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試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 地方政府特種考試_五等_其他類科:英文#35408
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36 _________ of accusing his neighbor of dishonesty, the man apologized sincerely.
(A) Sure
(B) Guilty
(C) Justified
(D) Pitiful


37 The incident caused 964 residents in nearby areas to visit hospitals ___________ feeling sick, vomiting or having difficulty breathing.
(A) on account of
(B) in terms of
(C) in spite of
(D) in relation to


38. Susan ___________ to lock the door before she went to bed.
(A) forgets
(B) forgotten
(C) has forgotten
(D) forgot


39 Mary sounded __________ when I talked to her on our ride home from the office.
(A) tires
(B) tired
(C) tiring
(D) tiredly


40 We have had some __________ hot days this summer, with the temperature going up to 40 degrees Celsius.
(A) personally
(B) separately
(C) originally
(D) extremely


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
  Hot pot is an easy way to make a meal during the winter. It’s a favorite meal in Asia. You can choose the food to cook in it and also the  41  of soup you want. You will cook all the food in the soup in the pot. When the soup  42  , you can begin cooking the food. Let the food cook  43  about 10 minutes. When the food is done, use your chopsticks or a spoon to put the food in a bowl. When you eat your food, you can add  44  kinds of sauces. After you eat all the food in the hot pot, don’t forget the soup! It will taste very good after you cook your vegetables and meat in it. A hot pot meal is a good time for friends and family to  45  to eat and talk, so don’t eat quickly!

(A) kind
(B) race
(C) meat
(D) bean


(A) studies
(B) sleeps
(C) breathes
(D) boils


(A) in
(B) on
(C) for
(D) under


(A) double
(B) different
(C) direct
(D) determined


(A) get together
(B) turn over
(C) come across
(D) put together


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
  American families are different today than they were 100 years ago. The biggest difference is that they are smaller. In the past, most families lived on farms. They needed lots of children to help with work. Today, most families live in cities, and many parents cannot afford a large family. Other parents worry that if they have more than two children, it will increase the world’s population. 
  Also, the types of families are changing. There are more single parents than ever before. More unmarried couples are having children, and many couples are choosing to have no children at all. Today traditional families – a married couple with children – compose less than 25 percent of all US households. 
  One reason for this is the greater number of working women. In the past, women depended on their husbands. Now many women have jobs. They do not have to be married to get money. Another reason is divorce. This is when the husband and wife decide to end their marriage. About half of all US marriages end in divorce. Finally, many people are not getting married. They choose to live their lives by themselves.

【題組】46 According to the passage, what’s the biggest difference between American families today and 100 years ago?
(A) The average age of family members
(B) The number of family members
(C) The size of their houses
(D) The style of their houses


【題組】47 According to the passage, why were families in the past bigger than families today?
(A) They were richer.
(B) They had bigger houses.
(C) They loved to have more children.
(D) They needed children to help on the farms.


【題組】48 According to the passage, which of the following statements is the reason why some American parents choose not to have more than two children?
(A) It will increase the birth rate.
(B) It will increase world’s population.
(C) It will decrease the rate of single parents.
(D) It will decrease the divorce rate.


【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) None of the unmarried couples have children.
(B) There are fewer single parents than ever before.
(C) Many couples choose to have no children nowadays.
(D) Only 75 percent of families in the U.S. nowadays are traditional.


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is related to the change of US families?
(A) Many women begin to earn their own money.
(B) Many women depend on their husbands.
(C) Many couples decide to continue their marriage.
(D) Many people get married and have children.


試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 地方政府特種考試_五等_其他類科:英文#35408-阿摩線上測驗
