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2. Shirley: How was your date with Sam yesterday?
 Stella: It can't be________ . I won't go out with him again.
(A) happier
(B) less
(C) luckier
(D) worse


       As ninth-grade students, many of you may be getting tired of all those tests you have to take and all the homework you have to do every day. Yet, have you ever thought not every child in the world is as lucky as you are? Not every child can go to school, and even some have to fight for it almost at the cost of their lives, like Malala Yousafzai. 
       Who is Malala Yousafzai? She's a girl of about your age from Swat Valley, Pakistan, which is ruled by the Taliban and where girls __13.__ like boys. However, most people there are too scared of the Taliban to speak up. You can see even the Taliban understand that studying at school will make people become smarter and then have their own thoughts and ideas, which is what the Taliban don't want for women. Knowing__ 14.__ . Malala wasn't afraid at all and kept trying her best to let the outside world know about their problems when she was only twelve years old. On October 9t, 2012, a gunman got on Malala's school bus, asking, "Which one of you is Malala?" He fired three shots at Malala, which almost killed her. Luckily, she was sent to a hospital in England soon after, and she became well later. Did the attack __15.__ ? As she said in her CNN interview, "They can kill Malala, but they can't kill my cause." 
       Do you still feel your life is so terrible? Think of Malala, and maybe you will thank for what you have more. 

(A) can't go to the same school
(B) are not able to go out by themselves
(C) can't decide who they want to marry
(D) are not given the right to study at school



Brian Chen剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分