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【精選】 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文2024~2019難度:(251~350)
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2.Many people in Taiwan believe that capital punishment can _______ crime.
(A) deter
(B) perpetrate
(C) confiscate
(D) decay


16-20 閱讀測驗: 請根據題意,選擇一個最適當的答案。 It is not always understood that the term physical evidence embraces any and all objects, living or inanimate. A knife, gun, signature, or burglar tool is immediately recognized as physical evidence. Less often is it considered that dust, microscopic fragments of all types, even an odor, may equally be physical evidence and often the most important of all. It is well established that the most useful types of physical evidence are generally microscopic in dimensions, that is, not noticeable by the eye and, therefore, most likely to be overlooked by the criminal and by the investigator. For this reason, microscopic evidence persists for months or years after all other evidence has been removed and found inconclusive. Naturally, there are limitations to the time of collecting microscopic evidence as it may be lost or decayed. The exercise of judgment as to the possibility or profit of delayed action in collecting the evidence is a field in which the expert investigator should judge.
【題組】 16.The one of the following which the above passage does NOT consider to be physical evidence is a
(A) criminal thought
(B) minute speck of dust
(C) raw onion smell
(D) typewritten note


【題組】18.According to the above passage, the criminal investigator should
(A) give most of his attention to weapons used in the commission of the crime
(B) ignore microscopic evidence until a request is received from the laboratory
(C) immediately search for microscopic evidence and ignore the more visible objects
(D) realize that microscopic evidence can be easily overlooked


29.Narcotics investigators ______ a drug deal who carried 30 kg of controlled medications.
(A) provided
(B) cooperated
(C) interrogated
(D) violated
(E) questioned


13 Roger likes to go to see a movie to get relaxed in his_____time.
(A) stray
(B) sparkle
(C) spare
(D) stroke


19 The super model has extremely rigorous exercise habits. Her apartment is even _____with a gymnasium.
(A) acquainted
(B) scattered
(C) identified
(D) equipped


27 With his outstanding skills and extraordinary physical strength, the young basketball player will _____ become a super star someday.
(A) fortunately
(B) generally
(C) constantly
(D) undoubtedly


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
        Television is a major source of news for many people. Media outlets such as TV broadcasting companies  36  professional journalists to supply them with news stories. So, what makes a good journalist? First, a good journalist should get a lot of information about an event or situation. To do this, a journalist usually interviews  37  people. This way, s/he can tell the whole story, and not just one side, or opinion of it. Besides, a good journalist is  38  a breaking news story as quickly as possible. This means the journalist can report the story as soon as possible. In fact, professional journalists often  39  pride in being the first to report a story. A journalist’s job can be very interesting and exciting because s/he often gets to travel around the world. However, it is important to point out that a journalist’s job can also be very dangerous. Reporting a breaking news story often means being in place where there are wars, earthquakes, or tsunamis.  40  the situation around them is crucial for journalists in order to avoid getting hurt or killed. Being a good journalist requires a lot of hard work, an ability to evaluate information carefully, a willingness to take risks.

(A) rely on
(B) pick up
(C) take over
(D) point out


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
        London is one of the top travel destinations in the world, but for a first time visitor, navigating this large city can be overwhelming. Using an Oyster card is an easy way to save time and money if you are planning to use public transportation in London. An Oyster card is a blue credit-card-sized contactless smartcard that can be used on every form of public transportation within London, including public bus, underground, railway, and some river boat services. 
        The Oyster card was first issued on June 30, 2003. The name was decided after a lengthy discussion. Two other proposed names were “Pulse” and “Gem.” “Oyster” was chosen because it sounded like a fresh name that was not directly linked to transportation; also, the hard shell of an oyster and the concealed pearl symbolize security and value.But perhaps the best reason is William Shakespeare’s quote “ The world is your oyster,” which means one has the ability and freedom to do anything or go anywhere. So far more than 60 million cards have been issued and over 85%of rail and bus travel in London is paid by using an Oyster card. The card never expires. It can be used after any length of time. Besides, deposits can be refunded on return of the card. 
        The best reason to get an Oyster card is cost savings and convenience. It is cheaper to travel in London with this card than it is to purchase individual paper tickets for each trip. The card allows 40 people to pass through a ticket gate per minute, 15 more than with paper tickets, and also makes boarding a bus three times faster. For London Underground and the railway system, passengers have to touch the card on an electronic reader when entering and leaving the transport system. The reader will show either a green or a red light. The former indicates that you have sufficient credit for your journey while the latter indicates you do not have enough credit and you have to purchase more credit before you can continue your journey. For the public bus service, which has fixed price, passengers only need to touch the reader at the start of the journey when boarding. If you touch the reader again when you get off the bus, you will be charged an additional fare.

【題組】 46 Which of the following is the passage most likely to be taken from?
(A) A city guidebook.
(B) A technology magazine.
(C) A travel safety report.
(D) An instruction book for bus drivers.


