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5 One of the problems that cell-phones brought to their owners is that phones are in constant danger of being stolen, and this becomes a frequent _______ .
(A) hobby
(B) occurrence
(C) shame
(D) chance


36 The investigators said that at least five foreign suspects could be______ in operations that saw over NT$80 million worth of cash stolen from the ATMs.


請依下文回答第 6 題至第 10 題In 2010, a South Korean couple was _6_ the murder of their daughter through neglect. When their daughter was born, she weighed 2.9 kilograms. Three months later, when she _7_ , she weighed 2.4 kilograms. The strangest part was that the parents were playing a game for many hours each day in which they raised a _8_ child online. Similarly, in 2014, a young South Korean man who spent much of his time in Internet Cafés was arrested after his two-year-old son starved to death. South Korea has seen exponential growth in computer and Internet use. This has caused many to worry that certain users are _9_ unable to control how much time they spend on the Internet. They fear an epidemic of addiction to video game. South Korea is not _10_ : many other developed countries have also experienced huge growth in video games and Internet addiction.
(A) over
(B) alone
(C) all
(D) new


24 The countries have agreed on strengthening co-operation in order to _ the economic crisis by joint effort.
(A) involve
(B) resolve



Sam PENG剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分