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試卷測驗 - 100 年 - 100 臺北市公立國民小學英語教師聯合甄選初試_教學知能:英語#4940
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To choose a storybook for our students, it is important to balance authenticity and readability. In this sense, readability refers to _______.
(A) a measure of how easily individual letters or characters can be distinguished from each other
(B) the degree of lexical and structural difficulty in the text that may challenge students
(C) the extent to which students find the book interesting, enjoyable and appropriate for their goals in learning English
(D) an identifiable line of story development in children’s stories


Which of the following sets of words would be most effective to use when introducing students to the concept of structural analysis?
(A) ate, great, late, wait
(B) cat, bat, fat, mat
(C) go, goes, went, gone
(D) pretest, retest, tested, testing


The primary purpose of the Curriculum Guidelines of Elementary English Language Teaching and Learning of Taipei City is to _______.
(A) define the minimum content expectations students need to meet to function in English at a particular grade level
(B) identify the types of test accommodations students at certain English language proficiency levels should be given on city standardized assessments
(C) specify the English competencies students need to achieve to be able to fully access grade-level academic content
(D) describe the types of instructional techniques English teachers should use to help students to become fully proficient in English


An English teacher could best promote the development of students’ listening skills by _______.
(A) pausing occasionally to ask students to repeat what was just said
(B) asking students to take notes
(C) integrating specific listening activities as a routine element in the daily schedule
(D) frequently using wh- questions to make students think and respond


A fourth-grade teacher administers spelling inventories periodically to help assess students’ phonics knowledge. The following shows one student’s performance on a spelling inventory at the beginning of the school year and again three months later.
Dictated Word Student Spelling(March 7) Student Spelling(June 7)
six six six
star ster star
drive driv drive
clean clen clean
park pak park
mine min mine
The student’s performance on the second administration of the spelling inventory indicates that the student made the most improvement in which of the following areas?
(A) long and r-controlled vowels
(B) short vowels and diphthongs
(C) digraphs and blends
(D) initial and final consonants


A fifth-grade teacher is working with a group of students whose English language abilities vary. Which of the following would be the most appropriate method for evaluating the progress of students who are at different proficiency levels in English?
(A) selecting language achievement tests that allow the teacher to find out students’ levels
(B) using multiple measures, such as observations, test scores, and samples of daily work
(C) establishing a grading curve and distributing students’ test results along the curve
(D) assessing students only in the areas in which they have achieved competence


Which of the following students demonstrates variation in reading development that would require intervention focused on explicit phonics instruction?
(A) a first-grade student who can recite the alphabet from memory but has difficulty distinguishing individual phonemes in words
(B) a second-grade student who can easily decode nonsense words but has limited comprehension of the meaning of text
(C) a third-grade student who is adept at using context cues to identify words but has difficulty sounding out the letters in unfamiliar words
(D) a fourth-grade student who can read most grade-level text but has difficulty with unfamiliar irregular low-frequency words


In a class, the teacher distributed a list of vocabulary items from a storybook and had the students guess what the story was about based on the words. During reading the story, the teacher modeled how to make predictions about the story and guided students as they learned to make predictions. When students failed to make the right predictions, the teacher asked the students to think and search through the passage to find the answer. Which of the following approaches does this scenario best illustrate?
(A) direct method of teaching
(B) task-based instruction
(C) content-based instruction
(D) strategy-based instruction


A third-grade teacher conducts an oral activity in which the teacher produces an oral sentence with one word that is deliberately unintelligible. The teacher says, “I put the pencil on the d*** next to the blackboard.” The teacher then tells the students to construct a request for clarification, such as “Excuse me, where is the pencil?” This exercise is likely to promote the students’ English language acquisition primarily by _______.
(A) modeling for students a method of identifying pertinent information for solving a problem
(B) providing students with opportunities to engage in extended discourse
(C) supporting students’ development of metacognitive learning strategies
(D) teaching students a strategy for overcoming gaps in comprehension


Which of the following activities best illustrates phonics instruction?
(A) have two students come to the front and hit the word said by the teacher on the board as quickly as possible
(B) lead students to read a word on the board (e.g., not), replace one letter of the spelled word (e.g., dot), and ask them to determine the resulting spoken word
(C) ask students to chant the alphabet from 'a' to 'z' several times, write the letters on the board, and have students read them one by one
(D) ask students to read aloud the individual words “stand” and “up” several times, and then have students practice linking the final consonant of “stand” with the vowel of “up


