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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(51~75)
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Airplanes make it ________ for us to travel from country to country in a very short time.
(A) perhaps
(B) possible
(C) possibility
(D) impossibl

2( ).

You have to quit _____,Bill. It’s not good for your health.

3( ).

Advice when most needed is least heeded.

4( ).

Though Irene uses heavy make-up, her wrinkles still ____ her age.
(A) perceive
(B) prevent
(C) sacrifice
(D) reveal

5( ).

Being an enthusiastic participant in Expo 2010, Taiwan spent several months __________ a 1,400-square-meter pavilion.

6( ).

9. Two of nature’s most dangerous types of storms are tornados and ________. Both are windstorms and often cause great damages.
(A) deflections
(B) floods
(C) hurricanes
(D) droughts

7( ).

2. _____ the fact that the program has saved thousands of children who would otherwise have died, it is going to be terminated.
(A) Despise
(B) Despite
(C) In spite
(D) Respite

8( ).

6. Eunice phoned and _____ told us about the birth of her first grandchild and invited us to a party at her house.
(A) joyously
(B) furiously
(C) cautiously
(D) tactfully

9( ).

7. Spending time on such a trivial thing is simply not _____________.
(A) irresponsible
(B) hateful
(C) worthwhile
(D) contemporary

10( ).

IV. Reading Comprehension Questions 38-42 Birds, like mammals, have a four-chambered heart that separates oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. The blood temperature of birds is from 2˚ to 14˚ higher than that of other mammals. Though the use of the phrase “bird-brain” as an insult would suggest otherwise, birds in fact have a relatively large brain. They also possess keen sight and acute hearing, though they have little sense of smell. Birds are highly adapted for flight; their body structures combine lightness and strength. Body weight is reduced by the presence of a horny bill instead of heavy jaws and teeth and by air sacs in their hollow bones as well as in other parts of the body. Compactness and firmness are achieved by the fusion of bones in the pelvic region and in other parts of the skeleton. The heavier parts of bird bodies – the gizzard, intestines, flight muscles, and thigh muscles – are all strategically located for maintaining balance in flight. Feathers, despite their lightness, are highly protective against cold and wet. Feathers used for flight, especially, have great strength. Some birds, such as the ostrich, the penguin, and the chicken, lack the power of flight and have a flat sternum or breastbone, without the prominent keel to which the well-developed flight muscles of other birds are attached. In the majority of species of bird there are differences between males and females in plumage coloring. Male birds are usually the more brilliant or the more distinctly marked and are the aggressors in courtship. Most birds build a nest in which to lay their eggs. Some birds, such as the oriole, weave an intricate structure, while others lay their eggs directly on the ground among a few seemingly carelessly assembled twigs. Eggs vary in size, number, color, and shape. In spring and fall many birds migrate. Not all of the factors motivating this behavior are fully understood. These trips often involve flights of hundreds and even thousands of miles over mountains and oceans.
【題組】41. Which of the following is true about the plumage of birds?
(A) Females are more brightly colored.
(B) Males are more brightly colored.
(C) Males and females have the same appearance.
(D) Appearance varies by season.

11( ).

14. Besides _____ as a salesman, Daniel is also a professional plumber.
(A)he is
(C)to work
(D)have to work

12( ).

21. Investing your money in the stock market is _____ because you might lose a bundle.
(A) rewarding
(B) risky
(C) defensive
(D) prompt

13( ).

II. Grammar & Preposition (選出最適當的文法表達或介係詞) 
11. Peterson was abandoned after he was just born. He always wants to know the reason _______ his mother made this cruel decision.
(A) how
(B) why
(D) which

14( ).

5. Many educators, as Lev Vygotsky, believe that the role of education is to give children experiences that might encourage and advance their individual learning, as long as those experiences are within their ______________.
(A) Zones of Proximal Development
(B) Language Acquisition Device
(C) Communicative Competence
(D) Culture Awareness 

15( ).