【題組】 49 According to the passage, in what way is an Oyster card a better choice than a paper ticket?
(A) It prevents passengers from being charged twice.
(B) The electronic ticket is more environmentally friendly.
(C) It can save the time passengers pass through the gate.
(D) The more a passenger travels, the more refunds he or she can get.


27 Popular TV shows like CSI(Crime Scene Investigation)have _____ the general public’s knowledge of applying “forensic science” to analyze evidence and solve crimes.
(A) possessed
(B) decreased
(C) dismissed
(D) promoted


29 The police are responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining public _____, preventing crimes, protecting lives and property, etc.
(A) order
(B) health
(C) school
(D) opinion


37 Utilization of _________Forces has been involved in assisting with police work.
(A) Volunteer
(B) Vulnerable
(C) Vocational
(D) Vocal


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
   On April 22, 2019 (Sunday), close to 1,000 Uber drivers protested in front of the Presidential Office against the government’s proposed regulation to limit Uber’s business activities. In 41 of the protest, Uber also terminated its service for six hours on the same day. In February, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications(MOTC) announced a draft amendment on Article 103-1 of “Regulations for Automobile Transportation Operators,” otherwise known as the “Uber Clause,” calling for stricter rules that would essentially force Uber out of business. The amendment, if passed on April 26, would require Uber to 42 customers by a minimum of one hour in any given trip, regardless of distance. 43 , the rental car drivers working with Uber would have to return to their vehicle to the rental shop after every ride. According to Uber Taiwan, the amendment will 44 at least 3 million riders and 10,000 Uber drivers. 45 will have to pay for an hour-long fare even if the trip only lasts 10 minutes. Waiting time will also increase significantly since every driver will have to return the vehicle to its “garage.”

(A) Apparently
(B) Incidentally
(C) Additionally
(D) Obviously


(A) Drivers
(B) Inspectors
(C) Conductors
(D) Passengers


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
   Police career is a profession that demands higher ethical standards than others. It is often said that police officers are like living in a transparent fish tank, being watched all the time. The majority of police officers are dedicated and hard-working, serving the people and doing the right things. All police officers have ideals: integrity and honesty, justice and courage. Yet, sometimes, we heard stories of bad cops doing bad things—bribery, misuse of force, abuse of authority, etc. These are the black sheep that hurt the entire profession and violate police code of ethics. Police officers should never permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities or friendships to influence their decisions. The following Law Enforcement Oath of Honor is recommended by the International Association of Chiefs of Police(IACP)as a symbolic statement of commitment to ethical behavior:
   On my honor, I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold my community and the agency I serve.
   The Oath of Honor’s brevity allows it to be constantly referred to and reinforced during conversations and ceremonies. It is strongly recommended by the IACP that all agencies adopt the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor.

【題組】47 Which of the following should police officers have to influence their decisions?
(A) Prejudices
(B) Ethical codes
(C) Friendships
(D) Political beliefs


【題組】48 What does it mean when some police are referred to as the black sheep to the entire profession?
(A) Bad cops are considered a disgrace to the whole group of police officers.
(B) Good cops are as rare as a black sheep in a group of white sheep.
(C) Bad cops are outstanding for being unique.
(D) Good cops should tolerate bad cops for being black sheep.


【題組】50 According to the passage, which of the following is true about the police career?
(A) It necessitates higher authority than others.
(B) It establishes its own special system of rules.
(C) It demands more respect from the general public.
(D) It requires ethical standards higher than others.


10. Terrorists used a remote control device to ________ the bomb and tried to destroy the airport.
(A) deter
(B) detonate
(C) detect
(D) detain


2. Since their primary practical goal was to reduce crime ________, police long believed that they were in the business of crime prevention.
(A) victimization
(B) affluent
(C) implement
(D) affordable


     The key to understanding organized crime is to recognize that, like corporations and other businesses, it exists for a single purpose: to make a profit in a capitalist economy. The key difference between organized crime and “legitimate” businesses is that organized crime often makes much of its profit from illicit goods and services, and organized crime is prepared to use illegal means and practices, including violence, to achieve its profit-making goals. Like legal businesses, organized crime also seeks to gather and harness political power to assist in the conduct of its business. Once again, however, organized crime is prepared to pursue that goal, if necessary, through recourse to illegal methods. Actual violence is rare in organized crime activities, and is usually related to street-level activities. While violence is bad for business, the potential for violence is often enough to give organized crime networks a distinct advantage in the marketplace.
【題組】9. Based on the passage, which statement is correct?
(A) There is no difference between organized crime and legal businesses.
(B) Actual violence is usually used by organized crime networks to occupy market.
(C) Political power can help organized crime to pursue illegal profits.
(D) Organized crime will use political power to pursue benefits, but corporation won’t.


