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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 桃園市國民小學教師聯合甄選筆試:英 語 A #108100
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1. There are two options available to travelers to complete their _____, either in a government facility or in a hotel.
(A) monitor
(B) settlement
(C) prison
(D) quarantine


2. You will have a glass of delicious juice if you mix the strawberries and the water in a _____.
(A) bladder
(B) blender
(C) blamer
(D) bleater


3. After 6 months of _____ assault, the biggest city of this country was left in ruins.
(A) relentless
(B) fearless
(C) faultless
(D) effortless


4. I will not solve the ________ for you, you should try again.
(A) lure
(B) enterprise
(C) disease
(D) enigma


5. I ________confess I do not understand his full scope and intention.
(A) frankly
(B) dishonestly
(C) unfaithfully
(D) generously


6. How can you ________ a chance if you never get a chance in the first place?
(A) lock
(B) seize
(C) wrap
(D) judge


7. A ________ can be used to solve algebraic and other math questions.
(A) calendar
(B) cactus
(C) calligraphy
(D) calculator


8. Mr. Dooley would like to invite another class to be the ___ when the students perform.
(A) audience
(B) solution
(C) mediocre
(D) validity


9. Susan needs cash, so she went to her bank and made a ___.
(A) neutrality
(B) resolution
(C) withdrawal
(D) prevalence


10. Don’t mention the company name. ___ products get honest opinions.
(A) Hazardous
(B) Anonymous
(C) Ferocious
(D) Glamorous


11. If you _____ your math project in class, I won’t give you any homework.
(A) finish
(B) finishes
(C) finished
(D) finishing


12. We _____ in this little village since 2017.
(A) live
(B) lived
(C) have lived
(D) have been lived


13. My mom wants to make a cake, but she _____ any eggs.
(A) has bought
(B) hasn’t bought
(C) will buy
(D) will be buying


14. You didn’t look well yesterday. You _____ come to the class today if you don’t want to.
(A) didn’t have to
(B) haven’t
(C) should have
(D) don’t have to


15. Peggy _____ a great adventure if she hadn’t been on the trip to New Zealand.
(A) will have
(B) won’t have
(C) had
(D) wouldn’t have had


16. Recycling ______ the process of collecting used materials and manufacturing them into new products.
(A) which is
(B) which has
(C) which is done by
(D) is


17. ______, which is essential in learning a language, can be difficult for beginners.
(A) Students ask questions
(B) If students ask questions
(C) Students who ask questions
(D) Asking questions


18. In certain professions of Taiwan, robots and human have already entered ___ a mutually beneficial partnership.
(A) at
(B) into
(C) to
(D) from


19. A terrible noise woke Eric _____ his sleep this early morning.
(A) about
(B) on
(C) from
(D) off


20. Do you know that Morse codes is used to communicate _____ long distances?
(A) before
(B) from
(C) over
(D) down


21. This statement about ADHD is especially true when it comes _____ intense emotions.
(A) from
(B) to
(C) across
(D) onto


22. We can say a lot of things with our body language _____ even realizing it.
(A) through
(B) with
(C) within
(D) without


23. Ruth: Do you know a famous pop singer tragically died last night? She is only twenty-one. Benjamin: ____________
(A) Sounds nice, I will have some.
(B) No kidding, I think so.
(C) It must be an appalling event for all her fans.
(D) I like classic music, too.


24. Service agent: Can I have your ticket, please? Passenger: ____________
(A) An aisle seat please.
(B) Do you have any luggage?
(C) No, Thank you.
(D) Here you are.


25. The principal: Can one of you tell me who is in charge of this traffic safety project? 
Teacher A: ____________ 
Teacher B: Nor do I know who is in charge of it.
 Teacher C: I’m not even aware there is a project on traffic safety.
(A) I am sure I can fix the problem.
(B) I swear I didn’t know who violates the traffic regulations.
(C) Everyone should follow the traffic regulations.
(D) I don’t have a clue at all.


26. Parent A: Do you know whether the excursion will be held or not next week? 
Parent B: I am not sure about it, but I heard the kids are looking forward to it.
 Parent A: ____________ 
Parent B: I don’t know, but I can contact the teacher to figure it out later this evening.
(A) Do you want to join the excursion?
(B) When did that happen?
(C) Is there any possibility for the parents to join the excursion?
(D) Which kid is yours?


27. Nancy: ____________ 
Bill: I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment.
(A) Are you sure?
(B) How can I help you?
(C) Hi, could I speak to Elizabeth, please?
(D) I’m afraid we are going to be late.


28. Voice from the classroom speaker: Will Class A send two students to the Office of Academic Affairs to collect your new textbooks of science now? 
Teacher of Class A: I didn’t catch that. What did it say, guys?
 Student A of Class A: I believe I heard something about the new textbooks of science. Student B of Class A: ____________ 
Teacher of Class A: OK. Who wants be a volunteer to collect the textbooks?
(A) Both of my parents are teachers.
(B) It said you can send two students to get the new science textbooks now.
(C) I don’t have the new science textbook with me.
(D) My communication book is ruined by the heavy rain.


29. Student:Will you teach me more knowledge of music next year?
 Intern music teacher: ____________ 
Student:I wish you can stay because I really enjoy your classes.
 Intern music teacher:Thank you very much indeed for the sweet words.
(A) I have already got a PhD degree in music.
(B) I love music as much as you do.
(C) It is hard to say now.
(D) It is difficult to make up a team with only two people.


