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41. Wendy wants _____ by everyone in her company.
(A)to like
(C)to be liked


39. When I woke up early this morning, I heard a dog ________ downstairs.
(A)to bark
(D)has barked


40 I _______ a real lunch during the week since I only have time for a quick bite.
(A) do not usually have
(B) do usually not have
(C) do usually have not
(D) do not have usually


40 Students choose to study a lost ancient city just recently _____ in Europe.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 One azure morning in December, Laura Cozzolino arrived at her corner cafe in central Naples and ordered her usual: a dense espresso, which arrived steaming hot on the dark marble counter. She lingered over the aroma, and then knocked it back in two quick sips. But instead of paying for one coffee, she paid for two, leaving the receipt for the other — a caffè sospeso, or suspended coffee — with the bartender for a stranger to enjoy. The suspended coffee is a Neapolitan tradition that boomed during World War II and has found a revival in recent years during hard economic times. From Naples, by word of mouth and via the Internet, the gesture has spread throughout Italy and around the world, to coffee bars as far-flung as Sweden and Brazil. In some places in Italy, the generosity now extends to the suspended pizza or sandwich, or even books. Naples is a city well known for its grit, beauty, chaos and crime. Despite those things, or perhaps because of them, its people are also famous for their solidarity in the face of hardship. With its rich diversity of neighborhoods, coffee bars in Naples hold a special place as gathering points for all: senators, families with grandchildren, street artists, businessmen and beggars. No one here seems to know precisely when or how the suspended coffee began. But that it started here speaks to the small kindnesses that Italians are known for — and also of the special place that coffee occupies in the culture. In a time of hardship, Italians can lack many things, but their coffee is not one of them. So it may be the most common item left at many cafes, as a gift, for people too poor to pay. “Coffee consumption predated the unification of Italy by more than 200 years, so the rituals and traditions around it are very ancient,” Andrea Illy, chairman of Illy, said in a phone interview. “In Naples, coffee is a world in itself, both culturally and socially. Coffee is a ritual carried out in solidarity.” That solidarity is spreading. In 2010, an ensemble of small Italian cultural festivals gave form to the tradition of generosity by creating the Suspended Coffee Network. The purpose was to weather the severe cuts to the state cultural budgets by organizing and promoting their own activities together. But it also started solidarity initiatives for those in need. Encouraging a donated coffee was one of them. Now, across Italy, the bars that have joined the network display the suspended coffee label — a black and brown sticker with a white espresso cup — in their windows. “To me,” said a bartender, “The philosophy of the suspended coffee is that you are happy today, and you give a coffee to the world, as a present.”
【題組】44 According to the passage, why is coffee so important to people in Naples ?
(A)Coffee is very difficult to get during hard times.
(B)Coffee is a cultural and social ritual bringing people together.
(C)Coffee is necessary when they eat pizza and sandwich.
(D)Coffee has made all people in Naples equal, rich or poor.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 Researchers have pointed out that it is important to know one’s blood type. When Harvard scientists 46 more than two decades of data on more than 77,000 people, they found that people with type AB blood had a 23 percent increased risk for heart disease compared to people with type O blood. 47 with type B blood had an 11 percent higher risk and people with type A blood had 5 percent greater risk of heart disease. Researchers aren’t sure 48 , though. But they posit that type A blood is associated with LDL cholesterol and that type O blood, 49 is associated with reduced risk, may contain a chemical that boosts blood flow and prevents clots. However, researchers are quick to point out that lifestyle factors 50 weight, smoking, and diet, which, unlike blood type, are modifiable and have a much greater impact on heart disease.
(A) what
(B) when
(C) who
(D) why


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 These days so many marriages end in divorce that our sacred vows no longer ring with truth. “Happily ever after”and “Till death do us part” are expressions that seem on the way to becoming obsolete. Why has it become so hard forcouples to stay together? What goes wrong? What has happened to us that close to one-half of all marriage are destinedfor the divorce courts? How could we have created a society in which 42 percent of our children will grow up insingle-parent homes? If statistics could only measure loneliness, regret, pain, loss of self-confidence and fear of thefuture, the number would be beyond quantifying. Even though each broken marriage is unique, we can still find the common perils, the common causes of despair.Each marriage has crisis points, and each marriage tests endurance, the capacity for both intimacy and change. Outsidepressures (such as job loss, illness, infertility, trouble with a child, care of aging parents and all the other plagues oflife) hit marriage the way hurricanes blast our shores. Some marriages survive these storms, and others don’t.Marriages fail, however, not simply because of the outside weather, but because the inner climate becomes too hot ortoo cold, too turbulent or too stupefying. Marriage takes some kind of sacrifice, not dreadful self-sacrifice of the soul, but some level of compromise.Marriage requires sexual, financial, and emotional discipline. A man and a woman cannot follow every impulse; theycannot allow themselves to stop growing or changing. Divorce is not an evil act. Sometimes it provides salvation for people who have grown hopelessly apart and werefrozen in patterns of pain and mutual unhappiness. Divorce can be, despite its initial devastation, like the first cut of thesurgeon’s knife, a step toward new health and a good life.
【題組】48 What is the central idea of the last paragraph?
(A) Married people should never divorce.
(B) Divorce can be helpful sometimes.
(C) Married people should divorce for a better life.
(D) Divorce is always bad to married couples.


