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Man: Those earrings will be perfect for you. Woman: How much are they?Man: $1,000.Woman: _____ Man: It’s all right. Let me buy them for you as a gift. It’s your birthday.
(A) It’s unbelievably cheap!
(B) They are so beautiful!
(C) That’s too expensive!
(D) That’s a good bargain!


He ___ that it would rain the following day.
(A) blinks
(B) forecasts
(C) addicts
(D) assesses


The___of animal and plant life, and of the general beauty of Nature, is one of the foremost duties of the men and women of today.
(C) preservation
(D) liquidation


(A) 工廠
(B) 措施
(C) 顯著的
(D) 輔修


You know who he is, ______?
(A)will you
(B)don’t you
(C)aren’t you
(D)isn’t it


There is a growing ____ and concern about the problem of “Green House Effect.”


Tom : Don't forget tomorrow night at my home. Bill : No, I won't. Do you mind if I bring a friend? Tom : ________ Bill : See you then.
(A) Yes, it's a good idea.
(B) No, you'd better not.
(C) Certainly, I do.
(D) Not at all. You're all welcome.


Shanghai began screening international travelers in November for fevers or other 41 of bird flu. All passengers leaving or entering the country through Pudong International Airport will be screened for high temperatures by using an infrared camera and will have to 42 a health declaration form, according to a government website. The form 43 passengers to say if they have had close contact with poultry, birds, bird flu patients or suspected cases over the past week.
【題組】Shanghai began screening international travelers in November for fevers or other ___41___ of bird flu. All passengers leaving or entering the country through Pudong International Airport will be screened for high temperatures by using an infrared camera and will have to ___42___ a health declaration form, according to a government website. The form ___43___ passengers to say if they have had close contact with poultry, birds, bird flu patients or suspected cases over the past week. 【題組】41
(A) indicators
(B) possibilities
(C) symptoms
(D) conditions


33 Due to global warming and deforestation, many animals and plants are on the brink of _____ .


10 The new, stricter state law______ the sale of alcohol to people under 20 years of age.
(A) decreases
(B) remains
(C) extends
(D) prohibits


43 題至第 46 題: The Police Uniform: To Wear or Not Wear? The police uniform with its attendant gun and badge is like a neon sign. When you walk into a room wearing a uniform, attention is immediately drawn to you. The uniform communicates an immediate and powerful message: authority, security, integrity, trust, safety—and to some, a threat. For some people the uniform has a very positive effect, which allows you to establish an immediate rapport with many groups. Wearing your uniform sends a dual message that you are serious about your topic and that your department supports you. It conveys to an audience that you know what the options are and how best to handle a situation. For others, the uniform can be intimidating. Some people are uncomfortable in the presence of authority, and the uniform is a symbol of authority. A hostile audience has a tendency to talk to the uniform and not to the person in the uniform. In such situations you might want to wear street clothes, which can convey several meanings. You can be all business, wearing a suit. You can convey a more relaxed message with casual attire. (The Strategic Dressing chart provides some general guidelines for using clothing to set a tone.) Each article of clothing worn for a specific situation conveys a unique message about you as an officer and as a person. Repeated contact will let the community come to know you more as a person who wears a uniform and less as a uniform with a person in it. 

【題組】 43 Who is this guide aimed at?
(B)Hotel managers.
(C)Police officers.
(D)Community leaders.


5 In our company I am afraid there is very little _____ to work hard.
(A) agreement
(B) motivation
(C) advantage
(D) business


33.Children are     to learn, and their parents and teachers can take advantage of this enthusiasm.
(A) obvious
(B) funny
(C) eager
(D) reliable


6 Because drunk driving is against the law, you need to take a_____ to go home after drinking.
(A) bath
(B) cab
(C) dart
(D) fan


112. The science teacher always _____ the use of the laboratory equipment before she lets her students use it on their own.
(A) tolerates
(B) associates
(C) demonstrates
(D) exaggerates


520. Elaine’s father was in favor of her opinion, but her mother, ____ , was against it.
(A) in addition
(B) instead of
(C) by contrast
(D) likewise


642. In a democratic country, freedom of speech is a basic human right of which no one should be _____.


749. The civil war is forcing many _____ to seek shelter in the neighboring countries. They have no other choice but to leave their homeland.
(A) emperors
(B) criminals
(C) captives
(D) refugees


34 Those who live longer have a ________ of sleeping well and exercising regularly.
(B) tendency
(D) prevention


請依下文回答第 11 題至第 15 題 
    The Slow Food movement was initiated when a European journalist, Carlo Petrini, saw that a fast-food restaurant had opened in a beautiful square in Rome. He thought it was tragic that many people today live too 11 to sit down for a proper meal and only eat 12 fast food. He decided that he has to try to do something about it, 13 he started the Slow Food movement. 14 he didn't succeed in banning that fast-food restaurant, Slow Food has become a global organization and now has more than 80,000 members in 100 countries.
    Slow Food also encourages people to eat local and regional food, to use local shops and markets, to eat out in small family restaurants, and to cook 15 traditional recipes. As member Jon Winge says, "I think it's such a cool idea. You support the people who produce beautiful products for you.”

