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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6301~6325)
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The campers gathered some wood and ______ a fire to keep off wild animals at night.


16.Any article liable to ______ under the Customs Act may be seized or detained by Customs officers.
(A) fraught
(B) deportation
(C) declaration
(D) forfeiture


32 China has never______what it says its right to take Taiwan by force if peaceful blandishments fail.
(A) announced
(B) denounced
(C) pronounced
(D) renounced


If you work hard, success will be on your side ___.
(A) in the corner
(B) in the long run
(C) in your way
(D) in and out


  The United States in the sixties contains an affluent society within its borders. Millions and tens of millions enjoy the highest standard of life the world has ever known. This blessing is mixed. It is built upon a peculiarly   6   economy, one that often proliferates pseudo-needs rather than satisfying human needs. For some, it has resulted in a sense of spiritual emptiness, of alienation. Yet a man would be a fool to prefer hunger to   7   , and the material gains at least open up the possibility of a rich and full existence.
  At the same time, the United States contains an underdeveloped nation, a culture of poverty. Its inhabitants do not suffer the extreme privation of the peasants of Asia or the tribesmen of Africa, yet the mechanism of the misery is   8   . They are beyond history, beyond progress, sunk in a paralyzing, maiming routine.
  The new nations,   9   , have one advantage: poverty is so general and so extreme that it is the passion of the entire society to obliterate it. Every resource, every policy, is measured by its effect on the lowest and most   10   . There is a gigantic mobilization of the spirit of the society: aspiration becomes a national purpose that penetrates to every village and motivates a historic transformation.

(A) distorted
(B) prosperous
(C) burgeoning
(D) multilateral


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
        Scientists have genetically modified mice to enable them to sniff out landmines, the explosives buried just below the surface of the ground. They hope the GM mouse, known as MouSensor, could become a useful tool to help deal with the dangerous devices left from past wars. 
        Although it sounds peculiar, similar efforts have already been made. A Belgian charity uses giant African HeroRats to sniff out the chemical explosive, TNT. Two of these rats can clear an area in less than two hours that would take two people two days to do. One disadvantage of the HeroRat, however, is that it needs nine months’ training before being ready for landmine detection. 
        Scientists wanted to improve on the HeroRat concept by creating a “supersniffer” mouse, MouSensor. They found that a receptor in the lab mouse’s nose is sensitive to the odor of the chemical elements in TNT and landmines. By altering the genes of the mouse, scientists are able to enhance the capability of its receptor 500 times stronger than before. Besides having super sniffing power, the MouSensor is cheaper to manage and easier to breed than the rats. 
        When the MouSensor detects the presence of a landmine, it would have some sort of a seizure and faint because of its extreme sensitivity of the explosives. And this change of the mouse’s physical condition would trigger a chip implanted under its skin to send a signal to a computer monitored by scientists. As a result, the location of the landmine could be identified, and a bomb-disposal expert could go in and neutralize it. The mouse itself would be safe from the landmine, since it would be too small to trigger an explosion.

【題組】31 How would a MouSensor help to identify the location of a landmine?
(A) It would lose consciousness.
(B) It would look into a computer screen.
(C) It would hide away from the landmine.
(D) It would touch a chip implanted under its skin.


31______ the cockroach when she screamed and stomped her feet furiously.
(A) No sooner had Jenny seen
(B) As soon as Jenny saw
(C) On Jenny’s seeing
(D) Jenny had hardly seen


22 In the United States, a customs_____ is highly paid because the person who takes this position needs to shoulder important responsibility and is fully aware of complicated import laws and regulations.


A study, commissioned by the International Council of Shopping Centers, found that “teenagers in suburban centers are bored and come to the shopping centers mainly as a place to go. Teenagers in suburban centers spent more time fighting, drinking, littering, and walking than did their urban counterparts, but presented fewer overall problems.” The report observed that “adolescents congregated in groups of two to four and predominantly at locations selected by them rather than management.” This probably had something to do with the decision to install game arcades, which allow management to channel these restless adolescents into naturally contained areas away from major traffic points of adult shoppers. The study concluded that mall management should tolerate and even encourage the teenage presence because, in the words of the report, “the vast majority support the same set of values as does shopping center management.” The same set of values means simply that mall kids are already preprogrammed to be consumers and that the mall can put the finishing touches to them as hard-core, lifelong shoppers just like everybody else. That, after all, is what the mall is about. So, it should not be surprising that in spending a lot of time there,adolescents find little that challenges the assumption that the goal of life is to make money and buy products, or that just about everything else in life is to be used to serve those ends.

