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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益聽力測驗第三回:簡短獨白#116986
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Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following advertisement.

71.What is the primary goal for RIO Catering for the next year?
(A) Adding more international cuisines to their menu.
(B) Focusing on wedding events exclusively.
(C) Broadening their services to the business sector.
(D) Decreasing ingredient costs by 50%.



72.Who is the most likely person to give this speech?
(A) A satisfied customer of RIO Catering.
(B) The marketing manager of RIO Catering.
(C) The head chef at RIO Catering.
(D) A local farmer supplying ingredients to RIO Catering.



73.Which action was not undertaken by RIO Catering last year?
(A) Reduced waste by 30% through eco-friendly practices.
(B) Catered more than 200 events.
(C) Sourced 80% of ingredients locally.
(D) Specialized solely in Italian dishes.


Questions 74 through 77 refer to the following speech.

74.What is the primary message of the speech?
(A) Embrace rejection as a part of the journey.
(B) Seek only high-paying jobs for success.
(C) Networking is the sole key to job hunting.
(D) Job seekers should give up after three months.



75.What qualities are encouraged for recent graduates in the speech?
(A) Adaptability and persistence.
(B) Perfectionism and stubbornness.
(C) Isolation and self-doubt.
(D) Indifference and passivity.



76.Who does the speaker recommend reaching out to for support during the job search?
(A) Social media influencers.
(B) Employment services.
(C) Online job forums.
(D) High school friends.


Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following speech.

77.What is the primary concern raised by the speaker in the conversation?
(A) Decline in employee morale.
(B) Increase in online sales.
(C) Decrease in new customer acquisitions.
(D) Expansion of flagship stores.



78.What is the speaker's proposed solution to address the decline in new customer acquisitions?
(A) Launching a new advertising campaign.
(B) Reducing the number of flagship stores.
(C) Forming a task force for analysis and targeted strategies.
(D) Offering discounts to existing customers.



79.In terms of customer retention, what trend does the speaker mention?
(A) A stable customer retention rate.
(B) A steady decline in existing customer loyalty.
(C) An increase in customer churn rate.
(D) A significant improvement in customer satisfaction.


Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following broadcast.

80.What is the primary focus of today's podcast episode?
(A) Discussing strategies for career advancement.
(B) Analyzing the role of productivity in employee well-being.
(C) Exploring ways to increase overall happiness.
(D) Offering tips for successful project management.



81.What does the host, Lily, suggest might be a drawback of continuous productivity?
(A) Decreased job satisfaction.
(B) Loss of team cohesion.
(C) Lowering of overall company profits.
(D) Increased risk of burnout.



82.What will be included in the episode alongside practical tips?
(A) Narratives from individuals who have suffered from stress due to overwork.
(B) Interviews with CEOs on how to be productive.
(C) Insights from psychologists on mental well-being.
(D) Advice from life coaches on setting career goals.


Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following introduction.

83.What is the primary focus of Camberwell's new cashless supermarket?
(A) Embracing traditional payment methods.
(B) Offering a vast selection of electronics.
(C) Providing a seamless shopping experience.
(D) Promoting cash transactions.



84.How does this supermarket streamline the checkout process?
(A) Accepting only paper checks.
(B) Offering a bartering system.
(C) Promoting cash transactions.
(D) Utilizing cashless payment methods.



85.What is the main goal of the soft opening in Camberwell?
(A) Introducing traditional shopping methods.
(B) Celebrating a historic milestone.
(C) Discouraging technological advancements.
(D) Redefining grocery shopping convenience.


Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following excerpt from a meeting.

86.What was the purpose of the contract signing ceremony?
(A) To formalize a partnership between a manufacturer and a consultant.
(B) To celebrate a recent product launch.
(C) To unveil a new stainless steel window design.
(D) To discuss market trends.



87.What did the consultant emphasize in the marketing plan?
(A) Expanding the product line.
(B) Utilizing traditional advertising methods.
(C) Implementing digital campaigns and branding strategies.
(D) Focusing on in-person events.



88.What does the partnership aim to achieve in the stainless-steel window industry?
(A) To reshape the industry and achieve market dominance.
(B) To decrease market competition.
(C) To maintain the status quo.
(D) To reduce product quality.


Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following news report.

89.What led to the bakery's sudden surge in popularity?
(A) A local food festival.
(B) A viral social media post.
(C) A celebrity endorsement.
(D) A recent expansion.



90.How did the bakery owners react to their newfound online fame?
(A) They closed the bakery to avoid overwhelming demand.
(B) They decided to reduce their product quality.
(C) They expanded their production capacity.
(D) They increased prices to capitalize on the fame.



91.What is the significance of this bakery's rise to online stardom?
(A) It demonstrates the power of traditional marketing.
(B) It highlights the importance of celebrity endorsements.
(C) It emphasizes the need for larger retail spaces.
(D) It showcases the impact of social media on small businesses.


Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following exempt from a meeting and table.


92.What is the primary purpose of the CEO's announcement?
(A) To introduce new team members.
(B) To unveil an upcoming product.
(C) To disclose the chosen complimentary employee service.
(D) To discuss quarterly financial performance.



93.Look at the table. What free service will be offered starting next month?
(A) Gym Subscriptions.
(B) Workout subscriptions.
(C) Oral Health Coverage.
(D) Transportation aid.



94.What additional facility is being planned for next year?
(A) A Fitness Center.
(B) A Children's Care Center.
(C) A Commute Reimbursement.
(D) A Healthcare Clinic.


Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following breaking news and map.


95.What caused the closure of Jade Rd. near Alberto Metro Station?
(A) A construction project.
(B) A road accident.
(C) A protest rally.
(D) A gas leak.



96.Look at the map. Amy is in the Penny Park and going to take the MRT. Which is the nearest exit she should use to enter Alberto Metro Station?
(A) Exit 1 of Alberto Metro Station.
(B) Exit 2 of Alberto Metro Station.
(C) Exit 3 of Alberto Metro Station.
(D) Exit 4 of Alberto Metro Station.



97.At this time, how should drivers heading to Alberto Train Station navigate the area?
(A) Use Exit 3 of Alberto Metro Station.
(B) Take Spring Bay Ave.
(C) Utilize Dickson St. as an alternative route.
(D) Avoid the area completely.


Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following speech and table.


98.Look at the table, at which stage is the speaker addressing?
(A) Orientation Session.
(B) Retirement Celebration.
(C) Trivia Challenge.
(D) Karaoke Night.



99.What have Connie and Wendy successfully transformed in their work?
(A) Challenges into opportunities.
(B) Transactions into losses.
(C) Camaraderie into rivalry.
(D) Commitment into indifference.



100.What is the lasting impact that Connie and Wendy have had on their team?
(A) They have caused division and conflicts.
(B) They have created a culture of indifference.
(C) They have fostered camaraderie and inspiration.
(D) They have left no impact at all.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益聽力測驗第三回:簡短獨白#116986-阿摩線上測驗
