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1. _____ is a type of language produced by second language learners in the process of acquiring a new language. Learners create this language due to the influence of L1 knowledge, L2 input, and metalinguistic knowledge.
(A) Interlanguage
(B) Metalanguage
(C) Protolanguage
(D) Homolanguage


2. Communicative Language Teaching is believed to develop students’ all aspects of communicative competence. If a teacher guides students to do cross-referencing between verbal mode and nonverbal mode in real communication, what kind of knowledge is emphasized?
(A) Grammatical competence
(B) Sociolinguistic competence
(C) Strategic competence
(D) Discourse competence


3. To avoid language fossilization, teachers can employ different strategies of corrective feedback in class. _____ is the most preferred method since it can draw L2 learners’ attention to the grammatical form without interrupting the conversation.
(A) Request
(B) Recast
(C) Elicitation
(D) Metalinguistic feedback


4. Nation (2007) introduced the four strands as a reminder to balance diversified L2 learning activities. The four strands are meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, languagefocused learning, and fluency development. Which of the following is NOT classified as “fluency development”?
(A) Skimming and scanning
(B) Speed reading
(C) Repeated reading
(D) Intensive reading


5. _____ means that teachers and students collaborate in identifying a set of lexical-grammatical patterns from a corpus. Teachers can select and arrange the concordance lines in advance to minimize the cognitive load of this task.
(A) Data-driven learning
(B) Collaborative learning
(C) Project-based learning
(D) Task-based learning


6. The stock market is known for its constant ______, as prices can rise and fall rapidly based on a variety of factors such as economic news and investor sentiment.
(A) espionage
(B) fluctuation
(C) malediction
(D) hallucination


7. The ______ waiter fawned over the wealthy patrons, catering to their every whim and constantly showering them with compliments, in the hopes of receiving a larger tip.
(A) laudatory
(B) malleable
(C) mandatory
(D) obsequious


8. Many people choose careers in finance, law, and medicine because they offer ______ salaries, which allow them to live comfortably and enjoy a high standard of living.
(A) remunerative
(B) preposterous
(C) embryonic
(D) meticulous


9. The general’s clever ______ helped his outnumbered army emerge victorious in battle, as he used his superior knowledge of terrain and tactics to outmaneuver the enemy.
(A) despondency
(B) gratuity
(C) stratagem
(D) preemption


10. It is not appropriate to ______ someone based on their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, as everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.
(A) imprecate
(B) corroborate
(C) eulogize
(D) denigrate


11. The celebrity tried to avoid being ______ in public by wearing a hat and sunglasses, but fans still recognized her and asked for autographs and selfies.
(A) lascivious
(B) impromptu
(C) conspicuous
(D) munificent


12. After winning the award, the actress gave a ______ speech in which she thanked her fellow nominees and recognized their contributions to the industry.
(A) fatuous
(B) magnanimous
(C) boisterous
(D) formidable


13. The salesperson used ______ such as flattery and promises of special discounts to try to convince the customer to buy the product, but the customer remained skeptical.
(A) epitomes
(B) repercussions
(C) dissensions
(D) blandishments


14. The construction of the new highway caused the ______ of the city onto the surrounding countryside, leading to the destruction of wildlife habitats and ecosystems.
(A) encroachment
(B) effectuation
(C) surveillance
(D) vindication


15. Despite facing numerous setbacks and obstacles, the ______ athlete refused to give up on her dream of winning an Olympic medal and continued to train tirelessly.
(A) vertiginous
(B) querulous
(C) auspicious
(D) pertinacious