15.As vessels sail close to the coast, mariners can use peculiar targets in land as a landmark to ________.
(A) navigate
(B) negotiation
(C) neglect
(D) newsstand


39.There is a range of methods that can be applied to the comparative study of policing, which can be ________ as case studies or statistical analysis.
(A) sloped
(B) classified
(C) episode
(D) vanished
(E) categorized


2. Fire alarm systems used to protect life and property are ________ through fire detectors, such as smoke or heat sensors.
(A) activated
(B) accessed
(C) accused
(D) acceded


11. The Poarch Band of Creek Indians tribe, which is a Native American tribe, says it will cover the cost of funerals and burials for all the ________ of Sunday's tornadoes in southeastern Alabama.
(A) victors
(B) hostages
(C) felons
(D) victims


24. The fact that smaller companies are able to react more quickly to economic fluctuations than larger ones is ________ their greater flexibility.
(A) used to
(B) owe to
(C) relate to
(D) due to


26.________ is the secret planning by a group of people to do something bad, unlawful or harmful.
(A) Conspiracy
(B) Accomplice
(C) Coercion
(D) Compromise


28. African swine fever is a highly contagious hemorrhagic disease of pigs, and almost 1 million pigs ________ over the past six months as China battles the disease.
(A) slaughtered .
(B) were slaughtered
(C) have slaughtered
(D) have been slaughtered


31 A new job different from what you are used to do will help you feel more ________ and eager to learn.
(A) engaged
(B) deposited
(C) submitted
(D) conducted


37 The young teacher is so ________ and passionate that she always motivates her students through a variety of activities.
(A) precise
(B) defensive
(C) ordinary
(D) dynamic


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
     Alzheimer’s disease attacks the brain. It slowly takes away a person’s abilities to think, to move or to take care of himself. In the beginning, a person cannot   46    things as he used to. Then that person finds it difficult to talk. Finally he feels   47   about where he is, what time it is or who the people around him are. 
    Alzheimer’s usually does not   48    in people before the age of 40, although the youngest person ever discovered to have Alzheimer’s was 27 years old. If a person has begun to have difficulties remembering, thinking or talking, he should see a   49    right away. There are about 4.8 million Americans who have this terrible sickness.
     Alzheimer’s not only attacks the patient but also the patient’s family. They have to   50    the pain of seeing the one they love live with this problem. It is also very difficult for them to take care of the person who has Alzheimer’s. Scientists are working hard to find a cure for Alzheimer’s, but it is difficult because it affects the brain. It may be a long time before there is a cure.

(A) elevated
(B) excited
(C) unusual
(D) uncertain


42 Death penalty or______ punishment is a legal process whereby a person is put to death by the law of the country as a punishment for a crime.
(A) common
(B) community
(C) consent
(D) capital


請依下文回答第 45 題至第 49 題:
        When interviewing children, interpreters can be used in many different ways, depending on the needs and the   45    capabilities of the child. The appropriate use of an interpreter requires the   46    that you are interviewing the child, not the interpreter. The interview should be conducted in a way that does not isolate the child at any time. Further, you should always address the child in the   47    person when you ask a question, like Tommy, rather than Tom Peterson. In other words, do not ask the interpreter about the child, phrase your question   48    the child can understand you. Even when asking for clarification about a response, you should always   49    the child, not the interpreter.

(A) linguistic
(B) dramatic
(C) chaotic
(D) fantastic


(A) recognition
(B) adoration
(C) imitation
(D) classification


37 Finding a new species of different mammals and plants is a living proof of how much we have to learn about the planet's _____ .
(A) smuggle
(B) maintenance
(C) biodiversity
(D) perseverance


請依下文回答第 1 題至第 5 題:
      English is the most popular international language. It originated in England, but soon spread to other countries. Today, the countries in which English is spoken can be    1    into three groups. The first group is    2    those countries where English is the primary language. These are countries like England, Canada, the United States, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. There are more than 380 million native speakers of English in these countries   3    . There is a second group of countries that have their own   4    of English. India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Kenya are examples of this group. Countries in the third group are China, Russia, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Indonesia, and many Western European countries. Some people calculate the number of speakers in this group to be   5    one billion, and the number is growing everyday.

(A) counted
(B) circulated
(C) divided
(D) merged


9 All users of the facility are required to ________ all their garbage before leaving.
(A) insist on
(B) compose
(C) impose
(D) dispose of


32 John is doing sit-ups to strengthen the six-pack muscles in his ________ .
(A) abdomen
(B) arms
(C) chest
(D) legs


48 In many Asian countries, speaking about death on the New Year Day is ________ , because people believe it may bring bad luck for the entire year.
(A) concealed
(B) prohibited
(C) rejected
(D) suspended


12. With the evidence showing his intention of permanently ________  the woman of the property, the accused was charged with theft.
(A) perceiving
(B) deriving
(C) depriving
(D) reviving


30. If you are trapped under debris during or after an earthquake, tap on a pipe or wall or use a whistle so rescuers can locate you, and shout only as last resort to avoid ________  dangerous amount of dust.
(B) inhale
(C) to inhale
(D) being inhaled


5. The authorities said that the number one cause of death related to fires is smoke ________, not burns.
(A) hallucination
(B) discrimination
(C) inhalation
(D) distribution


12-16 題,段落填空:請根據前後文,選擇一個最適當的答案。
       Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, ___12___ the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes for lack of adequate parental control. Moreover, more families consist of one parent households or two working parents; ___13___, children are likely to have less supervision at home ___14___ was common in the traditional family system. This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates. Other causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in school, the increased ___15___ of drugs and alcohol, and the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect. All these conditions tend to increase the ___16___ of a child committing a criminal act.

