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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 中區縣市政府教師甄選策略聯盟:英語#115799
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1. A pinch of salt will _______ the flavor of the dish and thus make it more tasty.
(A) evaporate
(B) evacuate
(C) eliminate
(D) elevate


2. Light pollution _____ serious threat to astronomy, sky-watching and more.
(A) goads
(B) poses
(C) peals
(D) repels


3. Karen simply could see Mrs. Patton better because of an upgraded _____ in her new spectacles.
(A) jurisdiction
(B) genuflection
(C) fermentation
(D) prescription


4. Obesity can be ______ to a combination of reasons, including a sedentary lifestyle, a poor diet, stress and heredity.
(A) described
(B) prescribed
(C) subscribed
(D) ascribed


5. Before they went into the water, the divers checked their breathing _______ to ensure safety.
(A) apparel
(B) aperture
(C) apparatus
(D) apprentice


6. Bat World was unable to _____ such a large contingent of bats, but they helped Warwick come up with a battle plan to care for the frozen creatures.
(A) accommodate
(B) commiserate
(C) expostulate
(D) matriculate


7. You describe something that you see or hear as _____ when it gives you an intense feeling of sadness.
(A) abbreviation
(B) lameness
(C) melancholy
(D) retaliation


8. Atmospheric pollution causes _____ to our fellow citizens and there is no question of our being content with lamentations.
(A) anguish
(B) fraction
(C) mercy
(D) trivia


9. The COVID-19 pandemic, has effectively turned out to be one of the deadliest events in modern history, with unprecedented loss of human life, major economic and financial _____.
(A) habitats
(B) factions
(C) babblers
(D) setbacks


10. Many amputees in the early stages of their _____ feel despair.
(A) duplication
(B) infliction
(C) rehabilitation
(D) sanitation


11. The man was arrested because he had been spreading fake news and _______ rumors about several celebrities on social media.
(A) malicious
(B) benignant
(C) enticing
(D) conscientious


12. Michelle Yeoh, the first Asian woman to win the Academy Award for best actress, amazed the audience with her _________ performance in the movie, Everything Everywhere All at Once.
(A) mediocre
(B) impartial
(C) disillusioned
(D) multifaceted


13. Many recipes call for the use of Mexican chocolate to _____ sweetness or bitterness, depending on how it’s paired.
(A) escort
(B) liaise
(C) tumble
(D) impart


14. In 2018, a junior soccer team was trapped in a cave in northern Thailand, and the Thai government worked __________ local and international rescue teams to save them.
(A) in awe of
(B) in tandem with
(C) on high alert over
(D) on a par with


15. Mr. Underwood had been a chain smoker since he was a teenager. ______ he got lung cancer when he turned 50.
(A) Subsequently
(B) Radically
(C) Destructively
(D) Distinctively


16. The doctor made me sit down and looked into ______ ear of mine.
(A) every
(B) neither
(C) either
(D) each


17. After driving for ten hours straight along the coastline, Mr. Peterson was _______ he could barely keep his eyes open.
(A) so tired that
(B) as tired as
(C) the most tired
(D) more tired than


18. The wounded hunter _______ on the ground in Tarkine Forest for almost an hour when, coincidentally, he was spotted by another hunter, who must have keen eyes.
(A) is lying
(B) has lain
(C) will have lain
(D) had been lying


19. The teacher’s six-month practical training at a local middle school proved ________ to his professional knowledge and teaching skills.
(A) value
(B) valued
(C) valuing
(D) invaluable


20. The company hired five new employees, ______ are Asian Americans.
(A) all of them
(B) all of whom
(C) some of them
(D) both of whom


21. The origin of complex organisms called eukaryotes- which includes all animals, plants, and fungi- _____ one of biology’s biggest mysteries.
(A) is
(B) are
(C) being
(D) been


22. Evelyn will never agree to sell her house _________ she receives great offers from interested buyers.
(A) even if
(B) despite
(C) regardless of
(D) only when


23. While the historic city was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1994, many people outside the country still remain _____ its existence.
(A) belonging to
(B) essential to
(C) looking forward to
(D) oblivious to