According to the Curriculum Guidelines of Elementary English Language Teaching and Learning of Taipei City, which of the following is one of the competence indicators related to stories for fourth graders?
(A) being able to spell the keywords in simple children’s stories with phonics rules learned in classes
(B) being able to retell stories in one's own words (rather than reciting a text from memory)
(C) being able to understand the gist of simple children’s stories with the support of pictures, puppets, and physical actions
(D) being able to cooperate with the teacher to create a mini book of their own with words and sentences learned in classes


Students in a fourth-grade class are studying different forms of transportation in Taiwan. As part of this unit of study, they work together to create semantic maps of the words associated with transportation, including words that they have recently learned (e.g. bus, train, plane). This activity is most likely to promote students’ vocabulary development by _______.
(A) guiding them to discover the multiple meanings of new vocabularies
(B) helping them to categorize, visualize, and remember new vocabularies
(C) providing them with varied reading experiences by using new vocabularies
(D) showing them how structural analysis can be used to determine the meanings of new vocabularies


A first-grade teacher shows students pictures of everyday objects. Below each picture is printed the letter of the alphabet that corresponds to the word’s initial sound. As the teacher points to each picture, he/she first names the object, then points to the letter underneath it, and says the sound it makes. After that, the teacher invites the students to repeat the sound with him/her. This activity is likely to promote students’ reading development primarily by _______.
(A) demonstrating that phonemes are represented by letters
(B) focusing on auditory discrimination skills
(C) introducing the concept of logograms
(D) illustrating the concept of word boundaries


According to the developmental order in which children acquire various wh-questions, which wh-question is NOT included in the sentence patterns in the Curriculum Guidelines of Elementary English Language Teaching and Learning of Taipei City?
(A) Where are the books?
(B) How do you go to the park?
(C) Why are you late for school?
(D) How many balls do you want?


A child who writes “MINAMZKN.” (My name is Ken.) in his journal is demonstrating all of the following concepts about print except _______.
(A) the left-to-right direction of print
(B) punctuation usage
(C) the sound-symbol relationships
(D) word boundaries


Teaching children about onset and rime helps them recognize common chunks within words, and decode new words when reading and spell words when writing. Which of the following is a good example of a word separated into onset and rime for a child who begins to decode words?
(A) learn
(B) girl
(C) itch
(D) ship


Syntactic bootstrapping is a process about how children acquire a language. Which of the following is the best description of syntactic bootstrapping?
(A) children use telegraphic speech as a temporary solution in communication
(B) children use their knowledge of syntax to construe meanings of unknown words
(C) children are able to supply correct morphemes on novel words according to the sentence structure
(D) children put words together to form phrases and sentences by analogy, such as by using He is singing as a sample to form He is talking


A fifth-grade teacher first writes the following sentences on the board to guide the class through an activity.
Look at the word play in these two sentences:
*Let’s play a game.
* Please play the new CD for me.
Look at the word fly in these two sentences:
*We like to fly kites.
*A fly is on the window.
This activity would best promote students’ ability to _______.
(A) identify and decode common homographs
(B) use structural cues to identify the meaning of words
(C) cluster new vocabularies together into meaningful groups
(D) find and use synonyms for common words


In order to select a picture book that emphasizes predictability, a teacher should ensure that _______.
(A) the text includes some colorful pictures or illustrations
(B) the concepts in the text are at an appropriate level of difficulty for the target students
(C) a phrase, rhyme, or sentence is repeated throughout the text
(D) the length of the text is not likely to exceed the attention span of the target students


Pointing out the title, author, beginning, middle, and end of a book to early elementary grade students before reading the book aloud to them contributes to their reading development primarily by promoting their _______.
(A) development of literal comprehension strategies
(B) development of book-handling skills
(C) understanding of text directionality
(D) understanding of the concept of schema


試卷測驗 - 100 年 - 100 臺北市公立國民小學英語教師聯合甄選初試_教學知能:英語#4940-阿摩線上測驗
