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2. Claire has started to exercise every day in order to have a ________ and healthy body.
(A) dead
(B) lean
(C) pale
(D) whole


28. Jane is tired of ____ to work by car and is going to try taking public transportation instead.
(A) submitting
(B) commuting
(C) devoting
(D) adapting


24. I haven’t decided when I’m ___ New York. I’ll let you know once I get the flight ticket.
(A) walking out on
(B) taking off
(C) leaving for 
(D) setting up with


第二篇: Havana is both the capital city and the leading commercial center of Cuba. This city, officially 36 as one of the New 7 Wonders Cities in May 2015, attracts millions of tourists 37 . It is known for its history, culture, architecture, and monuments. However, Barack Obama did not have the chance to fly to the Wonder until March 20, 2016 after 2014 America’s rapprochement and 38 of the trade embargo with Cuba. Obama and his family took three hours to get to Havana by Air Force One, while Calvin Coolidge, the last sitting U.S. President to visit the island, 39 three days on a battleship traveling to Cuba 88 years earlier. The 40 of an American President in Havana is truly a perfectly surreal moment!
(A) ambitiously


       Some wines are made from a combination of varieties, while others are the product of a single grape. Both can be great--so how does the winemaker decide which to do? In fact, how do they choose which grape varieties to grow in the first place? Take, for example, red Burgundy and red Bordea eaux wines. To the novice, Burgundy can seem  ___31___ and off-putting, but actually it's a a very simple, single-variety wine-100 percent Pinot Noir. Red Bordeaux, however, is a___32___ of principally Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Merlot. How did this come about? The answer ___33___ an interrelationship between geography, climate, tradition, and law. In the case of Burgundy and Bordeaux, it is differences in climate that ___34___ the choices of grapes. Big berries with thin skins, such as Pinot Noir, ripen earlier than smaller, thicker-skinned varieties. That is why Pinot Noir is grown successfully in cooler climates with shorter sun mmers. Bordeaux, farther south, has more total hours of sunshine per year than Burgundy. This makes it a ___35___climate in which to grow long-ripening Cabernet Sauvignon.

(A) rips off
(B) lies in
(C) consists of
(D) caters to


