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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6176~6200)
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Division does not always require that classification follow it. Your purpose in classifying, however, is to show how things in a group are similar. _____1_____ division and classification do work together. If you emptied the contents of a pocketbook onto a table, you would begin to divide those contents into groups. _____2_____ division, you would identify objects relating to finances, objects relating to personal care, objects relating to school work. Once you had the divisions clear, you would place objects in each category: money, checks, and credit cards in the first; cosmetics, a comb, and perfume in the second; pencils and a notebook in the third. When you divide and classify for writing, you have to keep several things in mind. You have to think carefully about the division of the topic so that you limit the _____3_____ from group to group. That is best achieved by creating categories different enough from each other so there is no blending. Since, you, the writer, have to establish the groups, you need to use a principle of classification that is sensible, accurate and complete. Do not force categories just _____4_____ making groups. You have to show how things in a group relate to each other, and this you must do without _____5_____ their differences and without making them stereotypes. If you stereotype objects in a group, you will be oversimplifying them, taking away their individuality, and forcing them to fit your categories.
(A) overlap
(B) outlook
(C) extension
(D) extremity


A condemned US inmate who turned from a gang leader to an anti-gang advocate ___42____ bars has been nominated for the 2006 Nobel peace prize, the college professor behind the nomination said Tuesday. Professor Philip Gasper of Notre Dame de Namur University in California has nominated convicted killer Stanly "Tookie" Williams for the prize five years ___43____, according to Alice Kim of the Campaign to Stop the Death Penalty. A Swiss Parliamentarian was the first to ___44____ Williams for the prize, Kim said. " I respect him for his willingness to be public with his stand against gangs and for peace, though he must ___45____ daily with a violent prison environment full of gang members and unfriendly prison officials, many of whom do not support his message or his work, " said Gasper.
【題組】 42
(A) behind
(B) of
(C) at
(D) within


Northern Taiwan generally receives heavier rainfall than___southern Taiwan.
(A) does
(B) in
(C) it does
(D)it is in


In all field situations where more than two officers are present, the senior officer of the first unit at the scene shall be in charge until officially ______.
(A) promoted
(B) relieved
(C) retired
(D) dismayed


32 The United States is ______ with an energy, a can-do ambition and an entrepreneurial spirit that can only be described as distinctly American.
(A) invested
(B) compatible
(C) consistent
(D) infused


John’s vision was direct, concrete and simple and he recorded _____ the incidents of everyday life.
(A) universally
(B) scarcely
(C) passively
(D) faithfully


35 When small businesses start to grow, they move into bigger____and take on extra staff.
(A) assemblies
(B) liabilities
(C) overheads


21 One essential procedure for customs_____ is to carry out checks on persons, baggage and other things that enter the country.
(B) clearance 
(C) stamping
(D) application 


16 The shortsighted effort to protect against every attempt by the government to enter an individual’s private sphere may actually do more harm than good to the cause of privacy.
(A)An improvident protection against government intrusion into a person’s private sphere may be detrimental to the cause of privacy.
(B)The effort to prohibit government interference with a citizen’s personal affairs is the first step toward total privacy protection.
(C)To allow the government to keep an eye on an individual’s personal matters is an ill-advised privacy protection strategy.
(D)The government’s effort to protect a person’s private sphere is not well-considered because it will harm rather than help the privacy cause.


8 Around one thousand years ago, undoubtedly the warming climate and absence of new epidemics paved the way for an increase in individual rights, economic freedom, and living standards.
(A) It is no doubt that warm weather and a number of infectious diseases in the 11th century contributed greatly to the increased human rights, free economy, and high quality of life.
(B) Had it not been for the tepid weather and increasing new pandemic diseases in the 11th century, people would not have enjoyed more individual rights, economic freedom, and living standards.
(C) Warm weather and new diseases contributed little to the fact that people in the 11th century enjoyed more human rights, freedom, and a better quality of life.
(D) Unquestionably, people in the 11th century enjoyed more human rights, economic freedom, and a better quality of life than before due to the higher temperature and lack of new plagues.


40 Don’t be so_____ about others’ business. You should learn to mind your own business.
(A) fancy
(B) nosy
(C) mouthy
(D) easy


American public and private agencies spend millions of dollars annually attempting to persuade citizens to drink alcohol only in “moderate” amounts or not at all, particularly when operating a motor vehicle. Studies indicate that this propaganda and advertising approach is almost totally ineffective. Alcohol consumption continues to rise nationally, and alcohol-related traffic deaths, especially for teenage drivers, have increased. In contrast to the American approach, Norway has severe, but meaningful, penalties for driving while drunk. These include periods of compulsory public work (picking up trash along highways), mandatory jail sentences that do not interfere with one’s work (a member of the Norwegian royal family will be equally punished if guilty). As a result, many Norwegians use taxis or the drivers not drinking when spending a night on the town.
【題組】48 The organizational pattern of this passage can be described as____ .
(A) cause and effect
(B) process
(C) comparison and contrast
(D) generalization and examples


