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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6376~6400)
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5.Since China adopted a “managed float” of the Renminbi (RMB) in 2005, the RMB has ______ in real terms by over 20 per cent against the U.S. dollar.
(A) deviated
(B) developed
(C) assembled
(D) appreciated


The window needs ___ immediately because winter is fast approaching.
(A)being fixing
(B)being fixed
(C)to fix


36. In the traditional domain of “hard" or military-based power, the United States is unequalled _____ any other nation, including Russia and China.
(A) by
(B) to
(C) against
(D) with


1 Advances in science and technology have ______changed the world we live in over the last one hundred years.
(B) drastically


12 It is often better to tell a white lie than to risk hurting others’ feelings.
(A) Telling lies to hurt other people’s feelings is a risk.
(B) Telling harmless lies is sometimes preferable to telling hurtful truths.
(C) Telling lies to the white people is better than hurting their feelings.
(D) Telling an obvious lie is better than hurting someone else’s feelings.


13 Mesenchymal stem cells appear promising in cancer therapy in their preferential homing to sites of cancer growth upon in vivo transfer.
(A) Mesenchymal stem cells, when transferred alive, may be effective in cancer therapy because of their tendency to spot the growing cancer.
(B) Living mesenchymal stem cells are effective for cancer treatment because they tend to grow in the exact spot of cancer.
(C) Cancer therapy may become effective due to the fact that living mesenchymal stem cells can be targeted by cancer growth.
(D) Cancer growth has the tendency of being detected by mesenchymal stem cells, which makes cancer therapy effective.


14 She knows many celebrities in the movie industry and capitalizes on this connection to promote her fashion designing business.
(A) Her fashion designing business is in great need of capital for promotion.
(B) The connection between the movie industry and her designing business is celebrated by many.
(C) They celebrated for her because the costume she designed for some movie stars had won many prizes.
(D) Her fashion designing business relies on her close relationship with some big shots in the movie industry.


15 Story-telling is not enough. Not when it comes to the suffering individuals and the collective memory.
(A) There are never enough stories when the suffering individuals and the collective memory are not included.
(B) It is more than story-telling when the suffering individuals and the collective memory are involved.
(C) Story-telling can neither deal with the suffering individuals nor can it include the collective memory.
(D) Neither the suffering individuals nor the collective memory is ever good enough for story-telling. 


16 How a child prodigy comes by his/her preternatural ability is not something that has made much sense to scientists.
(A) Scientists do not think it makes much sense that a child prodigy is born with his/her special gift.
(B) Scientists do not know much about how a child prodigy first acquires his/her special gift.
(C) Scientists try to make sense of the fact that a child prodigy is born with his/her special gift.
(D) Scientists try to figure out how a child prodigy first acquires his/her special gift. 


     Roger “Bud” Bulpitt is supervising the unloading of a large truck of ground, pressure-cooked chicken feathers and blood at his South Norwalk, Connecticut, dirt factory—or blending plant, as he prefers to call it. “What we make is soil,” says 52-year-old Bud. As his father, Stan “the Organic Man” Bulpitt, liked to say, “Nature takes a hundred years to make a one-inch layer of topsoil, while we do it every day.”
    Last April Stan was laid to rest at the age of 76. He was a friendly, feisty man, something of a muckraker in his personal campaign against those who mistreat the land. Appropriately, he will spend the afterlife as he spent this one: consumed by earth. He leaves his sons Bud and David, 34—soil brothers, as it were—to carry on his work. Now they run the family terra firm.
    Why would anyone need to manufacture dirt? Lots of the stuff seems to be already lying around. “Not so,” says David, who has a degree in plant and soil science from the University of Massachusetts. “Much of the Northeast and parts of the West are dirt poor. Like other things we always thought we’d have plenty of—clean water, ozone, redfish—fertile soil has become a victim of the twentieth century.”

【題組】17 What happened to Stan “the Organic Man” at the age of 76?
(A) He retired.
(B) He died.
(C) He was laid off.
(D) He no longer manufactured dirt.


【題組】18 According to the passage, why does someone need to make soil?
(A) It takes a hundred years to make one inch of topsoil.
(B) David has a degree in plant and soil science.
(C) There are places lacking fertile soil.
(D) It is a family business.


【題組】19 What does the word “something” refer to in the second paragraph?
(A) A person of some consequence
(B) A thing with great influences
(C) A certain unexpected happening
(D) An object with significant values


1 In the past years, the country has experienced what some scientists call “the new normal climatological conditions,” which are marked with frequent _____ storms, flooding, droughts and wildfires.