【題組】21 According to the passage, why is it hard for teenagers to challenge the assumption that the goal of life is to make money and buy products?
(A)They cannot find any other hangout place better than the mall.
(B)They have been doing a lot of shopping in the mall.
(C)They can easily get bored and need to find a place to go.
(D)They are likely to be turned into consumers by spending a lot of time in the mall.


63 Big Corporation owns 95% of Little Corporation’s shares. Little Corporation may be merged into Big Corporation without the approval of the shareholders of either corporation. This type of merger is called _________.
(A) short-form merger
(B) whale/minnow merger
(C) triangular merger
(D) de facto merger


8 I would have gone with you to see the movie had it been at all possible, but I_____ fully occupied the whole of last week.
(A) could have been
(B) had been
(C) had
(D) was


36 Gadgets nowadays are able to record your exercise patterns, notice where you are falling_____  , and offer fitness advice.
(A) short
(B) in
(C) off
(D) down


6 The panel discussion was more than a vigorous exchange of intellectual differences when the panelists started arguing__________ with one another.


18 As regards processing a patent application, the aim of_____ is to ensure that the application satisfies the patentability requirements.
(A) concrete test
(B) substantial examination
(C) substitutive review
(D) substantive examination


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題  
       The Persian Gulf is not an obvious destination for the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet when Bahrain’sKing Hamad met with Pope Benedict in Rome in July 2008, he 16 a personal invitation to visit. If Benedictaccepts this offer, he’ll become the first 17 to set foot in Arabia.
  18 would make that trip so dramatic is the region’s reputation for religious intolerance. Bahrain’s newhospitality shows that attitudes are changing. And the explanation lies in demographics. The kingdom and its neighborsare hosts to booming new Christian populations, thanks to the region’s 19 hunger for guest workers. Foreignlaborers now represent 35 percent of Bahrain’s inhabitants. The number is 60 percent in Kuwait and 80 percent in theUnited Arab Emirates, and almost half of the 35 million people on the Arabian Peninsula are now foreign-born. Alarge proportion of them hail from Christian areas such as the Philippines and southern India. As a result, 20 now constitute roughly 9 percent of Bahrain’s population. In Saudi Arabia, the Catholic Church estimates thereare 1.2 million Filipino faithfuls alone, making them the country’s third largest immigrant group.

【題組】 17
(A) archbishop
(B) cardinal
(C) patrician
(D) pontiff


一、詞彙題:請選出各題最適當的英文單字或片語。(24 分)
【題組】6. As she made the plunge to ___ to the trash can, she felt ungracious and disloyal.
(A) make for
(B) give away
(C) step through
(D) walk over


【題組】11. I am plagued with allergies, because I have been diagnosed as ___ such ailments.
(A) disposable to
(B) disposed of
(C) predisposed to
(D) predisposing with


10 Customs Act was amended on August 20, 2014, allowing sea freight________ to submit cargo manifests directly to the Customs.


7 In the R.O.C., which of the following circumstances may any person request for an invalidation action against an invention patent? I. where the home country of the patentee does not accept the patent applications filed by R.O.C. nationals II. where the invention patentee is not the owner of the right to apply for an invention patent. III. where a right to apply for a patent is jointly owned, the patent application related thereto is not filed by all the joint owner(s). IV. where an applicant files a patent application for invention and a patent application for utility model for the same creation on the same date, but fails to make a declarations.
(A)I only  
(B) I and II only
(C)I, II and III only 
(D)I and IV only 


2. A_____of the long report was submitted to the mayor for approval.


3. Though _____in NewYork,he prefers to write about the plan life of small towns.


13. It is well-known that every citizen in our country is _____to free medical care.
(B) involved


36. Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he _____ English.
(A) could learning
(B) learned
(C) to learn 
(D) could learn


146. Speaking of his behavior, he is ________ as irresponsible.
(A) referred to
(B) regarding
(C) thought
(D) looked


33 Filled with trees, shrubs, and meadows, city parks provide people with a tranquil spot to _____ themselves.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6301~6325)-阿摩線上測驗
