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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(101~150)
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請依下文回答第 32 題至第 35 題 He had expected the nursing home to be a cozy little building where a handful of old people quietly spent their last days with the comforting help of dutiful nurses. Instead, the building Daan led him to was huge. Three stories with several wings branching out from the central block in the middle of a well-tended park, provided with plenty of trees and flowers and patches of garden no doubt meant to dress the place up to look like a well-to-do country house or a luxury health spa. But nothing could disguise the institutional bulk of the “home” or the endless comings and goings of cars and vans and buses and bikes and various vehicles of a clinical type, and the people—patients, visitors, medical staff—who thus arrived and left. In fact, not a home in any honest sense of the word but a busy hospital for the treatment of the legion of ailments, failings, accidents, and calamities, including the final requirement of death, that afflict the elderly, senior citizens, those in the autumn of their years.
【題組】32 People who live in this nursing home are_____ .


Look at your street outside your window. Is it wide? Is it narrow? Read about other streets. Then 39 if your answer is the same. One street is very wide. It is in Argentina. It is the main street of Buenos Aires. It is 40 9 de Julio Avenue. (Argentina’s birthday is on July 9, 1816.) How wide is this street? It has twelve lanes! It is over 360 feet wide! One street is very narrow. It is in Germany. It is in the city of Reutlingen. Its name is Spreuerhof Street. It 41 in 1727. 42 a car nor a bike can go down it. Two people can’t walk 43 at the same time. Some people have to turn sideways. Its widest part is twenty inches. Its narrowest part is just twelve inches!
(B)was ruined
(C)was built


40 We have had some __________ hot days this summer, with the temperature going up to 40 degrees Celsius.
(A) personally
(B) separately
(C) originally
(D) extremely


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
  Hot pot is an easy way to make a meal during the winter. It’s a favorite meal in Asia. You can choose the food to cook in it and also the  41  of soup you want. You will cook all the food in the soup in the pot. When the soup  42  , you can begin cooking the food. Let the food cook  43  about 10 minutes. When the food is done, use your chopsticks or a spoon to put the food in a bowl. When you eat your food, you can add  44  kinds of sauces. After you eat all the food in the hot pot, don’t forget the soup! It will taste very good after you cook your vegetables and meat in it. A hot pot meal is a good time for friends and family to  45  to eat and talk, so don’t eat quickly!

(A) kind
(B) race
(C) meat
(D) bean


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
  American families are different today than they were 100 years ago. The biggest difference is that they are smaller. In the past, most families lived on farms. They needed lots of children to help with work. Today, most families live in cities, and many parents cannot afford a large family. Other parents worry that if they have more than two children, it will increase the world’s population. 
  Also, the types of families are changing. There are more single parents than ever before. More unmarried couples are having children, and many couples are choosing to have no children at all. Today traditional families – a married couple with children – compose less than 25 percent of all US households. 
  One reason for this is the greater number of working women. In the past, women depended on their husbands. Now many women have jobs. They do not have to be married to get money. Another reason is divorce. This is when the husband and wife decide to end their marriage. About half of all US marriages end in divorce. Finally, many people are not getting married. They choose to live their lives by themselves.

【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) None of the unmarried couples have children.
(B) There are fewer single parents than ever before.
(C) Many couples choose to have no children nowadays.
(D) Only 75 percent of families in the U.S. nowadays are traditional.


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is related to the change of US families?
(A) Many women begin to earn their own money.
(B) Many women depend on their husbands.
(C) Many couples decide to continue their marriage.
(D) Many people get married and have children.


39 Take a ____ at the time when your body most needs to sleep.
(A) nap
(B) lap
(C) cap
(D) pan


8 People who live in the same____ often get together to form “neighborhood watch group” to protect neighbors and their property.
(A) agency
(B) community
(C) dynasty
(D) facility