III. Cloze Test A. 16 – 20 題 
        Methane, the simplest alkane and a vital component of natural gas, is a potent greenhouse gas that significantly contributes to the anthropogenic warming of the planet. It is naturally generated via various biochemical pathways, such as anaerobic decay of organic matter, as well as anthropogenic activities, such as intensive animal husbandry and fossil fuel production. The atmospheric concentration of methane has surged by over 150% since the pre-industrial era and now constitutes about 20% of the total radiative forcing caused by greenhouse gases. 
        As reducing methane emissions has become a prime imperative for mitigating climate change impacts, several strategies ____16___, such as enhancing the efficiency of animal farming, cutting down waste generation in landfills, and trapping methane at oil and gas facilities. A new, burgeoning approach to reduce methane emissions is the exploitation of methane as a renewable energy source, particularly in the form of biogas. 
        Biogas, a renewable, sustainable energy source, is derived by the anaerobic digestion of organic materials like animal waste, food scraps, and sewage sludge. This procedure generates a blend of methane and carbon dioxide, which can be processed to yield a purified fuel for heating, cooking, and electricity production. Biogas presents several advantages ___17___ fossil fuels, such as its ecological sustainability, minimal carbon footprint, and ability to cut down methane emissions from waste disposal practices. 
         ___18___ its potential as a fuel source, methane can also be utilized as a feedstock for manufacturing an array of chemicals and materials. Methane, through various chemical reactions, can be converted into diverse chemicals, such as methanol, which can be used as a fuel or as a building block for producing other compounds. Methane can also be employed as a precursor for the synthesis of hydrogen, a pivotal component in numerous industrial processes. 
        Nevertheless, several challenges and hurdles have to be surmounted to realize the full potential of methane as a fuel and feedstock. For instance, the production of biogas necessitates careful management of the anaerobic digestion process to guarantee that the methane is captured and not released into the atmosphere. Moreover, the purification and transportation of biogas are complex and costly. Likewise, the conversion of methane into chemicals and materials ___19___ advanced, sophisticated technologies and procedures. 
         In summary, methane, the simplest hydrocarbon with vast potential as a fuel and feedstock, plays a crucial role in the climate change conundrum. However, its production and utilization should be handled with extreme caution to avoid unfavorable environmental effects, including the exacerbation of climate change. By investing in cutting-edge research and development and promoting sustainable practices, we can optimize the benefits of methane ___20___ mitigating its disadvantages.

(A) have proposed
(C) have been proposing
(B) are proposed
(D) have been proposed


(A) over
(B) for
(C) with
(D) against


(A) Provided that
(B) As for
(C) Apart from
(D) Except for


(A) sticks by
(B) drowns out
(C) accounts for
(D) calls for


(A) though
(B) while
(C) if
(D) but


B. 21 – 26 題 
         The rise of Auto-Tune and its competitors in pitch-correction and vocal design is just one aspect of a larger trend: the voice as the primary avenue for artistic innovation and experimentation in the 21st century. From Top 40 radio to avant-pop experimentalists, from underground dance genres like footwork to internet-spawned micro-genres like witch house and vaporwave, artists have been pushing the boundaries of what can be done with the human voice. This includes manipulating it in a variety of ways, __21__ slowing it down or speeding it up, resequencing it, processing it into textureclouds, or smearing it across emotional landscapes. __22__ the basic rhythmic grammar of music has remained relatively unchanged since the 90s, the focus has shifted to sound design and vocal manipulation. Rather than creating entirely new grooves, beat-makers are more likely to modify or stretch existing templates. Vocal performances are now seen as raw material to be sculpted and overwritten with new emotional content, __23__ as sacrosanct expressions of emotion to be preserved. So why has this trend emerged? Why has Auto-Tune and vocal manipulation become so pervasive and epoch-defining? Part of the reason may be that it fits the aesthetic of our digital age. In a culture where everything is digitally edited and hyper-produced, the human voice cannot remain __24__ . Auto-Tune’s sheen and sparkle fits in with an entertainment landscape that values highdefinition screens, 3D camera movements, and grading that makes colors “pop” with vividness. Our emotional and social lives are increasingly __25__ by technology, through DMs, FaceTime, Snapchat, Tinder, Instagram, and YouTube. We use editing and processing to present an idealized image of ourselves to the world. In this context, it’s not surprising that pop stars are using artificial processes to disguise their imperfections, __26__ their voices. Auto-Tuned singing, with its transformation of bodily breath into beyond-human data, reflects the sound of desire, heartbreak, and other emotions in our digital age. It represents a digital soul for digital beings leading digital lives.

