(12 秒)
科目:新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)
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Questions 176-180 refer to the following invoice and email.

KOL Office and Computer Equipment Supplier
21 Paynters Pocket Ave, Palmwoods QLD 4515
Phone: 61403536378
Email: paul@koloffice.com

Invoice No: CEV-2021-766001
Date: June 2, 2021

Bill To:
VERY Frozen Foods Company
Head Office
22 Forest View Way, Little Mountain QLD 4551

Please remit payment to the following account:

Bank: Sue Sun Bank
Account Name: KOL Office and Computer Equipment Supplier
Account Number: 85667890

Terms and Conditions:
Payment is due within 7 days of the invoice date. Late payments may be subject to a 3% monthly interest charge. Please reference the invoice number when making the payment. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this invoice, please contact us at the provided phone number or email address.

Thank you.


Paul Carl
KOL Office and Computer Equipment Supplier
Subject: Issues of Invoice No. CEV-2021-766001

Dear Paul Carl,

I am writing on behalf of VERY Frozen Foods Company regarding Invoice No.CEV-2021-766001, dated June 2, 2021. We have recently received the shipment from KOL Office and Computer Equipment Supplier, and unfortunately, we have identified two issues that require immediate attention and resolution.

Firstly, upon unpacking the items, we discovered that both Conference Tables included in the order have sustained significant damages during transit. The tables have deep scratches and broken edges, rendering them unusable for our office space. As per our agreement and the standard industry practice, we kindly request a replacement of the damaged Conference Tables at the earliest convenience. To ensure a smooth resolution, we would appreciate if you could arrange for the pickup of the damaged tables and deliver the replacements to our address at 22 Forest View Way, Little Mountain QLD 4551.

Secondly, we noticed an error in the unit price listed for the Laser Printers. The invoice indicates a unit price of $300, while our agreement with KOL Office and Computer Equipment Supplier specified a price of $250 per unit. This discrepancy amounts to an overcharge of $200 for the four Laser Printers. We kindly request that you adjust the unit price accordingly and issue a credit note or refund for the difference.

To facilitate the resolution process, we kindly request your prompt attention to these matters. Please provide us with a confirmation of the replacement of the Conference Tables and the adjustment of the unit price for the Laser Printers within the next five business days. Additionally, we request that any necessary arrangements for the return of the damaged tables and the processing of the refund or credit note be made as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to your swift response.


Victor Lee
CFO, VERY Frozen Foods Company
22 Forest View Way, Little Mountain QLD 4551 

【題組】177.If the VERY Frozen Foods Company decides to pay the invoice after two weeks, including the 3% monthly interest charge, what would be the total amount they need to remit?


【題組】180.How much does VERY Frozen Foods Company request to be adjusted for the incorrect unit price of the Laser Printers?


Questions 181 ~ 185 refer to the following passage and letter
The recent surge in food prices can be directly attributed to multiple factors, including the escalating costs of energy, transportation, and labor. As these expenses continue to rise,they have a significant impact on the overall cost of food production and distribution.Additionally, food manufacturers and farmers are facing higher prices for essential inputs such as raw materials, equipment, and agricultural supplies. These increased costs are inevitably passed on to consumers, resulting in higher retail prices. The intricate web of interconnected factors affecting the food supply chain underscores the complex nature of the issue. Mitigating these challenges requires a comprehensive approach, encompassing strategies to enhance energy efficiency, streamline transportation, improve labor productivity, and support sustainable farming practices. Only through concerted efforts can we work towards stabilizing food prices and ensuring accessibility for all.
 Dear Mayor,
I am writing to you as a concerned citizen of Manchester, deeply troubled by the current state of soaring food prices within our city. It has come to my attention that the escalating costs of energy, transport, labor, as well as the increased prices paid to food manufacturers and farmers, are directly contributing to this pressing issue.

The impact of these rising prices is felt heavily by individuals and families across our community, straining household budgets and compromising access to essential nutrition. As an ordinary citizen, I believe it is crucial that our local government takes immediate action to address this matter.

I kindly request that you prioritize this issue and mobilize resources to develop comprehensive strategies that aim to mitigate the factors leading to high food prices.Furthermore, I urge you to consider implementing short-term measures that provide temporary relief to those most affected.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I eagerly await your response and remain hopeful that our city can make a tangible difference in the lives of its residents.

Yours sincerely,


【題組】181.According to the passage, what inputs are food manufacturers and farmers facing higher prices for?
(A)Research and development costs.
(B)Advertising and marketing expenses.
(C)Packaging and labeling materials.
(D)Raw materials, equipment, and agricultural supplies.


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