being another victim. 1. If possible, leave your debit card at home and use credit instead. It is more difficult to resolve 38 purchases made with debit than credit. 2. If you do decide to use debit, be aware of your 39 when using an ATM. 3. Carry your valuables in a travel pouch. Travel pouches should be worn 40 your clothing for added security.
(A) unaccountable
(B) unavoidable
(C) unacceptable
(D) unambiguous
(E) unappealing

37( ).

(A) enhancements
(B) synergies
(C) measures
(D) productions
(E) combinations

38( ).

(A) fraudulent
(B) national
(C) administrative
(D) considerable
(E) residential

39( ).

(A) frontier
(B) border
(C) nationality
(D) surrounding
(E) forthcoming

40( ).

(A) top
(B) bottom
(C) with
(D) beside
(E) beneath

41( ).

You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, 41 you say can be used 42 you in a court of law. You have the right to 43 a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot 44 a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire. If you choose to talk to the police officer, you have the right to stop the 45 at any time.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) which
(D) why
(E) where

42( ).

(A) for
(B) at
(C) to
(D) against
(E) by

43( ).

(A) consult with
(B) deal with
(C) comply with
(D) conspire with
(E) keep up with

44( ).

(A) offer
(B) ask
(C) afford
(D) catch
(E) bring

45( ).

(A) confrontation
(B) examination
(C) prosecution
(D) questionnaire
(E) interview

46( ).

五、閱讀測驗:請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案 ( 10 分) Ecstasy has been the drug of choice among many clubbers for more than a decade. They think it’s fun, they think it’s safe, but now there’s worrying new evidence that the ecstasy craze may have created an entire generation of people that are more vulnerable to brain disorders. New research shows that ecstasy damaged brain cells that are important for movement, so-called dopamine receptors. A study was done by examining monkeys’ brain activities after giving the dance drug ecstasy. Monkeys were given a dosage of three tablets over nine hours. A normal brain is full of dopamine, but after the animals were given ecstasy, most of the dopamine receptors stopped working. It can damage brain dopamine neurons and may render the user more susceptible to developing Parkinsonism as they grow older.
【題組】46. How long has ecstasy been the favorite drug among clubbers?
(A) under ten years
(B) about five years
(C) more than ten years
(D) about ten years
(E) more than twenty years

47( ).

【題組】47. Why do the clubbers like taking dance drug ecstasy?
(A) It makes them have a good time.
(B) It makes them stop worrying.
(C) It makes them laugh.
(D) It makes them fell worried.
(E) It makes them love everyone around them.

48( ).

【題組】48. What link does the research make between taking ecstasy and brain disorders?
(A) People are scared of getting brain disorders.
(B) People are more likely to get brain disorders.
(C) A generation of people have already got brain disorders.
(D) People have already been treating for brain disorders.
(E) People are convinced that they have brain disorders.

49( ).

【題組】49. How can ecstasy affect movement?
(A) by helping dopamine receptors
(B) by creating dopamine receptors
(C) by increasing dopamine receptors
(D) by damaging brain cells
(E) by moving brain cells

50( ).

【題組】50. Which of the following would be the best statement for the passage?
(A) Ecstasy used to be a popular drug among clubbers but many have stopped taking it after some negative research results.
(B) Ecstasy is an indifferent drug among clubbers and many young people are determined to take it despite the risks.
(C) Scientists still have to decide if ecstasy can negatively affect other parts of the body as well as the brain.
(D) Research suggests that ecstasy can negatively affect the brain; however, scientists still say that more research needs to be done.
(E) Research suggests that ecstasy can negatively affect the brain and make people more likely to get diseases in later life.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 中央警察大學_學士班二年制技術系入學考試_各系:英文#61834-阿摩線上測驗