請依下文回答第 13 題至第 16 題 
     Once upon a time, there was a frog which fell so much in love with a prince. She wanted to become a human in order to be near the prince. To make her dream come true, she went all the way to a forest to ask a witch for help. The witch agreed to help but told her that she could become a human only when she kissed the prince. The frog then went to a pond in the palace where the prince lived. When the prince came out to the pond to feed the fish, the frog went up to him right away. The prince found the frog very interesting, so he took her home. He had meals with her and even put her beside his bed. Seeing that the prince fell asleep, the frog couldn't help but kiss the prince. After the kiss, the frog suddenly turned into a beautiful woman. When the prince woke up in the morning, he was very surprised to see a pretty woman sitting beside him. He immediately fell in love and wanted to marry her. Later, they got married and live a wonderful life together.
    But after staying with the prince for some years, the woman began to get bored and missed her life as a frog. Sometimes, people were suprised to see her catching a fly with her tongue in the garden. As she began to spend more and more time outside the palace, the prince started to suspect if she had fallen in love with someone else. She told him that he was the only person she loved. But she didn't like her life as a human and she wanted to end their marriage. Finally, the prince agreed and the frog left the palace to live her own life.

【題組】15 According to the passage, which of the following is true about the woman?
(A) She is funny and ugly.
(B) She is brave and determined.
(C) She is cruel and terrible.
(D) She is humorous and noisy.


34 Life is full ____ surprises, isn't it?
(A) as
(B) at
(C) up
(D) of


請依下文回答第 42 題至第 45 題 
      On New Year's Eve firecrackers send out the old year and welcome the new one. On New Year's Day children and adults 42 are not married get red envelopes with money in them. This is 43 of good luck and wealth in the new year. Food plays an important part in Chinese New Year celebrations. Special dishes are eaten on certain day. Many kinds of food have special meanings. Uncut noodles, 44 , might give you a longer life. People who eat a lot of raw fish are said to be more successful in life. The last event of the 15-day celebration is the Lantern Festival. Some people hang glowing lanterns in temples.Others carry lanterns in a moonlight parade. In many places long colourful dragons 45 silk, paper and bamboo are carried on the streets by dancers.

(A) success
(B) symbol
(C) suit
(D) supply


40 The homework was easy. I finished it without ______.
(A) difference
(B) difficulty
(C) action
(D) addition


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
The Philippines’ most active volcano is showing signs of 41 . Mount Mayon, located in the eastern Philippines, has been sending huge chunks of lava 42 down its slopes in a gradual eruption that could soon turn colossal. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology has warned that a “hazardous eruption” of the volcano is possible within just a few weeks. Mayon has erupted 50 times in the 43 500 years. An eruption in 1993 caused 79 deaths, 44 subsequent eruptions forced thousands of people in nearby villages to evacuate. The most 45 volcanic eruption was in 1813, when the entire town of Cagsawa was wiped out. “We are praying that it would not be the worst-case scenario,” said Herbie Aguas, mayor Santo Domingo, one of the villages closest to the volcano.

(A) almost
(B) exact
(C) future
(D) past


第46 題至第 50 題為題組 
I attended my 43 year-old uncle’s wedding last Sunday afternoon. It was not a 46 wedding held in a church with a simple cake-and-tea or coffee reception afterwards. Instead, my uncle and his fiancée 47 their vows of marriage in a beautiful garden at a five-star hotel. Since both my uncle and his fiancée were already working at 48 jobs in two of the most successful computer companies in the city, they didn’t need to depend upon their parents to help pay for their wedding. The couple invited many co-workers and friends besides their relatives. The wedding guests drank pink champagne and ate a 49 of special delicacies prepared by the hotel’s gourmet cooks. Attending this splendid wedding made me think that waiting to tie the wedding knot until one is older and 50 independent is a good idea.





38 People are annoyed by advertisements that_______ on the YouTube all the time.
(A)start up
(B)stand up  
(C)save up
(D)show up


第46 題至第 50 題為題組

    In 1945, leaders from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California, where the United Nations (UN) was organized. At that time, World War II had just ended. People hoped they could build a future of world peace through this new organization. Today almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country has signed an agreement that says:

1. All members are equal.

2. All members promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way.

3. No member will use force against another member.

4. All members will help the UN in its actions.

5. The UN will not try to solve problems within countries except to enforce international peace.

    Obviously, the United Nations has not been completely successful in its actions. There have been several wars since 1945. However, the organization has helped bring peace to some countries that were at war. Besides, it has helped people who left their countries because of wars. It has also helped bring independence to colonies.