30. Teacher: Can you hand me your homework? Student: Sorry, I forgot to bring it to school today. Teacher: ____________ Student: Yes, she will be very happy to have a word with you.
(A) Can I give your mom a ring after school?
(B) Can you ask your mom to bring it to school tomorrow?
(C) Did your mom take you to school today?
(D) Did you ask your mom to help you to do the homework?


IV. Reading Comprehension
        People often ask: What can I do to boost my happiness? Psychologists have suggested that happiness consists of three distinct principles: First, research into exercise has found that it has a positive impact on mood. Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins in the brain to produce the feel-good factor. The mind and the body are highly interconnected. We can all make fairly easy changes in our lifestyle to include more exercise, healthier eating, getting enough sleep, being exposed to sunlight and so on. Additionally, having good relationships is a big part of being happy. In one study, most happy people were found to have strong ties to friends and family and they made sure they spent time with them regularly. You also need at least one person who you discuss personal feelings with – called ‘self-disclosure’. It’s not enough to have lots of friends just to do things with or chat to about music or football. That deeper connection is all-important. Finally, discover what your unique strengths and virtues are and then use them for a purpose which benefits other people or your community. People who play to their strengths (e.g. curiosity or persistence) or virtues (e.g. justice or humanity) and use them in different ways and in different situations are happier than those who focus more on their weaknesses. In other words, focus on the positive, not the negative, and be true to yourself. Therefore, people who have healthy life, stronger relationship, and focus on personal strengths have higher levels of well-being.

【題組】31. According to the passage, what does “deeper connection” mean?
(A) to have a lot of friends
(B) to improve social bonding
(C) to enjoy lonely moment
(D) to purchase a lot of things


【題組】32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
(A) adjust the best routine for job success
(B) think about how you can help others
(C) make sure you have exercise and good sleep
(D) don’t attach importance to things you don’t do well


【題組】33. According to the passage, what is true about endorphins?
(A) exercise decreases your endorphin levels
(B) endorphins make us feel sad
(C) endorphins produce a happy and refreshed feeling
(D) avoid sunlight because it’s harmful


【題組】34. Based on the passage, which of the statement is TRUE?
(A) having a large group of friends is a waste of time
(B) we should make easy changes to our everyday habits
(C) you should spend more effort to your career
(D) we should priorities improving our weak points


【題組】35. In the passage, what is the way to find happiness?
(A) seek to develop new skills and make money
(B) do enjoyable activities and help others
(C) sleep longer and drink more wine
(D) stop gambling and smoking


English Teacher 70: Lately, some of my students have been misbehaving in class. They interrupt me when I’m talking and distract the other students. Any advice?
 MathMan 13: Your problem is very common! I find having a designated quiet corner to be helpful. When a student acts up, have the student sit in the corner until he or she calms down. More often than not, misbehaving students will be on their best behavior for the rest of the day. 
TeacherPro 90: I recommend having a special quiet signal. When I want my students to be quiet, I raise one hand in the air and cover my mouth with my other hand. One by one, students will copy my quiet signal. In a short period of time, all students will stop talking.
 SchoolLady 3: Be consistent when enforcing class rules, and follow a routine. For example, my students are supposed to be quiet when getting in line. If they talk, I have them sit back down. I explain to them that they need to start over and line up again. The second time, students do so quietly. Repetition is the key! If students follow the rules particularly well, I reward them. For example, we might take a break to play a fun game together.

【題組】36. Where will you read the above information?
(A) posts on message board
(B) a Line conversation about parents and teachers
(C) a webpage on the required assessments
(D) a poster on classroom rules


【題組】37. What is the above information mostly about?
(A) reasons why students might misbehave
(B) the importance of communicating with parents
(C) suggestions for managing a classroom
(D) different ways to develop children’s self-esteem


【題組】38. Which user suggests giving students a prize or special privilege?
(A) English Teacher 70
(B) MathMan 13
(C) TeacherPro 90
(D) SchoolLady 3


【題組】39. Which is NOT a tip mentioned by these four teachers?
(A) using a special sign to tell students to stop talking
(B) changing the classroom rules and routine frequently
(C) using repetition to enforce classroom rules and procedures
(D) sending students to a corner of the room when they misbehavior


【題組】40. What does “act up” in Line 5 mean?
(A) to pretend
(B) to misbehave
(C) to brainstorm
(D) to classify


V. Cloze Test
        Parents and guardians may pick up their children any day. But before __41__ with their child, they must sign out. Our office has __42__ of every person authorized to pick up students. Students will not be released with someone __43__ is not authorized. All relatives must be registered in the office before __44__ students. Parents must call to __45__ a relative is picking up their child.

(A) leave
(B) leaves
(C) left
(D) leaving


(A) records
(B) sectors
(C) flights
(D) debates


(A) what
(B) how
(C) who
(D) when


(A) giving up
(B) picking up
(C) cleaning up
(D) dressing up


(A) delight
(B) measure
(C) confirm
(D) harvest VI. Correction


46. Whether you’re
a resume or sending an email, it’s important to
(B)make sure
your writing is both
and correct by
grammar mistakes.


47. Facebook has
(A)more than
2 billion
(B)active users
and it
(C)have being
marketing tool for the modern society.


48. While users of the popular online dating
shots with beautiful hair and make-up, most of their
photos were not quite as


49. Energy
light bulbs
greenhouse gas emissions. Also, you should flip the light
(C)switch off
when you
the room.


50. The world’s
person, Elon Musk, has
the social media site Twitter. Mr. Musk bought the company
$44 billion. Mr. Musk said he wants to open up Twitter more to free


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 桃園市國民小學教師聯合甄選筆試:英 語 A #108100-阿摩線上測驗
