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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 彰化銀行_新進人員甄試試題:英文#119812
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1. Every summer, my parents like to take a _____ because it allows them to stop and see several countries along the way.
(A) cruise
(B) view
(C) planet
(D) mount


2. You should cherish your family and not take their love for _____.
(A) sure
(B) excuse
(C) real
(D) granted


3. Several _____ were interviewed for the product manager position, but none of them was suitable.
(A) employers
(B) candidates
(C) politicians
(D) explorers


4. Jason is an _____ and thus always holds a positive view about everything.
(A) enthusiast
(B) anthropologist
(C) optimist
(D) ecologist


5. Mary wanted to go to a two-day concert in Chicago and hoped to get her parents’ _____.
(A) achievement
(B) determination
(C) inspiration
(D) permission

6( ).

6. Susan doesn’t like to watch R-rated movies which are often filled with violence because she finds such content very _____.
(A) disturbing
(B) embarrassing
(C) irregular
(D) superstitious

7( ).

7. Jonathan is a very polite and considerate young man thanks to his family _____.
(A) customization
(B) appropriation
(C) upbringing
(D) development

8( ).

8. Facing an unexpected situation, a well-trained manager can quickly devise some solutions and act _____.
(A) superficially
(B) accordingly
(C) ultimately
(D) generously

9( ).

9. The volcano is still _____, so local residents should pay close attention to it.
(A) clumsy
(B) strict
(C) humble
(D) active

10( ).

10. The bug looks tiny on your camera. Can you _____ in to get a clearer picture of it?
(A) pitch
(B) zoom
(C) sign
(D) kick

11( ).

11. Most babies are very _____ as they would cry whenever they want to be taken care of.
(A) moist
(B) solid
(C) rough
(D) needy

12( ).

12. The general saw it as a major _____ in his life when he was defeated in a battle.
(A) setback
(B) wriggle
(C) triumph
(D) refugee

13( ).

13. Many species have _____ because of the deteriorating environment of the Earth.
(A) dawdled
(B) vanished
(C) abducted
(D) fostered

14( ).

14. Some underdeveloped countries are suffering from _____, with people starving all the time.
(A) allergy
(B) harvest
(C) property
(D) famine

15( ).

15. The window glass of the room is _____, so no one can peek through even without curtains.
(A) prolific
(B) opaque
(C) sterile
(D) verbose

16( ).

16. Henry _____ play football when he was in high school.
(A) was used to
(B) used to
(C) did use to
(D) had used to

17( ).

17. In some states of the US, teenagers are allowed _____ how to drive when they turn 16.
(A) learning
(B) to learn
(C) to have learned
(D) to be learned

18( ).

18. Usually, what _____ on a Saturday night?
(A) are you done
(B) do you do
(C) have you done
(D) are you doing

19( ).

19. Would you mind _____ me where the bus stop is?
(A) telling
(B) to tell
(C) stating
(D) to state

20( ).

20. The boss promises to make a payment _____ he gets the money.
(A) until
(B) even if
(C) unless
(D) as soon as

21( ).

21. On each test table _____ five sheets and a set of pens and pencils.
(A) is
(B) has
(C) have
(D) are

22( ).

22. Between the two colleagues, Terry is _____ one because he wants to get the next promotion.
(A) ambitious
(B) the most ambitious
(C) the more ambitious
(D) more ambitious

23( ).

23. I have no idea where Lisa is. I suppose she _____ got stuck in the morning traffic.
(A) might have
(B) was to have
(C) should have
(D) would have

24( ).

24. Would you care _____ anything to drink? We offer all kinds of sodas and beers.
(A) by
(B) for
(C) about
(D) with

25( ).

25. I would never buy those _____ products.
(A) price-over
(B) over-price
(C) price-overed
(D) over-priced

26( ).

26. You don’t need to pay for your drinks. It is _____ the house.
(A) on
(B) in
(C) for
(D) with

27( ).

27. _____ his patience, the angry customer yelled at the waiter in the restaurant.
(A) Lose
(B) Lost
(C) Losing
(D) Loose

28( ).

28. _____ remains a mystery.
(A) Who the money was stolen
(B) Who was stolen the money
(C) Who did the money steal
(D) Who stole the money

29( ).

