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45 Ms. Jones: Good morning. May I please speak to Kevin? Katrina: He stepped out for a minute. He should be back in the next ten or fifteen minutes. Ms. Jones:___________ Katrina: Not at all. Who’s calling? Ms. Jones: This is Ms. Jones from The Central Bank. I’ll be in my office until five.
(A)Do you know where he is now?
(B)Should I give him another call later?
(C)Can I have his number?
(D)Would you mind if I leave a message?


4.Most ______ are exempt from tax, for they are operated exclusively for charitable, educational, scientific, literary, public safety, or religious purposes, or for the promotion of social welfare.
(A) small businesses
(B) partnership businesses
(C) non-profit organizations
(D) enterprises


5. The economy is in bad shape, one reason for which is the rising___________ rate.
(A) recreation
(B) production
(C) unemployment
(D) enhancement


A: Good afternoon. Henry’s Russian Restaurant.
B: Hello. I’d like to make reservations for dinner tonight.
A: Yes. _____44_____
B: Five. We’d also like a table near the window, too, please.
A: I’ll certainly see _____45_____ . What time do you want your reservation for?
B: _____46_____
A: And what is the name, please?
B: The name is Miller.

(A)We’ll be ordering at 7:30.
(B)We’ll be paying at 7:30.
(C)We’ll be leaving at 7:30.
(D)We’ll be coming at 7:30.


As the violence in American television programs increased, so did national concern __26__ the possible harmful effects that such programming might be having on children. Many authorities __27__ in the field of psychiatry and other disciplines of social behavior took the position that the amount and types of crime, brutality, and violence portrayed on television were having a __28__ impact on the mental and social health and attitudes of the child audience. The causal relationship between televised violence and antisocial behavior is __29__ to warrant appropriate and immediate remedial action. __30__ research and Congressional hearings have further confirmed the validity and seriousness of this conclusion.


Many scholars and experts from all over the world will be invite to attend this yearly ______ on drug control.
(A) reference
(B) intention
(C) conference
(D) interaction


The medicine you take for a cold may cause _______ ; try not to drive after you take it.
(A) incident
(B) violence
(C) bacteria
(D) drowsiness


A: My sister lost her purse on the bus. B: ______ did it happen?


34 Unlike his classmates who stop by Internet cafes very often, John always goes home _____ after school.
(A) scarcely
(B) generally
(C) directly
(D) intrinsically


Hilary Cash, a therapist based in Washington, first treated an Internet-obsessed patient six years ago; this makes her a veteran in the new field of cyberpsychology. Now she runs a clinic called Internet Computer Addiction Services for Web over-users. Many of her clients would qualify as genuine compulsives: men and women who spend so much time visiting chat rooms and porn sites that they become moody and secretive, stop sleeping, ignore their jobs and other responsibilities, lie to their loved ones, and lose interest in sex. If research presented to the American Psychological Association last year is correct, 6 percent of Internet users fit in this category. It may look like many of the clinic’s clients are normal people who spend more time than their mates would like researching their family tree. Yet, to Cash and a growing number of experts, this type of computer habit is not without its potential dangers, especially for relationships. Researcher John Gottman of the University of Washington has found that marriages are more likely to be successful if partners spend at least six hours a week talking about day-to-day issues, dining out, and just doing couples of things. “That may only be five minutes at one time, half an hour at another, and a date once a week,” says Cash. “But once that critical time is lost, couples start to disconnect.”
【題組】14 What kind of patients does Hilary Cash treat?
(A) Couples who are starting to disconnect
(B) Couples who have marriage problems
(C) People who are Internet-obsessed
(D) People who are veterans


1 It is a common _____ that you hold the door open for anyone coming through behind you.
(A) curiosity
(B) contract
(C) courage
(D) courtesy


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
  Owning closets of shoes may seem superficial, but in reality women are merely paying homage to the bricklayers of modern civilization. The history of shoes dates back to 4000 B.C. when they appeared on the walls of Egyptian temples and tombs. While women today fancy a pair of stylish heels, in 1500, it was men, descendants of European nobility, who began to wear heeled shoes. Since then “well heeled” suggests being wealthy or able to afford costly shoes.
  In 1533, the wedding of an Italian lady with a French nobleman brought high heels in vogue for women. The bride insisted on having heels made for her wedding, which set the rage for the new shoes in Paris. High heels stayed in style until the late 18th century, as during the French Revolution, it was considered in bad taste to show any sign of wealth. Finally,high heels emerged again in Europe in the late 19th century and continued to spread their enchantment around the world.

