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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106年一般警察特考三等- 英文#62431
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請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題: These are salad days for organizers of petition drives. Never has it been so easy to circulate demands and 31 virtual signatures. Not long ago, ardent activists clutched clipboards outside grocery stores or student unions as 32 passers-by pretend not to notice them. But social media streamlines the search for the 33 . It follows that these are glum times for college presidents. Zealous students at well-known institutes have leveraged social media to drive away invited graduation-day speakers. They make it look so easy that students elsewhere will surely be tempted to 34 the fun. For example, Former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice backed out of the Rutgers graduation ceremony after students 35 her as a “war criminal” for her role in the Bush Administration’s war on terror.
【題組】 31






(A)follow up
(C)join in

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請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
        Stereotypes are a kind of gossip about the world, a gossip that makes us pre-judge people before we ever lay eyes on them.  36  , it is not surprising that stereotypes have something to do with the dark world of prejudice. Explore most prejudices and you will find a cruel stereotype at the core of each one. Why is it that we stereotype the world in such irrational and harmful  37  ? In part, we begin to  38  people in our childhood years. Early in life, as every parent whose child has watched TV knows, we learn to spot the Good Guys  39  the Bad Guys. Some years ago, a social psychologist showed very clearly how powerful these stereotypes of childhood vision are. He secretly asked the most popular kids in an elementary school to make errors in the morning gym exercises.  40  , he asked the class if anyone had noticed any mistakes during gym period. Oh, yes, said the children. But it was the unpopular students in class—the “bad guys”—they remembered as being out of step.

【題組】 36







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FROM: Sports and Social Committee TO: All Staff SUBJECT: End-of-year social event Dear colleagues We haven’t been able to have an end-of-year social event for the past two years due to our limited funds in the Sports and Social Club. This year, however, the company is going to support an event. We discussed various options, such as an office party, a meal out and a day trip. Firstly, we considered an office party held on the premises. The main advantage of this would be that it avoids any need for people to make special travel arrangements. On the other hand, the building doesn’t really have a space that is suitable. We therefore looked at a meal out. There are a number of suitable restaurants and hotels close to the office. One arrangement against this was that sitting at tables is not a very good way for us to mix and get to know people from other departments. Finally, we discussed a day trip, for example to a local tourist spot. The main drawback of this is the cost. In addition, it’s difficult to find somewhere that caters for all of our needs and interests. Taking all of the points into consideration, we propose an office party for all staff, to be held in the main reception area. Data and time to be confirmed. Please let us know your opinion, preferable before the end of next week. Thank you. SaSC
【題組】41 What is the preferred consensus proposed for the end-of-year social event by the Sports and Social Committee?
(A)To have an office party.
(B)To plan a meal out.
(C)To hold a day trip.
(D)To send a questionnaire.


【題組】42 Who are invited to this end-of-year social event?
(A)People in the Sports and Social Club.
(B)The employees who help raising the funds.
(C)Whoever wants to know people from other departments.
(D)Everyone who works in this company.


【題組】43 What is the major disadvantage for having a day trip?
(A)There is not enough space for this trip.
(B)The expense for the day trip is huge.
(C)Special travel arrangements need to be made.
(D)It will be hard to know people from other departments.


【題組】44 Why have there been no end-of-year social events for the past two years?
(A)People were not interested in social events.
(B)There was not enough money for social events.
(C)The company discouraged social events.
(D)No one helped to arrange social events.


【題組】45 Which of the following statements is NOT an anticipated reply from people receiving this e-mail?
(A)An office party is a great idea! Count me in!
(B)I don't have extra money for this social event.
(C)Let's rearrange chairs and tables in the reception area.
(D)How about having a potluck party as well?


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: California on Wednesday suspended its mandatory statewide 25 percent reduction in urban water use, telling local communities to set their own conservation standards after a relatively wet winter and a year of enormous savings in urban water use. The new rules are a sharp change in policy for a state struggling to manage one of the worst droughts in its history. They came after a winter in which El Niño storms fell short of what meteorologists projected — particularly in the southern part of the state — but still partly filled parched reservoirs in Northern California and, more critically, partly replenished the mountain snowpack that provides water into the spring and summer. The state has long struggled to find ways to get water in the north to the people in the south. The state’s two largest and most important reservoirs are both above their historical averages for this time of year. But reservoirs farther south remain far below average. “The snowpack this year was close to historical levels. But warm weather has melted a lot of it away," said Michael Anderson, the state climatologist. However, the rules do not apply to agriculture, which is covered by different regulations and makes up the bulk of water use in the state. State officials said that the drought, already in its fifth year, was not over and that Californians had to adapt to permanently more arid times because of climate change. Even as officials eased up on the regulations, the state made permanent prohibitions against washing down sidewalks and driveways, using a hose without a shut-off valve to wash cars and banning the use of water on road medians. Under the new rules, which take effect on June 1, communities would set reduction guidelines based on their own projection of water supplies, assuming that the next three years here continue to be uncommonly dry.
【題組】46 Why did the state change the rules for water use?
(A)Water conservation for the spring and summer is not enough.
(B)A lot of snow fell in the mountain area during the winter.
(C)Bulk of water use in the state is needed for farming areas.
(D)The drought has been over because of climate change.


【題組】47 According to the passage which area of the state is worst in water conservation?
(A)in the east
(B)in the west
(C)in the south
(D)in the north


【題組】48 What is permanently prohibited by the state despite the new rules?
(A)watering lawns and gardens
(B)washing cars and trucks
(C)filling up bathtubs
(D)washing down driveways


【題組】49 What is the main issue of the new rules?
(A)Twenty-five percent reduction in urban water use has been halted.
(B)It is mandatory to have 25 percent reduction in urban water use.
(C)A new conference was held on coping with climate change in the state.
(D)It is required to keep water in the reservoirs above averages.


【題組】50 Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
(A)Agriculture is not covered by the new rules.
(B)It is expected that the draught will continue.
(C)The new rules allow communities to set their own reduction standards.
(D)It is simple and easy to send water in the north to the people in the south.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106年一般警察特考三等- 英文#62431-阿摩線上測驗
