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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試專門類科知能試題:英語科#114318
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16. Brown studied fourteen morphemes which are obligatory in English. Which one of the followings is correct?
(A) The prepositions “on” and “in” are developed in a very early stage.
(B) The first grammatical morpheme to develop is the plural /s/.
(C) The irregular, third-person singular present tense is developed prior to the irregular past tense of verbs.
(D) The articles “a” and “the” are developed in the last stage.


17. The study of production and perception of speech sounds is _____.
(A) coarticulation effects
(B) bound morphemes
(C) structural analysis
(D) articulatory phonetics


18. People from the southern states of the US might say, “How’r y’ll?” instead of “How are you all?” This is an example of _____.
(A) accent
(B) pidgin
(C) dialect
(D) filler


19. Encoding is a process to _____.
(A) understand the different elements of spoken and written languages
(B) assemble words and sentences to create a coherent and meaningful work
(C) put a sequence of characters (letters, numbers…) into a specialized format
(D) get learners to provide information rather than giving it to them


20. Which of the following underlined expressions is a cataphor?
(A) Look at that!
(B) After he arrived home, John was tired.
(C) Mike felt relieved after he passed the test.
(D) Sally won the prize.


21. Which of the following is NOT a correct description about English word formation processes?
(A) NASA is an acronym.
(B) The form lab for laboratory involves clipping.
(C) The plural formation feet from foot is an example of conversion.
(D) Scarecrow is an exocentric compound.


22. Which word contains an alveolar fricative and a back vowel in the stressed syllable?
(A) preclude
(B) console
(C) evolve
(D) descent


23. When people interact with each other, they either try to make their speech similar to that of their addressee in order to emphasize social cohesiveness or to make it different in order to emphasize their social distinctiveness. The concept is illustrated in _____.
(A) accommodation theory
(B) markedness theory
(C) multidimensional model
(D) parameter resetting


24. Which of the following is NOT compatible with the Nativist Approach to language acquisition?
(A) The human mind is equipped with innate capacity for learning language.
(B) Nativist’s view about language acquisition is based on generative linguistics.
(C) The child’s language at any stage is systematic in that the child develops fewer and fewer incorrect structures.
(D) The faculty embodied in the so-called LAD is the primary determinant of language acquisition.


25. Which word has a low, back, unrounded, and lax vowel?
(A) beat
(B) caught
(C) cot
(D) cut


26. Which statement is NOT true about the stress of the word “photography”?
(A) The second syllable is the most stressed.
(B) The vowel in the first syllable has reduced to a schwa.
(C) “Y” is a suffix and not usually stressed.
(D) It’s a compound word and stressed on the first element.


27. Which statement is NOT true about the word “catty”?
(A) It has two morphemes.
(B) It has the root, “cat.”
(C) It has an affix, “-ty.”
(D) It has a function morpheme.


28. What is the semantic relation between these two words “lend” and “borrow”?
(A) Complementary antonyms.
(B) Gradable antonyms.
(C) Reverses.
(D) Converses.


29. Mr. Zhang asks his students to form images about what has been read in order to facilitate their comprehension. What kind of reading strategies is emphasized in this class?
(A) Skimming.
(B) Predicting.
(C) Connecting.
(D) Visualizing.


30. In a research, if members of the control group are aware that they are being compared to the experimental group and behave differently than they typically would to compensate for their perceived disadvantage, what kind of effect occurs?
(A) John Henry Effect.
(B) Hawthorne Effect.
(C) Placebo Effect.
(D) Experimenter Effect.


31. Which of the following is NOT the typical theme of Constructivism?
(A) Cooperative group learning.
(B) Sociocultural variables.
(C) Interlanguage systematicity.
(D) Interactive discourse.


32. Which of the following is NOT what teachers implementing the Direct Method do?
(A) Using realia, pictures or pantomime to demonstrate the meaning of new target words or phrases.
(B) Adopting the syllabus based upon situations or topics.
(C) Employing techniques to give students immediate feedback whenever possible.
(D) Having students practice vocabulary by using new words in complete sentences.


33. When encountering an unfamiliar word, the reader uses phonics knowledge, adjacent words, sentence context and background information simultaneously to guess its meaning to help interpret the text. This illustrates _____.
(A) schema processing
(B) parallel processing
(C) bottom-up processing
(D) automatic processing


34. In a class, the teacher uses small colored rods of different lengths and Fidel charts to introduce pronunciation models and grammatical paradigms. Students cooperate with each other in discovery-learning procedures and work on language together to make production. It is believed that when students engaged in problem solving procedures involving the material to be learned, learning can be facilitated. These are compatible with the _____.
(A) Silent Way
(B) Suggestopedia
(C) Community Language Learning
(D) Language Experience Approach


35. Which of the following statements is NOT compatible with the Natural Approach to language learning?
(A) Comprehensible input is essential for triggering language acquisition.
(B) Total Physical Response activities are used at the beginning level of language learning.
(C) Basic interpersonal communicative skills needed in everyday language situations are emphasized.
(D) The approach was developed by Tracy Terrell on the basis of Swain’s Interaction hypothesis.


