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請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
       The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan announced that new immigrant mothers who aredivorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose thecustody of their children. The NIA’s decision to amend the law is invariably linked with the protection of thechildren’s rights and interests. The NIA restated that Article 31 of the Immigration Act in 2007 was modifiedto safeguard the rights and interests of foreign spouses after a divorce. The amendment contains enabling themto have the custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are victimsof domestic violence.
      In the past, new immigrant mothers who are divorced without the custody of their children are usuallycompelled to leave the country. Yet, their right to have visitation of their children will still be granted dependingon the NIA’s evaluation of each case concerning to what extent the mothers are involved in bearing and rearingtheir Taiwan-born children before they are deported finally. With this adjustment in law, the court will decidewhether a mother can obtain the custody of her child/children according to paragraph 4 of Article 31 of theImmigration Act. Once granted, a new immigrant mother in such a circumstance will be authorized to continuedwelling in this country. In the case of a new immigrant mother who has already gone back to her country oforigin after a divorce, the NIA claimed that she can still come back to Taiwan with a visitor visa provided thatshe used to be a legal resident in Taiwan who was the primary caretaker of her child/children or kept in fullcontact with them.

【題組】25 What message does this law amendment send in terms of Taiwan’s immigration policy?
(A) Taiwan implements severe prosecution for illegal new immigrants.
(B) Taiwan enforces many of its improper laws on new immigrants.
(C) Taiwan cares for the needs of new immigrant mothers and their children.
(D) Taiwan serves as a watchdog for new immigrants who have Taiwanese spouses.


500. A week-long vacation on Bali Island can be quite a __________ for most modern busy people.
(A) nightmare
(B) technique
(C) luxury
(D) defect


Fathers and sons have a long history of disagreeing on many subjects,______ when the sons are teenagers.


The manager decided to offer a bargain price to increase sales and discourage ____________.
(A) designers
(B) roosters
(C) competitors
(D) scholars


The term home schooling or home tuition, as it is called in England, means educating children at home or in places other than a mainstream setting such as a public or private school. There are many reasons why parents choose home schooling for their children. Some parents are _____1_____ with the quality of education in the public schools. Others do not want their children to have to _____2_____ peer pressure or social pressure from friends. They say it may interfere with the child’s studies. These parents fear this type of pressure will _____3_____ negative behavior such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. Bullying and harassing from other students is another _____4_____ . Still other parents choose this type of education for religious reasons. Whatever the reasons may be, it is evident that more and more children are being taken out of mainstream schools every year. _____5_____ , many questions have emerged, encouraging the debate over home schooling versus public schooling.
(A)find out
(B)look into
(C)worry about
(D)care for


663. There's a new Italian restaurant opening soon, and I'm _______ try it out.
(A) lucky as
(B) happy for
(C) eager to
(D) finished with


534. His remarks were _____ a joke; don’t take them too seriously.
(A) by no means
(B) anything but
(C) nothing but
(D) far from


3 The student studied very hard to live up to his parents’ ______ .
(A) predictions
(B) admissions
(C) expectations
(D) permissions


400. The patient decided to _______ any treatment until he got the second opinion from a different doctor.
(A) post
(B) propose
(C) postpone
(D) prepare


31. What impresses students most when they read early American literature is the spirit of the American Dream and their_______ in self-made success.
(A) diffidence
(B) confinement
(C) confidence
(D) disrespect


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題: More than half of India’s population lives in villages. Gandhi had said, “the real India lives in villages.” Rustic simplicity and natural beauty is emblematic of Indian culture and heritage. Lives of most people in villages mostly depend on agriculture. Some people earn their living from animal husbandry and agro-based cottage industries. Most of the villagers are farmers. They are hardworking, unassuming and generous. When farmers plough their fields in the morning sun, the chirping of birds that accompanies the movement of the oxen seems to hum a melody of hard work. Farmers are innocent by nature unlike some of their urban counterparts who lose their inner goodness in the cut-throat world of materialism in cities. Life in urban India is marked by wide-ranging disparity. There are residents who have unlimited means of enjoyment but some people are so poor that they have to live in slums. Economic inequality, pollution and garbage are the bane of urban existence. People also have to face lack of adequate water supply. Yet people want to live in cities because they get facilities for good education, healthcare, transport and so many modes of comforts and entertainment. There are also good opportunities for employment in cities unlike villages where very few people are gainfully employed. City life is a boon in many ways, but on the other hand it is also a curse. Every year the population of cities is growing by leaps and bounds, increasing pressure on their infrastructure and reducing life to a dehumanised rat race. Thus, life in villages and in cities presents two contrasting pictures. There are positive as well as negative aspects to the both and it is up to the individuals to make the most of it irrespective of the rural or urban setting that one lives in.
【題組】27 In which section is this passage most likely found?
(B)Indian Art
(C)Life Style


請依下文回答第46 題至第50 題 
Drinking coffee has become a crucial part of the daily routine of 110 million Americans. Over the past 20 years, over 19,000 studies have been conducted to examine the impact of coffee on one’s health. There appears to be both benefits and potential hazards associated with this drink. Some studies have shown that coffee may reduce the risk of diabetes. After analyzing data on 120,000 people over an 18-year period, researchers at Harvard have concluded that drinking 1 to 3 cups of coffee each day can reduce diabetes risk by several percentage points, compared with not drinking coffee at all. Caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees provide similar results, which suggests that a coffee component other than caffeine may have beneficial effects on blood sugar levels. Researchers also find that coffee can lower the risks of Parkinson’s disease, colon cancer, and gallstones. On the other hand, some researchers have found that coffee is not for everyone. In excessive amounts-meaning more than whatever one’s body can tolerate-coffee can decrease the flow of blood to the heart, increase blood pressure, and cause rapid heartbeat. In addition, pregnant women should limit their caffeine intake because fetuses are sensitive to caffeine.