24. ______, I would have been a doctor now.
(A) If I studied hard
(B) If I were to study harder
(C) Had it not been for my laziness
(D) But that I studied hard


25. ______ can we be sure of making much progress in English.
(A) By only having more practices
(B) Only by having more practices
(C) Having more practices
(D) Have more practices


III. Cloze: Choose the answer that best fits the text. 
(1) In the past few decades, social-emotional learning (SEL), an educational method __26__. cultivating students’ social and emotional well-being, has received considerable attention from educators. SEL is a pedagogical framework __27__. which students learn to understand and manage their thoughts and emotions, and develop positive social relationships. Although it is not a new concept, it has become more __28__. in school education. At the school level, SEL may __29__. of schoolwide policies and activities, and teachers work together to infuse it into their curriculum, instructional content and teaching strategies. In English classes, for example, students may discuss the characters in a novel in terms of the problem they face and the action they take __30__. it. Through literature, students learn to identify their own strengths and interests, and to deal with problems properly.

(A) aims to
(B) aimed at
(C) aiming to
(D) aimed to


(A) for
(B) at
(C) through
(D) beyond


(A) intentional
(B) contentious
(C) sporadic
(D) resilient


(A) come in the form
(B) emerge in the guise
(C) take the shape
(D) appear in the manner


(A) in recognition of
(B) in response to
(C) in exchange for
(D) in control of


(2) Highly sensitive person (HSP) was coined by psychologist Elaine Aron in the mid-1990s, with interest in the concept __31__. ever since. According to Aron’s theory, HSPs are a __32__. subgroup of the population who display increased emotional sensitivity and stronger reactivity to external and internal stimuli than the rest of the population. They __33__. notice more subtle stimuli in their environment and are more easily __34__. by this, in addition, they also respond to a lower threshold of stimuli. HSPs may, __35__. , be more sensitive to pain, hunger, lights, and noises. They are also defined as having a complex and deeper inner life.
(A) grow
(B) grows
(C) is growing
(D) growing


(A) succulent
(B) prevalent
(C) permanent
(D) negligent


(A) refer to
(B) adapt to
(C) tend to
(D) turn to


(A) arose
(B) rose
(C) raised
(D) aroused


(A) in reality
(B) for instance
(C) in addition
(D) by contrast


IV. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer to each question.
 (1) Children's physical and mental development is a complex and dynamic process that encompasses various aspects of growth, learning, and emotional well-being. It is essential to provide children with a nurturing environment that supports their overall development.Here are key factors that contribute to children's physical and mental development.
      Physical health is crucial for children's overall development. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep play vital roles in promoting physical growth, motor skills, and overall well-being. Cognitive development involves the growth of a child's thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning abilities. Stimulating activities, such as reading, puzzles, and educational games, can enhance cognitive development and foster intellectual curiosity. Nurturing emotional development is essential for children's overall well-being. Providing a safe and supportive environment, teaching emotional intelligence, and encouraging healthy expression of feelings help children develop emotional resilience and interpersonal skills. Developing social skills is crucial for children's ability to interact with others effectively. Opportunities for socialization, teamwork, and conflict resolution support the development of empathy, communication skills, and cooperation.
       Lastly, language acquisition plays a central role in children's cognitive and social development. Providing a language-rich environment, engaging in conversations, and reading together contribute to children's vocabulary, language skills, and communication abilities.

【題組】36. Children's physical development is enhanced by ______
(A) sedentary lifestyle and limited physical activity.
(B) regular exercise and balanced nutrition.
(C) lack of sleep and rest.
(D) unstructured playtime.


【題組】37. Emotional development is fostered by________
(A) ignoring children's feelings.
(B) isolating children from social interactions.
(C) encouraging emotional intelligence and expression of feelings.
(D) discouraging empathy and understanding.


【題組】38. Reading together with children promotes ______
(A) limited vocabulary development.
(B) isolation from social interactions.
(C) cognitive skills and language acquisition.
(D) physical fitness.


