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The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, says 115 million children worldwide are still missing out on an education, most of them girls. 2005 is the year set by the UN to achieve gender equality in primary education. UNICEF says many countries in South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East cannot meet the target of gender equality in 2005. UNICEF is especially concerned about the situation in west and central Africa. Only five countries out of 24 are set to achieve gender equality there. In South Asia, UNICEF says, progress has been made but not enough. Forty-two million children across the region don’t go to school. Afghanistan and Pakistan have the widest gender gaps. For Pakistan to have the same number of girls as boys in school by 2015, it would have to increase girls’ school attendance by over three percent each year. And in eastern and central Europe there is cause for concern, too. The introduction of fees for tuition, schoolbooks and uniforms has led to rising dropout rates—and girls drop out sooner than boys. UNICEF insists the effort must be made. The UN’s primary goal is to get rid of poverty, and education is fundamental to achieving that.
【題組】49 In eastern and central Europe, what may be the main reason for children to leave school?
(A) Children have to work to earn their own living.
(B) Children cannot afford educational fees and other expenses.
(C) The increase of girls’ school attendance makes boys leave school.
(D) UNICEF does not offer aids to the children in this region.


427. My teammates argued fiercely over what to do for the project. To ease the _____, I took them out to dinner.
(A) volume
(B) tension
(C) voyage
(D) triumph


Most people do not think that language classes are necessary. They would say that the best way to learn another language is to go to the country where that language is spoken by its native inhabitants. This is not a helpful suggestion. If a novice speaker goes to a new country where that language is spoken, he or she will only listen to many incomprehensible new words. Beginners are much better off attending a thoughtfully planned and taught language class. Good language classes will provide the beginner with easy lessons to start with during which the learner can practice important sentences many times. These practices are concentrated on the repetition of speaking skills for which the opportunities to use these words in the daily life of people in another country may be quite rare. The goal of teachers in language classes is to bring the learners to the point where they can go to a foreign country and manage to use their language in a way which allows the local people to understand them, without too much difficulty. For the learners, however, the key objective of studying in language classes is to reach what is called a “working-level” of language knowledge. This means the learners can cope with the bare essentials of communication, read some authentic texts, and get some comprehensible input from the environment. They will not, however, be perfect.
【題組】11 According to the passage, what is a good reason for a beginner to start from beginning classes?
(A) It is important for learners to find partners with whom to practice speaking.
(B) Beginning classes provide learners with constant practice of basic language skills.
(C) It is essential to have good pronunciation.
(D) Studying with others boosts one’s confidence.


539. After working diligently for thirty years, I think I should slow down and enjoy a(n) _______ life now.
(A) countless
(B) leisurely
(C) ashamed
(D) beloved


360. Tormented by guilt, I eventually _____ my wrongdoing to my victims and begged for their forgiveness.
(A) gossiped
(B) confessed
(C) boasted
(D) interpreted


1 The official website of our restaurant is still under_____ . Please be patient with us while we edit it.
(A) description
(B) construction
(C) privilege
(D) necessity


34 On a clear night in the countryside, we have a very good chance to see many stars ______in the sky.
(A) colliding
(B) glistening
(C) retrieving
(D) smothering


37 To _______ the efficiency of maritime search and rescue operations, the Coast Guard has operational procedures pertinent to emergency response organization in order to set up joint command centers and dispatch rescue resources.


Although your plans look good, you have to be _____ and consider what you can actually do.
(A) dramatic
(B) realistic
(C) stressful
(D) manageable


____to improve our relationships with family and friends.
(A)A now year’s resolution makes we
(B)We should make a New Year’s resolution
(C)We make a New Year’s resolution should
(D)A New Year should make we resolution


10.If you are so easily discouraged by any ( ), how can you ever achieve anything? Hardships are there to make us braver and wiser.
(A) capacity
(B) monument
(C) obstacle
(D) tolerance


300. Children should be taught how to____ right from wrong at the early age so that they know what to do when faced with temptation.
(A) convince
(B) aggravate
(C) distinguish
(D) exaggerate


        Animal studies confirm that the relief some of us get from eating sugar is not just psychological—it is an actual brain-chemistry reaction. In one experiment, Blass and colleagues studied two groups of baby mice who were separated from their mothers and left alone for six minutes. Their resulting “isolation distress” was considered to be a kind of animal equivalent to our human version of depression. The depressed mice who were given sugar water cried only seventy-five times during their isolation—as compared to the more than three hundred cries that came from the mice left 
alone with no sweet treat to alleviate their emotional pain. Apparently, the young mice were literally “medicating” their depression with sugar. 
        Why did sugar have this remarkable effect? Researchers thought that perhaps the sweet food stimulated the release of extra beta-endorphin molecules. Since these molecules help us cope with physical and emotional pain, the sugar had a literally soothing effect. Researchers confirmed their theory by giving both groups of mice Naltrexone, a drug that blocks beta-endorphin receptors. If you take Naltrexone, it does not matter how many beta-endorphins you release—you will not get any relief from pain. Sure enough, when the sugar-fed mice were given Naltrexone, they lost all interest in the sweet substance, suggesting that their only reason for their sweet tooth had been to stimulate the release of beta-endorphins. 
        Numbed by Naltrexone, both groups of mice cried equally often. The poor baby mice were still depressed—but now even sugar could not make them feel better. 

【題組】8.According to the article, why does sugar have a soothing effect?
(A)Sweet food can block beta-endorphin receptors.
(B)Sweet food can numb the mice so that they feel no pain.
(C)Sweet food can stimulate the release of beta-endorphins, which help alleviate physical and emotional pain.
(D)Sweet food can stimulate the release of Naltrexone, which helps alleviate physical and emotional pain.