    The main UN organization is in New York City, but the UN has a “family” of other related organizations all over the world. These organizations try to provide a better life for everyone. One example is UNICEF, an organization that provides poor children with food, medical care, and many other services. Another example is the World Health Organization, which develops medical programs all over the world. There are thousands of UN workers in developing countries. They work as planners to increase production in farming and industry. They provide medical services, improve education programs, and spread scientific information. They develop programs that provide jobs and better living conditions. They help countries control their population growth. The UN also holds large international conferences, where people meet to discuss important world issues. One conference was about the uses and ownership of oceans. Another was about women. There are also International Years for people to work together to improve situations and solve problems.

【題組】48 Which service is NOT provided by UN?
(A)Improving education programs.  
(B)Spreading scientific information.
(C)Holding international conferences.
(D) Using force against other countries. 


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
 I attended my 43 year-old uncle’s wedding last Sunday afternoon. It was not a ____46____ wedding held in a church with a simple cake-and-tea or coffee reception afterwards. Instead, my uncle and his fiancée ____47____ their vows of marriage in a beautiful garden at a five-star hotel. Since both my uncle and his fiancée were already working at ____48____ jobs in two of the most successful computer companies in the city, they didn’t need to depend upon their parents to help pay for their wedding. The couple invited many co-workers and friends besides their relatives. The wedding guests drank pink champagne and ate a ____49____  of special delicacies prepared by the hotel’s gourmet cooks. Attending this splendid wedding made me think that waiting to tie the wedding knot until one is older and _____50_____ independent is a good idea. 

【題組】 48


5.Having been on a strict diet for three months, Jessica finally _____ her goal of reducing her weight.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Just because Vitamin C is of no use against a cold doesn’t mean you should forget about this vitamin. Vitamin C helps 41 many other health problems, including heart disease and strokes. This vitamin is also good for your eyes, increases brain power, and it can prevent wrinkles. There are 42 parts of the body that don’t get a boost from Vitamin C. Now that you know the real health benefits of Vitamin C, you might want to know the best way to get it work for you. The current recommended dose of this vitamin is 500 mg a day. 43 you could just take a pill, there are many fruits that carry high doses of Vitamin C, like guavas, papayas, strawberries, kiwis, and oranges. You can also get Vitamin C from vegetables such as red peppers, dark leafy greens, and broccoli. Eating these foods will give you the C you need, 44 many other vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy. Vitamin C may not be a cure for a cold. However, by keeping your heart, eyes, brain, and skin 45 working order, this vitamin does its best to make sure you look and feel fantastic.
【題組】 41
(A) boost
(B) prevent
(C) evaluate
(D) measure


39 Because of global warming, the world is likely to keep on breaking high _____ marks.
(A) environment
(B) temperature
(C) universe
(D) waterfall


11 The____________ we had yesterday was quite unusual because we had to answer the questions by drawing pictures.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: I was raised in a very conservative family on the island of Fiji in the South Pacific. At an early age we were taught close family ties and conservative ways. Family members worked together as one unit, and we respected our elders. Upon arriving in the United States, I discovered a very different world, where children speak as they wish to their parents and at times even treat them with disrespect. This different world eventually led to some difficulties between me and my parents. When I was eighteen, a couple of my friends moved out of their parents' house and into an apartment of their own. They asked me to move in with them. These friends were born in the United States, and their upbringing was less conservative than mine. Their parents considered it perfectly acceptable for them to move out and live independently at eighteen. But when I spoke to my parents, it was clear they did not want me to leave home. My friends couldn't understand this and they kept telling me to move out anyway. I felt caught between my friends and my parents. I felt that my friends were doing something that was socially acceptable and that my parents were being old-fashioned and not behaving as Americans should behave. For me, after many sleepless nights, my obligation as a daughter overcame my yearning for independence. I realized that my parents' unwillingness for me to move out was because of their love for me. I also realized that if my friends were true friends, they would accept my decision. I told them I'd decided to stay with my parents. Most of them accepted my decision. Now, looking back, I feel that I made a right decision.
【題組】47 When the writer was eighteen, what did her friends ask her to do?
(A) To move to the Unites States.
(B) To move back to the island of Fiji.
(C) To move out of her parents' house.
(D) To move back to live with their parents.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題