29. In 1984, the Arrow Academy, an institute promoting the sports of archery and training archers, _____ with only five members initially.
(A) was found
(B) was founded
(C) whom was found
(D) which was founded

30( ).

30. _____ good results in the Olympics, the athlete felt sorry for his fellow countrymen.
(A) Hasn’t earned
(B) Hadn’t earned
(C) Not having earned
(D) Having not earned

31( ).

       Do you know that you are __31__ your dog if you feed it chocolate? This sweet food loved by humans can be harmful for dogs and cause a variety of medical problems. The __32__ of damage usually depends on the type of chocolate. The darker and more bitter the chocolate is, the more serious the harm is to dogs. Furthermore, it is also affected by the amount of chocolate that the dog __33__ . Some of the effects are quite __34__ , and could even lead to death. So if your dog exhibits __35__ such as fast breathing, or vomiting, it’s possible that a chocolate “treat” was the cause.

(A) training
(B) pleasing
(C) abusing
(D) spoiling

32( ).

(A) location
(B) extent
(C) origin
(D) evidence

33( ).

(A) confirms
(B) connects
(C) contracts
(D) consumes

34( ).

(A) severe
(B) minimal
(C) negligible
(D) moderate

35( ).

(A) emotions
(B) symptoms
(C) products
(D) mistakes

36( ).

       The way we dress and the clothes we wear may be one of the most powerful forms of communication. There was once a brilliant American IT strategist who landed his dream job in Milan. Even though his plans and proposals were __36__ and the company was destined for increased productivity, his ideas were greeted with only a small amount of __37__ . A native Italian colleague politely informed him that his too-casual jeans, rumpled shirts, and __38__ hair were holding him back. Shocked that he should be judged on what he perceived as __39__ , he looked around at his well-dressed counterparts. It was time for a change of his attitude toward __40__ .

(A) flawless
(B) mediocre
(C) uninspiring
(D) lame

37( ).

(A) feminism
(B) criticism
(C) enthusiasm
(D) skepticism

38( ).

(A) disciplined
(B) immaculate
(C) apathetic
(D) unkempt

39( ).

(A) underestimated
(B) superficial
(C) overdue
(D) antiseptic

40( ).

(A) attire
(B) temper
(C) utterance
(D) posture

41( ).

       Leadership and management skills are something that rarely comes naturally to most people. But if you follow some basic rules and are willing to learn how to work with people, you will have things running much more smoothly in the workplace. Here’s a list of some major things you should not be doing.
        First, neglecting employees. Your workers are your business and they have to be treated properly. Failing to attend to workers can be a financial and productivity drag for any business. Workers are people with feelings and emotions and need to be told in many ways how important they are to the company.
       Second, shunning criticism. Being in a leadership position does not mean that you suddenly become immune to making wrong decisions. As a leader you must listen to constructive criticism and make necessary changes. If a worker cares enough to share his or her thoughts, the least you can do is listen.
        Third, _____________. You have to trust that your workers can do the things you have done for so long. A big part of leadership and management is about making sure that things run smoothly and efficiently, and that does not mean running from job to job doing everything yourself.
        Fourth, knowing everything. Many of the world’s greatest leaders are people of average intelligence who don’t know all there is to know in their industry. They understand that they can’t possibly know everything and they just need to hire people who do know their thing in their field.
        Fifth, lacking focus. Obviously, there will be things that come up during the day and require immediate action that will distract you from your work, but you must have a clear set of priorities to follow. Doing a little bit of everything gets nothing finished, causing stress and feelings of being overwhelmed among employees.
        Lastly, avoiding reforms. Holding on to old ways of doing things just because they’ve always been done that way is a sure way to lose business. If any aspect of the business can be improved then there has to be change, even if this means getting rid of a poorly performing worker or a product range that is no longer profitable.

【題組】41. What is the most appropriate title for this article?
(A) Workplace Survival: Six Dos and Don’ts
(B) Six Golden Rules for a Good Leader
(C) Top Six Mistakes for Leadership
(D) Six Good Reasons to Leave Your Boss

42( ).

