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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試_基礎類科知能:英文#62180
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25Despite being the writer of several bestsellers, he appears ______ in talking about his writing perspectives.
(A) arrogant
(B) humble
(C) tumble
(D) stingy


26Being so greedy for fame and wealth, he never feels ______ with what he has.
(A) satisfied
(B) bold
(C) pure
(D) diligent


27He shows great determination to ______ the toughest job he has ever taken.
(A) accomplish
(B) convince
(C) demotivate
(D) succeed


28The idea of sleeping in on Sunday is quite ______ to me.
(A) earnest
(B) evaluative
(C) unreliable
(D) tempting


29A teacher has to be ______ enough to explain the lesson over and over again until every student understands.
(A) sensational
(B) timid
(C) improvising
(D) patient


30It is rather unreasonable if a doctor is expected to be in ______ of 30 patients at a time.
(A) charge
(B) place
(C) recognition
(D) memory


31You are asked to follow the ______ for applying for a visa.
(A) promotion
(B) progress
(C) procedure
(D) provision


32Armstrong’s landing on the moon was ______ in 1969. It was a giant step in human history.
(A) unrepresentative
(B) untrained
(C) untitled
(D) unprecedented


33Having been held since 1938, National Sweetcorn Festival, the oldest corn gala in America, boasts a grand parade, a carnival, and a demolition derby as well as a ______ that crowns a national sweetheart.
(A) spectacle
(B) narrative
(C) campaign
(D) pageant


34No sooner ______ he learned of the news of losing the game than he burst into tears.
(A) was
(B) had
(C) is
(D) has


35Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson, ______ sexual harassment, is poised to change how women fight back against sexual harassment.
(A) taking on
(B) giving off
(C) caring for
(D) handing over


36Peter was completely absorbed ______ his reading so he did not notice when Susan walked into the room.
(A) at
(B) in
(C) on
(D) off


37______ the organizing committee of the 15th EFL International Conference, held on July 20th, we are very pleased to inform you of the acceptance of your proposal.
(A) On grounds of
(B) On behalf of
(C) In case of
(D) In spite of


38______ you wish to cancel the airplane ticket one month before its flight, please submit your application form with the ticket and receipt to customer service.
(A) Could
(B) Might
(C) Would
(D) Should


Interstellar travel, space travel between the stars, has been a staple in science fiction writing for many years. Now, it is being taken seriously by many scientists, who are researching and discussing the possible problems likely to face an interstellar journey.
 Recently, one research team, affiliated with the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics (BPP) at NASA, has outlined three important breakthroughs that might bring the possibility closer to reality. Firstly, a new propulsion method that consumes much lighter fuels or even massless fuels must be developed. This requirement stems from the fact that current fuels either take up too much space in an interstellar ship or is too heavy to be effectively transported by the ship. Secondly, a propulsion system that attains the maximum speed theoretically possible will be needed due to the vast distances across space. Lastly, NASA sees a need for a breakthrough method of energy production to power the ship’s internal components. The BPP team sees possibilities between the breakthroughs required and past advances in history, such as jet engines replacing the propellers on aircrafts and steamships replacing sailing vessels. In other words, a brand new technology will be needed and is possible when viewed from a historical perspective. (This passage is adapted from an article from NASA’s webpage.)

【題組】39The word staple in the passage is closer in meaning to ______.
(A) a main focus
(B) a proved finding
(C) a striking event
(D) an innovative tool


【題組】40According to paragraph 2, a lighter or massless fuels have to be created because ______.
(A) the weight and space requirement of current fuel technology are too cumbersome
(B) they have to keep the spaceships smaller
(C) spaceships cost too much to add the mass and the space of heavy fuels
(D) the current fuel technology is one of the effective ways to make a long interstellar journey possible


【題組】41Which of the following statements about the passage is true?
(A) The purpose of using a new propulsion method is to reduce the cost of space travel.
(B) The current spaceship’s computer is defective.
(C) Scientists have successfully replaced the propellers on aircrafts with jet engines.
(D) Currently, the research team at NASA is trying to find a solution to keep the spaceships balanced.


【題組】42Which of the following is NOT mentioned by NASA as the requirements for a successful interstellar spaceship program?
(A) lighter and more efficient fuel
(B) extremely fast engines capable of maximum attainable speeds
(C) new computers to enhance the flying speed and internal systems
(D) new technology to power the internal system


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試_基礎類科知能:英文#62180-阿摩線上測驗