    Lagom is a new lifestyle that comes out of Sweden into our homes and our lives in the hope of helping us become healthy and live a sustainable life. The Swedish word is defined as “not too much, and not too little—just right.” This ethos of moderation has a great impact on Swedish people, who believe there should be a balance in everything they do, from working hours to how many slices of cake they eat, from how much sugar to take in one coffee to the portion sizes of dinner. Now people all over the world are interested in this living philosophy. Over the past six months, the BBC reports that search engine Google has seen a steady increase in the number of searches for the term Lagom and in the last three months, the word has been tweeted over 13,500 times.

    My Swedish friend told me “asking a Swede about lagom is like asking a fish what water is. It’s part of our way of life. There’s an inner voice saying, ‘Don’t be too talkative, but don’t be too quiet or shy. Don’t build the biggest house in town and buy luxurious stuff, but don’t be poor.’”

    Lagom has inspired several companies to manufacture skin collections, clothing, and furniture based on this notion of making life easier, more enjoyable and inexpensive. Swedish furniture store IKEA, for example, has created a project called “Live Lagom” to teach people how to reduce waste, save water, and live a healthier life. The famous H&M also sells Lagom around the world. Everybody can afford to buy their products, which are functional, stylish, and nice, but not too nice. Sam and Elliott Stocks, from England, published the lifestyle magazine Lagom. “Although neither of us are Swedes, we admire Swedish culture,” says Elliott. “The philosophy of Lagom is beautifully simple; it encourages everything in moderation.”

【題組】47 According to the passage, which is NOT one of the features of H&M's clothing?


3 Anna feels _______ because she has few friends.
(A) lonely
(B) logical
(C) lovely
(D) lucky


4 Rooney _______ to me about being treated unfairly by his classmates.
(A) completed
(B) complained
(C) considered
(D) contained


8 No human being has ever seen a real, live dinosaur because the last of these incredible creatures died about 65 million years ago, long before the first humans_______ .
(A) appeared
(B) destroyed
(C) transported
(D) vanished


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
 Summer Camp Schedule 

 Watch a movie, play in the yard, play with blocks, color, or read. Just do something easy and relax.
 Visit a museum. Take a trip to the zoo. Walk to the park. Just go. 

 Cook something together. Let’s have fun in the kitchen. 

 Try a new fun craft idea. Make play-dough. Finger paint. The options are endless. 

 Do something fun!

【題組】46 Where can we most likely see this schedule?
(A) In a bakery.
(B) In a museum.
(C) In a kids' school.
(D) In a concert hall.


40 I really ___________ everything my parents have done to help me successfully get through my college education.


40 People may believe that sharing songs on the Internet doesn’t hurt anyone; __________, when musicians don’t earn enough money, they stop making music.


請依下文回答第 23 題至第 27 題 
  Today, two students gave a talk. They stood in front of the whole school. They talked about brave people from the past. 
  The first  23  talked about Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa lived in India  24  45 years. During this time,she helped many sick people and children. Mother Teresa had heart problems, but she never stopped  25  people. In 1979, she received the Nobel Prize for her work. The second student spoke about the Wright brothers,  26  made the first airplane in 1903. It was dangerous work  27  they could fall and get hurt. At first the plane could not fly very well. But they kept trying. They made it a year later.

(A) for
(B) in
(C) since
(D) with


39 Birthday parties are the most celebrated _____ event in the West. Everyone would bring a gift to the party.
(A) social
(B) obscure
(C) isolated
(D) detached