(A) alternatively
(B) furthermore
(C) in lieu of
(D) such as


(A) Now that
(B) Provided
(C) Since
(D) While


(A) even
(B) for fear
(C) rather than
(D) such


(A) discordant
(B) untouched
(C) visible
(D) wretched


(A) mediated
(B) conjugated
(C) negated
(D) pacified


(A) because of
(B) due to
(C) including
(D) regarding


A. 27 – 30 題
        Wars have a profound impact on politics. They can lead to changes in political regimes, alliances, and the allocation of resources. The aftermath of wars often shapes domestic and international politics for years or even decades. One notable impact of wars on politics is the proliferation of authoritarian regimes, which often arises as a consequence of the instabilities and power vacuums that emerge in the aftermath of conflicts. Such regimes, which are characterized by a concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals or groups, have been shown to be a direct result of the institutional disarray and societal chaos that often accompanies protracted warfare. Another significant impact of wars on politics is __27__ . This is particularly true in cases where wars involve multiple states or coalitions, as they frequently do. The reordering of political allegiances and alignments can have profound implications for global affairs and can set the stage for future conflicts or cooperation between nations. Additionally, wars have been known to catalyze political and social upheavals, including popular uprisings and revolutions. These movements often seek to overturn __28__ and can arise as a result of the grievances and disaffection that are produced by the social and economic disruptions that are attendant to war. Such revolutions can have far-reaching consequences, including the establishment of new political systems or the redefinition of existing ones. Moreover, wars have been shown to have deleterious effects on the democratic process, as __29__ . This concentration of power can be justified based on wartime exigencies, such as the need for rapid decision-making or the preservation of national security. However, it can also lead to abuses of power, including the curtailment of civil liberties and __30__ . In conclusion, it is incontrovertible that wars have a profound impact on politics, both domestically and globally. From the rise of authoritarian regimes to the reconfiguration of global power structures, wars have the potential to reshape political landscapes and catalyze social and political upheavals. As such, policymakers and citizens alike must remain cognizant of the political implications of military engagements, and take steps to mitigate their negative effects.

(A) the established political order
(B) the erosion of democratic institutions
(C) the reconfiguration of political alliances and global power structures
(D) they frequently lead to a concentration of power in the executive branch of government


(A) the established political order
(B) the erosion of democratic institutions
(C) the reconfiguration of political alliances and global power structures
(D) they frequently lead to a concentration of power in the executive branch of government


(A) the established political order
(B) the erosion of democratic institutions
(C) the reconfiguration of political alliances and global power structures
(D) they frequently lead to a concentration of power in the executive branch of government


(A) the established political order
(B) the erosion of democratic institutions
(C) the reconfiguration of political alliances and global power structures
(D) they frequently lead to a concentration of power in the executive branch of government


B. 31 – 34 題 
        Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a topic of considerable debate as its potential benefits and risks continue to be discussed. Although many recognize the advantages of AI, experts have raised concerns about its real dangers. Psychiatrist and futurist Robert Kegan emphasizes that the most significant peril associated with AI lies in its addictive nature, which has adverse societal and psychological impacts. In essence, devices capture our attention to __31__ our lives by using machine learning algorithms to generate the most addictive and distracting content possible. Furthermore, instructions to maximize and __32__ user engagement only worsen the addictive nature of these devices. Consequently, there has been an increase in depression, suicide, and degenerative diseases. Kegan contends that the addiction mechanism of these devices is self-perpetuating, and there may be no way to halt it. To __33__ and resolve this, Kegan believes that we must comprehend the fundamental differences between human intelligence and machine learning. While human intelligence is purposeful and involves value and meaning, machine intelligence only mimics one aspect of human intelligence, which is rationality. To __34__ and reduce the potentially catastrophic outcomes of AI, Kegan suggests that we engage our reflective and creative nature. He recommends that we distinguish ourselves from our tools to ensure that we utilize them intelligently and prudently. Kegan concludes that humanity’s survival hinges on our ability to differentiate ourselves from machines and employ our ever-advancing tools judiciously.