(A) allocation
(B) knowledge
(C) restriction
(D) availability


22 Teddy is a _____ person; he always has his own way and seldom takes others’ advice.
(A) modest
(B) stubborn
(C) reliable
(D) sincere


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       The marketing term “effective frequency” refers to the idea that a consumer has to see or hear an ad a number oftimes before its message hits home. Essentially, the more you say something, the more it sticks in-and possibly on-people’s heads. It doesn’t even have to be true-and that’s the problem. What advertisers call “effective frequency,”psychologists call the “illusory truth effect”: the more you hear something, the easier it is for your brain to process, whichmakes it feel true, regardless of its basis in fact.
       “Each time, it takes fewer resources to understand,” says Lisa Fazio, a psychology professor at VanderbiltUniversity. “That ease of processing gives it the weight of a gut feeling.” That feeling of truth allows misconceptions tosneak into our knowledge base, where they masquerade as facts. One example Fazio and her research team give is thebelief that vitamin C can prevent colds, which many people have taken as a fact but is actually a misconception simplybecause it is long repeated.
        Even in the absence of endless repetition, we’re more likely to believe what we hear than to question it objectively,thanks to another psychological principle: confirmation bias.
        “In general, human beings, after hearing any claim, behave like naive scientists and tend to look for informationthat confirms the initial conjecture,” says Ajay Kalra, a marketing professor at Rice’s Jones Graduate School of Business.“In an interesting experiment, a group of consumers was told a leather jacket, Brand A, was very good. When they laterexamined several brands, they tended to spend more time looking at Brand A and evaluating it more highly than otherbrands.”
        The same principle applies to a coffee company’s claim that its coffee is the “richest” in the world. “Confirmationbias typically applies to situations where information is ambiguous and hard to refute,” he explains. “The more often youhear a message, the more the confirmatory bias likely comes into play.”
         It’s no wonder that many of us fall for false claims on social media, especially when we see them tweeted andretweeted again and again. How can we fight back? There are ways to lessen the influence of repeated claims. One of thebest: don’t rely on a single source for information. Read stories from multiple news outlets and listen to a variety ofopinions. Commit to staying open-minded, and consult with friends and colleagues whose perspectives differ. Take asecond to consider how you know something is true. In this way, you can stymie the effects of repetition. It’s a greatthing to do on social media: before you share something, take that second and pause. Otherwise, you risk becoming partof the echo chamber that keeps falsehoods circulating.

【題組】46 What is the purpose of the passage?
(A) To entertain the readers.
(B) To inform the readers.
(C) To mislead the readers.
(D) To criticize the readers.


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題:
        The killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis and the shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Wisconsin have led many police departments in the US to deal with unpleasant situations they have avoided till now. As thousands have marched in the streets to protest against racial inequality, many others have also been forced to ask some difficult questions about their levels of prejudice. While some people mistake racism as being only plain prejudice, there is another crucial component that affects our decision and actions towards others: implicit bias. An implicit bias is any prejudice that has formed accidentally and without our direct knowledge – and it can often counter our obvious beliefs and behaviors. Usually, it reflects a mixture of personal experience, attitudes around us as we have grown up, and our wilder exposure to society and culture –including the books we read, television we watch and news we follow. Many police departments in the US have pointed to strategies aimed at tackling implicit bias as evidence of their attempts to root out racism from their ranks. Police departments are not alone in hoping tackling unconscious bias can bring about change. Multinational corporations have also commanded implicit bias training in response to racist incidents involving their employees.

【題組】60 What kind of tone does this passage have?
(A) Informative.
(B) Respectful.
(C) Sympathetic.
(D) Disapproving.


27 The United States will make more medical aid _____ to India in an effort to fight an alarming spike in COVID-19 cases.
(A) available
(B) compatible
(C) dependable
(D) flexible


29 Many children have become ____________ disturbed as a result of the abuse they have suffered.
(A) emotionally
(B) passionately
(C) sympathetically
(D) apathetically


34 The police are calling for ____ now that they know the burglar has a gun.
(A) back-up
(B) criminal record
(C) street crime
(D) walkie-talkie


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
         Someone who is naturally curious and is continually willing to grow their knowledge and abilities has the potential to make a sizeable impact as a police officer. Even though law enforcement officials endure a substantial amount of training before they find themselves in uniform, there’s always more they’ll have to learn on the job.
        “One of the things people don’t realize about police work is that you have to be a jack-of-all-trades,” McKenna explains. “Expectations for officers are really high, and new things are always getting added to their plates.”
         Back when he began his career as an officer, for example, squad cars were outfitted with simple radios—a way for officers to call something in and have dispatch take care of it. Police cars today, McKenna notes, are equipped with computers, calling upon the officers not only to master new technology but also to absorb the duties that previously fell to people in other positions. It’s also true that the equipment officers now carry is twice as extensive as it was in prior years.
        “Additionally, there are more drugs on the market than ever, and laws change and update,”McKenna says, adding that departments don’t always have the funding to ensure everyone receives the training they need in these areas. That’s why he took it upon himself to take various classes throughout his law enforcement career, committing to learn the different skill sets and laws he’d need. “Lots of police officers attend conferences and classes on the side of their jobs.”