61. I have to go to the office for a few hours. You can heat up your own dinner, can’t you?
(A) Sure. I’ll use the fridge.
(B) No problem. I’ll use the microwave.
(C) That’s okay. I know how to turn on the radio.
(D) Yeah. We heat it in the freezer.

16( ).

(46-50 閱讀三) People spend about a third of their lives asleep and cannot survive without it. Scientists have long understood the importance of getting enough sleep and the key part played by light exposure can sometimes be overlooked. The reason light is so important is that it sets our circadian rhythm, or body clock, via specialized light sensors within the eye. Our eye detects the light and dark cycle within our environment and adjusts the body's circadian rhythm so that the internal and external day coincide. This is so powerful that that people who have very severe eye damage can find their body clock is thrown off, leading to sleep problems. Jet lag is the most obvious example of the effect light can have. Exposure to light in the new time zone helps our body clock to local time, telling us the right time to sleep. We have become a light deprived species, and this has far reaching consequences for the quality of out sleep, and consequently our well-being. The optimum amount varies form person to person, but we do know that our bodies need exposure to very bright light that the majority of indoor lighting does not provide. One notable side effect is Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD), a form of depression thought to affect 2-8 % of Europeans, which is linked to lack of sunlight exposure. Minimizing light exposure before you go to bed, and trying to get us much morning light as possible, are simple steps that could help most people to regulate and improve their sleep.
【題組】49. What is true about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
(A) SAD only impacts people living in gloomy climates.
(B) SAD only comes along with cold temperatures.
(C) SAD is based on a lack of light.
(D) SAD happens only in the winter.

17( ).

III. Reading comprehension 12% For some children, school work is no fun at all. But this is not because they find it difficult. For a few children in the world, the lessons intended for their age group are just too easy. About one child in every million is what is known as “profoundly gifted.” He or she has very high intelligence and can do academic work that most children---and even many adults---can’t. He or she may be able to attend university classes at a very early age, or solve complicated mathematical problems that would confuse most people. But sadly, many schools don’t recognize the talent of these children. Because they aren’t encouraged to jump ahead to work suitable for their abilities, they can quickly become bored. They might also hide their talents to fit in more easily with their school friends. Some organizations now are starting to promote the interests of “gifted children” like this. The Davidson Institute for Talent Development in the USA gives advice to parents on how to help their child get the best from his or her education. It also criticizes many schools for not helping these children to “reach for the stars.” In today’s world, where so many problems---for example, environmental and medical concerns---are arising each year, we need as many clever new minds as possible to try to solve them. Therefore, shouldn’t children like this be encouraged to shine, and not left bored and frustrated, in their school classroom?
【題組】23. A “profoundly gifted” child is one who is _____.
(A)mentally mature
(B) extremely smart
(C) ignorant
(D) problematic

18( ).

VI. Reading Comprehension 
 Music therapy emerged as a profession in the 20th century after World War I and World War II. Both amateur and professional musicians attended veterans’ hospitals to play for the veterans who had suffered physical and emotional trauma. The impact of the music on the patients’ physical and emotional responses saw the doctors and nurses requesting to hire the musicians. It became apparent that the hospital musicians required training before starting, and thus ensued the beginning of music therapy education.
    Music therapy is administered by trained music therapists. A music therapist evaluates each clients’ unique needs. They ascertain a client’s musical preferences and devises a treatment plan that is customized for the individual. Music therapists are part of a multi-disciplinary team, working with other professionals to ensure treatment also works for the client to achieve their goals. For example, if a person is working on strengthening and movement in order to address physical limitations, a music therapist could introduce dance into their treatment plan. 
   Music grabs our attention and distracts us from stimuli that may lead to negative experiences, such as worry, pain, anxiety, and so on. This may also explain the anxiety and pain-reducing effects of listening to music during medical procedures. Moreover, music can regulate the activity of brain regions that are involved in the initiation, generation, maintenance, termination, and modulation of emotions. Music is related to memory processes. It is also involved in the analysis of musical syntax and musical meaning.

