(1 分27 秒)
試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 桃園市立高級中等學校_教師聯合甄選筆試試題:英文科#114112
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1. The __________ smile of the bride made everyone in the wedding party feel happy and joyful.
(A) gruesome
(B) irksome
(C) winsome
(D) cumbersome
(E) fulsome


2. The manager tried to __________ the angry customer by offering a full refund for their defective product.
(B) vilify
(C) stultify
(D) ramify
(E) petrify


3. It was __________ that she ran into her old friend at the coffee shop after years of not seeing each other, and they were happy to catch up quickly.
(B) fastidious
(C) facetious
(D) fortuitous
(E) factitious


4. She brought him a cup of coffee to __________ him after their argument, hoping to calm him down and make amends.
(B) propitiate
(C) perpetrate
(D) promulgate
(E) perforate

第貳部份:填充題 (共 1 題,占 2 分) 說明:作答時請將答案依照順序寫在答案卷上。每題答對得 2 分,答錯、整題未答不予 倒扣。若書寫不清楚,將以答錯計算。

【題組】1. According to the World Health Organization, _________ any of the six most dangerous diseases to break out, it could be cause for quarantine.

第参部份:申論題 (共 4 題,占 90 分) 說明:作答時請將答案依照順序寫在答案卷上。若書寫不清楚,以答錯計算。

【題組】1. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), a teaching methodology derived from SLA theories, has gained popularity in the recent decades. Please provide a description of TBLT, focusing on:
(a) THREE major highlights of TBLT (i.e., larger picture), (各 5 分)
(b) THREE features of a pedagogic task, and (各 5 分)
(c) TWO disadvantages of TBLT. (各 5 分)
You may list your answers and provide a brief explanation for each point. Please provide your answers in English and within 400 words. (共 40 分)

【題組】2.Vocabulary Test Design (10 分)
Please design vocabulary tests with words provided. Write 5 multiple-choice vocabulary questions. Each question must include four alternatives




with one of them being the best answer. Be sure to provide the correct answer and give a brief explanation.
1. accordingly
2. legendary
3. poacher
4. disparage
5. perspicacious

【題組】3. Reading Comprehension Test Design (20 分)
Read the following passage and design 3 multiple-choice reading comprehension questions and 2 integrated questions. Answers to each question must be provided.

Leadership is a difficult and often thankless job, and even the most well-intentioned leaders can find themselves falling short. Part of the problem is the persistence of leadership myths, which can distort our understanding of what it means to be a good leader. To succeed as a leader, it is essential to have internal certainty in who you are, where you’re going, and how you’re getting there. However, it is all too easy for new and seasoned leaders alike to internalize these myths, which can limit their performance and damage their mindset.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the demands of leadership even harder, making it more likely that people will adopt performance-limiting assumptions and damaging mindsets when they are promoted. If these unrealistic ideals go unchecked, it can create a disconnect between what people believe makes them a leader and what it truly means to be one, particularly in a post-pandemic world.

To counteract these myths, leaders should focus on putting their team members front and center. By doing so, they can feel secure in the value they add to the organization and create an environment where leaders at all levels know that their credibility is not dependent on how loud their voice is or whether they hold all the answers.

There are three leadership myths that need to be dispelled. The first is the belief that management and leadership are the same thing. While the words may be used interchangeably, management and leadership have different functions. Leaders determine strategic direction, while managers implement processes. The second myth is that leaders should always be optimistic. This can inadvertently shut down others, and leaders should seek to understand and show sincere interest instead. The third myth is that leaders should not be vulnerable. Showing vulnerability, fallibility, and the ability to own and learn from mistakes is essential to inspiring trust and respect among team members.

In conclusion, leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and there is no playbook to follow. However, by dispelling these leadership myths and putting team members front and center, leaders can create a more positive and effective work environment. Senior leadership has a responsibility to create a workplace atmosphere that fosters recognition and lets leaders at all levels know that their credibility is not dependent on how loud their voice is or whether they hold all the answers. By promoting an inclusive and collaborative approach, leaders can empower their teams to achieve greater success and foster a culture of continuous improvement. 

【題組】4. Creative Writing (20 分)
Write a skit with four or more characters contrasting monolingualism, bilingualism and multilingualism. Limit your skit within 500 words. Give your skit a title, character list and setting. Conclude your skit with a famous quotation and a moral.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 桃園市立高級中等學校_教師聯合甄選筆試試題:英文科#114112-阿摩線上測驗
