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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6251~6275)
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Division does not always require that classification follow it. Your purpose in classifying, however, is to show how things in a group are similar. _____1_____ division and classification do work together. If you emptied the contents of a pocketbook onto a table, you would begin to divide those contents into groups. _____2_____ division, you would identify objects relating to finances, objects relating to personal care, objects relating to school work. Once you had the divisions clear, you would place objects in each category: money, checks, and credit cards in the first; cosmetics, a comb, and perfume in the second; pencils and a notebook in the third. When you divide and classify for writing, you have to keep several things in mind. You have to think carefully about the division of the topic so that you limit the _____3_____ from group to group. That is best achieved by creating categories different enough from each other so there is no blending. Since, you, the writer, have to establish the groups, you need to use a principle of classification that is sensible, accurate and complete. Do not force categories just _____4_____ making groups. You have to show how things in a group relate to each other, and this you must do without _____5_____ their differences and without making them stereotypes. If you stereotype objects in a group, you will be oversimplifying them, taking away their individuality, and forcing them to fit your categories.



It’s too late to return this hat; the shop ______ closed by the time we get there.
(A) had been
(B) will be
(C) is being


A panda walks into a café. He orders a sandwich, eats it, then draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. “Why?” asks the confused waiter, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder. “I am a panda,” he says, at the door. “Look it up.” The waiter turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation. “Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal. Native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.” So, punctuation really does matter, even if it is only occasionally a matter of life and death. In 2003 Lynne Truss published Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. The book became a runaway success in the U.K., hitting number one on the best-seller lists and prompting extraordinary headlines such as “Grammar Book Tops Bestseller List” (BBC News). This is a book for people who love punctuation and get upset when it is mishandled. The above passage is printed on its back cover.
【題組】47. With the comma deleted between the words “eats” and “shoots” in “Eats, shoots and leaves,” the new phrase “Eats shoots and leaves” means the panda eats .
(A) the gun bullets before he leaves
(B) the badly punctuated wildlife manual
(C) the sandwich made with bamboo shoots fillings
(D) the new growing of bamboo leaves


12.The Directions for the Customs Determining Country of Origin on Imported Goods are established to provide more certain, transparent, and consistent circumstances for the customs officials to speed up the process of determining the country of origin on imported goods and to avoid or _____ the dispute between the duty-payer and the customs.
(A) mitigate
(B) tolerate
(C) fabricate
(D) designate


To shut your eyes to the facts, _____ many of you often do, is foolish.


We must try to ___ our spending.
(A) elevate
(B) deduct
(C) curtail
(D) estimate


Decades of research offer guidance _____ how physicians can incorporate aspects of the placebo effect to make accepted medicines more effective.
(B)so that
(C)as to
(D)so as to


33.Pope Benedict XVI has___ into the evolution debate in the United States, saying the universe was made by an “intelligent project.”


The seventeenth century was a period of great advances in science. For example, early in this century, Galileo perfected the telescope and in 1609 published “The Sidereal Messenger,” in which he reported the results of his ____42____ of the Milky Way, the moon, and the planet Jupiter. Only a few years later, the Dutch scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek performed ____43____ research with the microscope, discovering among other things that weevils, fleas, and other ____44____ creatures come from eggs rather than being spontaneously generated. Not long after this, William Harvey, an English physician, discovered the method ____45____ which blood circulates in humans and other animals and in 1628 published his findings in the historic treatise “On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals.” ____46____ , in the 1660s, Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation and the laws governing the physics of light, and he also invented differential calculus.


35 As a sharp and straightforward businesswoman, Mandy often speaks directly and ____ to get her points crossed.


32 There are elegant shops on______ side of the street.
(A) any
(B) both
(C) either
(D) every


45.The city council wants traders to sign up to a voluntary code of conduct agreeing not to sell lagers and ciders stronger than 5.5 percent in a bid to stamp out drink-fuelled anti-social behavior.
(A) The city council wants traders to voluntarily limit the sale of lagers and ciders to 5.5 percent of their daily businesses in order to reduce cases of anti-social behavior in the city.
(B) The city council has asked traders in the city to agree to a proposal that no more than 5.5 percent of lagers and ciders can be sold through bidding for the sake of social order.
(C) The city council wants traders to sign a voluntary contract limiting the sale of lagers and ciders that are overpriced so as to reduce anti-social behavior.
(D) The city council has made a plan with traders to clear higher-strength lagers and ciders from shop shelves around the city so as to curb anti-social behavior.


50 When Mary was 45, her eye doctor told her that she had to get____ eyeglasses so that she could see clearly both near and far.
(A) bifocal
(B) binocular
(C) bilingual
(D) bilateral


37 Chuang Tzu’s ____ are famous in Chinese culture, both as works of intrinsic literary merit and as pithy expressions of Taoist philosophy.
(A) anecdotes
(B) chronicles
(C) errands
(D) parables


11 Barbecue is arguably the most American of food, and there’s no _____ of festivals, restaurants, contests, and TV shows that prove it.