【題組】47 What does “you have to be a jack-of-all-trades” mean in the passage?
(A) Someone who is an expert in card games.
(B) Someone who has very good and broad knowledge.
(C) Someone who cannot master anything.
(D) Someone who works all day and becomes dull.


【題組】49 What is the main reason that a police officer’s workload keeps increasing?
(A) He has to attend conferences.
(B) He has to pay attention to drug trafficking.
(C) He needs to use the computer when he is on duty.
(D) He needs to take up duties that did not belong to him previously.


【題組】50 What is the best title of this passage?
(A) The Importance of Being Hardworking.
(B) How to Become a Police Officer.
(C) The Eagerness to Learn.
(D) Police Officers: The Birth of a Career


3. The blood-stained knife was found near the body, which means it is_____ the murder weapon.
(A) ludicrously
(B) incredibly
(C) presumably
(D) superficially


8. A vessel was stopped by the R.O.C. Coast Guard over the Taiwan Strait due to the reliable information that there was 50_________ on it.
(A) contamination
(B) contraband
(C) radiation
(D) promotion


13. The______ sale of drugs has become a menace in big Taiwan cities.
(A) illicit
(B) illusive
(C) illustrative
(D) incriminatory


18. The strong typhoon made____ on Monday evening, leading to flooding that caused a number of fatalities, including dozens of injuries.
(A) landform
(B) landfall
(C) landmass
(D) landfill


26. The police cordoned _____the whole area because of a suspected bomb.
(A) of
(B) off
(C) for
(D) at


28. If you are trapped under the debris following an earthquake, shouting can cause you to____ dangerous amounts of dust.
(A) grab
(B) inhale
(C) exhale
(D) emit


2. Examples of aggravated ________ included highway robbery, burglary, attacks by footpads and piracy.
(A) abduction
(B) arson
(C) larceny
(D) homicide


11-15 題 段落填空:請根據前後文,選擇一個最適當的答案。 
    Spanish and French police    11    a human trafficking ring that smuggled migrants into Europe and the United States, charging up to 50,000 euros per person. A total of 75 suspects were    12    , including 51 in Spain and 24 in France after a two-year    13    investigation. The traffickers provided    14   identities and transport foreign citizens to the United States and countries such as Spain, France, and Turkey. Spanish police    15    81 fake passports from Asian countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan.

(A) simplified
(B) false
(C) acceptable
(D) missing


32.His passport was ________ by the police to prevent him from leaving the country.
(A) extended
(B) confiscated
(C) altered
(D) seized
(E) forged


38.Carrying illegal weapon is a ________ in Taiwan.
(A) deportation
(B) suspension
(C) felony
(D) crime
(E) riot


10The terrorists___________ several tourists and demanded a huge sum of money for releasing them
(A) impressed
(B) kidnapped
(C) motivated
(D) permitted


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
 We all think we understand the formula for keeping healthy-- eat right, exercise, don’t smoke, skip dessert. But that picture is vastly incomplete, perhaps fatally so. While our individual health is highly dependent on our daily behaviors, it may be even more strongly influenced by the social and environmental conditions in which we live. Smith, a prestigious doctor, argues that the future of our health, and our healthcare system, depends on growing and supporting a new generation of healthcare practitioners who look upriver at the source of our health problems, rather than simply opting for quick-hit symptomatic relief. These “Upstreamists,” as he calls them, are practitioners on the frontlines of health who see that health (like sickness) is more than a chemical equation that can be balanced with pills and procedures administered within clinic walls. They see, rather, that health begins in our everyday lives, in the places where we live, work, eat and play. Upstreamists — who may be doctors, nurses or other clinicians — know that asthma can start in the air around us, or from the mold in the walls of our homes. They understand that obesity, diabetes and heart disease partly originate in our busy modern schedules, in the unhealthy food choices available in our stores and even in the way our neighborhoods are designed. They believe that depression, anxiety and high blood pressure can arise from chronically stressful conditions at work and home. And, just as important, these caregivers understand how to translate this knowledge into meaningful action.