【題組】47 According to the passage, which is NOT one of the diseases that coffee drinkers can avoid?
(A) Diabetes
(B) Parkinson’s disease
(C) Insomnia
(D) Colon cancer


I called the airline to ______ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.
(A) expand
(B) attach
(C) confirm
(D) strengthen


第 43 題至第 46 題為題組 
    A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she could manage to do the planting; and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, “Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money and the gun there.” 
   Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, “I think somebody is reading your letters before they go out of the prison. Some policemen arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What should I do now?” The farmer wrote back at once, “Plant the potatoes, of course.”

【題組】43 Why was it a bad time for the potato farmer to go to prison?
(A) It was the time when the policemen found his money and gun.
(B) It was the time when he lost his money and gun.
(C) It was the time for him to dig the ground and plant the new potatoes.
(D) It was the time to harvest potatoes.


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
        Cleanliness has long been next to godliness for the hygiene-conscious Japanese, but fortune-tellers are now advising those who want to succeed in life to start by scrubbing the smallest room.
        Cleaning the Toilet to Attract Luck published this month is the latest in a series of books advising readers on how to attract good fortune using a brush and an array of cleaning fluids. “Don’t just wipe the floor, polish it,” the book instructs. “It’s important to maintain a positive mood while cleaning.” The books are inspired by Buddhist teachings and feng shui, a traditional Chinese belief that people’s fortunes are determined by their surroundings. 
        The idea that Lady Luck may be hiding in the lavatory has been taken up by magazines and television programs. “I won the lottery! I married my ideal person! I got pregnant!” read some of the claims on the cover of another book on the topic, published last year
        The idea that a clean toilet can bring good fortune, or even make you more beautiful, has existed in Japan for many years, according to Yuka Soma of Makino Publishing in Tokyo, editor of one of the toilet books. But she is still waiting for a big stroke of luck. “I’ve always cleaned my toilet every day, so it never really gets dirty,” she said. “At least it’s easy that way and it probably helps keep my family healthy,” she said.

【題組】48 Why is there a craze for cleaning the toilet in Japan?
(A)To improve personal hygiene.  
(B)To show how diligent a woman is.
(C)To attract good luck.
(D)To beautify people’s surroundings. 


請依下文回答第 38 題至第 42 題 The triathlon is a recent sport. It is demanding and difficult because it is three sports in one. It includes a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike race, and a 26.2-mile marathon. The top tri-athletes finish all three events in about eight hours. Many say that it is a true test of an athlete’s body and mind. It really takes a lot of strength and willpower to compete. Triathlons began in California in the early 1970s. There, some athletes started the three-sport race because they wanted to make their training exciting. One of these athletes moved to Hawaii and took the sport with him. In 1978, competitors held the first professional triathlon race in Hawaii. It was called the Ironman World Championship. In 1982, this race became famous because of the televised performance of Julie Moss. She was twenty-three years old, and it was her first competition. Exhausted, she was running toward the finish line. Suddenly, three meters before the line, she fell down. She tried to get up, but she kept falling. She finally crawled across the finish line. Television cameras showed the world her dramatic struggle. This was the start of the Ironman’s popularity. Even though Julie Moss lost that year, she tried again. Finally, in 1985, she won Ironman Japan.
【題組】41 When did the triathlon start to become a popular sport?
(A)In the early 1970s.
(B) In 1978.
(C)In 1982.
(D)In 1985.


7 Almost half of the audience has fallen asleep; _____, the speech is very boring.
(A) appropriately
(B) accidentally
(C) adequately
(D) apparently


36 The new smartphone ______ a high-resolution camera that can capture great photographs even in low-light conditions.
(A) overthrows
(B) abandons
(C) dismantles
(D) features


39 Autumn for Max is a _____ season and it easily brings about his deeper feelings and thoughts of just about anything.
(A) compulsory
(B) legitimate
(C) negligible
(D) sentimental


38 Since the world is becoming a globalized village, many diseases and viruses are spreading around the world at an _____ speed.
(A) inflexible
(B) indecisive
(C) inaccessible
(D) incredible


第 43 題至第 46 題為題組 A potato farmer was sent to prison just at the time when he should have been digging the ground for planting thenew crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she couldmanage to do the planting; and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to dothe digging for him. So he wrote a letter to his wife which said, “Please do not dig the potato field. I hid the money andthe gun there.” Ten days later he got a letter from his wife. It said, “I think somebody is reading your letters before they go out ofthe prison. Some policemen arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole potato field. What should I do now?” The farmer wrote back at once, “Plant the potatoes, of course.”
【題組】 45 What did the farmer do to the policemen?
(A) He asked the policemen to do the favor for him.
(B) He exchanged money and gun for the digging.
(C) He wrote a letter to the policemen.
(D) He played a trick on the policemen.


16 The Flight Safety Foundation has introduced from abroad the______ bird-dispersing equipment.
(A) last
(B) later
(C) latter
(D) latest


32 Dickens was the first important English novelist to write from the child’s point of view and to take the child’s ______.
(A) walk
(B) play
(C) toy
(D) side


37 As a hurricane is approaching, people should stay ________ to weather conditions and avoid traveling.
(A) frail
(B) keen
(C) stern
(D) alert


32 Mother Teresa_____ her life_____ aiding the sick and the homeless. Her selfless love has been highly praised by the world
(A)regarded . . . as
(B)released . . . from
(C)transformed . . . into
(D)devoted . . . to


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