(A) as
(B) with
(C) at
(D) below


11. Joey went to work by bus yesterday because his car was _____.
(A)to repair
(B)being repairing
(D)being repaired


38 Most senior high school students are under __________ pressure to get into a good university.


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題:
        Rome is a subtle city adorned with the old and the new, the grandeur and the modest, and a city for the cat lovers and the cats. Cats have been living in Rome for uncounted centuries. The Romans always appreciate the companion of cats and connect them as sacred animals of Roman deities. Libertas, the Roman goddess and embodiment of liberty, is often shown as a matron in classical robe with a cat at herfeet. A Roman myth tells of the goddess Diana’s transformation into a cat so she might escape the evil forces of the dragon-like creature, Typhon. Rome has even dedicated a street, Via della Gatta, to this animal and in the past also a square, Piazza della Gatta, but that now is known as Piazza Grazioli. The fascination for cats remains so long that the Romans have designated the felines as a biocultural heritageof the city Rome.
        If you are an ailurophile or a feline’s friend, you should add some time to have a leisure strollfollowing the paces of these furry Roman citizens after you have tired of all regular tourist excursions inRome. Visit the Largo di Torre Argentina, a large, excavated square of archaeological ruins, and a catsanctuary. Then, have your ears prickled up, prowl and explore into Via della Gatta. At the corner of Viadella Gatta and Piazza del Collegio Romano, on the Palazzo Doria-Pamphili is located a Madonnella, asacred portrait, containing a painting of 1796, named The Immaculate Conception, representing an image of a Madonna who tenderly holds in her arms a cat. It is said that the exact spot where the cat set her eyes there lies a wonderful hidden treasure. It seems, however, that this point has not yet been identified since there is not any official or popular tale about the discovery of a treasure in the area. Overall, the cats of Rome have strong bond with this city. There are approximately 30,000 feral catsliving in the ancient ruins. You may bump into friends with four paws sitting, stretching out and rollingover on ancient pillars and steps. You never know who might pop in to say meow to you. Wait and snappictures. It is time to look for a new way to roam in this old city.

【題組】38 Who is the intended reader of this passage?
(A) Archaeologists.
(B) Historians.
(C) Lawmakers.
(D) Tourists.


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
       The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan announced that new immigrant mothers who aredivorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose thecustody of their children. The NIA’s decision to amend the law is invariably linked with the protection of thechildren’s rights and interests. The NIA restated that Article 31 of the Immigration Act in 2007 was modifiedto safeguard the rights and interests of foreign spouses after a divorce. The amendment contains enabling themto have the custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are victimsof domestic violence.
      In the past, new immigrant mothers who are divorced without the custody of their children are usuallycompelled to leave the country. Yet, their right to have visitation of their children will still be granted dependingon the NIA’s evaluation of each case concerning to what extent the mothers are involved in bearing and rearingtheir Taiwan-born children before they are deported finally. With this adjustment in law, the court will decidewhether a mother can obtain the custody of her child/children according to paragraph 4 of Article 31 of theImmigration Act. Once granted, a new immigrant mother in such a circumstance will be authorized to continuedwelling in this country. In the case of a new immigrant mother who has already gone back to her country oforigin after a divorce, the NIA claimed that she can still come back to Taiwan with a visitor visa provided thatshe used to be a legal resident in Taiwan who was the primary caretaker of her child/children or kept in fullcontact with them.

【題組】21 Which interest group in Taiwan is most likely to welcome this new amendment in law?
(A) The Consumers’ Foundation.
(B) The Society of Wilderness.
(C) The Child Welfare League Foundation.
(D) The Chinese Association for Relief and Ensuing Services.


37 Nowadays, it is essential for salespeople to learn some problem-solving ______ to cope with difficult situations they will encounter in the workplace.
(A) facilities
(B) strategies
(C) reservations
(D) transformations