【題組】20What is the best title of this passage?
(A) Health Begins in Our Daily Lives.
(B) Depression Originates in Our Jobs.
(C) How to Translate Knowledge into Meaningful Action.
(D) Tackling Diabetes Is Easy


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題:
 In 1853, a very important book against slavery was written by a woman who hated slavery. Her name was Harriet Beecher Stowe, and the__ 21__ of the book was Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The book quickly sold 100,000 copies; __22__ helped create a wave of hatred against slavery in the North. When __23__ why she wrote it, Stowe stated that she had not written the book. She said, “God wrote it. I merely wrote His __24__ .” Uncle Tom’s Cabin __25__ the start of the Civil War between the North and the South. In fact, when Abraham Lincoln met Harriet Beecher Stowe, he asked, “Is this the little woman whose book made such a great war?”

(A) cover
(B) issue
(C) title
(D) volume


34If you are overweight, you should ___________fatty food from your diet.
(A) shudder
(B) suffocate
(C) eliminate
(D) enlighten


32 Your argument is so general that you need to be more _______ about your points.
(A) special
(B) suitable
(C) specific
(D) scientific


33 It is often considered rude or even offensive to _______ to get someone’s attention.
(A) advise
(B) lecture
(C) reply
(D) whistle


36 Brain cancer may require _______ medical treatment such as surgery.
(A) aggressive
(B) destructive
(C) abusive
(D) depressive


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
    Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was opened in 1951 and has been a meeting place for Anglophone writers and readers   41      . Founded by American George Whitman, the bookstore was originally called Le Mistral. In 1964, Whitman renamed his store   42   a bookseller he admired, Sylvia Beach, who’d founded the original Shakespeare and Company in 1919. Through his bookstore, Whitman endeavored to carry on the spirit of Beach’s shop.
    From the first day the store opened, writers, artists, and intellectuals were invited to sleep in the bookstore in various cots that are dotted around the place. These people,   43   as "tumbleweeds," have to promise to read a book a day, help at the shop for a few hours a day, and produce a one-page autobiography. American actor Ethan Hawke is among a(n)   44   30,000 people who have tumbleweeded at the store--he stayed there for six nights when he arrived in Paris at age 16.
    Whitman passed away in 2011, two days before his 98th birthday. Now his daughter, Sylvia Whitman, is following in her father’s footsteps and is dedicated to keeping the spirit of the bookstore   45    . Under her direction, it should remain a center for Parisian literary life for many years to come.

(A) as well as
(B) in honor of
(C) in contrast to
(D) as soon as


50 Laos police have seized a record haul of illicit drugs in the Golden Triangle region. More than 55 million methamphetamine tablets and over 1.5 tons of crystal methamphetamine were________ by Laos police.
(A) accused
(B) served
(C) appealed
(D) intercepted


請依下文回答第 59 題至第 60 題:
      The linkages between terrorism and organized crime are multifaceted and can manifest themselves in different ways. Generally speaking, terrorist groups and organized crime groups (OCGs) have in theory distinct objectives. Terrorist groups deliberately challenge State authority and seek to produce political change through violent means; their motivations are related to several factors, including, but not limited to ideological ones. OCGs on the other hand typically engage in secret operations so as to obtain a financial or other material benefit while avoiding detection by law enforcement authorities. Rather than aiming to effect political change, the disruption they seek to impose on territories under State authority is meant to perpetuate conditions that are beneficial to their operations.
     In practical terms, the linkages between terrorism and organized crime become apparent most notably in the financing of terrorism. In other cases, these linkages may involve the smuggling of migrants and illicit arms trafficking involving small arms, light weapons and other military equipment, car theft, illicit mineral extraction, kidnapping for ransom, drug trafficking, trafficking in other illicit goods. Instances involving OCGs facilitating the transport of terrorists across borders activities also represent possible scenarios where these two phenomena become intertwined.

【題組】60 What does the pronoun “they” refer to in the last sentence of the first paragraph? “Rather than aiming to effect political change, the disruption they seek to impose on territories under State authority is meant to perpetuate conditions that are beneficial to their operations.”
(A) the terrorist groups.
(B) the organized crime groups.
(C) smuggling activities.
(D) illicit goods.


37 The company is in discussions with several countries to _______ a trial for the potential vaccine.
(A) conceal
(B) conduct
(C) confront
(D) condemn


40 Mrs. Jonson enjoyed only _______ relief from the aspirin since her headache came back within an hour.
(A) continuous
(B) endless
(C) momentary
(D) permanent


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
     Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was opened in 1951 and has been a meetingplace for Anglophone writers and readers   41  . Founded by American George Whitman, the bookstore wasoriginally called Le Mistral. In 1964, Whitman renamed his store   42   a bookseller he admired, Sylvia Beach, who’dfounded the original Shakespeare and Company in 1919. Through his bookstore, Whitman endeavored to carry on thespirit of Beach’s shop. 
     From the first day the store opened, writers, artists, and intellectuals were invited to sleep in the bookstore in variouscots that are dotted around the place. These people,   43   as "tumbleweeds," have to promise to read a book a day,help at the shop for a few hours a day, and produce a one-page autobiography. American actor Ethan Hawke is amonga(n)   44   30,000 people who have tumbleweeded at the store--he stayed there for six nights when he arrived in Parisat age 16. 
     Whitman passed away in 2011, two days before his 98th birthday. Now his daughter, Sylvia Whitman, is followingin her father’s footsteps and is dedicated to keeping the spirit of the bookstore   45    . Under her direction, it shouldremain a center for Parisian literary life for many years to come.