一、詞彙題:請選出各題最適當的英文單字或片語。(24 分)
【題組】8. I wear saggy jeans so I can ___ my feet on the seat in front and eat large handfuls of popcorn.
(A) pry
(B) dwindle
(C) prop
(D) blurt


3 They don’t have enough sales people to___________ all the customers.
(A) wait on
(B) wait up
(C) work out
(D) work off


13 In accordance with the footnote 5 of Article 27 of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of World Trade Organization, for the purposes of said Article, the terms "inventive step" and "capable of industrial application" may be deemed by a Member to be synonymous with the terms and respectively.
(A)creative, applicable 
(B) creative, useful  
(C) non-obvious, useful 
(D)obvious, applicable 


32 Of all the sounds that assault the ears of the first-time visitor to Istanbul, perhaps the call to prayer leaves the most _______ .
(B) indelible
(C) obsolete 
(D) sanguine


17. Guests may feel they are not highly ______if the invitation to a party is given only a couple of days before the party.


184. She fought her attacker and escaped strangulation, but just _____. The multiple wounds on her would require weeks of hospitalization.
(A) physically
(B) flexibly
(C) accurately
(D) narrowly


376. Fully appreciating the convenience brought by the newly established i-bike system, he reckons that he may _____ with a car for a change once in a while.
(A) trade
(B) dispense
(C) depart
(D) alternate


601. The hostess will____ it that all the guests enjoy themselves at the party.
(A) care for
(B) keep track of
(C) be through with
(D) see to


It was a harsh and dreary winter night. With the freezing wind 136 with intense gusts, it was downright cold. Standing alone by the side of the country road, Mrs. Rich felt 137 . A flat tire had left her 138 in the middle of nowhere for hours. “The 139 are that I will have to spend the night in the bleak wilderness,” she thought to herself. Just as she was worried sick about her situation, a car 140 and pulled up in front of her. Out of the car 141 named Joe. “Anything I can do for you, ma’am?” Joe asked earnestly. 142 finding out Mrs. Rich’s predicament, Joe offered her the much-needed help. He even considerately suggested she 143inside her car to ward off the chill while he changed the tire for her. Afterwards, instead of asking for a 144 sum of money as a reward, Joe asked Mrs. Rich to pass on the good will and help someone else in need. Mrs. Rich did so by leaving a huge tip that was probably 145 her meal to a pregnant waitress in a shabby café in the hope of helping her cope with financial difficulties.
(A) blown
(B) flown
(C) bowing
(D) howling


依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
Plastic wasn’t invented until the late 19th century, and production only took off around 1950. But today we have 9.2 billion tons of the stuff to deal with. Of that, more than 6.9 billion tons have become waste. It is unclear how long it will take for the plastic to completely biodegrade into constituent molecules. Estimates range from 450 years to never. Meanwhile, ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of marine animals every year. Nearly 700 species have been affected. Some are harmed visibly—strangled by abandoned fishing nets or discarded six-pack rings. Many more are harmed invisibly. They eat microplastics, the bits smaller than one-fifth of an inch across. Since World War II, plastics have transformed our lives, mostly for the better. They have eased travel into space and revolutionized medicine. They lighten cars and jumbo jets, saving fuel and pollution. They extend the life of fresh food and save lives daily by delivering cleaning drinking water to needy areas. Now the growth of plastic production has far outstripped the ability of waste management, and the oceans are under assault. Governments and corporations have been making efforts to address the waste problem. Kenya, for example, joined a growing list of nations that have banned plastic bags, imposing steep fines and jail time on violators. Coca-cola announced a goal to recycle 100 percent of its packaging by 2030. These help at some level, but the real solution is to stop plastic from entering the ocean. There are two fundamental ways industry can help. First, it can design new plastics that are either biodegradable or more recyclable. The second way is to just collect the trash. More effective and efficient garbage collection systems are necessary. We need garbage trucks to collect the waste on a regular basis so that it does not end up going all over the planet.

【題組】 46 What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Plastic pollution in oceans.
(B) Species affected by plastic waste.
(C) Harmful effects of plastic products.
(D) Problems of plastic waste management.


8 It is advised that people should _____ sugary soda in order to gain less weight.
(A) cut back on
(B) cut down to
(C) put up with
(D) catch up with


12 An ________  is often applied to express a truth about life to make people feel motivated and encouraged.
(A) austerity
(B) avow
(C) adage
(D) innuendo


38 New projects ____ to years of fighting among interest groups and endless political quarrels.
(A) capitalized
(B) succumbed
(C) interrogated
(D) approached


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6176~6200)-阿摩線上測驗