36. According to _____, bilingual children’s attainment of a threshold level of competence in a second language constrains the engagement of the higher mental cognitive operations of L1 skills, strategies, and prior knowledge in L2 learning.
(A) Steven Pinker
(B) Jim Cummins
(C) Charles Curran
(D) James Asher


37. Which of the following assessment tools is NOT suitable for formative evaluation?
(A) Impromptu quiz.
(B) Quick survey.
(C) Students’ self-evaluation.
(D) End-of-term examination.


38. _____ uses stories and other materials focusing on phoneme-grapheme relations the children are learning, together with a limited number of high-frequency sight words and "special words" that make the text more interesting. It provides children with great opportunities to practice phonics categories that have been previously taught during reading.
(A) Decodable text
(B) Patterned text
(C) Rhyming text
(D) Predictable text


39. In a class, students were asked to combine [kaɪnd] and [lɪ] into the word [kaɪndlɪ]. The task helped foster students’ _____.
(A) phonotactic knowledge
(B) morphological awareness
(C) onset-rime awareness
(D) orthographic awareness


40. The teacher introduces a situation which contextualizes the language to be taught. The students now practice the language using accurate reproduction techniques such as choral repetition. Later, the students using the new language, make sentences of their own. What is it?
(A) CLL (community language learning)
(B) PPP (presentation, practice, production)
(C) TPR (total physical response)
(D) STT (student talking time)


41. The objective of this CLIL (content and language integrated learning) science lesson is “Observe the growth of different kinds of food molds & understand how to identify and prevent mold growth.” Which words or phrases will the teacher choose for language of learning?
(A) mold, humidity
(B) white bread, brown bread
(C) Observe and record the observations.
(D) Seal the bag. Place bags on a shelf.


42. Teachers and students in CLIL (content and language integrated learning) classes will sometimes use the students’ L1 for some explanation and discussion before reverting to the CLIL language for the main study. What is it called?
(A) Language of learning.
(B) Language for learning.
(C) Language through learning.
(D) Translanguage.


43. What statement is NOT true about contextualized instruction?
(A) Creating opportunities to use English with a meaningful purpose.
(B) Presenting vocabulary in isolated drills, word cards, and flashcards.
(C) Organizing instruction around themes that relate to students’ experiences at home and in other classes.
(D) Keeping the language level of the activity at a comprehensible level, just above their current proficiency level.


44. Mrs. Cummins knows the knowledge, skills, and reading strategies that her students need to acquire. She provides them with different leveled reading texts in her English class. What type of differentiated instruction does Mrs. Cummins employ?
(A) Content
(B) Process
(C) Product
(D) Environment


45. Which of the following about Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is INCORRECT?
(A) It has dual focus on language learning and academic content.
(B) The content of the subject or the project theme was the starting point of CLIL planning process.
(C) The guiding principle of Cognition in Coyle’s 4Cs framework of CLIL was based on Bloom’s taxonomy.
(D) Based on Coyle’s language triptych, the planning tool of Adding is related to language through learning.


46. Which of the following is NOT what effective CLIL teachers do when explaining content concepts to EFL primary students?
(A) Regularly checking students’ ability to express content ideas.
(B) Using pictures or real-life objects associated with language.
(C) Providing a variety of activities to help students explore new concepts.
(D) Using group work in which students use L1 to work on content concept.


47. 根據《臺北市國民小學英語文暨彈性學習教學綱要》,下列何者敘述有誤?
(A)中年段簡易句型共 37 組。
(B)第三學習階段聽說和讀寫教學活動比例各為 50%。
(C)低年段書寫應用字彙包含 at, in, on。
(D)T0-1 能將所學字詞歸類是邏輯思考、判斷與創造力類別的學習表現。


48. 學習表現「*S2-5 能進行簡易的對話。」下列何者敘述正確?
(B) 5 是指第 5 個學習表現條目。
(C) S 是 Stage 代表英語學習階段。
(D) 2 是國小二年級。


49. 關於「◎L0-1 能聽辨英語的語音。」,下列何者敘述正確?
(A) 0 表示第一學習階段,即低年段。
(B)雙圈表示各校在針對學生的能力特質或各校的不同時數規劃課程時,可就該項表現條目選取或自行研發深淺、分 量不同的教材,進行適性教學。
(C) L 表示代表語言能力「聽」。
(D)學生能夠知道 leg 是單音節,pencil 是多音節,亦即達到此學習表現。


50. 下列何者不是教師教學及學生學習與評量的學習表現呢?


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 臺北市公立國民小學教師聯合甄選初試專門類科知能試題:英語科#114318-阿摩線上測驗
