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試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 國中教育會考:英文科#85657
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1. Look at the picture. The man is holding one of the _____.
(A) bowls
(B) glasses
(C) plates
(D) spoons 5ec223ac7e3fa.jpg


2. My mom puts the _____ on to keep her hands away from water when she washes the dishes.
(A) gloves
(B) jacket
(C) ring
(D) socks


3. Can you _____ your feet a little off the floor? I want to see if my keys are under the sofa.
(A) check
(B) kick
(C) raise
(D) show

4( ).

4. _____ of my sisters are older than I am. I’m the youngest of the three children in my family.
(A) Both
(B) Few
(C) Most
(D) Some

5( ).

5. The beach near our town is a very _____ place. Every summer at least one kid dies there in the water.
(A) dangerous
(B) exciting
(C) lonely
(D) popular

6( ).

6. My wife enjoys going to the movies with her friends, but I like to watch TV at home by _____.
(A) I
(B) me
(C) myself
(D) mine

7( ).

7. For the past twenty years, my father _____ in a school library. But he’ll leave the job next month.
(A) worked
(B) has worked
(C) is working
(D) works

8( ).

8. It’s great that we can buy train tickets over the phone without going out. It _____ us a lot of time.
(A) lends
(B) prepares
(C) saves
(D) takes

9( ).

9. Mozart _____ his first music when he was only six years old.
(A) is writing
(B) has written
(C) will write
(D) wrote 

10( ).

10. Jill: Have you decided _____ you will celebrate your 30th birthday? Sue: Yeah, I’m going to have a big barbecue party.
(A) how
(B) where
(C) what
(D) when

11( ).

11. Alison doesn’t like _____ what to do. She only does things she wants to do.
(A) told
(B) to tell
(C) be told
(D) to be told

12( ).

12. Josh has planned to make a trip to New York and _____ some of his friends there.
(A) visit
(B) visits
(C) visiting
(D) visited

13( ).

13. Ms. Johnson has been taking phone calls since she entered the office this morning. Just when she thought she could finally leave work, _____ call came in.
(A) another
(B) each
(C) the next
(D) the other

14( ).

14. We were so sure that Jerry _____ well on the difficult job. His past experience in other work showed he was the right guy for it. So when he failed, no one believed it.
(A) had done
(B) did
(C) has done
(D) would do

15( ).

15. For Mike, the price is _____ important thing when he shops for jeans. He cares even more about the shape and the size of the pockets.
(A) the more
(B) the most
(C) the less
(D) the least 

16( ).

(16-17) When it arrives, Everyone cheers. The shirts and shorts dance On the clothesline, The trees and flowers wave Like they’re saying hi, And the clouds are so excited To have a running race. When it comes, Dad’s face falls. His coat and jeans jump Off the clothesline Into the pond. The tree leaves hop off And have a party on his new car. When it gets here, A lot of fun things I notice: The pond’s face, Sad and old with lines; Mrs. Smith’s bread, Delicious and freshly baked. But what smell is it? Oh, no, it’s from Mr. Brown’s feet!
【題組】 16. What is it in the reading?
(A) The sun.
(B) The rain.
(C) The wind.
(D) The rainbow.

17( ).

【題組】17. How does Dad feel“when it comes”?
(A) He is scared.
(B) He is excited.
(C) He is not happy.
(D) He is not interested.

18( ).


【題組】 18. What can we learn about Buffy’s friends?
(A) Matt has experience of yard sales.
(B) Jamie had a successful yard sale last week.
(C) Albert thinks weather is important for yard sales.
(D) Debby thinks things are cheaper online than at yard sales.

19( ).

【題組】19. What do Buffy’s friends think about having a yard sale?
(A) Albert and Matt think it’s a nice way to make friends.
(B) Debby and Albert think it’s difficult to make money from it.
(C) Matt agrees with Jamie that it’s a good chance to help people.
(D) Jamie agrees with Debby that it’s a lot of trouble to prepare for it.

20( ).


【題組】20-21) Here is an ad for Sunny Market. 20. From the ad, which is true about Sunny Sun pictures?
(A) The first day to use Sunny Sun pictures is Feb. 4.
(B) The last day to collect Sunny Sun pictures is Feb. 10.
(C) You cannot use Sunny Sun pictures to get free desserts.
(D) You cannot get Sunny Sun pictures when you buy books.

21( ).