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
     The Australian crocodile is the largest crocodile in the world. It can grow up to seven meters long, and the biggest can weigh up to 1,000 kilometers. It has only two muscles to open its mouth but 40 to close it! What makes crocodiles so dangerous is that they attack extremely quickly, and they take their victims under the water to drown them. They usually attack in the water, but they can suddenly come out of a river and attack animals or people. And they can run on land as fast as 17 kilometers per hour.
     Every year in Australia there are crocodile attacks on humans. Two years ago a 24-year-old German tourist died when she went for a swim in a lake. Although there were signs warning people that there might be crocodiles, the woman and her friends decided to go for a midnight swim. The woman suddenly disappeared, and the next morning her body was found. Near it was a four-meter long crocodile. And only last month two Australian boys watched in horror as their friend was killed by a crocodile when they were washing their bikes in a river. They climbed a tree and stayed there for 22 hours while the crocodile waited below.
      But you can survive a crocodile attack. Last year Norman Pascoe, a 19-year-old, was saved from a crocodile when his aunt hit it on the nose. Norman’s aunt said: “I hit it and I shouted, ‘Help!’ The crocodile suddenly opened its mouth and my nephew escaped.”

【題組】49 What could be the best title for the passage?
(A) Nature’s Perfect Killing Machine: Australian Crocodiles
(B) How to kill a Crocodile
(C) Crocodile's Tears
(D) How to Make Friends with Crocodiles


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        “Eat five meals a day, including lots of fruit and vegetables,” nutritionists say. It’s important to include different kinds of fruit and vegetables in each meal. Try to make your meals colorful. It’s easy. Red fruit and vegetables, like tomatoes and watermelon, protect you against some types of cancer. Some others, like strawberries and red grapes, help keep your heart healthy. A lot of oranges and yellow fruit and vegetables, like carrots, are rich in Vitamin A and help you have healthy eyes. They also protect you against some types of cancer and heart disease. Citrus fruit, like oranges, aren’t rich in Vitamin A, but they are rich in Vitamin C and a type of Vitamin B. They help keep your heart healthy. Green fruit and vegetables, like spinach, green peppers and green apples, help keep both your eyes and heart healthy, and protect you against some types of cancer. Blue and purple fruit and vegetables, like grapes and eggplants, keep you away from some types of cancer and heart disease. Blueberries also help you have a good memory.

【題組】48 If you forget things easily, what fruit/vegetables may help you improve your condition?
(C)Green peppers.
(D)Yellow tomatoes.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
      “Eat five meals a day, including lots of fruit and vegetables,” nutritionists say. It’s important to include different kinds of fruit and vegetables in each meal. Try to make your meals colorful. It’s easy. Red fruit and vegetables, like tomatoes and watermelon, protect you against some types of cancer. Some others, like strawberries and red grapes, help keep your heart healthy. A lot of oranges and yellow fruit and vegetables, like carrots, are rich in Vitamin A and help you have healthy eyes. They also protect you against some types of cancer and heart disease. Citrus fruit, like oranges, aren’t rich in Vitamin A, but they are rich in Vitamin C and a type of Vitamin B. They help keep your heart healthy. Green fruit and vegetables, like spinach, green peppers and green apples, help keep both your eyes and heart healthy, and protect you against some types of cancer. Blue and purple fruit and vegetables, like grapes and eggplants, keep you away from some types of cancer and heart disease. Blueberries also help you have a good memory.

【題組】48 If you forget things easily, what fruit/vegetables may help you improve your condition?
(C)Green peppers.
(D)Yellow tomatoes.


【題組】50 What do nutritionists suggest about our diet?
(A)Colorful meals are good for us.
(B)Meat is not good for the heart.
(C)It's better to have three meals a day.
(D)3C products are not good for eyes.


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
       Pete is 36 years old and works for the post office. He has worked there for 12 years. His salary is good, and benefits are excellent. All postal workers have health insurance and a good   36   plan. Pete works hard,   37   misses work, and is never late. He’s reliable, and his supervisors know that they can   38   on him. He also gets along well with the other workers. Pete loves sports. He played football and baseball in high school, and he still jogs three or four times a week. Pete doesn’t drink or smoke, but he has one big   39   . He loves to   40   . He buys a lottery ticket every day. He goes to the racetrack every week. He also bets on football, basketball, and baseball games. Sometimes, he wins a lot of money, but sometimes he loses a lot. This makes his wife, Gloria, angry. “You should stop betting,” she tells Pete. “I’ll stop betting if you lose 40 pounds,” he replies.