【題組】42. What does the word “drag” (in the second paragraph) most likely mean?
(A) goal
(B) medicine
(C) result
(D) obstacle

43( ).

【題組】43. What is the third thing that should be avoided (in the blank of the fourth paragraph)?
(A) withholding responsibilities
(B) tolerating incompetence
(C) ignoring complaints
(D) blaming subordinates

44( ).

【題組】44. Why does the author suggest that a boss should not know everything?
(A) To know everything takes time and makes a leader feel frustrated.
(B) Great leaders just need to employ workers who is good at their part of the work.
(C) A leader who is too competent will bring pressure and frustration to subordinates.
(D) Employees may feel offended if their boss wants to know everything about them.

45( ).

【題組】45. Which of the following is NOT something a good leader should do, according to the article?
(A) Make changes for better profits
(B) Recognize workers’ value
(C) Listen to subordinates’ views
(D) Replace employees at will

46( ).

        The opposite of subliminal advertising is shockvertising. Shockvertising uses exaggerated sexual, violent, or offensive images or slogans. These advertisements can bring attention to health issues like smoking, public safety campaigns such as those about drunk driving, and many other causes, including wars.
        Shockvertising often brings discomfort among the public. An anti-smoking campaign in Britain showed people whose lips were pulled on by fish hooks. The advertisements were trying to illustrate how people get “hooked” on cigarettes. The campaign received hundreds of complaints about the violence of the ads, but it turned out to be highly effective.
        Studies report that shockvertising does significantly increase audience attention and memory of the ad. A study compared readers’ retention of a shocking ad, a warning ad, and an informational ad promoting safe sex to stop the spread of AIDS. The shocking ad outperformed the other two, and the researchers suggested that shockvertising causes more long-term behavioral changes than other marketing strategies do.
        Italian clothing manufacturer United Colors of Benetton regularly runs advertising campaigns labeled shocking by many critics. Their early advertisements aimed to portray peace where conflict was expected: a Palestinian and a Jew with their arms around each other or a priest and a nun kissing. Into the 1990s, Benetton drew attention to the AIDS epidemic with an image of a man dying of AIDS while his family sat by mournfully. People seemed mostly to resent that Benetton was profiting from these sometimes tragic pictures. In response, the company maintains that it is trying to help solve global problems.
        Not surprisingly, shockvertising can go too far for some viewers. Some studies show that when the message of the campaign is too discouraging, viewers tune out. Rather than paying extra attention, people turn a blind eye.
        Also, television channels might show their disapproval. The organization responsible for supervising TV commercials in Britain once refused an ad against domestic violence. The ad shows a woman returning home to an angry boyfriend who throws her to the ground and kicks her. The makers of the ad assert that the ad is violent because the issue is violent, but the censoring agency judged it too intense to be aired.

【題組】46. Which of the following can be a most typical example of shockvertising?
(A) A man keeps slipping over different objects on the floor in an ad against littering.
(B) A kid is stunned by the sound of a fired gun in an ad that sells high-quality earplugs.
(C) A rhino’s horn pokes out from a millionaire’s forehead in an ad against illegal hunting.
(D) A woman is dumbfounded when her husband says he likes men in an ad of sturdy chairs.

47( ).

【題組】47. What shocking image was used by the anti-smoking ad mentioned in the second paragraph?
(A) Fish bit people on the lips.
(B) Humans got angled like fish.
(C) Fish were choked by cigarettes.
(D) People were fishing for cigarettes.

48( ).

【題組】48. What was most people’s reaction to Benetton’s 1990s AIDS ad?
(A) antipathetic
(B) frightened
(C) excited
(D) bewildered

49( ).

【題組】49. How is the topic of shockvertising presented by the author?
(A) All the examples are about the positive effects of shockvertising.
(B) Shockvertising is introduced without judgmental comments.
(C) Both pros and cons about shockvertising are shown.
(D) The author’s resentment against shockvertising is clearly expressed.

50( ).

【題組】50. What does the word “censoring” (in the last paragraph) most likely mean?
(A) reviewing and removing
(B) watching and criticizing
(C) keeping and protecting
(D) searching and locating

試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 彰化銀行_新進人員甄試試題:英文#119812-阿摩線上測驗
