【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看
阿摩:簡單的事重覆做,就會是專家; 重覆的事用心做,就會是贏家。
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5. Melody has a great interest in planting flowers, but her sister _____. She can’t even stay in the garden for one minute.
(A) can’t
(B) doesn’t
(C) isn’t
(D) won’t


4. Pam is a_________baseball player; she has more fans than any other player on her team.
(A) boring
(B) heavy
(C) popular
(D) rich


1. Look at the picture. The mother duck is ______the baby ducks across the street. 5ce1716b60fac.jpg
(A) carrying
(B) leading
(C) pushing
(D) watching


3. Peter is afraid of the dark. He even leaves the _________on when sleeping.
(A) computer
(B) fans
(C) lights
(D) music


15. Mrs. Kao: Raymond, there was a phone call for you.
Raymond: Oh? Who was it?
Mrs. Kao: I don't know, but it was a girl's ___.
(A) wish
(B) voice
(C) answer
(D) number


2. My husband ___send me flowers every week before we got married. But now he never does.
(A) should
(B) used to
(C) was going to
(D) was afraid to


18. Grace: How many pencils ___in your pencil box?
 Allen: Only one.
(A) are there
(B) are they
(C) is there
(D) is it


3. Can you _____ your feet a little off the floor? I want to see if my keys are under the sofa.
(A) check
(B) kick
(C) raise
(D) show


25.More and more cows on this farm are getting sick. The problem is so                   that the farm will be closed from tomorrow on.
(A) heavy
(B) popular
(C) serious
(D) strong


14. If we play some interesting games in class, there_________more fun in learning English.
(A) are
(B) has
(C) will be
(D) will have


13. Deborah put some sugar and cream in her coffee to make it ____ better.
(A) taste
(B) tasted
(C) tasting
(D) to taste


8. The test was very difficult. Only five students in my class ___it.
(A) crossed 
(B) passed
(D) shared

13( ).


(A) have called
(B) will call
(C) called
(D) was calling

14( ).

The Chinese say, “If you’re bitten by a snake once, you’ll be scared by a rope for ten years.” I have my own experience of this.
It    38    one night. I was cooking dinner, and at that moment, I really needed to go to the bathroom. Without turning the gas off, I quickly went to the bathroom. When I finished, I couldn’t open the door. “I can’t get out!” I shouted. I became worried that I    39     in a fire!
 “No!” I kicked the door hard but it didn’t move an inch. I turned around and saw hope. I hurried over to the window and pushed it really hard.    40   . I just couldn’t open it. I would have to break it. I started hitting it with the hardest thing I could find—a trash can.
With a loud “BANG,” the window broke. “I’m safe!” I took in the fresh air happily.    41    , the cold wind woke me from my joy. I was on the tenth floor and there was no way to get down! I kept shouting for help. Luckily, someone heard me and called 119.
Since then, I’ve never closed the door when I use my bathroom. 

(A) is all happening
(B) all happens
(C) has all happened
(D) all happened

15( ).


【題組】20. What can we learn about the writer and the man with a bag?
(A) The man attacked the writer.
(B) The writer followed the man into the dark.
(C) The writer did not find out who the man was in the end.
(D) The man did not want the writer to see things in his bag.

16( ).

Here is the preface of Nick Foster’s new book Married to Food. Preface
My mother was lousy at cooking. To her, cooking was more like an exciting experiment. You put some of this and some of that in a pot, and you wait and see what will happen. “No experiments, no experiences.” is what she would say when her experiment did not turn out good, and I heard that a lot. 
My father was a good cook, and he loved to cook, too. He often said that he got my mother to marry him with a table of delicious food, not with a beautiful ring. “A family needs only one good cook,” he said. 
Now I am a cook myself. And I have my own restaurant. I learned how to cook from my father, of course. From him, I learned the art of cooking. But I did learn one thing from my mother. It’s her famous saying: “No experiments, no experiences.”
 preface 前言 experiment 實驗

【題組】25. What can we learn from the preface?
(A) How Foster started his own restaurant.
(B) When Foster’s father married Foster’s mother.
(C) What Foster’s mother taught him about cooking.
(D) How Foster learned the art of cooking from his father.

17( ).

rush hour 尖峰時間 recognize 認出

(A) has become
(B) had become
(C) will become
(D) would become

18( ).

