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請依下文回答第 18 題至第 22 題
      In the first century A.D. Pompeii was a pretty and prosperous resort town. There were some 12,000year-round inhabitants and hundreds more who came down from Rome each summer to their villas by the sea. Ona hot summer day, around noon—it was August 24, A.D. 79—the people of Pompeii saw a huge cloud formingover the mountain north of the city. This was the last noontime Pompeii would ever know, because that cloud ofvolcanic debris was the beginning of a massive eruption that blew the top off Vesuvius, burying the city beneath 12 feet of rock and ash and unleashing a blast of toxic gases. Thousands were killed—in their homes, in thestreets, in businesses and brothels. Thousands more fled madly toward the sea. Those who were running for theirlives must have been surprised to see a curious figure racing not from but toward the volcano. This was the greatRoman naturalist Pliny the Elder. Seeing the initial eruption from a safe distance at his home near Naples, therenowned scientific observer just could not stay away. He grabbed his notebook and stylus and hightailed it forPompeii to gather firsthand information on this prodigious phenomenon. Pliny’s curiosity cost him his life.

【題組】21 What happened to Pompeii after August 24, A.D. 79?
(A)It was burned to ashes by a fire.
(B)It was buried beneath rock and ash.
(C)It was flooded with seawater.
(D)It was stormed by rains and winds.


We measure our lives in months and years. The wood mouse’s life is measured in hours and days. This tiny mammal, a member of the rodent family, has a childhood lasting only for three weeks.
Survival is a difficult task for such a small creature. The wood mouse ventures out mainly at night, using its whiskers to feel its way through the darkness. It has good sight and hearing, and an excellent sense of smell. However, the wood mouse is relatively defenseless, and many fall prey to owls, hawks, crows, foxes, and other predators.
The mouse’s main survival strategy is to breed at speed. A single mother may have several litters of babies, totally 25 to 30 offspring in a year. With so many babies, the chances are that only one or two will survive.
The wood mouse has many similarities to its close cousin, the house mouse. For both, life starts in a cozy nest. The new babies are pink and furless. Their eyes are closed, and there is no sign of the typically large mouse ears. They depend completely on their mother. She suckles them with her milk, licks them clean, removes their droppings, and keeps the nest clean. If they wriggle too far, she picks them up in her mouth and returns them to the nest.

【題組】41 How long does it take a wood mouse to grow into maturity?
(A)Less than one week
(B)Less than one month
(C)More than one month
(D)More than one year


523. True friends are great treasures which can _______ be bought with money.
(A) by all means
(B) by no means
(C) by means of
(D) by any means


48 Many people________ the death penalty and try to pressure the government to abolish it.
(A) possess
(B) oppose
(C) associate
(D) revenge


28 At first I didn’t find her annoying, but after a while her behavior began to______ me.


Guest 1:Are you the manager of this hotel?I've got some complaints about tour services. Guest 2:______I'm also looking for the manager. I've got some complaints, too.
(A)It is very nice of you.
(B)I'm afraid you must be mistaken.
(C)I'm glad the manager is here.
(D)I really appreciate your advice.


18 To _____ how something works in the lab or in real life, many instructors use videos, pictures, or ppt slides to give students a better idea.
(A) assist
(B) illustrate
(C) prevent
(D) respond


Every April, music fans in Taiwan head to Kenting, in southern Taiwan. They go there to experience Taiwan’s biggest and longest-running music festival, Spring Scream. It __82_ in 1995 by two Americans, Jimi Moe and Wade Davis. When it began, they just wanted to have a small festival for their friends’ bands. But it quickly began to grow. Since 2007, over 200 bands from Taiwan and around the world have __83__ it. To grow along with the crowd, the festival has changed locations many times. It has also changed slightly, and now __84_ not only bands, but also art exhibitions, DJs, and film screenings. The festival lasts for about four days, and tickets are __85_ online as early as February. If you’ve never gone before, don’t miss out on the next Spring Scream!
(A) conveys
(B) founds
(C) includes
(D) remains


Caller :Could I speak to Ms. Johnson please? Secretary:_______ Caller :That's OK. I'll hold.
(A)I'm sorry. She's in meetings all morning.
(B)May I take a message?
(C)She's on the other line.
(D)May I ask who's calling?