(A) as well as
(B) in honor of
(C) in contrast to
(D) as soon as


(A) formulated
(B) concluded
(C) estimated
(D) accelerated


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
Here are the facts: 65 million people displaced from their homes by violence and persecution last year. If it was a country,that would be the 21st largest country in the world. Most of those people, about 40 million, stay within their own homecountry, but 25 million are refugees. That means they cross a border into a neighboring state. Most of them are living inpoor countries, relatively poor or lower-middle-income countries, like Lebanon. In Lebanon, one in four people is arefugee, a quarter of the whole population. And refugees stay for a long time. The average length of displacement is 10years. I went to what was the world’s largest refugee camp, in eastern Kenya. It’s called Dadaab. It was built in 1991-92as a "temporary camp" for Somalis fleeing the civil war. I met Silo. And naïvely I said to Silo, "Do you think you’ll evergo home to Somalia?" And she said, "What do you mean, go home? I was born here." And then when I asked the campmanagement how many of the 330,000 people in that camp were born there, they gave me the answer: 100,000. That’swhat long-term displacement means.

【題組】47 Which of the following is closest in meaning to "fleeing"?
(A) escaping
(B) embracing
(C) fighting
(D) frightening


32 Your argument is so general that you need to be more _______ about your points.
(A) special
(B) suitable
(C) specific
(D) scientific


37 The company is in discussions with several countries to _______ a trial for the potential vaccine.
(A) conceal
(B) conduct
(C) confront
(D) condemn


40 Mrs. Jonson enjoyed only _______ relief from the aspirin since her headache came back within an hour.
(A) continuous
(B) endless
(C) momentary
(D) permanent


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
 Shakespeare and Company is an English-language bookshop in Paris. It was opened in 1951 and has been a meetingplace for Anglophone writers and readers   41      . Founded by American George Whitman, the bookstore wasoriginally called Le Mistral. In 1964, Whitman renamed his store   42   a bookseller he admired, Sylvia Beach, who’dfounded the original Shakespeare and Company in 1919. Through his bookstore, Whitman endeavored to carry on thespirit of Beach’s shop. 
 From the first day the store opened, writers, artists, and intellectuals were invited to sleep in the bookstore in variouscots that are dotted around the place. These people,   43    as "tumbleweeds," have to promise to read a book a day,help at the shop for a few hours a day, and produce a one-page autobiography. American actor Ethan Hawke is amonga(n)   44   30,000 people who have tumbleweeded at the store--he stayed there for six nights when he arrived in Parisat age 16. 
 Whitman passed away in 2011, two days before his 98th birthday. Now his daughter, Sylvia Whitman, is followingin her father’s footsteps and is dedicated to keeping the spirit of the bookstore   45   . Under her direction, it shouldremain a center for Parisian literary life for many years to come.

(A) as well as
(B) in honor of
(C) in contrast to
(D) as soon as


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
Here are the facts: 65 million people displaced from their homes by violence and persecution last year. If it was a country,that would be the 21st largest country in the world. Most of those people, about 40 million, stay within their own homecountry, but 25 million are refugees. That means they cross a border into a neighboring state. Most of them are living inpoor countries, relatively poor or lower-middle-income countries, like Lebanon. In Lebanon, one in four people is arefugee, a quarter of the whole population. And refugees stay for a long time. The average length of displacement is 10years. I went to what was the world’s largest refugee camp, in eastern Kenya. It’s called Dadaab. It was built in 1991-92as a "temporary camp" for Somalis fleeing the civil war. I met Silo. And naïvely I said to Silo, "Do you think you’ll evergo home to Somalia?" And she said, "What do you mean, go home? I was born here." And then when I asked the campmanagement how many of the 330,000 people in that camp were born there, they gave me the answer: 100,000. That’swhat long-term displacement means.

【題組】47 Which of the following is closest in meaning to "fleeing"?
(A) escaping
(B) embracing
(C) fighting
(D) frightening


42 Nobody witnessed the accident, and so the police officer watched the images from nearby _______ cameras.
(A) surface
(B) surveillance
(C) survey
(D) survival


43 After reading the address on the drunk man’s ID card, the police officer _______ him home.
(A) escorted
(B) investigated
(C) adjusted
(D) opposed


44 To _______ the “Quiet City Project”, law-enforcing officers stopped 80 vehicles yesterday to examine whether the mufflers were modified to make much noise.
(A) implement
(B) remove
(C) identify
(D) rotate


47 After receiving the report that a bus has broken down and blocked an intersection, several police officers rushed to the scene to _______ the intersection.
(A) activate
(B) evacuate
(C) fasten
(D) shorten


