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試卷測驗 - 100 年 - 100 關務特種考試_五等_船舶駕駛:英文#6198
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        Salt and sugar act differently in our bodies, but when it comes to causing thirst, their effects are pretty much the same. Here’s why. Particles of salt or sugar enter the bloodstream soon after we eat them. As they move through the body, they pull water out of our body cells. The cells notice the change right away, and they do not like it! So they try to hold in water and send chemical messages to the brain. 
        The brain also has its own sense organs that detect when the blood contains too much sugar or salt. After the brain gets the message that the body needs water to reduce the amount of the sugar or salt, you start to feel thirsty. That is why cookies, candy, or even very sugary soda or juice, can make you just as thirsty as salty foods.

【題組】1 According to the article, why does sugar make us thirsty?
(A) Because particles of sugar cannot enter the bloodstream.
(B) Because particles of sugar keep water in our body cells.
(C) Because particles of sugar increase water in our body cells.
(D) Because particles of sugar reduce water in our body cells.


【題組】2 Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Salt cannot move through the body.
(B) The function of our body cells is to keep water out of them.
(C) Like candy, salty foods can make us thirsty.
(D) Particles of sugar can send chemical messages to the brain.


【題組】3 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word “notice” in line 3?
(A) Raise.
(B) Prove.
(C) Sense.
(D) Waste.


【題組】4 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of thirst in the passage?
(A) Soda.
(B) Heat.
(C) Juice.
(D) Candy.


【題組】5 What is the best title of this article?
(A) Why do we feel thirsty after taking sugary or salty foods?
(B) Why do salt and sugar send chemical messages to our body cells?
(C) Why do salt and sugar act differently in our bodies?
(D) Why do particles of salt or sugar enter the bloodstream?


What will life be like in the future? Many people are busy making predictions about the future. Scientists and engineers find out how current technology can be further developed. Other scholars are deeply concerned about ecology and the kinds of energy we should use to protect the environment in the future. Writers put their imaginative ideas about the future into science fiction novels. One example is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, which is a story about a scientist who tried to create a new human being. Today science fiction writers write about life on other planets and how human beings can live longer. People from all walks of life are involved in thinking about the future because our survival may depend upon it.
【題組】6 The term “Science Fiction” refers to books that mainly .
(A) teach the scientific laws of nature
(B) show realistic social conditions
(C) guess about the future
(D) give advice about how to stay healthy


【題組】7 The main character in the novel Frankenstein wanted to .
(A) create a human life
(B) make a monster
(C) become a new person
(D) live forever


【題組】8 According to people who study ecology, human beings need to find new sources of energy that will .
(A) destroy the environment
(B) protect the planet we live on
(C) change the geography of the earth
(D) help us go to other planets


【題組】9 New developments in technology are usually based on .
(A) traditional philosophical ideas
(B) imaginative ideas in science fiction
(C) failures in scientific laboratories
(D) trends already seen in current technology


【題組】10 According to the passage, making predictions about the future is .
(A) ridiculous
(B) interesting, but not very useful
(C) very important
(D) dangerous


11 Tom: Are you free tonight? Cathy:____________________ Tom: Too bad. I was thinking maybe we could go see a movie tonight.
(A) No, I will not.
(B) Yes, I can.
(C) Of course, I have.
(D) No, I am not.


12 Woman: May I speak to Mr. Smith? Man: ____________________ Woman: Never mind. I will call him again later this afternoon.
(A) He’s not in. May I take a message?
(B) No, you cannot.
(C) Yes, you may come again.
(D) Don’t call early in the morning.


13 Nicole: Do you have any plans for tomorrow, Alison? Alison: ____________________ Nicole: Let’s go shopping!
(A) No, it’s not going to rain tomorrow.
(B) No, I’m not doing anything special.
(C) Yes, I’m going to the movie with Tom.
(D) Yes, I’m going south to visit my aunt.


14 Tom: I’m going to take a singing class. Do you want to take it with me? Penny: ____________________ Tom: Really? Sing a song for me now.
(A) A dancing class? That’s great!
(B) I don’t need a class. I can sing very well already.
(C) I have a headache.
(D) It sounds interesting.


15 Ken: Oh my! Claire: ____________________ Ken: My headache is killing me.
(A) It’s a shame.
(B) What’s the matter?
(C) How about yours?
(D) Don’t get me wrong.


