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【精選】 - 台水評價◆英文難度:(61~75)
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Due to the winter storm, hundreds of flights were ________ and many passengers had to stay in airports.
(A) chosen
(B) canceled
(C) collected
(D) criticized


According to the weather report, the temperature tomorrow will ________ by at least five degrees due to the cold front.
(A) erase
(B) mark
(C) guard
(D) drop


The little girl is fighting against cancer ________. She never complains or sheds tears when undergoing treatment.
(A) hastily
(B) wearily
(C) bravely
(D) rudely


I had a(n) ________ last night. The horror movie I watched before going to bed probably caused it.
(A) checkup
(B) operation
(C) nightmare
(D) appointment


During the stormy night, all the lights ________ went out and it was pitch dark.
(A) suddenly
(B) hopefully
(C) colorfully
(D) nervously


A: I miss the days when a bowl of noodles only cost NT$20. B: Yeah, it seemed not long ago. A: Prices have really been increasing a lot recently. B: I know. ___________________
(A) I’m glad you like it so much.
(B) But these instant noodles are on sale.
(C) The pay is not so much as I expected.
(D) Everything is much more expensive now.


3. Julia is sensitive about her weight; she easily feels ________ when hearing people say the word “fat.”
(A) upset
(B) proud
(C) excited
(D) puzzled


20. Physical exercise helps to _______ stress and improve sleep at night.
(A) combine
(B) reduce
(C) attract
(D) lengthen


25. Be quiet! Your father ________.
(A) sleeps
(B) slept
(C) is sleeping
(D) was sleeping


37. A: When I first went to college, I didn’t have many friends. I don’t know why. I wasn’t bad looking.
B: ______________________.

(A) I guess you were an easy mark

(B) I guess you weren’t easy-going enough

(C) I guess you were too easy to pass the exam

(D) I guess you liked easy money


四、閱讀測驗 In cold and freezing weather, hot springs may come to mind to most people. Taiwan lies over the area between two plates. Due to this unique geography, our beautiful island is dotted with 99 delightful hot springs. Many of Taiwan’s best loved hot springs are in Yangmingshan, Peitou, and Wulai, each within an hour's drive from downtown Taipei, and each offering visitors its own special scenery. If you're a nature lover, the winter is a good time to hike in the hills of Yangmingshan and take a dip in a hot spring. And winter is when the cherry flowers are in full bloom there. If you're a history buff, head for Peitou Hot Spring Museum, and you'll be intrigued by all the Japanese-style architecture at the hot spring resorts and the area's many historic sites. Less than an hour south from downtown Taipei is Wulai, Taipei County's only Aboriginal mountain village. The visitors to Wulai can learn about the culture of the Atayal tribe and try out their distinctive food. The beautiful waterfalls and gorges along Nanshih Creek will make you wonder if you've come to a fairyland! Wintertime is hot spring season in Taiwan. So go on. Make your winter!
【題組】47. Which of the following hot spring is NOT in the Taipei area?
(A) Wulai hot spring.
(B) Peitou hot spring.
(C) Lushan hot spring.
(D) Yangmingshan hot spring.


15. The drastic drop of ________ below zero degrees Celsius had all 50 states in America covered with snow.
(A) communication
(B) negotiation
(C) temperature
(D) prescription


4. Famous artists often have excellent ________.
(A) imagination
(C) relation
(D) examination


5. If everything is on _____ , the construction work can be completed by the end of December as expected.
(A) rule
(B) battle
(C) temple
(D) schedule


16. When you come here tomorrow, we ______ you how to use the facilities in the hotel.
(B)will teach
(C)is teaching
(D)have taught


【精選】 - 台水評價◆英文難度:(61~75)-阿摩線上測驗
