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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(11~15)
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In Western civilization kissing has been accepted for many thousands of years. In Greece it was called “the key to Paradise.” But other cultures have often thought of kissing as vulgar and thought of it as bad behavior. For example, for many years in India it was forbidden for movie stars to kiss in a movie. In China kissing in public has been and still is frowned on by many people. The origin of kissing is reported to go right back to a primitive man who believed that the air he breathed out had magic power. It contained part of his soul, so by kissing men and women mixed their souls. Others say that kissing started with face touching just as the Eskimos and New Zealand Maoris rub noses even today. The lip is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, so it is no wonder that it is used to express deep affection and love.
【題組】How long had kissing been accepted in Western civilization?
(A) for one hundred years
(B) for thousands of years
(C) for only recent years
(D) for only fifty years


3. 橋樑;鼻樑
(A) hide
(B) bridge
(C) another
(D) greater


Customers may pay ______ or use a credit card in major department stores.
(A) cash
(B) change
(C) tape
(D) total


41 Manager: What was that terrible noise? Secretary: I’m sorry. I just dropped a stack of files. Manager:_________ Secretary: No, I’m fine. Manager: I’m glad you’re not hurt.
(A) Are you hurt?
(B) How did you drop it?
(C) What a big sound it was!
(D) Didn’t you see the file folders?


235. Ice cream is my favorite _____ whenever I finish a meal in a restaurant.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(11~15)-阿摩線上測驗