16 She bought her 80-year-old father a _________ health-monitoring device so that he could measure his blood pressure and heartbeats wherever he went.
(A) considerable
(B) capable
(C) portable
(D) profitable


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50題
       Have you ever been troubled by the question of whether to buy a wine with a cork  or a screw top? In fact, the way to seal wines is also a tough problem for the wineries. 
       The root of the problem lies in “cork taint.” When some wine is sealed with a bad cork, there will be cork taint. Corks are made from a special oak tree growing around the Mediterranean. In the process of making corks and sealing wine bottles, a certain type of mold may start to grow in some corks. Over time, this mold may make the wine taste musty. Since cork taint affects one out of every ten bottles of wine, no packaging industry in the world would put up with such a high rate of failure. 
       Some wine makers try to solve the problem by sealing bottles with screw tops. However, many wineries are still playing it safe and sticking to corks for two reasons. First, cork users believe a small amount of oxygen is able to penetrate corks, not screw tops, and the oxygen is necessary for the proper aging of fine wines. The other problem arises from the image screw tops have with the public. In most people’s minds, screw tops are only found on cheap, low-quality wines. In addition, there is the problem of losing the romantic mood produced by the popping of the cork. 
       For the reasons above, it will take a lot of efforts for wineries to re-educate the public if they want to change the habit of the public.

【題組】48 What is the chance of “cork taint” affecting bottled wine?


The concert will ________ on the weekend
(A)catch on
(B)be gone
(C)take place
(D)take care of


33 The Customs Officer is using an electronic instrument to_____ metal objects on passengers.
(A) achieve
(B) consider
(C) detect
(D) deceive


1 Most religions teach that we should have ______ for the poor, the weak, and the unfortunate.
(A) association
(B) bisection
(C) compassion
(D) obsession


32 The_________ of the burning houses was difficult. Luckily, everyone got out safely eventually.


請依下文回答第 7 題至第 10 題: 
   Do you have difficulties getting work done because computer games or online chatting occupy a great deal of your time? Do you value chat-room friends more than real friends because most of your friends are from online contacts? The habits you develop from your computer use may cause significant problems in your life. For instance, feeling irritable or depressed when not using the computer, losing jobs or failing courses due to the lack of productivity on work or school assignments, and finally, feeling socially inept, since you lose the ability to interact with people face to face.
   Symptoms, such as obsessively checking e-mail, losing track of time while on the computer, and neglecting family, work, friends, or even personal health and hygiene, are all indications of computer addiction. This addiction can be described as compulsive.
   Not all people who spend hours each day on the computer, however, are considered addicted. That is, a person who spends 8 hours or more a day on the computer may not automatically be regarded as a computer addict while another person who spends less than 6 hours a day could suffer from an addition. It is important to note each case is distinct and, therefore, the number of hours spent on the computer is not considered to be the main factor in identifying computer addiction. Rather, the kinds of activities, the level of compulsion, and other ways of using the computer are the real determining factors.
   A person who is obsessed with the computer is likely to have the following experiences or feelings: craving for the use of computer excessively; feeling anxious or gloomy when computer time is interrupted; telling lies to hide that you are actually playing games online; and neglecting friends, family, or responsibilities when online. Physical discomfort, such as back and neck aches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, difficulty focusing your vision, dry eyes, and severe headaches may also be observed. Look out for these signs and get proper treatment, so you will regain control of your life.

【題組】10 Which of the following is not the consequence of computer addition?
(A)losing track of time
(B)having back and neck aches
(C)having problems with relationships
(D)having a burning desire to attend courses


44 Sara: Miriam, you look pale. What’s wrong? Miriam:_____________ Sara: If that’s the case, you’d better see a doctor right away.
(A) Don’t make a fuss.
(B) None of your business.
(C) No big deal. I’m just fine!
(D) I think I might be coming down with the flu.


請依下文回答第 11 題到第 15 題 
    Having a seven-day week seemed strange to sociologists since there was no corresponding geophysical event as there was with the solar day or the lunar month. They tended to attribute it to our cultures and not to biology. However, other organisms also have a seven-day cycle, and a week is, after all, a quarter of a lunar circle. At the end of the French Revolution, the revolutionary government wanted to establish a ten-day week, but the attempt failed to work. In the former Soviet Union, the rulers also experimented with modifying the week by trying five-day and six-day weeks. Again, people rejected to change the length of their week. They seemed to need to have one day out of seven in order to rest their body clocks. Weekly rhythms show up most strongly during times of stress. For the body to fight off a cold, it needs about a week. The symptoms of chicken pox show up about two weeks after the patient’s being exposed to disease. Health care workers expect to see patients with pneumonia and malaria at greatest risk after one week of fighting these diseases. By these evidences, sociologists have had reasons to reconsider their previous ideas about the origin of the seven-day week.

【題組】14 According to the passage, how long will it take for a patient who has chicken pox to show up the symptom?
(A) 5 days
(B) 7 days
(C) 10 days
(D) 14 days


31 Many people think the world of business is still ____ by the male because most of the highest positions are held by men.


605. The MRT is closed ______ due to some unknown reason. It will resume running tomorrow morning.
(A) anxiously
(B) consequently
(C) routinely
(D) temporarily


Passenger1:Excuse me. Where can I get on the next train for Tai-chung? Passenger2:Platform 1, right here. ______ because I'm taking the same train.
(A)I hope you understand it,
(B)You'd better go early,
(C)I have no idea,
(D)There's no mistake about it,


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