16、The typical American throws away about 590 kg. of garbage a year. For the nation as a whole, this _____16_____ 160 million tons of waste a year, or enough to make a chain of 10-ton garbage trucks halfway to the moon. In the early 1990s, Japan recycled about 50% of its trash; the U.S. only about 10%, _____17_____ estimates of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In modern recycling plants, _____18_____ can handle the metals and the glass, but people must separate the plastic by hand, so when people put out the garbage, they must separate the recyclable _____19_____ the non-recyclable materials. Recycling is not a new idea. In emergencies like droughts and wars, people have recycled all kinds of materials and have been very _____20_____ about how much water and electricity they used. Today we must protect our planet Earth by bringing back the old habit of recycling.
(A) carries
(B) conducts
(C) means
(D) manages


(A) according to
(B) as to
(C) along with
(D) apart from


(A) monsters
(B) magazines
(C) masks
(D) machines


(A) from
(B) into
(C) between
(D) within


(A) care
(B) careful
(C) cared
(D) carefully


Why have so many companies started allowing their employees to wear casual clothes? One reason is that it’s easier for a company to _____21_____ new employees if it has a casual dress code. “A lot of young people don’t want to _____22_____ for work,” says the owner of a software company, “so it’s hard to hire people if you have a conservative dress code.” Another reason is that people seem happier and more productive _____23_____ they are wearing comfortable clothes. In a study conducted by Levi Strauss & Company, eighty-five percent of employees said that they believe that casual dress may keep their spirits high. _____24_____ four percent of employers said that casual dress had a negative impact on productivity. Supporters of casual office wear also contend that a casual dress code helps them save money. “Suits are expensive, _____25_____ if you have to wear one everyday,” one employee said. “For the same amount of money, you can buy a lot more casual clothes,” another one said.
(A) thank
(B) attract
(C) receive
(D) protect


(A) get up
(B) sit down
(C) dress up
(D) go out


(A) unless
(B) after
(C) until
(D) when


(A) However
(B) Only
(C) Therefore
(D) Naturally


(A) especially
(B) only
(C) even
(D) as


Michael Geisen, a science teacher from Prineville, Oregon, is the new National Teacher of the Year. He was a _____26_____ . But he decided he would rather work with growing minds than with growing trees. Seven years ago, he _____27_____ a master’s degree in teaching and a job at Crook County Middle School. He brought new energy to the science department. He also created school projects to get parents involved in their children’s work. One girl who was recently in his class _____28_____ he could probably make it interesting to watch grass grow. During lunch, his students come to his room to talk, get help, visit his turtle and sometimes join him _____29_____ playing guitar. He writes songs and develops games about science. He says one of his _____30_____ as a teacher is to create people who will continue to learn throughout their lives.
(A) forester
(B) merchant
(C) fireman
(D) florist


(A) gets
(B) has got
(C) have gotten
(D) got


(A) say
(B) says
(C) said
(D) has said


(A) to
(B) in
(C) with
(D) at


(A) complaints
(B) priority
(C) goals
(D) excellence


31 We have been waiting for Jack for almost two hours. I wonder __________.
(A) where he was
(B) where was he
(C) where he has been
(D) where he is


32 The town __________ great changes since I was here last time.
(A) has undergone
(B) undergoes
(C) was undergoing
(D) underwent


33 Shelly prefers red roses _______ yellow ones.
(A) to
(B) than
(C) for
(D) on


34 After _______ his homework, he decides to go out for a break.
(A) finish
(B) to finish
(C) finished
(D) finishing


35 I remember you. You _______ to go to school here.
(A) used
(B) were using
(C) were used
(D) use


36 If Sonia _______ sorry for being late, she’d have apologized to me by now.
(A) is
(B) has been
(C) were
(D) would be


37 Not only the assistant managers but also the secretary _______ that the company is failing.
(A) knows
(B) know
(C) knowing
(D) have known


38 John: Sorry, my English is very poor. Jay: Don’t worry. Mine is not _______ better.
(A) most
(B) much
(C) more
(D) very


39 In the United States, air pollution _______ at its worst in the 1960s.
(A) being
(B) was
(C) to be
(D) will be


40 The jury ______________ the prisoner guilty.
(A) found out
(B) uncovered
(C) looked out
(D) found


41 A _______ has four corners.
(A) triangle
(B) rectangle
(C) circle
(D) oval


42 Many schools no longer ask students to wear _______ nowadays.
(A) pants
(B) hostess
(C) uniforms
(D) erasers


43 Where are you going? I’m going to the _______.
(A) home
(B) story
(C) work
(D) supermarket


44 English is important in Taiwan, _______ for business people.
(A) especially
(B) hardly
(C) nearly
(D) suddenly


45 Professor Lin does not _______ late assignments. Students have to hand them in on time.
(A) bring
(B) have
(C) keep
(D) accept


46 George suffered very serious brain _______ in a car accident.
(A) damage
(B) harm
(C) ruin
(D) wound


47 My uncle had a 15-year-long _______ in business before he became a teacher.
(A) case
(B) incident
(C) event
(D) career


48 Mark has been recording his daily activities in his _______ since he was 10.
(A) journey
(B) journal
(C) justice
(D) junction


49 Peter always complains about the hot and _______ weather in Taiwan. He misses the dry and cool seasons in Florida.
(A) humid
(B) moisture
(C) steam
(D) waterfall


50 What is an instrument which is used to see things far away? _______
(A) Telescope.
(B) Television.
(C) Telegram.
(D) Telephone


試卷測驗 - 100 年 - 100 關務特種考試_五等_船舶駕駛:英文#6198-阿摩線上測驗
