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33 A: Why is your coat so wet? B: It was_____ when I arrived


Sophia has profound knowledge of Greek history, which makes her a __________ in that field.


We gave them ______.
(A)many milk
(B)much things
(C)a few knifes
(D)several bottles of wine


28 At first I didn’t find her annoying, but after a while her behavior began to______ me.


I want to join the club, but its_____fee is so high that I can’t afford it
(B) anticipation
(C) adaptation
(D) membership


We measure our lives in months and years. The wood mouse’s life is measured in hours and days. This tiny mammal, a member of the rodent family, has a childhood lasting only for three weeks.
Survival is a difficult task for such a small creature. The wood mouse ventures out mainly at night, using its whiskers to feel its way through the darkness. It has good sight and hearing, and an excellent sense of smell. However, the wood mouse is relatively defenseless, and many fall prey to owls, hawks, crows, foxes, and other predators.
The mouse’s main survival strategy is to breed at speed. A single mother may have several litters of babies, totally 25 to 30 offspring in a year. With so many babies, the chances are that only one or two will survive.
The wood mouse has many similarities to its close cousin, the house mouse. For both, life starts in a cozy nest. The new babies are pink and furless. Their eyes are closed, and there is no sign of the typically large mouse ears. They depend completely on their mother. She suckles them with her milk, licks them clean, removes their droppings, and keeps the nest clean. If they wriggle too far, she picks them up in her mouth and returns them to the nest.

【題組】41 How long does it take a wood mouse to grow into maturity?
(A)Less than one week
(B)Less than one month
(C)More than one month
(D)More than one year


Guest 1:Are you the manager of this hotel?I've got some complaints about tour services. Guest 2:______I'm also looking for the manager. I've got some complaints, too.
(A)It is very nice of you.
(B)I'm afraid you must be mistaken.
(C)I'm glad the manager is here.
(D)I really appreciate your advice.


A producer for a popular television show is always looking for people with unusual ____________ to perform on the show.
(A) reasons
(B) courts
(C) platforms
(D) talents


請依下文回答第 18 題至第 22 題
      In the first century A.D. Pompeii was a pretty and prosperous resort town. There were some 12,000year-round inhabitants and hundreds more who came down from Rome each summer to their villas by the sea. Ona hot summer day, around noon—it was August 24, A.D. 79—the people of Pompeii saw a huge cloud formingover the mountain north of the city. This was the last noontime Pompeii would ever know, because that cloud ofvolcanic debris was the beginning of a massive eruption that blew the top off Vesuvius, burying the city beneath 12 feet of rock and ash and unleashing a blast of toxic gases. Thousands were killed—in their homes, in thestreets, in businesses and brothels. Thousands more fled madly toward the sea. Those who were running for theirlives must have been surprised to see a curious figure racing not from but toward the volcano. This was the greatRoman naturalist Pliny the Elder. Seeing the initial eruption from a safe distance at his home near Naples, therenowned scientific observer just could not stay away. He grabbed his notebook and stylus and hightailed it forPompeii to gather firsthand information on this prodigious phenomenon. Pliny’s curiosity cost him his life.

【題組】21 What happened to Pompeii after August 24, A.D. 79?
(A)It was burned to ashes by a fire.
(B)It was buried beneath rock and ash.
(C)It was flooded with seawater.
(D)It was stormed by rains and winds.


523. True friends are great treasures which can _______ be bought with money.
(A) by all means
(B) by no means
(C) by means of
(D) by any means


527. ___________ got into the room than the telephone rang.
(A) Hardly had he
(B) No sooner had he
(C) He hardly had
(D) Scarcely had he


741. It is said that the ______ of the human brain to learn is greater than any individual person’s will to learn.
(A) compression
(B) capacity
(C) archivist
(D) database


32 Jack’s family were frightened by the ________ of the earthquake and decided to stay at the park overnight.
(B)  intensity 
(C) limitation 


10 Some people _____ a campaign for animal rights to raise funds for shelters.


33 In this Internet age, many people respond to a _____ image more than a real one.
(A) virtuous
(B) vital
(C) victorious
(D) virtual


1 World Trade Organization rules required Taiwan to open its markets to price-competitive _____ including food items.
(A) interchange
(B) imports
(C) income
(D) intakes


18 To _____ how something works in the lab or in real life, many instructors use videos, pictures, or ppt slides to give students a better idea.
(A) assist
(B) illustrate
(C) prevent
(D) respond


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
        Researchers have found interesting facts about birth order. Psychologists say many firstborns face pressure to succeed from their parents. They tend to be the parents' main focus until a brother or sister is born. These facts may help explain why firstborn children tend to be high achieving. Firstborns tend to score higher on intelligence tests and are usually taller and healthier than siblings born after them. Firstborns tend to be highly successful. More than half of all members of Congress are firstborns, as have been many U.S. presidents.
        Studies show middle children can feel lost in a family because they have to deal with parents on the one hand and with siblings on the other. This position often helps them learn to negotiate conflicts. It can help make them highly competitive. They are often less self-confident than their siblings and are the most likely to get into arguments and become rebels.
        Researchers has shown that youngest children can be the focus of the rest of the family, but sometimes feel lost while the focus is on older children. They tend to be the most emotionally sensitive siblings. That may be why many of them draw attention to themselves with humor or artistic interests. This fact may help explains why many youngest children become artists or performers.
        Not everyone, however, agrees that birth order is important. For example, Serena Williams says she is motivated by sibling rivalry, not birth order. "No one gets more motivated than [Venus], her sister, because I don't want her to catch up with me."

【題組】34 What does Serena Williams' statement mean?
(A) Her achievements connect closely to her birth order.
(B) Her success is driven more by sibling competitiveness.
(C) She is forced by her sister to become successful while she only wants to stay normal.
(D) She does not like her sister to steal her thunder on the tennis court.


36 A recent study found that a positive attitude towards learning in early grades is _______ to success.


37 Ketogenic diets can ______ seizures, which is why they have been used for decades to treat epilepsy in children.
(A) prescribe
(B) prevent
(C) presume
(D) precede


4 Anita’s 2-year gym membership is no longer___________ ; she is thinking about getting a lifelong membership offered by a newly opened gym near her place.
(A) cordial
(B) diverse
(C) liable
(D) valid


5 During their one-week trip to Yushan National Park, the Lins visited many___________ spots and truly enjoyed the breathtaking views in the mountains.
(A) chaotic
(B) drastic
(C) hectic
(D) scenic


39 The red carpet was filled with excited fans and flashing cameras as the _____ couple made their grand entrance to the movie premiere.


48 Many people________ the death penalty and try to pressure the government to abolish it.
(A) possess
(B) oppose
(C) associate
(D) revenge


8 In a hypothetical scenario, if we were to discover a new energy source, it could _______ the way we power our cities and drastically reduce our carbon footprint.
(A) characterize
(B) revolutionize
(C) smuggle
(D) incorporate