The Japanese have almost no natural resources, so they ___ nearly all of their oil and coal.
(A) export
(B) explore
(C) import
(D) improve


264. Amy could speak very good English if she were more____ in her use of idioms and verb tenses.
(A) complicated
(B) renowned
(C) accurate
(D) unbending


39 Being overweight is a common phenomenon among many people, but it is also a problem that concerns them because growing fat can let people become unhealthy. _____  , in order to stay healthy, losing weight has been a common goal for people around the world who need to keep fit.
(A) However
(B) Nevertheless
(C) Therefore
(D) On the contrary


The historic center of Hoi An looks just how Vietnam is supposed to look: narrow lanes, wooden shop houses, a charming covered bridge. Hoi An’s well preserved architecture –from the 16th century onward, the harbor town attracted traders from China, India, Japan and as far as Holland and Portugal – led United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to deem it a World Heritage site, praising it as an outstanding demonstration of cultural blending over time in an international commercial port. When Hoi An was first recognized as a World Heritage site in 1999, the city welcomed 160,300 tourists. In 2011, 1.5 million tourists arrived. Today, tour buses crowd the edge of Hoi An’s old town. Tourists flood the historic center. Hundreds of nearly identical storefronts – providing food and selling the same tailored clothes, shoes and lanterns – colonize the heritage structures. To squeeze tourism revenue, a hospital has been forced to move out. Its building, built in the 19th century, now houses a tailoring business. While local government officials and business owners view changes in the old town positively, tourists are beginning to notice the loss of authenticity in Hoi An. A 2008 UNESCO report sounded the alarm that “unless tourism management can be improved, the economic success generated by tourism will not be sustainable in the long term.”
【題組】78 According to the passage, the old town of Hoi An is now ______.
(A)an empty place
(B)a famous theme park
(C)a popular tourist spot
(D)a center of modern arts


4. The president declared that the government would not _____ with the terrorists.
(A) separate
(B) fascinate
(C) negotiate
(D) repudiate


Hilary Cash, a therapist based in Washington, first treated an Internet-obsessed patient six years ago; this makes her a veteran in the new field of cyberpsychology. Now she runs a clinic called Internet Computer Addiction Services for Web over-users. Many of her clients would qualify as genuine compulsives: men and women who spend so much time visiting chat rooms and porn sites that they become moody and secretive, stop sleeping, ignore their jobs and other responsibilities, lie to their loved ones, and lose interest in sex. If research presented to the American Psychological Association last year is correct, 6 percent of Internet users fit in this category. It may look like many of the clinic’s clients are normal people who spend more time than their mates would like researching their family tree. Yet, to Cash and a growing number of experts, this type of computer habit is not without its potential dangers, especially for relationships. Researcher John Gottman of the University of Washington has found that marriages are more likely to be successful if partners spend at least six hours a week talking about day-to-day issues, dining out, and just doing couples of things. “That may only be five minutes at one time, half an hour at another, and a date once a week,” says Cash. “But once that critical time is lost, couples start to disconnect.”
【題組】14 What kind of patients does Hilary Cash treat?
(A) Couples who are starting to disconnect
(B) Couples who have marriage problems
(C) People who are Internet-obsessed
(D) People who are veterans


34 Unlike his classmates who stop by Internet cafes very often, John always goes home _____ after school.
(A) scarcely
(B) generally
(C) directly
(D) intrinsically


A: My sister lost her purse on the bus. B: ______ did it happen?


Many scholars and experts from all over the world will be invite to attend this yearly ______ on drug control.
(A) reference
(B) intention
(C) conference
(D) interaction


5. The economy is in bad shape, one reason for which is the rising___________ rate.
(A) recreation
(B) production
(C) unemployment
(D) enhancement


4.Most ______ are exempt from tax, for they are operated exclusively for charitable, educational, scientific, literary, public safety, or religious purposes, or for the promotion of social welfare.
(A) small businesses
(B) partnership businesses
(C) non-profit organizations
(D) enterprises


35 Taiwan’s wide range of wildlife _____ and national parks is perfect for travelers looking to immerse themselves in natural beauty.
(A) exploits
(B) hazards
(C) habitats
(D) shrines


5 During their one-week trip to Yushan National Park, the Lins visited many___________ spots and truly enjoyed the breathtaking views in the mountains.
(A) chaotic
(B) drastic
(C) hectic
(D) scenic


33 In this Internet age, many people respond to a _____ image more than a real one.
(A) virtuous
(B) vital
(C) victorious
(D) virtual


We gave them ______.
(A)many milk
(B)much things
(C)a few knifes
(D)several bottles of wine


4 Anita’s 2-year gym membership is no longer___________ ; she is thinking about getting a lifelong membership offered by a newly opened gym near her place.
(A) cordial
(B) diverse
(C) liable
(D) valid


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