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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6076~6100)
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40 Of all the different topics of controversy, from religion to the environment, nothing appears to get people _____ as the topic of politics.
(A)so inflamed
(B)with anger
(C)being furious
(D)more outrageous


As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something ____ researching into.


It is not so much the language ____ the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.


17. _________ margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving.

(A) Bonus
(B) Income
(C) Profit
(D) Account 


_____ hearing her husband’s sudden death in a car crash, Lucy fainted on the spot.


31.The___ of the candidate expressed itself in his extreme and unrealistic isolationism.


43 Fashion has always been demonized by moralists, and often represented as a threat to pre-existing models of decorum, gender definitions, and the boundaries between them.
(A) Fashion, viewed by moralists as a social evil, is believed to represent pre-existing behavior models and gender roles in the society.
(B) Fashion is a threat to established models of good manners and gender roles which have long been criticized by moralists.
(C) Moralists have always criticized fashion for its potential to destroy new decorum models and gender roles.
(D) Moralists have long viewed fashion as an evil that threatens good behavior and clearly-defined gender roles in the society.


This talk show, ________, is quite popular with the audience.
(A) on the whole
(B) by no means
(C) out of the question
(D) in no sense


47 題至第 50 題 
A slow-rolling series of storms that battered the American West this week brought snowfall and high wind on Thursday to parts of California, where weather-weary residents have already endured lashing rain, heavy snowfall and a destructive tornado. Since the wild weather began slogging ashore on Monday, five deaths in California and two in Colorado have been blamed on storms. On Thursday, up to a 1 foot (30 centimeters) of snow fell on Colorado mountains, and northern Nevada was expecting as much as 7 feet (2.13 meters) on top of the 2-3 feet (more than half a meter) that already had fallen. Conditions were improving on Thursday in Arizona, as water levels quickly fell in a Sedona-area creek that had fattened from a trickle into a river of mud, forcing a dozen neighborhoods to evacuate. Damage assessments were expected to begin on Thursday.

【題組】48 In which state did the storms cause the greatest damage?
(A) Texas
(B) Colorado
(C) California
(D) Arizona


68 Pursuant to Article 116 of R.O.C. Code of Civil Procedure, “Parties may submit__________ to the court by telefax or by any other technological devices, and pleadings so submitted shall take full effect as if they were submitted in the original copy.”
(A) application form
(B) pleadings
(C) transcriptions
(D) verdicts


32 The chief global purchaser tried to _____ ideas by saying, “If you have any new technologies you think we’d be interested in, be sure to let us know.”
(A) abate
(B) evacuate
(C) foster
(D) solicit


5 The _____overthrow of the government left the country in turmoil with no one in charge.
(A) desperate
(B) moderate
(C) tremulous
(D) tumultuous


3 In the Cold War, the United States, Japan and other non-Communist countries in East Asia sought to_____ China and to stop the spread of communism through a web of defense alliances.
(A) contain
(B) convert
(C) divert
(D) dilute


40 Sam: I just heard that the school has decided to renovate the old gym instead of building a new one from scratch. Jack: _____Why tear down a great old construction when it can still be used? Sam: Yes, but will it be able to hold the same number of people as a new one?
(A) It isn’t wise to do so.
(B) One can never tell.
(C) Our gym is ill-equipped.
(D) That’s a fantastic idea.


9. There must be mutual ____between husband and wife to maintain a happy marriage.


37. You can never imagine what great difficulty I have ______ your house.
(A) found
(B) finding
(C) to find
(D) for finding


149. The oil spill has lasted for weeks, _______ the fact that agencies were not prepared to deal with a disaster on this scale.


350. Through the consumption of fruits and vegetables, we can obtain nutrition naturally, thereby _____ the need for supplements.
(A) elevating
(B) extracting
(C) eliminating
(D) intimidating


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題: 
    Today, Western wedding dresses are usually white. However, white did not become a popular option until 1840, after the marriage of Queen Victoria to Albert of Saxe-Coburg. Victoria wore a white gown for the event toincorporate some lace she prized. The official wedding portrait photograph was widely published, and many other brides 16 white in accordance with the Queen’s choice. The tradition continues today in the form of a white wedding, though prior to the Victorian era, a bride was married 17 any color, black being especially popularin Scandinavia. Later, many people assumed that the color white was intended to 18 virginity, though thiswas not the original intention. The white gown is in fact a symbolic Christening gown. It is a 19 of the whitesurplice worn in the Western Catholic tradition by members of the clergy, church choirs and servers and thegowns worn by girls celebrating their first communion and at their confirmation and also by women makingreligious 20 . Jews have gone to great lengths to follow these Western customs, whilst adhering to the laws ofTzniut. Today, the white dress is understood merely as the most traditional and popular choice for weddings.



6 Even in the face of personal  _______ , she does not see herself as totally defeated. She does what she can to make the world a better place.
(A) adversity
(B) contribution
(C) denomination
(D) opulence


     During the course of a year, the path of the Sun among the stars—the ecliptic—passes through 12 ancientconstellations. Because all but one of these 12 constellations represent living things, human or animal, the Greekscalled them the “circle of Animals”—in ancient Greek, kyklos zodiakos, now shortened to zodiac. The one starpattern in the zodiac that doesn’t represent an animal is Libra, the Scales. However, the Greeks considered the starsof Libra to be both a Scales and the Claws of the Scorpion, which follows Libra in the zodiac, so it’s appropriate toinclude it in the circle as well. 
     The Greeks inherited the 12 constellations of the zodiac, as well as the concept of the zodiac as a singularobject, from the Babylonians. (Ancient Babylonia occupied south-central Mesopotamia on the floodplain betweenthe Tigris and Euphrates Rivers; today, it corresponds to southern Iraq.) The concept of the zodiac was closelyrelated to horoscope astrology—the system of predicting a person’s character and future from where the Sun andplanets were in the zodiac at the time of their birth—a practice which also came to Greece from Babylonia, thoughit was a very late development in Mesopotamia. In fact the earliest known horoscope from Babylonia dates only to 410 BC. But by that time Babylonia had been under the rule of Persian kings for over a century. The ancient Persianswere Sun-worshippers, whereas traditionally the Babylonians had used a lunar rather than a solar calendar. Thus,though it was indeed the Babylonians who conceived of the 12 ancient constellations in the path of the Sun as aunit, which the Greeks then called the zodiac, they did so only as late as the 5th century BC under the influence ofPersian Sun-worship.
     Horoscope astrology as we think of it today developed even later: It didn’t attain its final form and greatpopularity until the 3rd century AD, when the social and political dislocations of the decaying Roman Empire madethe powerless multitudes vulnerable to any superstition that promised knowledge about the insecure future and someillusion of control over it.

【題組】48 Which event took place the earliest?
(A)The Greeks called the 12 constellations “zodiac.”
(B)The Babylonians invented the earliest horoscope.
(C)Babylonia was absorbed into the Persian Empire.
(D)The Babylonians invented the concept of the zodiac.


13 While _______ an unjustified war on a peaceful neighboring country, the dictator is also tightening his control over the protestors back at home.
(A) raging
(B) waging
(C) racing
(D) withholding


35 It was impossible to sue them for_______ the contract because the deadline for finishing the project had not been specified.
(A) reimbursing
(B) bailing
(C) breaching
(D) receiving


49 The defense attorney is charged with official misconduct and ______ with witnesses.


25 He lives in the immediate ______ of the school, not only shortening the time on commuting but also sparing more time for sleep.
(A) veracity
(B) velocity
(C) vicinity
(D) verbosity


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6076~6100)-阿摩線上測驗
