阿摩:一個人的成功絕不是個人的努力 而是別人給予的助力
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41 Clean-up and recovery from an oil spill is difficult and depends upon many ______, including the type of oil spilled, the temperature of the water, and the types of shorelines and beaches involved.
(A) authorities
(B) directions
(C) professionals
(D) factors


47 The mission of the prison is to protect society by _____ offenders in the controlled environments of prisons.


46 When the police respond to a citizen’s report and learn that a crime has been______ , a preliminary investigation will be initiated.
(A) contained
(B) convicted
(C) committed
(D) controlled


  American women traditionally are expected to be affectionate, passive, conforming, sensitive, intuitive, and dependent—“sugar and spice and everything nice.” They are supposed to be concerned primarily with domestic life, to be nurturing, to care for babies and young children, to fuss over their personal appearance, and to be self-sacrificing for their family. They should not appear to be ambitious, aggressive, competitive, or more intelligent than men. They should be ignorant about and uninterested in sports, economics, and politics. Also, they are not supposed to initiate relationships with men but are expected to be tender, feminine, emotional, and appreciative when in those relationships. 
  There are also a number of traditional sex-role expectations for males in our society: a male is expected to be tough, fearless, logical, self-reliant, independent, and aggressive. He should have definite opinions on the major issues of the day and make authoritative decisions at work and at home. He is expected to be strong, a sturdy oak, and never to be depressed, vulnerable, or anxious. He is not supposed to be a “sissy,” to cry or openly display emotions that suggest vulnerability.

【題組】40 What does the phrase “sugar and spice and everything nice” imply?
(A) Women should be kind.
(B) Women should be sexy.
(C) Women should work hard.
(D) Women should learn to cook.


請依下文回答第 57 題至第 60 題: 
    The mission of the prison is to protect society by 57 offenders in the 58 environments of prisons that provide work and other self-improvement opportunities to assist offenders in becoming 59 citizens. Prison authorities must ensure that no escapes or disturbances occur in its facilities, and ensure the physical safety of all 60 through the elimination of violence, predatory behavior, gang activity, and drug use.

(A) police officers
(B) prosecutors
(C) correctional officers
(D) inmates