31 All his family members attended the _____ because they wanted to congratulate him on obtaining a college diploma in person.
(A) commencement
(B) cremation
(C) inauguration
(D) matrimony


32 Why see a psychic? Making the most of free will, a person can change his future.
(A) It is important to see a psychic and try their best if people wish to change their future.
(B) The reason for seeing a psychic is to help people use their free will to change their future.
(C) People can gain mental strengths from a psychic to help them make changes for their future.
(D) To have a different future, people should depend on themselves instead of listening to a psychic.


33 Those who, while disapproving of the character and measures of a government, yield to it their allegiance and support, are undoubtedly the most serious obstacles to reform.
(A) Those allegiant to a government and supporting its measures despite their disapproving opinions make reform possible.
(B) Those serious about their disapproving opinions to a government’s character and measures make reform inevitable.
(C) Those silent about their disapproving opinions and remaining allegiant to a government make reform difficult.
(D) Those objecting to a government in spite of their allegiance and support pose the greatest difficulties to reform.


34 This dimpled, soft-spoken gentleman is proving again what has always been true: that American cinema is nourished by the artistry and vision of foreigners.
(A) Some foreigners, like the dimpled and soft-spoken gentleman, have proven the artistry and vision of American cinema.
(B) Some foreigners, like the dimpled and soft-spoken gentleman, have contributed their artistry and vision to American cinema.
(C) Some foreigners, like the dimpled and soft-spoken gentleman, have developed their artistry and vision through American cinema.
(D) Some foreigners, like the dimpled and soft-spoken gentleman, have been nourished by the artistry and vision of American cinema.


35 People who don’t think ahead and plan for their future often find themselves in a sorry _____ .
(A) forgery
(B) fracas
(C) plateau
(D) plight


36 The _____ of Taipei include CKS Memorial Hall, the Grand Hotel, Taipei 101 and Lung Shan Temple. Once you see these buildings, you know where you are.
(A) documents
(B) monuments
(C) landmarks
(D) skyscrapers


37 It is not an overstatement to say that most people in the US are close to being obsessed with their physical appearance.
(A) Most people in the US are very concerned with how they look.
(B) Most people in the US are rarely obsessed with their physical appearance.
(C) It is exaggerating to say that most people in the US are almost obsessed with how they look.
(D) It is not too strong to say that most people in the US are not concerned with their physical appearance.


38 As the global economy falters, inflation is causing the discomfort, affecting human lives both materially and spiritually.
(A) Human lives are suffering a great deal both materially and spiritually as the global economy takes a turn for the worse.
(B) Human lives will not be comfortable again, both materially and spiritually, until the global economic situation gets better.
(C) Inflation, caused by the global economic downturn, is making human lives less comfortable both materially and spiritually.
(D) Inflation is not only affecting the global economy but also causing the discomfort in human lives both materially and spiritually.


40 Joseph was so smart and so lucky. He would invariably lie his way out of a tight corner, a temporary _____ to which he often resorted.
(A) expenditure
(B) expedient
(C) expedition
(D) exponent


41 Before deliberating on the case, the jury needs to know whether the action was deliberate or _____ .
(A) inconsumable
(B) irrational
(C) unintentional
(D) impermissible


  When Ethan Zuckerman went to Ghana in 1993 as a Fulbright scholar, he immediately tried to get online; he was aUsenet junkie and eager to e-mail his girlfriend (now his wife). But in bustling Accra, he found only one temperamentalnet connection. Subsequently, Zuckerman, who is now twenty-eight, became vice president of a famous dot-comcompany and was soon a millionaire, but he never forgot Ghana’s inadequate communications. In July 1999, he left thedot-com company and in February 2000 co-founded Geekcorps in North Adams, Mass. Geekcorps sends volunteers withinformation technology expertise to developing countries for four-month stints, where they help business—from furniturefactories to radio stations—get online, expand sales, and thus create jobs. One volunteer even helped launch the Ghanaianparliament’s web sites. Funded by foundations, aid agencies, and private donors, Geekcorps has sent thirty-five tutors toGhana and several other countries. And there is no shortage of volunteers: more than 1,100 people are on Geekcorps’swaiting list.
【題組】46 What did Ethan Zuckerman experience in Accra in 1993?
(A) He met a girl there, who later became his wife.
(B) He went on the Internet and found a lot of junks.
(C) He found the net connection not very reliable.
(D) He helped launch the Ghanaian parliament’s web sites.


【題組】50 Which of the following can best replace the word “stints” in the passage?
(A) Pays
(B) Periods
(C) Studies
(D) Trips


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(6376~6400)-阿摩線上測驗