        You don’t want to be Kim’s assistant. She gives you lots of work and never feels pleased with what you do. However, if you “pass the test,” you’ll almost 100% sure be promoted to “real” lawyer. I passed, and now I have my own office and my own assistant.
   Last week Kim kicked out her new assistant. And now she’s treating me like her assistant again. “Maureen, get me a coffee.” “Maureen, copy this for me.” Yes, the coffee room is closer to my office, and yes, I know the copying machines better, but now my business card says L-A-W-Y-E-R, not A-S-S-I-S-T-A-N-T!
   No one will fight Kim because she’s dating Emerson, our boss. Fighting the boss’s girlfriend won’t do you any good. Ted fought her once, and now he’s sitting in the “Cage,” the smallest office here.
   Next to my office is Jackson’s. He was Kim’s assistant before me. He told me that I had to let her know that now I work WITH her, not FOR her. “She’ll get very angry at first, but she’ll forget about you after she finds the next ‘lucky’ person, and then you’ll be OK,” said he.
 assistant 助理 pleased 滿意 promote 升職 

【題組】50. Why does Maureen say “my business card says L-A-W-Y-E-R, not A-S-S-I-S-T-A-N-T”?
(A) She is not pleased with her assistant.
(B) She has not got her new business cards yet.
(C) She found a spelling mistake on her business card.
(D) She is unhappy about still being seen as an assistant.

19( ).

        Tabata training is a very popular way of exercising these days. It doesn’t take much time or space, and it burns calories faster than other ways of exercising. The idea of Tabata training is simple: exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and then repeat (at least eight times). The moves for the 20-second exercise are not difficult to learn. Jumping jacks, high knees, squats, and planks are some of the most common moves. You can decide yourself what moves to do in your Tabata training. For example, you can do more leg exercises if you want strong legs. 
       One great thing about Tabata training is that your body will keep burning calories for at least an hour after 4 minutes of Tabata training. But to have this wonderful “afterburn,” you need to exercise really hard during each 20 seconds. If you seldom exercise or have heart problems, this exercise may not be good for you. But for people who enjoy exercising but are too busy to go to the gym, Tabata training might just be the answer. 
                                                                                                     calorie 卡路里(熱量單位)

【題組】29. Which is true about Tabata training?
(A) It is difficult to learn the moves.
(B) You are free to choose your own moves.
(C) You need a large space to do the exercises.
(D) You cannot rest between moves if you want the afterburn.

20( ).



30. Look at the map. Where is Green Square?


(A) A.
(B) B.
(C) C.
(D) D.

21( ).

                                     “Maybe I should put a side table in this corner.”
           “I think a yellow dining table would look great with the color of my kitchen.”
                                 “I guess an L-shaped sofa is right for my living room.”
      How can you be sure if these ideas will work? Are you going to different stores looking for things which you plan to put in your house? What if they don’t look good in your house? Now Mother Goose saves you all the trouble! With Mother Goose, you can play with different ideas on the computer, so you can see what your future house will look like before starting the real job. Want to see the magic? Just visit www.sweethome.com/mothergoose to take a look. Sweethome.com will start selling Mother Goose next week. The first 100 people to order Mother Goose will get it at half price (only one pack of Mother Goose per person). Get yours now!
■ what if 萬一 per 每一


31. What does the webpage of www.sweethome.com/mothergoose look like?
(A) 5ed8ad5a0cf01.jpg
(B) 5ed8ad6672c74.jpg
(C) 5ed8ad74084be.jpg
(D) 5ed8ad810eefa.jpg

22( ).


【題組】36. How many pills of Xychelin did Rui-yi get?
(A) 2.
(B) 7.
(C) 14.
(D) 28.

23( ).


(A) how old they are
(B) who they speak to
(C) where they grew up
(D)whether they are men or women

24( ).


【題組】(1) Here are four sentences from the Word Museum. Which is most likely to appear on the next page
(A) The word silly used to mean‘happy,’but now it means‘stupid.’
(B) The word terrific used to mean ‘terrible,’but now it means‘excellent.’
(C) The word girl used to mean‘a young person,’but now it means ‘a young woman.’
(D) The word telephone is cut short to phone, but the two words mean the same thing

25( ).


(A) is
(B) has been
(C) will be
(D) would be