(2) As it has been estimated that the world’s population will exceed nine billion by 2050, global food demands will increase drastically in the future. However, because of climate change, we will need to feed our growing population with less arable land. To address this issue, vertical agriculture, an alternative to the traditional horizontal farming model, may be a potential solution that can give human beings a sustainable future.
      Vertical agriculture, also known as vertical farming, refers to the process of growing crops not only in rows, but also in stacked layers. Although it looks like a revolutionary farming method, it actually has a long history. The first known example of vertical farming is “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon” built in the sixth century B.C. At that time, the ancient Babylonians grew crops on water. It was considered as the world’s first concept of vertical farming.
      There are primarily three types of vertical farming—hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics. Hydroponics is the growing process where crops are grown with their roots submerged in a nutrient-rich water solution. This method is also getting more and more common in urban areas today. The second method, aquaponics, is a sustainable food production system where crops are grown in water that contains waste from fish, and they in turn clean the water for the fish. Finally, aeroponics refers to the process of growing crops with their roots suspended in the air. Farmers practicing aeroponics believe that crops will become healthier and grow faster when their roots have greater access to oxygen.
      Although vertical farming may help the world produce an abundance of fruit and vegetable, currently it still has several major limitations. The first issue is the cost involved in the implementation and maintenance of vertical farming systems. Because vertical farming technologies are still expensive, not every farmer can afford them. Another limitation is that vertical farming systems today can grow only a limited number of crops, making vertical farming still less economically viable than field farming. Thus, more research is needed to explore how to plant different crops vertically in large-scale systems.

【題組】39. How is the information about vertical farming organized in Paragraphs 2 to 4?
(A) Definition → Analysis → Solutions
(B) Definition → Comparison → Advantages
(C) History → Comparison → Problems
(D) History → Analysis → Effects


【題組】40. Which of the following is a major difference between hydroponics and aquaponics?
(A) In a hydroponics system, plant roots are exposed directly in water.
(B) In a hydroponics system, the water provides plants with rich nutrient.
(C) In an aquaponics system, plants are grown with their roots exposed to the air.
(D) In an aquaponics system, fertilizer from fish waste can nourish crops.


【題組】41. What does It refer to in Paragraph 2?
(A) The sixth century B.C.
(B) The plants in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
(C) The process of growing crops in stacked layers
(D) The Babylonians’ practice of growing crops on water


【題組】42. According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude towards the idea of combating food shortage crisis with vertical farming?
(A) Earnest, but with some surprise
(B) Optimistic, but with some reservation
(C) Pessimistic, but hopeful
(D) Sympathetic, but not sensible


(3) If you are fascinated by Spanish culture, you should not miss the Cascamorras Festival when you visit Spain. Of all the Spanish festivals, this Cascamorras event may be the “darkest.”
      The Cascamorras Festival takes place every September in the towns of Baza and Guadix, both located in the southern province of Granada. The origin of this festival is believed to date back to the 15th century. At that time, a worker named Juan Pedernal from Gaudix found a sacred image of the Virgen de la Piedad in an old church while he was working in Baza. On his way back to Guadix, the villagers of Baza took the religious image away from Juan Pedernal because they thought the image belonged to Baza. That was when the conflict between the two towns started. Finally, thanks to the intervention of the authorities, the image stayed in Baza on the condition that it could be taken back to Guadix for one day every September for people to venerate it. An additional agreement was that residents from Guadix had to enter the church in Baza without being covered in paint. Therefore, every year when residents from Guadix came to retrieve the image, people in Baza would throw ink at them to stop their mission.
      The Cascamorras Festival has become a cultural tourist attraction in Spain. Celebrated annually from September 6th to 9th, this festival is well-known for a black paint battle that contains two main runs—one in Baza and the other in Guadix. The “Cascamorras,” the symbolic figure in this battle, would come from Guadix to enter Baza. To stop the Cascamorras, thousands of people painted with black pigment will throw black grease. On the final day, the festival moves back to Guadix. Because the Cascamorras fail to take the religious image back, they will be thrown paint again. But this time, people use colorful paint rather than black grease.

