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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 警察特種考試_三等_消防警察人員:消防警察專業英文#114830
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41 A fire _____ is a method of practicing how a building would be evacuated in the event of a fire or other emergencies.
(A) drill
(B) alarm
(C) escape
(D) fighter


42 I feel so _____ in this basement because it’s so much like a maze.
(A) delighted
(B) accustomed
(C) disoriented
(D) established


43 Firefighters and other officials have been _____ to monitor the affected areas, as burning of farmlands and illegal foraging occur during this time of the year.
(A) conducted
(B) controlled
(C) deployed
(D) detained


44 Most policies of insurance against property damage do not provide _____ for the consequence of acts of God.
(A) commendation
(B) compensation
(C) accommodation
(D) affirmation


45 Firefighters battled the flames for almost ten hours, but were hampered with water supply issues stemming from the nearest fire _____ being over 3000 feet away.
(A) hazard
(B) arson
(C) escape
(D) hydrant


46 Would you consider hiring a consultant to determine if this fire-prevention project is _____?
(A) detestable
(B) timid
(C) viable
(D) ethereal


47 The smoke emitted from oil _____ contains gases and particulates that may have toxic effects on our bodies, much like exhaust emissions from motor vehicles or smoke from wood stoves.
(A) conformation
(B) combustion
(C) confederation
(D) conservation


48 Forest fires in northern Thailand are threatening to worsen the country’s air pollution, which has sent nearly 2 million people to hospitals with _____ illnesses since the beginning of the year.
(A) respiratory
(B) reciprocated
(C) regretful
(D) replicable


49 A fire is an emergent situation in any location. In a hospital with _____ materials and gases, the sense of emergency is heightened.
(A) fireproof
(B) flammable
(C) fundamental
(D) fragmentary


50 A wildfire forced evacuations in El Paso County. All other residents within a two-mile _____ of the intersection of Peterson Road and Galley Road in Cimarron Hills were initially put on pre- evacuation notice, but that was later lifted.
(A) radar
(B) ratio
(C) radius
(D) ration


51 Fire doors are specialist doors which have been tested against the elements and purpose-built to withstand roaring fires for as long as possible. They enable buildings to________ and delay the spread of fire from one area to another, and form a crucial part of a passive fire protection strategy.
(A) compartmentalize
(B) communicate
(C) comprehend
(D) compromise


請依下文回答第 52 題至第 56 題
       Taitung’s Zhiben Wetlands caught fire late Sunday afternoon, burning into the night, fueled by strong winds,   52   over an area of five hectares. The fire drew the suspicion of environmentalists who completed a survey of endangered bird species in the wetland earlier in the day. They called   53   the Taitung Fire Department to thoroughly investigate whether the fire was an act of   54   . The Society of Wilderness (SOW) and the Wild Bird Society of Taitung County conducted a wild bird field study on Sunday morning, counting the number of endangered bird   55   such as ring-necked pheasants, orioles, and Taiwan thrush. Many of these birds   56   in the shrubs on the north bank of the Zhiben River mouth.

(A) spread
(B) spreading
(C) was spread
(D) being spread


(A) into
(B) at
(C) upon
(D) in


(A) defiance
(B) valor
(C) will
(D) arson


(A) species
(B) spices
(C) sparks
(D) specials


(A) nest
(B) nesting
(C) been nested
(D) having nested

17( ).

請依下文回答第 57 題至第 60 題
       Fire is one of humankind’s most significant discoveries, but it can also be a great source of danger in accidents. On average 8 in 1,000,000 people are killed annually in Europe, and more are hospitalized due to fire. Fortunately, governments that have continuously adjusted fire safety strategies have addressed this risk. As a positive result, in the past 30 years, fire deaths dropped by 65% in Europe. 
       Buildings notably represent an important part of the places where fire has fatal consequences. Therefore, numerous national and regional fire safety regulations have been implemented targeting buildings specifically. Plastics are used in various building and construction applications, from durable pipes and window frames to state-of-the-art insulation solutions. Over the years, the industry has increased efforts to develop plastic materials, products, and construction solutions with lower ignitability and limited impact on fire spread, contributing to the ongoing reduction of fatalities, injuries, and property damage due to fire.
       The most crucial aspect of a building’s safety in the face of fire is the possibility of a safe escape. A necessary precondition is that fire safety facilities enable independent and adequate fire response performances by the building’s occupants. In practice, the measures currently required by law do not always provide the support people need in burning buildings. Fire evacuation is essential to bring fire safety measures into line with occupants’ needs during an incident. Training and education at all levels play a vital part in this. The management responsible for a building must ensure that the occupants understand how to behave in the event of a fire.
       Fire safety has always been and continues to be a major objective for the industry and an integral part of product design and manufacturing. However, to provide adequate fire safety in buildings, consideration must be given to various connected design and use aspects. In addition, training and education to help building occupants respond adequately in the face of fire also plays a vital role in building fire safety.

【題組】57 What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) Fire is a both a great invention and a source of danger.
(B) The number of deaths caused by fire has greatly reduced in the past 30 years.
(C) It is important that we take measures to ensure fire safety in buildings.
(D) Fire evacuation can help ensure the safety of building occupants.

18( ).

【題組】58 According to the passage, what has the industry done to reduce fatalities, injuries, and property damage due to fire?
(A) Adjust fire safety strategies continuously.
(B) Deregulate safety regulations targeting buildings specifically.
(C) Design and use construction materials that are less likely to catch fire.
(D) Provide training and education on fire safety to building occupants.

19( ).

【題組】59 According to the passage, what is required to ensure fire safety in buildings?
(A) Fire safety facilities and adequate training are both needed to enable adequate fire response performances by the building’s occupants.
(B) Building industries reduce the uses of plastics in a wide and growing range of building and construction applications.
(C) Civil servants implement national and regional fire safety regulations targeting buildings specifically.
(D) The management leaves the responsibility for independent and adequate fire response performances to building occupants.

20( ).

【題組】60 What does “insulation” in the second paragraph most likely mean?
(A) Exposure
(B) Display
(C) Reducing
(D) Reinforcing

一、中翻英:(10 分) 
2022 年 3 月 30 日,台南市南區一家五樓醫院發生火災,造成三人死亡,十五人受傷。火災發生時,醫院裡有約 30 多名病人及職員。 消防人員趕到現場後,發現火勢已經蔓延到整個五樓,許多病人和職員被困在室內。經過近 2 個小時的救援,消防員成功將被困人員救出,但是仍有三名病患因為傷勢過重不幸身亡。火災原因仍在調查中。

二、英文作文:(15 分) 
最近有關 AI(人工智慧)的議題甚囂塵上,研發者不但爭相把 AI 導入日常生活如人臉辨識或智慧監控,更為醫療、商業、金融業或各種服務業帶來無限可能。請就消防警察此一專業為出發點,寫一篇約 250 字的作文,說明你對 AI 的了解、AI 對你的專業領域可能產生的負面影響或正面貢獻,以及你如何做充分的準備面對 AI 時代的來臨,以免被淘汰。


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 警察特種考試_三等_消防警察人員:消防警察專業英文#114830-阿摩線上測驗