(A) address
(B) advance
(C) attain
(D) avoid


(A) address
(B) advance
(C) attain
(D) avoid


(A) address
(B) advance
(C) attain
(D) avoid


(A) address
(B) advance
(C) attain
(D) avoid V. Reading Comprehension


A. 35 – 38 題 
         Two years have elapsed since the publication of the Los Angeles Times article delving into the tragic deaths of K-pop idols Goo Hara and Sulli, yet the relevance of the article remains steadfast. The piece provided a profound examination of suicide, emphasizing the importance of resisting the urge to reduce such tragedies to a simple narrative solely attributed to the darker aspects of the K-pop industry. 
         While it is undeniably true that female K-pop idols often confront intense public scrutiny and misogyny, it is essential to recognize that suicide is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Although suicide contagion—the idea that exposure to suicide can increase suicidal behavior—is a legitimate concern, reducing the conversation to the darker aspects of the K-pop industry only serves to exacerbate the problem. 
          A more effective approach involves addressing the larger sociocultural factors that contribute to mental health issues and suicidal ideation, particularly the cultural taboo surrounding mental health. Despite the progress made in destigmatizing mental health issues, mental health remains a taboo topic in many parts of the world. To move forward, it is imperative to foster a dialogue that promotes openness and actively challenges stigmatizing attitudes toward seeking help. Simply discussing suicide is insufficient; the language and approach we use are of paramount importance. 
         As the global statistics on suicide illustrate, this issue goes beyond the Korean entertainment industry. Suicide rates remain high, and it is crucial to comprehend that suicide is a complex issue with no straightforward cause or individual to blame. By cultivating a conversation that prioritizes openness and actively challenges stigmatizing attitudes toward mental health, we can begin to make progress toward preventing tragedies like those of Goo Hara and Sulli. 
         In conclusion, it is necessary to reiterate that suicide is a complex issue that requires a thoughtful and multifaceted approach. As we continue to grapple with the impact of these tragic deaths, we must work towards creating a culture of openness and destigmatization, both within the K-pop industry and society at large. Only then can we hope to make meaningful progress in addressing the issue of suicide and preventing future tragedies.

【題組】35. Which of the following statements is NOT the author’s description of the issue of suicide?
(A) Suicide is a complex issue that has no straightforward cause and requires a multifaceted approach.
(B) Sociocultural factors that contribute to mental health issues must be addressed to lower suicide rates.
(C) Suicide only becomes an issue when it isn’t openly discussed; therefore, we should prioritize openness.
(D) The language and approach we use during discussions about suicide is of paramount importance.


【題組】36. According to paragraph 2, what exacerbates the problem of people committing suicide?
(A) By recognizing that suicide is an issue caused by multiple reasons.
(B) By reducing discussions to negative aspects of the entertainment industry.
(C) By imposing individuals to news and ideas that pertain committing suicide.
(D) By addressing the issues of sociocultural factors that exist within many Asian communities.


【題組】37. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about present discussions related to suicide in the K-pop industry?
(A) Discussion in the K-pop industry tends to revolve around complex and multifaceted phenomenon.
(B) Present day discussions related to suicide in the K-pop industry tends to focus on the darker aspects.
(C) Discussion in the K-pop industry usually relates to the idea that exposure to suicide can increase suicidal behavior.
(D) The K-pop industry ignores discussions as it is a problem that can only be solved through addressing sociocultural factors.


【題組】38. According to paragraph 3, what is the main reason that many mental health issues have not been addressed?
(A) The approach used to address the issue is not supportive and open.
(B) The dialogue that encourages seeking help has not been properly spread.
(C) The cultural taboo surrounding mental health prevents discussion of the issue.
(D) The stigma against mental health prevents potential dialogue that addresses cultural issues.