【題組】42. What does a music therapist do?
(A) A music therapist entertains his clients by singing Italian operas.
(B) A music therapist teaches people how to play music.
(C) A music therapist accommodates the needs of clients via an evaluation process.
(D) A music therapist approaches kids with music playfully more than adults.

19( ).

8. The manager resigned _____ , which left everyone in the company in shock.
(A) miraculously
(B) unexpectedly
(C) eagerly
(D) remarkably

20( ).

8. Traditional Chinese medical practices include ______ remedies, which use plants, plants parts, or a mixture of these to prevent or cure diseases.
(A) herbal
(B) descriptive
(C) frantic
(D) magnetic

21( ).

2. Despite being just a junior high school student, she was awarded a government _______ to study abroad, not only enabling her to immerse in a new culture but also relieving her of financial burdens.
(A) scholarship
(B) ownership
(C) regulation
(D) recreation

22( ).

3. According to the current uses, the Lintianshan Forestry Culture Park is _______ several main areas, including forestry exhibition, early settlement buildings, and administration area.
(A) made from
(B) accounted for
(C) brought up
(D) divided into

23( ).

Cross-Cultural Business Blunders 

[A] Many visitors to different countries don't realize how important it is to understand a country's culture. Sometimes people learn this lesson by making a big cross-cultural blunder, or embarrassing mistake. In business situations, these blunders can cost a lot of money or end business relationships. 

[B] When companies are trying to sell products, it's very important for them to understand what is important to their potential customers, and to understand a bit of their language. For example, one company wanted to sell toothpaste in Southeast Asia. In their advertisement, they claimed that their toothpaste whitened teeth. They didn't understand that many of the local people chewed betel nuts to make their teeth black and that these people thought black teeth were attractive. In another case, a car company tried to sell a car called "Matador" in a Spanish-speaking country. The company thought that it was a strong name because it means "bullfighter." In Spanish, matador is indeed a noun meaning "bullfighter." But it is also an adjective meaning "killing." Imagine driving around in a car called "Killing"! 

[C] Business meetings with people from another country can be very tricky when you don't understand the other country's culture. A European businessman had an important meeting with a company in Taiwan. He wanted to bring gifts for the people he was meeting with. He thought that something with his company's logo on it would be a nice gift. So he bought some very nice pocket knives and had his company's logo printed on them. He didn't know that giving a knife as a gift symbolizes cutting off a friendship! The Taiwanese businessmen were very offended. But luckily, the European businessman was able to repair the relationship with a lot of explanation and apologies. 

[D] It's very easy to make blunders like these people did. But it's also very easy not to. Before you visit a new country, research that country's customs and etiquette (social rules for polite behavior). You can find a lot of information online. Just go to a search engine and type in key words like "cross-cultural etiquette" or "cultural information Taiwan." By spending a few minutes doing research, you can save yourself a lot of embarrassment and make sure you don't accidentally offend anyone.

【題組】6. The European businessman had to _____ to repair his relationship with the Taiwanese businessmen.
(A) send new gifts
(B) explain and apologize
(C) accept gifts with the company logo
(D) buy more pocket knives without the company logo

24( ).

7. Why is "scaffolding" important in language teaching?
(A) Because it emphasizes the importance of using technology for language instruction.
(B) Because it involves teaching language through outdoor activities and exploration.
(C) Because it provides temporary support to learners as they acquire new language skills.
(D) Because it allows learners to have a chance to use the language as freely as possible.

25( ).

( )13. How is reformulation used as a strategy for giving feedback in a speaking activity?
(A) By providing written feedback on a student's performance.
(B) By assigning grades based on the accuracy of the student's speech.
(C) By correcting all errors made by the student during the activity.
(D) By repeating what the student said with corrected language.


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(51~75)-阿摩線上測驗