4. The goal of police patrol is to _______ the law, which includes criminal apprehension, order maintenance, public services, and traffic enforcement.
(A) unfold
(B) uphold
(C) adjust
(D) classify


19. Tom was arrested late last night and was booked into jail on _______ charges of DUI causing injuries.
(A) incident
(B) pity
(C) restitution
(D) felony


27. Williams had pleaded guilty to _______ after killing a much-loved grandfather with a single punch when an argument over bullying children escalated.
(A) abduction
(B) manslaughter
(C) hostage-taking
(D) assault


35. This weekend an extensive basic life support training will _______ for city cops to become the first medical respondents in cases of accidents and other emergencies.
(A) take on
(B) take place
(C) take part in
(D) take up


6. They have put speed bumps on the road to ______ accidents.
(A) avoid
(B) prohibit
(C) prevent
(D) forbid


Qs 11-15: Choose one word or phrase that best completes the context. 
       The government urged people who are planning to work in Southeast Asia to exercise extra __11__ , as Taiwanese jobseekers were reportedly abused and coerced into engaging in fraudulent activities in Cambodia. Promises of free round-trip tickets, favorable treatment and a salary of more than NT$100,000 per month had Taiwanese __12__ the employment scam. As fraud rings excel __13__ enticing people by promising them benefits that they will never see, anyone could have been targeted, __14__ nationality or background. As for deterrence measures, it is high time for Taiwan to impose stricter laws and harsher punishments for scammers and their accomplices. Most scammers convicted in Taiwan receive jail sentences of less than a year, while money mules typically receive less than four months in prison, and the __15__ rate is high.

(A) diligence
(B) caution
(C) authority
(D) intolerance


(A) respective of
(B) regarding
(C) in terms of
(D) regardless of


32.There was a severe typhoon coming the night before the first day of school. As a result, many school opening ceremonies were __________.
(A) called off
(B) canceled
(C) approved
(D) kept
(E) consented


33 A person’s right to freedom is _____ if s/he commits a crime and is convicted by a court of law as guilty.
(A) restricted
(B) translated
(C) undertaken
(D) volunteered


40 When Peggy received a message on her cell phone, informing her of picking up her ordered package, she was _____ about the truth of the information.
(A) criminal
(B) doubtful
(C) enormous
(D) grateful


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
       Extreme heat is defined as summertime temperatures that are much hotter and/or humid than average. Heat-related illnesses, 41 heat exhaustion or heat stroke, happen when the body is not able to properly cool itself. In such cases, a person’s body temperature rises faster 42 it can cool itself down. This can cause damage to the brain and 43 vital organs.
       The following are tips for preventing heat-related illnesses:
* Stay Cool Indoors: Stay in an air-conditioned place as much as possible.
* 44 Outdoor Activities Carefully: Try to limit your outdoor activity to 45 it is coolest, like morning and evening hours.
* Know the Signs: Learn the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and how to treat them.

(A) than
(B) then
(C) that
(D) yet


45 _______ is a criminal charge involving violence, so the prosecution takes it very seriously, especially if a weapon is involved or it results in injury.
(A) Penalty
(B) Assault
(C) Dissonance
(D) Fracture


請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題
       The Customs Administration’s canine division last year helped customs officers __51__ 758kg of illegal drugs, which were valued at NT$330 million (US$11.86 million). Most of the narcotics detected by sniffer dogs were ketamine, the agency said. Taiwan has 37 detection dogs, with each dog working with one dog handler. Detection dogs are put __52__ duty whenever high-risk flights arrive, and they must finish __53__ the luggage in about 10 minutes, it added. With the establishment of the Maritime Express Consignments Clearance service at the Keelung Customs Office and the construction of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport’s Terminal 3 expected to be completed in 2026, the center said it is aiming to expand the canine division from 37 to 44 sniffer dogs by 2025. The center said that its main task in the next few years is to train more Labradors to find tobacco, narcotics or explosives __54__ the Military Police Command, the National Fire Agency, the National Police Agency, the Bureau of Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine, and other agencies. The success rate of training Labrador puppies to become detection dogs has reached more than 20 percent, as puppies born from second-generation dams tend to be stronger and healthier, it said. As the __55__ of puppies is expected to double in the next three years, people living south of Taoyuan or north of Yunlin County are encouraged to become foster families of puppies, the center said, adding that companies in central Taiwan can offer facilities for puppy training.

(A) intercept
(B) intrigue
(C) impact
(D) imply


19. The superstar said that he would not hesitate to take legal ______against those who spread malicious rumors about him.
(A) action
(B) investigation
(C) operation
(D) motion

一、英譯中:(10 分)
            If the police caught the perpetrator red-handed, they will still collect evidence at the scene of the crime to support a criminal sentence. This evidence collection will include interviewing all of the potential witnesses at the scene. A site investigation will also be conducted, which may include taking pictures, measurements, taking forensic evidence, making general observations, and taking objects that may be connected to the crime.

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