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試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試_基礎類科知能:英文#76132
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25. My father bought _______ bottle water before the typhoon.
(A) a few
(B) twelve
(C) many
(D) a lot of


26. Taroko Gorge is a marble canyon _______ a rushing whitewater river, towering cliffs, and hiking trails.
(A) feature
(B) features
(C) featuring
(D) featured


27. My mom tend to wear clothes that are practical rather than _______.
(A) fashion
(B) fashioning
(C) fashionably
(D) fashionable


28. They walked east instead of south, _______ their mistake.
(A) not know
(B) don’t know
(C) and don’t know
(D) not knowing


29. The room booking _______ by your secretary is for three nights.
(A) was made
(B) is made
(C) made
(D) making


30. The way words _______-loud, soft, fast, or slow-is very important.
(A) speak
(B) spoke
(C) are spoken
(D) have spoken


31. The movie Paper Clips, _______ the symbolic power of ordinary paper clips, memorably helps viewers to comprehend the almost-incomprehensibly large number of victims of the Nazi genocide.
(A) showed
(B) has shown
(C) that shows
(D) which shows


32. She _______ the importance of better public relations.
(A) ruled
(B) disappointed
(C) wasted
(D) stressed


33. The villagers _______ the town in the wake of the flood.
(A) deserted
(B) behaved
(C) chewed
(D) disapproved


34. My family usually enjoys eating pizza during a long car _______.
(A) access
(B) cottage
(C) journey
(D) barrier


35. The tourists spent the whole day _______ around the famous castle.
(A) launching
(B) delegating
(C) wandering
(D) charging


36. My partners and I put $500,000 dollars as _______ into our business, but we’re unlikely to see any return for a few years.
(A) deed
(B) capital
(C) hostage
(D) portray


37. _______ the Western zodiac, which attributes one animal to one month, the Chinese zodiac attributes one animal to one year.
(A) Dislike
(B) Unlike
(C) Differ from
(D) Opposing


38. A: It’d suit my arrangements if we could meet up at lunchtime.
B: Yes, that would _____ perfectly with my plans too.
(A) back down
(B) catch up
(C) fit in
(D) press on


39. Can you picture the desert? The real, hot, sandy desert is crossed by long caravans of camels _______ with cargoes of rare goods. Sand is everywhere, and occasionally you see one or two palm trees on the skyline. When you get there you find an oasis consisting of _______ with a trickle of greenish water.
(A) landed … a spin
(B) loaded … a spine
(C) laden … a spring
(D) loaned … a stint


40. “Clownfish are small, colorful saltwater fish. They are bright orange with black and white sprites. These fish are found in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean near coral reefs. They live among sea anemones, which protect them.” This passage does NOT tell _______.
(A) where clownfish live
(B) what kind of water clownfish need
(C) the colors on the body of a clownfish
(D) how the sea anemones protect the clownfish


41. I am Peter Schnitzhofer. Schnitzhofer is a strange name. I was laughed as a child, but now I enjoy having this odd name. It is a good conversation starter. I tell people about my great-great grandmother Stella Schnitzhofer, who emigrated from Switzerland. She owned a bakery in Zurich. Therefore, I always say my interest in baking might be genetic. From a business point of view, having an unusual name will be an advantage. What is a right statement, according to the passage?
(A) Peter is a very successful businessman.
(B) Having a strange name is an advantage for emigration.
(C) Peter likes to talk about his name now.
(D) Many bakery are in Zurich.


42. “Sneakers were invented more than 100 years ago. They were called croquet sandals. They cost five times as much as other shoes, so only rich people wore them. Then a company began to make tennis oxfords. Most people could afford these. They were very popular. Soon special sneakers were made for other sports, such as running. Now we have all sorts of sneakers.” The passage mainly tells _______.
(A) who could buy croquet sandals
(B) when sneakers were invented
(C) what the difference is between sneakers and running shoes
(D) how sneakers have changed through the years


試卷測驗 - 108 年 - 108 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試_基礎類科知能:英文#76132-阿摩線上測驗
