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試卷測驗 - 105 年 - 105 初等考試_一般行政:英文#38344
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36 The weather forecast says it is going to clear ___ soon.
(A) up
(B) out
(C) over
(D) down


37 Prior _____ his departure, the man wrote an email to his daughter.
(A) to
(B) of
(C) in
(D) on


38 You may not like this place because it’s in the middle of nowhere and you have to _____ all the inconvenience.
(A) catch up with
(B) keep up with
(C) put up with
(D) come up with


39 Take a ____ at the time when your body most needs to sleep.
(A) nap
(B) lap
(C) cap
(D) pan


40 I often think of the school ____ I went to and the friends I made there.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) when
(D) where


41 This time he took his medicine without ____ to do so.
(A) have reminded
(B) having been reminded
(C) reminding
(D) to remind


    Nowadays, computers have become part of our daily lives. People use computers to search for information, or simply play computer games. 

    I use my computer twice a week. I frequently use it to download pop songs and movies from the Internet. I often use Facebook to keep in touch with friends who are far away. Sometimes I write something and post it on my blog in order to let others know what is going on in my life. 
    Computers are convenient; however, they do cause serious problems. For example, some teenagers play computer games so often that they ignore their studies. They become addicted to computer games and stop interacting with people, finally forgetting how to function in the real world. In addition, long hours of computer use can result in poor eyesight and other health problems.

【題組】42 How often does the speaker use his or her computer?
(A) every day
(B) every other week
(C) two times a week
(D) twice a day


【題組】43 All of the following problems are named in the article except
(A) expensive cost
(B) health concern
(C) internet addiction
(D) personal relationship


【題組】44 When the author lists the problems related to computer, he or she is especially talking about
(A) people who have many friends.
(B) poor and lazy students.
(C) those in their old age.
(D) young people between 13 and 19.


【題組】45 According to the article, people may not be able to see well because they
(A) eat too much.
(B) don’t wear glasses.
(C) study very hard.
(D) use computer for too long.


The endangered leopard cat is one of only two wild cat species native to Taiwan. They are ash-brown or yellow  46 , and weigh three to six kilograms. Their bodies are 55-65 centimeters  47 . Truth be told, leopard cats don’t look all that different from a housecat; the most obvious difference is the white patch they have behind their ears. 
Miaoli County has a  48  large population of leopard cats and they live right among us. The reason why leopard cats choose to live so close to human habitations is because the grasslands, forests, and fields are full of rodents, birds, and hares on which they prey, and the forests provide the cats  49  protected environment in which to rear their young. Recently, the development in the area has endangered this cleverest of cats. We must work together if we are to save them from the threats they  50 .

【題組】 46
(A) in size
(B) in shape
(C) in color
(D) in figure


(A) tall
(B) fat
(C) high
(D) long


(A) relatively
(B) recklessly
(C) physically
(D) optionally


(A) with
(B) that
(C) for
(D) to


(A) deal
(B) reduce
(C) pose
(D) face


試卷測驗 - 105 年 - 105 初等考試_一般行政:英文#38344-阿摩線上測驗
