阿摩:簡單的事重覆做,就會是專家; 重覆的事用心做,就會是贏家。
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18 Given the dismally high numbers of frauds getting past immigration checkpoints this past year, the passport and identity _____ process could be improved.
(A) visualization
(B) verification
(C) vetoing
(D) voting


6 She felt guilty for not spending time with her children and _____ by buying toys for them.


5 Weather is _____, so it is unwise to travel without checking the forecast.
(A) unparalleled
(B) unpredictable
(C) unprecedented
(D) unproblematic


請依下文回答第 13 題至第 18 題: The enforcement of environmental laws has led to a new growth industry in real estate, one composed of experts in the field of environmental due diligence. Environmental laws and regulations are a critical part of any real estate transaction , whether 13 , sale, lease, or financing process. The parties need to know whether the underlying real estate is contaminated and, if so, what effect contamination will have on the economics of the deal. Environmental due diligence has become important for a number of reasons. 14 , for example, need to determine the costs associated with environmental contamination, such as leakage from an underground fuel tank. 15 need to know whether contamination will prevent development of the property or make it prohibitively expensive—asbestos abatement costs, for example, can significantly increase the cost of renovation work. In all these cases, the parties need to know whether or not there is contamination and the estimated 16 cost. Due diligence is not a new concept. For years, cautious purchasers of real estate, governed by the principle ''let the buyer beware,''have undertaken 17 investigations. But the focus was different in earlier days. State and federal environmental laws enacted in the 1980s changed the focus of this type of investigation. These laws 18 potential cleanup liability upon owners and operators of property, regardless of whether the parties were involved in causing the contamination.


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
In an article entitled “The Lure of Technologies Past,” Nick Bilton says: “What I’ve come to realize isthat while the new thing gets people excited, the old thing often doesn’t go away. And if it does, it takesa very long time to meet its demise.” Indeed, the old thing dies hard. Just take a look at film cameras.One would think they have been 16 by the digital camera, but millions of people still use them.And while Polaroid, the instant film camera, has filed for bankruptcy, the company is making a 17 .One of Polaroid’s largest growing 18 , surprisingly, is teenagers who want tangible photos but donot want to wait.Other cases in point are vinyl records, print books and newspapers. According to the Recording IndustryAssociation of America, 13 million vinyl records were sold in 2014, the highest count in 25 years.About 55 million newspapers still land on doorsteps every morning. And More than 571 million printbooks were sold in the United States in 2014.So why does old technology 19 and, in some cases, undergo a revival? For some consumers, it’sabout 20 (e.g., film cameras and record players), while for others, it’s about familiarity (e.g.,newspapers and print books).