【題組】47 What did a pair of heeled shoes suggest in the sixteenth-century Europe?
(A)High education.
(B)Respectable ancestry.
(C)Outstanding taste.
(D)Great wealth.


43 Patty: Do you like to play baseball? Alice: ______, but I like to watch the Yankees play. Patty: Me too.
(A) For sure
(B) At any rate
(C) Nothing doing
(D) Not really


35 Taiwan’s wide range of wildlife _____ and national parks is perfect for travelers looking to immerse themselves in natural beauty.
(A) exploits
(B) hazards
(C) habitats
(D) shrines


8 Some helicopter parents become so engrossed in their kids’ homework that their kids feel either annoyed or intimidated.
(A) Some parents become so disgusted with their kids’ performance.
(B) Some kids’ talents blossom due to their strict upbringing.
(C) Some parents fly their kids on helicopters wherever they go.
(D) Some parents’ involvment in their kids’ schoolwork does more harm than help.


37 ____nice pictures is difficult in that you need to have a good knowledge of light and color.
(A) Take
(B) In order to take
(C) When you take
(D) Taking


21 The Sydney Opera House, with its gleaming white sails breathtaking against the backdrop of the harbor, is the most ____icon of the city.
(A) eligible
(B) reversible
(C) expressible
(D) recognizable


What is the challenge of the university? When it is best understood, the challenge of the university reveals itself more as an opportunity than a competition between adversaries. It is an opportunity for students to earn an education by challenging themselves to meet the standards set by the university in a range of academic programs. Successfully meeting this demand moves students closer to their goals. Thus, the more open to the challenge, the more likely students are to succeed. 
 How can students know whether they are open or not? Here are some useful indicators of openness. Students should demonstrate the ability to give critical and rational consideration to ideas and values that differ from their own, even when those ideas and values push them to the edges of their comfort zone. Besides, students should examine their own core beliefs and values, which are often culture-based. A reasonable tolerance for uncertainty is also necessary. That is, they do not need to have an answer for everything all the time. Last but not least, students should have the courage to risk and accept being wrong and at the same time to learn from the mistakes.

【題組】74 According to the passage, if students can make the best use of the opportunity offered by the university, they can_____ .
(A) earn more money
(B) be admitted to graduate school
(C) stay in the comfort zone
(D) achieve their goals


331. Tina is going to graduate from college; however, she is filled with the __________ about her future career.
(A) security
(B) sorrow
(C) certainty
(D) anxiety


466. Thanks to the new railroad system, we are able to travel easily to _______ towns.
(A) colonial
(B) complete
(C) experimental
(D) faraway


502. According to medical research, depression is one of the __________ problems modern people suffer from.
(A) biological
(B) reliable
(C) extensive
(D) psychological


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
   Is it true that loneliness causes more misery in the world than any other spiritual condition in life? Generally speaking, it is. Loneliness is a negative emotion that almost everyone suffers from now and then. This solitary feeling may even torture one's soul moment to moment throughout lifetime. Contrary to general belief, loneliness does not necessarily result from the state of being alone. To get over loneliness, it is essential to realize the source of this emotion.
   Loneliness must be examined honestly and completely before it can be handled since it is actually a deep-rooted personality habit. To begin with, personal beliefs and memories that support the feeling of loneliness must be discovered and understood. Then, the habitually lonely feeling has to be replaced with more constructive emotions.
   You must understand that feeling lonely now and then is not abnormal, and neither is it your fault. Life is sometimes a lonely process, which can somehow provide the energy and motion needed for personal growth and spiritual understanding. In other words, loneliness is a challenge, not a problem. It becomes a problem only when you view yourself as its victim and consider yourself incompetent to find any solution.
   Loneliness serves as a signal to get your attention so that you can start to deal with your inner state of being. In fact, loneliness can be your very best friend. You may even need to be thankful that it exists for it stimulates you to develop relationships with other people and pushes you out into the world to look for ways of meeting your interpersonal needs.

【題組】39 What is the author's general attitude while concluding the issue of loneliness?


35 The taxi driver was obviously _________ by going through the red light, and caused an accident.
(A)buckled up
(B)in the wind
(C)geared up
(D)in rush


13 After a series of volcanic explosions occurred on Saturday morning, firefighters went door-to-door to urge residents to _____ right away.


27 Lina is the leader of this group project; she needs to ______ and help improve her group members’ work performance.
(A) boycott
(B) duplicate
(C) retrieve
(D) supervise


