(51 秒)

19. The professor required that George _____ his term paper by 8 p.m. tomorrow.
(A) submit
(B) submits
(C) submitted
(D) submitting


三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】(第 31-40 題為單選題,每題 2 分)
        In Japan, many people like to collect __31__ . However, due to land use and economic development, beetles have lost their homes in many parts of Japan, and become very __32__ in the wild these days. A local company then started selling bugs in __33__ . That is, bugs were put in automated cabinets with display windows on the streets for people to buy. This new way to own beetles turned out to be quite __34__ as the devices sell more than 1,500 bugs per month! However, some people disagree with this type of trade because they think beetles sold in boxes may lead to people treating them like __35__ and discarding them at will.

(A) loveable pets
(B) extraordinary toys
(C) lifeless products
(D) dangerous pests


       Though a common sight in Taiwan and in many other crowded Asian cities, the "motorbike waterfall" (thousands of motorbikes and scooters going down the ramp) draws the attention of many tourists and photographers. Many travel websites __36__ it as a tourist attraction in Taiwan. In Taiwan, which has a population of 23 million, there are around 14 million motorbikes, __37__ the country's Environmental Protection Administration. Motorbikes are the most common means of transportation in Taiwan and across Asia __38__ their affordability and fuel economy. In 2015, a Pew Research Center study found a __39__ between national income and the kind of vehicles people owned. It said two-wheelers like scooters and motorbikes were __40__ popular in South and Southeast Asia. More than eight-in-ten people in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia own a scooter, the study said.

(A) correlation
(B) diligence
(C) vowel
(D) treasury


14. The mother quietly closed the door to the baby’s room, and at just that ________ moment the phone began to ring.


19. Problems ______ from the decrease of rainforests include more pollutions, less oxygen, and fewer species of animals.
(C)that resulting
(D)have resulted


20. Our new neighbor is from the UK; she is not used ______ Chinese food.
(C)to eating
(D) to eat


27. We all look forward to meeting the guy ______Melody invited.


29. The bag ______ in Italy cost a fortune.
(B)was made
(D)which was made


30. ______, I would tell her I love her.
(A)If I were you
(B)If I am you
(C)If I had been you
(D)Were I you


       A word first coined in 1918, but rarely used today, may become a more frequently used part of the English lexicon. That word is "hangry," which is a combination of the words "hungry" and "angry". It means to be bad tempered or irritable as a result of hunger. The word is making a comeback because of research that suggests "hanger" is a diagnosable feeling. Researchers believe "hangriness" could be a genuine medical phenomenon. Scientists from the UK's Anglia Ruskin University examined how hunger affects emotions during our daily lives. Lead author Professor Viren Swami said the research indicated a strong link between hunger and feelings of anger, irritability, or low pleasure.
       The researchers analyzed data from 64 volunteers aged between 18 and 60. The participants had to complete surveys on a smartphone app five times a day for 21 days. The app helped people to give researchers real-time information on their feelings when they were hungry. Dr. Swami explained this provided a "meaningful" link between hunger and emotions. He said that the results of the study suggested that the experience of being hangry is real. He added: "We show, for the first time in a non-laboratory setting, that feeling hungry is associated with greater anger, irritability and lower levels of pleasure." He suggested that if people knew they were hangry, they could control their anger better.

【題組】50. Which of the following is Not true?
(A) The word "hangry" is made up of the words "hungry" and "angry."
(B) A coin with the word "hangry" was made in 1918.
(C) Data from an app was sent to researchers after 24 hours.
(D) Survey participants said there were hungry about five times a day.



Bushra Tsai剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了90分