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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6026~6050)
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6.A senior Customs officer has been appointed as ______ of the Taiwan Customs Museum.
(A) curator
(B) curate
(C) accumulator
(D) simulator


Recently my brother has tennis on the ___.
(A) brain
(B) breeze
(C) breath
(D) branch


A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad ____ .


"Do you have a radio set?" "Yes, ___."
(A) I have it
(B) I certain have
(C) I have
(D) I have one


34 The dynamic workforce of design professionals has enabled the industry to perform well and gain customer_____ .


Just as technology helped create the attention deficit generation, technology is also providing ways of coping with fragmented lives. 

(A) Interrupting people too frequently, technology also allows people to regain their attention to find back their lives.

(B) Damaging people’s attention capacity, technology also enables people to pay better attention to pieces of their lives.

(C) Shortening people’s attention span, technology also provides people with means to tear apart their lives.

(D) Causing people to become less focused, technology also empowers people to attend to their frequently interrupted lives.


36 I insisted upon confidentiality and the “right to ____”一people were free not to participate if they felt uncomfortable about any particular investigation.
(A) perceptibility
(B) reticence
(C) senility
(D) unanimity


39 The early history of the area now known as Morocco remains largely ___ in mystery.


8 Knowing the coal mine had collapsed, the families of the buried miners were all on the _____ of having a nervous breakdown.


Art ultimately must be valued because of its capacity to improve the quality of life: by increasing __41__ others and our surroundings, by sharpening our perceptions, by reshaping our values so that moral and societal concerns __42__ material well-being. Of all the arts, theater has perhaps the greatest potential as a humanizing force, for at its best it asks us to enter __43__ into the lives of others so we may understand their aspirations and motivations. Through role-playing (either in daily life or in the theater) we come to understand who and what we are and to see ourselves in relation to others. Perhaps most important, in a world given increasingly to violence, the value of being able to understand and feel for others as human beings cannot be overestimated, because violence __44__ most fully when we so dehumanize others that we __45__ think of their hopes, aims, and sufferings but treat them as objects to be manipulated.
(A) crashes
(B) perishes
(C) vanishes
(D) flourishes


31 After lengthy discussions and debates, the jury finally reached a _____ . They found the defendant not guilty.
(A) convict
(B) declaration
(C) jurisdiction
(D) verdict


39 The so-called “contemporary pilgrim”—weary souls of the material world—are now searching for the meaning in life, not the meaning of life.
(A) Those who are sick and tired of the material world are getting engaged in the quest for what they care about in life.
(B) Those who are getting tired of their materialistic lifestyles are taking on the mission of searching for meaningful lifestyles.
(C) Those who are worried about the dark side of the material world are looking for the bright side of the material world in life.
(D) Those who are torn apart by the negative effects of their materialistic lifestyles are starting a soul-searching journey for their lives.


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題  
     Samuel Huntington got it wrong, at least when it comes to art. Civilizations don’t clash, but share and 21inspire. So argues “Beyond Orientalism,” an exhibition at the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. Theshow examines Islamic art’s impact on Western artists, highlighting how Islamic calligraphy, tile designs, andgeometrical motifs pop up in the most 22 places, from Tiffany lamps—some of which drew on 16th centuryPersian works—to the art of M.C. Escher, whose elaborate drawings of endless staircases and interlocking patternswere apparently inspired by Islamic designs. 
     23 the debt owed to Islamic art by painters like Henri Matisse and Paul Klee is well documented, Musliminfluence on Western aesthetics began far earlier, says the curator of “Beyond Orientalism,” Lucien de Guise. TheMuslim domination of Spain between the 8th and 15th centuries enabled the 24 of advanced artistic andarchitectural techniques—as well as great accomplishments in music, science, philosophy, and even cuisine. Until theindustrial era, when interest in Islamic art 25 in the West, “Europeans were totally in awe of Islamic art,” arguesde Guise. “They couldn’t get enough of it.”

(A) declined
(B) diluted
(C) increased
(D) intensified


8 An intimacy with Dr. Johnson, the great literary ________of the day, was the crowning object of his aspiring and somewhat ludicrous ambition.
(A) acronym
(B) itinerary
(C) luminary
(D) pseudonym


10 ______ people who suffer depression do not isolate themselves from social contact, they may be severely torn by suicidal tendency.
(A) Despite
(B) Since
(C) Although
(D) If


4 Experts of education are concerned about the negative influence on children and adolescents from the daily_________ of vulgar language, sex, and violence on TV shows.


3 It is never easy to see the ruling party and the opposition party share the same _______.
(A) bureaucracy
(B) formality
(C) legitimacy
(D) platform


47. Never ______ time come again.
(A) has lost
(B) will lose
(C) will lost
(D) lose


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
   Solar is the first energy source in the world. It was in use much earlier before humans even learn how to light a fire. Many living things are dependent on solar energy from plants, aquatic life, and the animals. The solar is mostly used in generating light and heat. The solar energy coming down to the planet is affected by the orbital path of the sun and its variations within the galaxy. In addition, it is affected by activity taking place in space and on the sun. It was this energy that is believed to have been responsible for the breaking of ice during the ice age, which creates the separation of lands and sea.
   Solar energy is the alternative energy source that is used most widely across the globe. About 70% of the sunlight gets reflected back into the space and we have only 30% of the sunlight to meet up our energy demands. While the sunlight is used for producing solar energy, it is also used for drying clothes, used by plants during the process of photosynthesis, and also used by human beings during winter seasons to make their body warm.
   There are two kinds of solar energy, namely, the passive solar energy and the active solar energy. The passive solar energy basically uses duration, position, and the intensity of the sun's rays to its advantage in heating a particular area and also in inducing airflow from an area to the next. The active solar energy uses electrical technology and mechanical technology like collection panels in capturing, converting, and storing of energy for future use.
   Solar energy does not create any pollution and is widely used by many countries. It is a renewable source of power since the sun will continue to produce sunlight all the years. Solar panels, which are required to harness this energy can be used for a long time and require little or no maintenance. However, solar energy proves to be ineffective in colder regions which don't receive good sunlight. It cannot be used during the night and not all the light from the sun can be trapped by solar panels. Solar energy's advantages are much more than its disadvantages, which makes it a viable source of producing alternative energy

【題組】46 Which of the following titles best expresses the main idea of this passage?
(A)Solar Energy: How It Works and Its Limitations.
(B)Solar Energy: Its Advantages and Developments.
(C)Solar Energy: Its Past and Current Developments.
(D)Solar Energy: Why It's Widely Used and Its Future.


35 The movie “Zootopia” is__________ PG (Parental guidance suggested) for gently rude humor and occasional scariness.


38 Some tourists intend to _____ from one attraction to the next in order to make the most of the trip.
(A) drain
(B) halt
(C) recess
(D) whisk


3 The cattle, ________ peacefully, moved past us towards their sheds for the night.
(A) leveling
(B) lowing
(C) losing
(D) loosing


7 Those board members who looked at Amanda’s new business idea ___________ and challenged it harshly would never expect that the idea later turned out to be a huge success.
(A) leniently
(B) pervasively
(C) quizzically
(D) susceptibly


6 Denny's parents worried that he might be led _____ by his inappropriate friends.
(A) astray
(B) asunder
(C) robustly
(D) roughly


17 A critical goal of the Highway Administration is to help the Nation’s transportation workforce recognize and ______significant causes of early asphalt pavement distress.
(A) aggregate
(B) address
(C) abolish
(D) advocate


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6026~6050)-阿摩線上測驗
