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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6051~6075)
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This magazine article _____ organized crime in our city. The police should read it carefully.
(A)deals with
(B)comes about
(C)does without
(D)runs out of


19.Taiwan and the European Union agreed to establish customs affairs cooperation groups to discuss issues such as forging customs pacts, fortifying crackdowns on tax ______ , and granting speedy customs clearance services.
(A) exemption
(B) evasion
(C) relaxation
(D) refund


His ___ speech made others upset.
(A) clumsy
(B) accessible
(C) alert
(D) belligerent


Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. He is the first African-American to hold the office, while his predecessors are all  ______ Americans.
(A) native
(C) Caucasian


Inappropriate use of drugs may result in ______.


35 Credit titles in a motion picture ______ contributions of those who participated in it.
(A) acknowledge
(B) alleviate
(C) delegate
(D) improvise


38 ______ stimulate our appetite and make us feel hungry, the color red is the top choice for fast food logos.
(A)Thinking to
(B)Thought to
(C)It is thinking to
(D)Having thinking to


44. Forgiveness seems its own form of revenge since it is like we have risen above what happened to us and above people who should be blamed.
(A) Forgiveness and revenge share something in common since both involve what happened to us and people who should be blamed.
(B) In a way forgiveness can be seen as revenge since it sends a message that we are somewhat superior.
(C) Both forgiveness and revenge need us to show that we are able to rise above what happened to us and above people to be blamed.
(D) Only by showing that what happened to us has had little influence on us can we claim that forgiveness is its ownform of revenge.


34. As readers of my column know, your organization is one I have________ for years to help victims of abuse.
(A) insisted upon
(B) acted upon
(C) relied upon
(D) imposed upon


34 Neither Chinese nor American government is under any illusion that the trade imbalance between the two countries will soon be _____ .
(A) dignified
(B) rectified
(C) specified
(D) verified


60 On May 1, Lucas contracts to sell and Bea to buy land, delivery of the deed and payment of the price to be on July 30. On June 1, Lucas tells Bea that he will not perform. Lucas’s statement is a_________ .
(A) submission
(B) transmission
(C) repudiation
(D) pudiation


7 The executive director would_____ in a memo to all members the suggestions brought up at this meeting.
(A) attenuate
(B) franchise
(C) memorize
(D) recapitulate


9 His writing is as good as_____ .
(A) we all want him to be
(B) those of his classmates
(C) that we all want him to be
(D) his classmates


40 The better we are acquainted with foreign cultures, _________we can make friends with foreigners.
(A) the easier
(B) the easily
(C) the much easier
(D) the more easily


4 The _____warnings on cigarette packs aim to remind the smokers of the danger of smoking.
(A) blunt
(B) dubious
(C) genetic
(D) exotic


17 The emphasis on official documents has long been part of the government’s strategy to control wartime history.
(A) The importance of official documents about the war cannot be over-emphasized.
(B) The office in control of wartime documents has been ordered by the authority to compile an official version of the history of the war.
(C) The government manipulates wartime history by underscoring the importance of government-held documents.
(D) The government leadership has been found guilty of trying to manipulate wartime history by hiding some official documents.


3 After six years’ outstanding military service, Jason received an honorable_________ .


15 Indian companies, flush with cash from a booming domestic economy, are prowling for overseas_________ to expand their footprints.
(A) acquisitions
(B) fluctuations
(C) inventories
(D) onslaughts


37 Whilst quota is allocated by the method of________ , the Customs shall announce if the quantity of declaration reaches certain volume, and shall examine and release the imported goods after that the procedure of allocation is performed by the Ministry of Finance.
(A)first-come first-out
(B)first-come last-out
(C)last-come first-serve
(D)first-come first-serve


33 Billboard named Taylor Swift its woman of the year for 2014, the second time she’s received that _______ in the award’s eight-year history.
(C) administration
(D)  accusation 


5. As was predicted from the very______,the plan turned out to be a failure eventually.


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
   The Titanic, designed as the largest ship ever to go to sea, was one of the White Star Line's vessels that catered to the most elite passengers. It took three years to build the Titanic and in the end the ship cost $7.5 million dollars. More than 3000 men were employed in building the Titanic. In the months, and even years, leading up to the maiden voyage of the ship; the White Star Line published numerous marketing materials claiming that the Titanic was designed to be "unsinkable."
  The construction methods used in the building of the Titanic were considered to be second to none. Sixteen compartments were said to be watertight. Builders of the Titanic had included steel doors that were supposed to have been capable of shutting in 25 seconds or less, thereby enclosing any water that might have seeped in to threaten the safety of the ship and her occupants.
  Of course, we now know from photographs taken of the ship's wreckage, that in all likelihood many of the nearly three million rivets that were employed to hold the ship's hull plates together popped loose when the vessel struck a massive iceberg. Without the rivets to hold the plating together, they quickly buckled, allowing water to enter the ship. New theories have suggested that the iron used in the Titanic's construction may not have been the best quality, containing high degrees of sulfur, which made the hull plates particularly susceptible to the icy cold waters of the North Atlantic. Builders of the Titanic can hardly be blamed for the iron's contribution to the tragic sinking, however. The iron used in the construction of the Titanic was standard for the first part of the 20th century. While the high sulfur content in the iron may have played a role in the tragic history of the Titanic, it was not the sole reason the ship sank.
   Reports from surviving crew members indicate that the ship had been ordered to proceed through the waters of the North Atlantic faster than safety permitted. Numerous other vessels had reported the presence of several ice flows in the area on the day the ship sank, yet the Titanic made no effort to slow down. When it became obvious that the ship was about to collide with a huge iceberg, crew members attempted to turn the ship, hoping to avoid the berg all together. They were unsuccessful, however, and the ship sustained numerous gashes along the hull. Some theories speculate that had the ship hit the iceberg head-on, the damage would not have been nearly so traumatic and the Titanic and her passengers would have been able to complete their journey.

【題組】44 What does the word "buckled" mean in the third paragraph?
(A) Bent.
(B) Rusted.
(C) Defeated.
(D) Fastened.


39 Ever since he came back from the war, Tom had been a hopeless _____ in the village for the rest of his life because he continuously attacked anyone that tried to approach him.
(A) hypocrite
(B) activist
(C) idealist
(D) outcast


39 It is hard to describe _____ it feels like to go to prison.
(A) what
(B) how
(C) which
(D) that


5 The couple believed their wedding day's sunny weather and the appearance of a rainbow were _______ signs, foretelling a happy and prosperous life together.
(A) rebellious
(B) recreational
(C) deceitful
(D) auspicious


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6051~6075)-阿摩線上測驗