【題組】21. Sammy has 7 Sunny Sun pictures. She wants to get a Sunny Cup. How can she get one?
(A) Use 6 Sunny Sun pictures and pay $100.
(B) Use 6 Sunny Sun pictures and pay $200.
(C) Spend $150 to get 3 more Sunny Sun pictures.
(D) Spend $200 to get 4 more Sunny Sun pictures.

22( ).



 22. From the reading, which picture best shows the “bain-marie” way of working with chocolate?
(A) 5ec22549e80b3.jpg
(B) 5ec2256098b42.jpg
(C) 5ec2259400f9f.jpg
(D) 5ec225ac8b5f2.jpg

23( ).

【題組】23. What does them mean in the reading?
(A) Bains-marie.
(B) Butter and sugar.
(C) Chocolate desserts.
(D) Small pieces of chocolate.

24( ).

【題組】24. From the reading, which is true about working with chocolate?
(A) It is better to use a “bain-marie” than a “water bath.”
(B) The water in the pot should not be warmer than 50ºC.
(C) It is better to finish mixing it in less than five minutes.
(D) We should not mix butter and sugar together at the same time. 

25( ).


【題組】25. What does the news story say about the Yangs’ food truck?
(A) What people love about their food.
(B) What made them start their business.
(C) How they made delicious fried chicken.
(D) How they fixed their business problems.

26( ).

【題組】26. What does it mean when business is slack?
(A) It is bad.
(B) It is for sale.
(C) It is growing.
(D) It is open every day.

27( ).

【題組】27. What does that mean in the news story?
(A) A Taiwanese restaurant.
(B) A second Taiwanese food truck.
(C) A city block that sells Taiwanese food.
(D) A business that is popular across the country.

28( ).


【題組】28. What problem is Selena Bieber trying to fix?
(A) High school lessons are too difficult.
(B) Classes start too early in the morning.
(C) Too many students are late for school.
(D) Lunch break is too short for taking a rest.

29( ).

【題組】29. What can we learn from the letter?
(A) Too much melatonin can hurt teenagers’ brain.
(B) The brain stops making melatonin after 11 p.m.
(C) Sleeping longer helps the body make more melatonin.
(D) It is easier to fall asleep when the brain is making melatonin.

30( ).


 30. Below is some information from another study. 5ec2264e798fe.jpgDo the ideas in Selena Bieber’s letter agree with the information?
(A) Yes, because her letter says it is better to sleep from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.
(B) Yes, because her letter says getting up early is not helpful for learning.
(C) No, because her letter says students are asked to get to school by 7:30 a.m.
(D) No, because her lettersaysteenagers’ brains do not work well in early morning classes.

31( ).


【題組】31. What can we learn about Kivalina?
(A) It is waiting to shine.
(B) It has become history.
(C) It is fighting for one last hope.
(D) It has given up its chance to rise.

32( ).

【題組】32. What does it mean when we say a place is uninhabitable?
(A) It is not big.
(B) It is not popular.
(C) It cannot be bought.
(D) It cannot be lived in.

33( ).

【題組】33. What does the writer think about the Inuit people in Kivalina?
(A) Their way of living has been hurting the earth.
(B) They might not be able to get enough money to move their village.
(C) They should make the oil and power companies fix their problems.
(D) There are better ways than to move their village to somewhere else.

34( ).

【題組】34. What does the reading say about the Arctic ice?
(A) The Arctic ice covered 10 km2 of Kivalina.
(B) The melting Arctic ice kills about 400 Inuit people each year.
(C) The Arctic ice helped the Inuit people in Kivalina during bad weather.
(D) The melting Arctic ice has given the Inuit people enough water to use.

35( ).


【題組】 35.
(A) what else you can do
(B) how you can enjoy it more
(C) how it will change your life
(D) what is the best way of commute for you

36( ).

(A) costs you money
(B) hurts your health
(C) makes traffic terrible
(D) kills the planet slowly

37( ).

(A) And that’s why
(B) But that’s not all
(C) And here’s an example
(D) But that can be stopped

38( ).


(A) this is surely a surprise
(B) this sounds like a good idea
(C) this is perhaps a smart answer
(D) this is old news they have heard

39( ).

(A) had given hopes
(B) are a different story
(C) bring a bright future
(D) have been a great plan

40( ).

(A) this will not go away; it will stay
(B) they are not just saying it; they are going to do it
(C) they do not speak for others; they only speak for themselves
(D) this is not a guess; it is a lesson they learned from hard experience

41( ).

(A) In fact
(B) If so
(C) However
(D) Finally 


試卷測驗 - 109 年 - 109 國中教育會考:英文科#85657-阿摩線上測驗