B. 39 – 42 題 
            Carbon rights refer to the legal rights associated with the ownership, management, and use of carbon resources. These rights are becoming increasingly important as the world grapples with climate change, and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions becomes more urgent. 
            Carbon rights are also an important tool for addressing the economic, social, and environmental challenges associated with climate change. Carbon rights are based on the principle that carbon emissions have an impact on the climate and the environment. As such, those who emit carbon should bear the costs of their emissions. This principle is embodied in the concept of carbon pricing, which involves putting a price on carbon emissions in order to encourage businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions.
             There are two main types of carbon rights: ownership rights and usage rights. Ownership rights refer to the right to own and control carbon resources, such as oil, gas, and coal. These rights are often held by companies or governments, and can be bought and sold like other commodities. Usage rights refer to the right to use carbon resources, such as the right to emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These rights are often granted through permits or allowances, and can be traded on carbon markets. 
            Carbon rights can have a significant impact on the economy and the environment. By putting a price on carbon emissions, carbon pricing can create incentives for businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions and invest in cleaner technologies. Carbon pricing can also generate revenue for governments, which can be used to fund climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
            However, there are also concerns about the potential impact of carbon rights on social equity. Carbon pricing can disproportionately affect low-income households and communities, who may not have the resources to invest in cleaner technologies. There is also a risk that carbon markets could lead to speculation and market manipulation, which could undermine the effectiveness of carbon pricing.
           To address these concerns, it is important to design carbon pricing policies and carbon markets in a way that takes social equity and environmental sustainability into account. This can be done by implementing measures such as revenue recycling, which involves using the revenue generated by carbon pricing to fund programs that benefit low-income households and communities.

【題組】39. What is the principle behind carbon rights?
(A) Those who emit carbon should be rewarded for their emissions.
(B) Those who emit carbon should not bear the costs of their emissions.
(C) Those who emit carbon should bear the costs of their emissions.
(D) Those who emit carbon should be punished for their emissions.


【題組】40. What is the purpose of carbon pricing?
(A) To increase carbon emissions.
(B) To create incentives for businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions.
(C) To benefit low-income households and communities.
(D) To promote market manipulation.


【題組】41. What is the potential impact of carbon pricing on low-income households and communities?
(A) Disproportionate impact, as they may not have the resources to invest in cleaner technologies.
(B) No impact, as they are not affected by carbon emissions.
(C) Positive impact, as they may benefit from the revenue generated by carbon pricing.
(D) Negative impact, as they may be excluded from participating in carbon markets.


【題組】42. What is the risk associated with carbon markets?
(A) Reduced revenue for governments, leading to decreased investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
(B) Insufficient demand for carbon permits, leading to economic stagnation.
(C) Increased carbon emissions, due to the lack of incentive for businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions.
(D) Speculation and market manipulation, which could undermine the effectiveness of carbon pricing.


C. 43 – 46 題
            Inflation, a term that is ubiquitous in economics, refers to the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is increasing, resulting in the concurrent decline of the purchasing power of currency. Typically, inflation is expressed as a percentage increase over a specified period, usually one year. 
             One of the main reasons for inflation is the escalation of the money supply. When the central bank creates more money, the money supply expands, leading to the devaluation of each unit of currency. The resultant effect is that as more money chases the same quantity of goods and services, prices escalate, which is known as the cost-push inflation. Another factor that drives inflation is the surge in the demand for goods and services. When demand supersedes supply, prices rise, a phenomenon referred to as demand-pull inflation. 
              Inflation has profound effects on the economy. One of the most significant consequences is the reduction of the purchasing power of money. As prices increase, people require more money to buy the same amount of goods and services, leading to a decline in consumer confidence, sluggish economic growth, and elevated unemployment rates. 
              Inflation also impacts interest rates. When inflation is high, the central bank raises interest rates to reduce the money supply and control inflation. This often leads to reduced borrowing and investment, thereby impeding economic growth. 
              Furthermore, inflation can affect the exchange rate of a country’s currency. As inflation surges, the currency value declines, rendering exports cheaper and imports more expensive. Consequently, this can lead to a decrease in the trade balance, which can also impact economic growth. 
              Central banks employ a variety of tools to combat inflation, including adjusting interest rates, controlling the money supply, and using fiscal policies such as taxation and government spending. However, taming inflation is a delicate balancing act, as measures taken to reduce inflation can also lead to a slowdown in economic growth.

【題組】43. What is demand-pull inflation?
(A) An increase in the money supply.
(B) A decrease in the money supply.
(C) An increase in demand for goods and services.
(D) An increase in taxes.


【題組】44. What happens to interest rates when inflation is high?
(A) They increase.
(B) They decrease.
(C) They remain the same.
(D) It depends on the country’s central bank policy.