【題組】43. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) The history and celebration of the Cascamorras Festival
(B) The differences between the two major runs during the festival
(C) Some practical tips that tourists should know to enjoy the celebration
(D) How the conflict between Baza and Guadix was resolved


【題組】44. According to the passage, why does the author think the Cascamorras Festival may be the “darkest” festival in Spain?
(A) Because the festival originated from a feud between Juan Pedernal and Baza.
(B) Because runners may easily get hurt while enjoying the fight.
(C) Because people will be painted black from top to toe during the festival.
(D) Because the villagers in Baza thought the Cascamorras stole the religious image.


【題組】45. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “venerate” ?
(A) To regain something with happiness
(B) To honor something with respect
(C) To claim one’s ownership of something
(D) To allow someone else to have something


【題組】46. What can we learn from the additional agreement made by Baza and Guadix about the image?
(A) People living in Baza respected this mutual agreement.
(B) This idea was proposed by residents in Guadix to protect their rights.
(C) Visitors from Guadix needed to be painted with black ink along the streets.
(D) Residents from Guadix needed to remain clean to retrieve the image.


(4) The word volcano can describe anything from a single opening in the earth a few meters across to a field of connected openings that might be 20 kilometers or more in width. Most researchers consider any set of openings that are connected to a large central core as a single “volcano”. Otherwise, they would have to deal with an endless number of names for each individual opening. Italy’s Stromboli has been almost constantly erupting for over 2400 years, but most eruptions do not last that long. Currently, there are about 15 volcanoes worldwide that have been actively erupting for the last 30 years. On the other end of the scale, about ten percent of volcanoes have eruptions which last for just a single day. The majority of the eruptions lasted three months or less. This means the average time from beginning to end is usually about seven weeks.
       From the number of volcanic eruptions detected over the past few hundred years, it would appear that they are becoming much more frequent over time. However, when researchers tracked the growth in reported eruptions along with the growth of the human population, they realized that volcanic activity wasn't actually becoming more frequent. Instead, as people spread over more areas of the earth's surface, the monitoring and reporting of volcanic activity inevitably increased with the expanding population.
      The highest volcano when measured from sea level to its top is Ojos del Salado in the Andes mountains in South America. It is 6,887 meters above sea level. However, when measured from its base on the surface of the earth to the top, a different set of volcanoes become the highest ones. Some volcanoes in the Mauna Loa zone near Hawaii rise as much as 19 kilometers above their bases at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
      The first thing to do when caught near a volcanic eruption is to avoid a potentially disastrous situation, listen to the radio and travel only as instructed by the local police or other authorities. Stay away from lava, mud and flying rocks. Avoid river areas and low-lying regions. Before you leave the house, put on a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and eyeglasses or sunglasses to protect your eyes. Wear an emergency mask or hold a wet cloth over your face if you do not have one. Since ash can damage engine parts, refrain from driving if possible. If you decide not to leave the house, close all windows and doors to prevent ash from getting inside.

【題組】47. What is the purpose of this passage?
(A) To explain that volcanic activities have been increasing.
(B) To relate some interesting facts about volcanoes.
(C) To describe what causes volcanoes to erupt.
(D) To show readers how to protect themselves during an eruption.


【題組】48. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
(A) Volcanic activities have been on the increase over the years.
(B) Volcanic activities are no more frequent than they used to be.
(C) Volcanic activities increase as the human population becomes larger.
(D) Scientists keep monitoring and reporting volcanic activities.


【題組】49. In paragraph 4, line 4, what does one refer to?
(A) Volcanic eruption
(B) A wet cloth
(C) An emergency mask
(D) A long-sleeved shirt


【題組】50. According to the passage, which is a correct thing to do when being caught near a volcanic eruption?
(A) Drive to a safe area as soon as possible.
(B) Walk along river areas to find shelter.
(C) Take long pants and long-sleeved shirts with you in case you need them.
(D) When staying indoors, close all the windows and doors.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 中區縣市政府教師甄選策略聯盟:英語#115799-阿摩線上測驗