59 Pursuant to Article 195 of R.O.C. Civil Code, Paragraph 1, if it is one’s__________ that has been infringed, the injured person may also seek appropriate measures to restore it.
(A) body
(B) liberty
(C) privacy
(D) reputation


58 E filed suit against G and H, and the judge found the defendants jointly and severally liable for E’s injuries in the amount of NT$90,000. Pursuant to Article 185 of R.O.C. Civil Code, which of the following is the correct description of the defendant’s tort liability?
(A) E could recover NT$90,000 from each defendant.
(B) G and H would be liable for damages based upon their relative fault.
(C) Each defendant would be liable for NT$45,000.
(D) Both G and H would be liable for NT$90,000.


17 The ceremonial celebration of the arrival of the period of puberty in girls is more rigidly adhered to than any ancient religious rite or social custom in vogue among the Apache.
(A)In the Apache culture, the importance of the advent of female puberty surpasses all other time-tested religious rites or popular social customs.
(B)Celebrating the beginning of puberty in girls is a very strict ceremony among the Apache, stricter even than other old holy ceremonies or popular social practices.
(C)The Apache people give utmost importance to girls in their puberty, who are closely watched and protected in all religious ceremonies and social activities.
(D)For the Apache, no other religious or social ceremonies are more important than the celebration of supreme beauty.


9 Conservatives think patriotism is a _____ to the past. Liberals believe it’s a key to the future. Both sides should learn from each other.
(A) conduit
(B) legacy
(C) patron
(D) tribute


33 ____down with heavy packages, Susie decided to hail a taxi.
(A) Weighed
(B) Weighing
(C) To weigh
(D) Weigh


3 He was obliged to pause and decide whether he would surrender and obey, or whether he would give the refusal that must carry__________ consequences.
(A) impeccable
(B) impecunious
(C) ingenious
(D) irrevocable


353. Don’t forget to tune in to next week’s program for the final _____ in our series.
(A) qualification
(B) paralysis
(C) installment
(D) contender


10 As you enter the theater, you should make sure you pick up a playbill, which contains an introduction of the cast and a _____ of the plot.
(A) provision
(B) precaution
(C) synthesis
(D) synopsis


請依下文回答第 42 題至第 46 題:
        Ever notice those little pockets on your jeans? They are pretty much too small to be useful. But in the old times,it had an important purpose: The pocket held a pocket watch. The ubiquity of the pockets can be traced back to thedesign for “waist overalls,” the original name for the blue jeans made by Levi Strauss & Co. They appeared on thedesign in the patent Strauss and J.W. Davis received for “Improvement in Fastening Pocket Openings,” way back onMay 20, 1873, and were first put into mass use in 1890 with the “Lot 501” jeans, the model for Levi’s 501 jeans today.
       “The watch pocket was a feature of our first waist overalls,” Tracey Panek, the in-house historian at LeviStrauss & Co., told INSIDER in an email. “The oldest pair of waist overalls in the Levi Strauss & Co. Archives[from 1879] includes the watch pocket.” Because the small pocket was meant to hold pocket watches, you won’tusually find it on suit pants. Suit jackets already have pocket watches, which makes one on the pants superfluous.Levi Strauss himself, for example, kept a pocket watch in the vest of his business suit, according to Panek. Pantswith the tiny pocket are called “five-pocket pants,” but the tiny pocket isn’t actually the fifth one. The fifth pocketis actually on the back-left, added to Levi’s 501 jeans in 1901. Pretty much no one today carries around a pocketwatch. People tend to check the time on their phones or wristwatches. Panek told INSIDER that the small pocketsare kept on Levi’s jeans today to maintain the integrity of the original design. 
        Today, there isn’t much you can do with the tiny pocket. Some people suggest using them to keep coins orkeys, but they tend to dig into your hip. Others recommend them for matches, condoms, and tickets, but those aredifficult to extract if your fingers aren’t similarly tiny. The pockets are somewhat helpful for carrying small piecesof hand jewelry for a few moments — like if you plan to propose to your significant other, or if someone else iswashing his hands and wants you to hold on to his rings — but that’s pretty much it. For the most part, it’s best toignore them and think about the pockets as a piece of history that’s still with us.

【題組】 43 According to the passage, where wouldn’t people put their watches?
(A) In a vest.
(B) In a suit jacket.
(C) In five-pocket pants.
(D) In suit trousers.


38 Upon seeing a poisonous snake, most people would stand _____ like stone, not knowing what to do, let alone running away.
(A) obstructed
(B) obfuscated
(C) petrified
(D) prostrated


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6251~6275)-阿摩線上測驗