【題組】45. What is the impact of high inflation on consumer confidence?
(A) It increases consumer confidence.
(B) It decreases consumer confidence.
(C) It has no effect on consumer confidence.
(D) It depends on the country’s economic policies.


【題組】46. What is the role of central banks in managing inflation?
(A) They have no role.
(B) They can control the money supply to manage.
(C) They can increase demand for goods and services.
(D) They can decrease the cost of inputs such as labor and materials.


D. 47 – 50 題 
          In the Western world, the perception of time distinguishes it from earlier civilizations. Unlike ancient cultures that embraced the cyclical nature of time, the West adopted a mechanistic and mathematical approach. The invention of the clock revolutionized time, turning it into a tradable commodity. This shift played a pivotal role in the emergence and exploitation of industrial capitalism. 
          The origin of the clock can be traced back to the epoch of the eleventh century, whereas the inception of a bona fide clock materialized during the thirteenth century. Nevertheless, it was not until the sixteenth century that clockmaking achieved heightened accuracy, culminating in the inclusion of minute hands in the eighteenth century. These notable strides in horological precision concurred with the burgeoning sway of capitalism and the industrial revolution, endowing meticulous time measurement crucial for the exploitation of laborers.
            The clock not only represented technological progress but also profoundly influenced human behavior. It stood as the initial significant automatic apparatus, laying the groundwork for the intricate machinery of the industrial revolution. Socially, the clock imposed a new sense of regularity akin to the disciplined existence found within monasteries. Individuals transformed into punctilious beings, detached from life’s innate rhythm. Time metamorphosed into a valuable asset equated with monetary worth, enabling the expansion of factory labor and the dispiriting regimentation of existence.
            As time consciousness permeated society, punctuality assumed the mantle of virtue across social strata. However, the obsessive reliance on mechanical time extended its grasp, resulting in adverse ramifications for factory labor. Rigorous schedules led to health ailments and a deterioration in work quality. Workers became enslaved by the clock, anxiously anticipating their limited leisure time, which they occupied with mechanized entertainment. The predominance of mechanical time and machines over human lives presents a dilemma. While they possess merits in coordinating endeavors and minimizing excessive toil, their current dominance stifles individual freedom and distorts a balanced perspective. In a rational and liberated society, machines and clocks ought to serve as instruments for efficient collaboration rather than oppressive overlords. Striving for a resurgence of equilibrium, emancipated from the worship of time, becomes imperative. Genuine liberty necessitates liberation from the tyranny of abstractions, including the reign of machines and clocks.

【題組】47. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning the industrial revolution in paragraph 2?
(A) The author wants to say that the minute hand was a product of the industrial revolution to sell as merchandise.
(B) The author wants to give a simple context that would inform the reader of the specific historical date of creation.
(C) The author purposely mentions the industrial revolution to criticize how we are all exploited factory workers.
(D) The author wants to imply that timekeeping was not merely a technological advancement but was also linked to industrialization, capitalism, and exploitation.


【題組】48. According to the author in paragraph 3, what does the clock symbolize under a social context?
(A) The clock represents the groundwork that was laid down to kick-start the industrial revolution.
(B) The clock symbolized oppressive regimes and how people become a sacrifice for technological improvement.
(C) The clock represents a shift towards a more structured and regulated existence, where time becomes a measurable and valuable asset.
(D) The clock represents the precise coordination of workers’ schedules and contributed to the dispirited routines that would characterize their entire lives.


【題組】49. According to paragraph 4, which of the following is NOT one of the negative impacts of time consciousness?
(A) Scheduled activities.
(B) Limited leisure time.
(C) Exploitation of laborers.
(D) Detachment from natural rhythms.


【題組】50. What does the term emancipated in paragraph 5 imply about our relationship with time?
(A) Time is a to-do-list that we check off every single day.
(B) The term implies that time is a constraint and we are enslaved by it.
(C) We happily rely on time that we do not miss any tasks that are on our schedule.
(D) Time is our benefactor and we freely cooperate with it to ensure our daily lives operate smoothly.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 新北市立國民中學教師聯合甄選試題:英文科#115007-阿摩線上測驗