(A) employ
(B) comfort
(C) search
(D) gamble


38 I didn’t do well on the tests and I can’t imagine how _____ my father will be when he sees my report card.
(A) disappointed
(B) unsystematic
(C) casual
(D) involuntary


36 High-tech tools such as surveillance cameras and license plate readers have helped the police to track down ______ faster.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
Animals communicate with members of their own species and other species. They do this all the time to attract mates, to form social bonds, and to warn off predators. For instance, many male birds use their colorful    41    and feathers to attract female birds. Bees return to the hive to do a wiggling dance   42   shows other bees where the food is located. To scare off predators, some poisonous frogs make use of their brightly colored skin and the blowfish swallow water to expand to twice their   43   . Moreover, male and female mockingbirds copy the calls of other bird species and use complicated songs to attract mates. Baboons groom each other’s fur   44   so as to form close bonds with other members in their group. Amazingly, some animals,   45   mountain lions, use scent from their glands to mark their territories. Despite our advanced technology, we are just beginning to catch a glimpse of how animals really communicate.



(A)due to
(B)such as
(C)because of
(D)in spite of


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
Look at the following information and answer the questions.

Reservation Details61db833d814ee.jpg

【題組】46 What ticket reservation does George make?
(A) A bus ticket.
(B) A train ticket.
(C) A flight ticket.
(D) A concert ticket.


【題組】48 What information does George not have to offer in order to book the ticket?
(A) Phone number.
(B) E-mail address.
(C) Identification number.
(D) Driver’s licence number.


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題
         Last week, I went to Summit Grove Camp in York, Pennsylvania. The camping trip for my church__11__ on Friday night. All my friends went to the camp on Friday, __12__I had to work on Friday night. I went to the camp by myself on Saturday morning. I drove alone about an hour on Interstate 95. In the early morning, there weren't many cars on the highway. I felt sleepy, so I thought I would get some coffee to make me feel better. I turned at the __13__that said "service area." I followed the signs, but I got lost. I went on a road that took me into a forest. There were a lot of trees. I didn't see anybody there. I was very frightened. I turned back, but I got lost again. Luckily, I saw one car __14__me from the opposite direction. It was a small road, so I waved him down and asked directions to get back to I-95. __15__ I got back on the highway, I drove straight to the camp. I didn't feel sleepy anymore because I was frightened. Finally, I got to the camp. I met my friends and had a good time.

【題組】 12
(A) but
(B) then
(C) thus
(D) indeed


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題:
       To survive, animals need to find food. Some predators have developed special vision in order to look for prey. Processing eyesight that can be four to five times __26__  than ours, eagles can spot a rabbit from several milesaway. Owls, __27__ hunt at night, have huge eyes for capturing plenty of light and detecting tasty treats in the dark.Like owls, cats see well at night. Their pupils become large circles to let more __28__ in. However, they can’t detect colors. Bees and butterflies, on the other hand, have a range of color vision that extends into ultraviolet – __29__that humans can’t see. For a long time, humans didn’t know how other animals see. Recent studies have shed light on a marvelous world of vision diversity. Understanding the way animals __30__ the world can tell us a lot about their survival strategies.

(A) sun
(B) moon
(C) fire
(D) light


38 This new_______ is well-known for its user-friendly interface and fancy pictures, and it has become very popular among teenagers.
(A) pressure
(B) furniture
(C) interest
(D) website


42 Unlike the other four fingers of the hand, the _____ is short and thick but can hold things easily.


41 Eric is ______ today because he caught a bad cold and stayed at home.
(A) excited
(B) absent
(C) convenient
(D) graceful


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
Chloe and Kevin enjoy going out to Italian restaurants. They love to eat __46__ , share a dessert, and have espresso.Chloe and Kevin’s __47__ is coming up. Kevin wants to plan a night out at an Italian restaurant in town. He calls therestaurants to make a __48__ but they have no tables __49__ . Kevin knows that Chloe loves Italian food more thananything else. But the only two Italian places in town are too busy. So, Kevin is now pacing around the house andfeeling __50__ . He still has no idea where to spend the night.

(A) anxious
(B) colorful
(C) expensive
(D) magical


14 Some cats are ________ enough to figure out how to operate doorknobs.
(A) clever
(B) liberal
(C) naive
(D) pretty


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文2024~2015難度:(101~150)-阿摩線上測驗
